
热门资讯  点击:   2016-11-21




1. cheesy: (太夸张)melodramatic, corny (synonym), trying too hard, unsubtle, and inauthentic (Ex: “I love her so much I am going to die.” “Haha you sound soo cheesy.”)

2. chicken: (胆小鬼)coward (Ex: “Stop being a chicken and try the rollercoaster ride!”)

3. dorky: (另类的,愚蠢的)strange; peculiar; A dork is someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times. (Ex: "Kate Perry portrayed a dorky girl in her music video for the song 'Last Friday Night.'")

4. freebie: (免费赠品)something that does not cost money (Ex: “Where did you buy that pen?” “Oh this? It’s a freebie I got at the carnival.”)

5. full-on: (全力以赴) powerful, with maximum effort. (Ex: “I’m going to study full-on for this next exam.”)

6. go bananas: (发疯,情绪失控)go slightly crazy (Ex: “Love is making you go bananas.”)

7. hammered: (醉了)very drunk (Ex: “Dude, stop drinking, you are already hammered.”)

8. hyper: (亢奋的)overly excited (Ex: “Why are you so hyper?” “I think it’s because I ate a lot of candy this morning. Sugar makes me hyper.”)

9. kicks: (鞋子)shoes (Ex: “Wow, nice kicks!”) (See Note 1)

NOTE 1 | “Just for kicks” is a phrase that means, “Just for fun.” The term, kicks, in this case does not mean shoes.

10. laid back: (放松的)relaxed; calm (Ex: “Why are you so laid back? The exam is in 30 minutes!”)

11. lame: (拙劣的) incompetent, bad (Ex: “I saw you cheating on the test.” “So what?” “Ugh, you are so lame.”)

12. love handles: (腰间赘肉) excess fat around the waist (Ex: “Honey, it’s okay, I love you AND your love handles.”)

13. rubbish: (废话) nonsense; not true (Ex: “The last Harry Potter movie was terrible!” “What? That’s rubbish!”)

14. screw up: (弄糟,犯错)to make a mistake (Ex: “I’m sorry for lying to you, I screwed up, big time.”)

15. sick: (很棒的)awesome, so cool, amazing; a term used more commonly among hip hop dancers (Ex: “Dude, you’ve got some sick moves!”)





1. Peter's vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office.


2. We should probably hit the road. It's going to take us two hours to get home.


3. You'd better shape up if you want to stay on.


4. Don't sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit out of me. 不要那样从后面突然吓我。你吓死我了。

5. He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats for the concert.


6. This car is a real lemon. It has broken down four times.


7.The movie was a flop. Nobody went to see it.


8. Chris flipped out when I told him that we won the game.


9. Cathy is such a stick in the mud. She never wants to try anything new. 凯西真保守,她从不想尝试新事物。

10. Let me spring for dinner.





a bird in the hand is worth two the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林

a blank slate 干净的黑板(新的一页,新的开始)

a bone to pick 可挑剔的骨头(争端,不满)

a cat nap 打个盹儿

a chip off the old block 大木头上砍下来的小木片(子肖其父)

a chip on one's shoulder 肩头的木片(自卑感,因为自卑而爱找别人麻烦;喜欢向人挑衅)

an ouch potato 躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼)

a cake walk 走去吃糕(易事)

a headache 头痛(麻烦事)

a knock out 击倒(美得让人倾倒)

a load off my mind 心头大石落地

a nut 傻子,疯子

a pain in the neck 脖子疼(苦事)

a piece of cake 一块蛋糕(小菜一碟,易事一件)

a pig 猪猡

a shot in the dark 盲目射击(瞎猜)

a short fuse 引线短(脾气火爆)

a sinking ship 正在下沉的船

a slam dunk 灌篮(轻而易举的事)

a slap in the face 脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱)

a smoke screen 烟幕

a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(善于交际,会应酬的人)

a stick in the mud 烂泥中的树枝

a thick skin 厚脸皮

a thorn in someone's side 腰上的荆棘(芒刺在背)

a turn coat 反穿皮袄的人(叛徒)

an uphill battle 上坡作战(在逆境中求胜)

a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担

ace 得满分(得到完美的结果)

all ears 全是耳朵(洗耳恭听)

all thumbs 满手都是大拇指(笨手笨脚)

an ace up my sleeve 袖里的王牌

an open and shut case明显的事件

ants in one's pants 裤裆里有蚂蚁(坐立不安){世界各国有趣的谚语俚语}.

back in the saddle重上马鞍(重整旗鼓)

back on track重上轨道(改过自新)


ball and chain 铁球铁链,甜蜜的枷(老婆)

beat a dead horse 鞭打死马令其奔驰(徒劳)

beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看)

beggar can't be choosers 讨饭的谈不上挑三拣四

bet on it 下这一注稳赢(有把握,无疑)

bet your life 把命赌上(绝对错了)

better half 我的另一半

between a rack and a hard place 进退维谷(前有狼后有虎)

big headed 大脑袋(傲慢,自大)

bigger fish to fry 有更大的鱼要炸(有更重要的事要办)

bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂

bite the bullet 咬子弹(强忍痛苦)

birds of a feather flock together 羽毛相同的鸟总飞成一群(物以类聚)

blow up in you face 在眼前爆炸(事情完全弄砸了)

bologna 胡说,瞎说

break a let 折断一条腿(表演真实,演出成功)

break the ice 破冰(打破僵局)


brown nose 讨好,谄媚

bug somebody 使人讨厌

bull in a china shop 瓷器店里的蛮牛(笨拙的人,动辄弄坏东西的人)

bump into 撞上(巧遇)

burn brides 烧桥(过河拆桥)

burst your bubble 扎破泡泡(打破人的幻想,煞风景)

bury one's head in the sand把头埋在沙里(自欺欺人)


butterflies in my stomach肚里有只蝴蝶(心里紧张,七上八下)

buy the farm买下农场(归道山,死了)

call it a night一日事毕,可以睡觉了

can't teach an old dog new tricks老狗学不会新把戏

cash in my chips兑换筹码(睡觉,就寝)



circle the wagons把篷车围成一圈(严阵以待)

clean up one's act自我检点,自我改进

come down in bucket倾盆大雨

come down in sheets整片整片地下(倾盆大雨)

cool your lips冷静下来

cost someone an arm and a leg要花上一条胳膊一条腿(代价昂贵)

count on something /doing something 这事靠得住

count your chickens before they hatch 蛋还没孵化,先数小鸡

crock 破瓦片(无用之物,废话)

cross the line 跨过线(做得太过分了)

cross that bridge when we come to it 到了桥头就过桥(船到桥头自然直)

cry over spilled milk 为泼了牛奶而哭(为过去的失败而懊丧)

cushion the blow 给垫着点儿(说话绵软一点,以免打击太重)

cut to the chase 抄捷径去追猎物(不绕圈子,开门见山,单刀直入)

daily grind 例行苦事,每天得干的苦工

days are numbered 来日无多

dead center 正当中

dead-end street 死路,死巷子

dog 狗(丑八怪)

domino effect 骨牌效应

don't hold your breath 别憋着呼吸(别期望太高)

don't look a gift horse in the mouth 赠马不看牙(收人礼物别嫌好道歹)

down to the wire 最后关头

down under 南边(常指面半球的澳洲)

downhill from here 从此都是下坡路(自此每况愈下)

drop the ball 掉了球(失职)

empty nest 空巢(儿女长大离家)

every cloud has a silver lining 乌云也有银边(祸兮福所倚,塞翁失马)

fall into place 落实,就绪

fender bender 撞弯保险杠的车祸(小车祸)

fight tooth and nail 爪牙并施,拚命抵抗

fine line 细线(微妙的差别)

fish out of water 如鱼离水

flash in the pan 淘金盆里的反光(空欢喜一场,好景不长)

fork in the road 岔路

fox 狐狸(并无贬意)

framed 被陷害,遭栽赃

full throttle 加足马力

get a foot in the door 一脚已经进了门里(获得立足点,占一份)

get hitched 拴起来(结婚)

get off on the wrong foot 起步便错(第一印象不佳)

get the ball rolling 让球滚起来(动起手来)

get/give the green light 绿灯亮了(获准行动)

get up on the wrong side of the bed 起床下错边

give the shirt off one's back 连衬衫都肯脱给人(慷慨成性)

go one step too far 多走了一步(做得太过分了)

go out on a limb 爬高枝(担风险)

go overboard 过火

go to hell in a hand basket 坐着吊篮下地狱(一坏不可收拾)

go to one's head 上头上脸,冲昏头脑

go under 沉没(破产)

goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩

grasp for straws 抓稻草(绝望中的挣扎,快要淹死的人连漂浮的稻草也抓)

guts 胆子

hot 惹火

have one's cake and eat it too 既想留着蛋糕,又想吃(既要鱼,又要熊掌)

hindsight is 20/20 事后的先见之明

hit stride 脚步走顺了

hit the books 撞书(用功)

hit the hay 倒在稻草上(睡觉、就寝)

hit the jackpot 中了头彩

hit the road 上路

hold a candle to 给他拿蜡烛都不配(元不能相比)

hold the key to my heart 掌管我心灵的钥匙

hold your horses 勒住你的马(慢来) hang somebody out to dry 把……晾起来了(把……坑苦了)

in one's back pocket 在某人裤子后口袋里(是某人的囊中之物)

in the dark 在黑暗中(茫然,什么也不知道)

in the lime light 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头)


in the spotlight 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头)

it's Greek to me 希腊文(天书)

in the middle of nowhere 周围什么也没有(前不见村,后不着店)

joined at the hip 连体婴(死党,从不分开的两个人)

jump the gun 枪未响先偷跑(抢先)

just what the doctor ordered 正是大夫说的(对症下药)

keep an ear to the ground 一耳贴地(注意新动向)

keep one's fingers crossed/cross one's fingers 把手指交叉成十字架(暗祈上苍保佑) kick the bucket 踢水桶(翘辫子)

kill two birds with one stone一 箭双雕,一举两得

kiss up to 讨好

kitty corner 小猫的角落(斜对角)

knuckle sandwich 指节骨三明治(饱以老拳)

landslide 山崩(压倒性的胜利)

last straw 最后一根稻草

left a bitter taste in one's mouth 留下满嘴苦味(留下不愉快的回忆)

left hanging 被晾起来了(被挂起来,悬而不决)

let sleeping dogs lie 别惊动睡着的狗(别无事生非,过去的事不要再提)

let the cat out of the bag 放出袋中猫(泄密,说漏嘴)

light a fire under your butt 在屁股下点一把火(促其行动)

light at the end of the tunnel 隧道末端的光(一线希望)

like hot cakes 象刚出炉的蛋糕(很受欢迎的东西,抢手货)

like looking for a needle in a haystack 如同在稻草堆里找一根针(大海捞针)

like pulling hen's teeth 跟拔母鸡的牙一样(艰苦不堪)

like shooting fish in a barrel 桶里射鱼(瓮中捉鳖)

like stealing candy from a baby 娃娃手里骗糖(易事)

ling winded 长舌,碎嘴

loose cannon 松动的大炮(一触即发的脾气)

lose one's marbles 疯了,神智不清

low blow 不正当的攻击,下流手段

make a mountain out of a molehill 把小土堆说成大山(小题大作)

make him and break the mold 上帝造了他以后就把模型砸了(再没有跟他一样的人了) Monday morning quarterback 星期一早晨的四分卫(马后炮)

monkey business 猢狲把戏(胡闹)

monkey on one's back 背上的猴子(难以摆脱的负担)

more than you can shake a finger at 屈指难数

more than one way to skin a cat 剥猫皮各有巧妙不同(另有办法)

music to my ears 爱听的话

my old man 我的老头(我父亲)

nail in the coffin 棺材钉子(致使的一击,决定成败的最重要因素)

neck and neck 马脖子靠着马脖子(齐头并进,不分轩轾)

no sweat不出汗(没什么大不了)

not dealing with a full deck 脑子里少几张牌(头脑不正常)

nothing will leave these walls 话不传出这四堵墙之外(言不入六耳)

off the charts 好得没治了

off the deep end 暴跳如雷

off the fop of one's head 临时一想,随口一说

on a good note 尽欢而散

on a roll 做得很顺,势如破竹

on cloud nine 九霄云上

on fire 着火了(红火,手气旺)

on my nerves 惹我心烦

on pins and needles 如坐针毡,坐立不安

on tap 桶装啤酒(现成的,预备好的)

on the back burner 搁在靠后的炉子上(靠边站)

on the ball 看球看得准(做事有准备,有把握)

on the edge of my seat 坐在椅子前沿(专心地看和听)

on the rocks 触礁,搁浅;加冰块

on the same page 在同一页上(进度相同)

on the tip of my tongue 话到舌尖,呼之欲出

once in a blue moon 出蓝月亮的时候(稀罕,少见)

one foot in the grave 一脚已经入了坟(入土三尺)

one of a kind 独一无二

one step ahead of you 领先你一步

out of the pan and into the fire 跳出锅里,掉进火里(每况愈下)

out of the picture 不在画面里

out of this world 人世所无,只应天上有

pale in comparison 相形失色

peas in a pod一 荚之豆(好哥儿们)

pieces come together 拼图游戏凑成图案(诸事顺利,达成完美结果)

play it by ear不 用看谱(随机应变)

plenty of other fish in the sea 海里的鱼多得很(天涯何处无芳草)

poker face 扑克面孔(喜怒不形于色)

pop the question 提出大问题(求婚)

pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(五十步笑百步)

pull oneself up by one's bootstraps 拎着鞋带把自己提起来(凭自己的力量重新振作起来) pull the rug out from underneath someone 地毯从脚下被抽出(事出意外)

punch your lights out 揍得你两眼发黑

put all of one's eggs in one basket 鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷)

put one's foot in one's mouth 把脚丫放进嘴里(说错话了){世界各国有趣的谚语俚语}.

put one's nose to the grindstone 鼻子冲着磨刀石(专心工作)

put the cart before the horse 车在马前(本末倒置)

put up the white flag 竖白旗(投降,放弃)

rain on your parade 游行时下雨(扫兴,浇冷水)

rain cats and dogs 天上下猫,天上下狗(倾盆大雨)

raise the bar 提高横竿(更上一层楼)

read someone like a book 对这个人一目了然

red handed 趁着手上的血还没洗净时候抓住,在犯罪现场被逮

red tape(扎公文的)红带子,官样文章(繁文缛节)

right down my alley 恰是我的路(正能者多劳的胃口)

rob the cradle 劫摇篮(老牛吃嫩草)

rock the boat晃船(无事生非,制造不安定)

rumple my feathers 逆指羽毛(逆批龙鳞)

seamless 天衣无缝

secret weapon 秘密武器

see right through someone 一眼看穿,洞烛其奸

shoot for the stars sick and tired 射星星(立志要高)

sit shotgun 厌烦

six one way, half a dozen the other一 边六个,一边半打(半斤八两)

skate on thin ice 在薄冰上滑冰(如履薄冰,身历险境)

skeleton in one's closet 壁橱里的骷髅(不可告人的事)

skin and bones 皮包骨

sleep on it 睡在上面(考虑一晚上)

small talk 寒喧,闲聊

smooth sailing 一帆风顺


有趣俚语 2014级

1. airhead(傻蛋): stupid person, idiot (Ex: "How could you forget the keys? You are such an airhead!")

2. chilling(放松): relaxing, not doing anything that takes up a lot of energy (Ex: "I'm just watching some TV. Since there's no homework today, I'm just going to chill.")

3. couch potato(电视迷): a person who watches too much television (Ex: "You've been watching TV all day. Don't be such a couch potato and get up!")

4. flick(电影): film; movie (chick flick: movies for girls. Ex: "Let's watch a chick flick at the sleepover. Which one should we see? Mean Girls or The Notebook?")

5. get it(明白): to understand something (Ex: "Your shirt looks really bad. I'm serious, it looks so ugly." "Okay, okay. I got it the first time.")

6. jock(体育高手): someone good at sports (Ex: "Tristan is the biggest jock in school. He's also the most popular guy among girls.")

7. loaded(富有): someone with a lot of money (Ex: "Did you see the car that drove her to school today? Her family must be loaded.")

8. party animal(派对狂): someone that loves parties or go out to clubs (Ex: "You've been partying every night this week. You are such a party animal!")

9. rip off(宰客): a fraud, something that isn’t actually worth the amount you paid for it (Ex: "I bought these jeans for $100." "Really? I got the same ones for only $50!" "Wow, I got ripped off!" "Yeah, what a rip off.")

10. sweet(很棒): excellent, cool (Ex: "Hey, can you help me decorate the school gym for the dance?" "Yeah sure!" "Sweet, thanks!")

11. turn-on(诱惑): something that attracts you to someone (Ex: "That guy can sing while playing theguitar. That is definitely a turn-on for me.")

12. up for it(愿意做某事): to be willing to do something, and have a good time (Ex: "I really want to go bungee jumping. Want to go with me? Would you be up for it?")

13. wicked(非常好): excellent, cool (more common among British speakers) (Ex: "That was so wicked! Can you do that again?")

14. cheesy: (太夸张)melodramatic, corny (synonym), trying too hard, unsubtle,

and inauthentic (Ex: “I love her so much I am going to die.” “Haha you sound soo cheesy.”){世界各国有趣的谚语俚语}.

15. chicken: (胆小鬼)coward (Ex: “Stop being a chicken and try the rollercoaster ride!”)

16. dorky: (另类的,愚蠢的)strange; peculiar; A dork is someone who has odd interests, and is oftensilly at times. (Ex: "Kate Perry portrayed a dorky girl in her music video for the song 'Last Friday Night.'"){世界各国有趣的谚语俚语}.

17. freebie: (免费赠品)something that does not cost money (Ex: “Where did you buy that pen?” “Oh this? It’s a freebie I got at the carnival.”)

18. full-on:( 全力以赴) powerful, with maximum effort. (Ex: “I’m going to study full-on for this next exam.”)

19. go bananas: (发疯,情绪失控)go slightly crazy (Ex: “Love is making you go bananas.”)

20. hammered: (醉了)very drunk (Ex: “Dude, stop drinking, you are already hammered.”)

21. hyper: (亢奋的)overly excited (Ex: “Why are you so hyper?” “I think it’s because I ate a lot ofcandy this morning. Sugar makes me hyper.”)

22. kicks: (鞋子)shoes (Ex: “Wow, nice kicks!”) (See Note 1)

NOTE 1 | “Just for kicks” is a phrase that means, “Just for fun.” The term, kicks, in this case does notmean shoes.

23. laid back: (放松的)relaxed; calm (Ex: “Why are you so laid back? The exam is in 30 minutes!”)

24. lame: (拙劣的) incompetent, bad (Ex: “I saw you cheating on the test.” “So what?” “Ugh, you are so lame.”)

25. love handles: (腰间赘肉) excess fat around the waist (Ex: “Honey, it’s okay, I love you AND your love handles.”)

26. rubbish: (废话) nonsense; not true (Ex: “The last Harry Potter movie was terrible!” “What? That’s rubbish!”)

27. screw up:( 弄糟,犯错)to make a mistake (Ex: “I’m sorry for lying to you, I screwed up, big time.”)

29. sick: (很棒的)awesome, so cool, amazing; a term used more commonly among hip hop dancers(Ex: “Dude, you’ve got some sick moves!”)


Apple 苹果

apple of one's eye ( to be the ):to be one's favorite 掌上明珠;心爱物

eg.She is the apple of her father's eye.她是她父亲的掌上明珠。

Big Apple (the):New York 大苹果城【即纽约】

eg.I live in the Big Apple.我住在大苹果城。

comepare apples and oranges (to):to compare two things that simply cannot be compared.比较两个无法相比的事物

eg.That's ridiculous.Now you're comparing apples and oranges .


“How do you like the apples?”:“What do you think of that ?”



bananas (to be ):to be crazy 发疯的,神经错乱的

eg.That guuy's bananas!那家伙真是疯了!

*注意:to go become crazy.发疯,神经错乱{世界各国有趣的谚语俚语}.

eg.I'm so bored I'm going bananas.我厌烦的要死,都快发疯了。 become wild with anger狂怒,气得发疯

eg.She went bananas when she found him cheating.她发现他欺骗时气得要命。

play second banana (to):to be second choice第二选择,次要人物

eg.I always play second banana to her.我总是做她的后补。

top banana:main boss领袖,头头,大老板

eg.He's (the) top banana in this company.他是这家公司的大老板。

Bean (豆)

bean brain :idiot 白痴,笨蛋

eg.He is such a bean brain.他是个大笨蛋。

beans about sth. (not to know):not to know anything about sth.对某事物一无所知,一窍不通 eg.I don't know beans about computers.我对电脑一窍不通。

*注意:此词语只有否定形式,“to know beans about sth.”这种说法不存在。

Bean Town :Boston,Massachusetts 豆城【指麻萨诸塞州波士顿市】



beet red (to be):to be extremly red from blushing ,embarrassment,etc.[因窘迫,羞愧等]脸红 eg.She was so embarrased she turned beet red.他窘迫得满脸通红。





carrot in front of someone (to danglea) tempt someone with an unobtainable offer开空头支票[以实践不了的诺言诱惑某人] eg.The boss told me lf I perform well on the job ,we 'll talk about a salary increase next year.But I think he's just dangling a carrot in front of me.



cauliflower ears:swollen ears usually resulting from a boxing match[拳击运动员因多次受击而肿起的]开花耳朵

eg.That boxer has cauliflower ears.那位拳击运动员的耳朵被打开花了。


bowl of cherries (to be a ):to be wonderful 精彩的,绝妙的

eg.Life isn't always a bowl of cherries.生活并不总是美好的。

Corn (谷物;谷粒)

“For corn sake!”:“Oh,my goodness!” “噢,天哪!”


corn :n.melodrama,overemotional drama情节剧;感情表现夸张的戏剧

eg.What a bunch of corn!这一连串的情节剧真精彩啊!

adj.melodramatic 情节剧的;夸张的

eg.That movie was so corny!这部电影表现得太夸张了!

cornball:adj.ridiculous 荒唐的,可笑的

eg.Where did you buy that cornball hat?你从哪儿买来那顶滑稽的帽子?


cool as a cucumber (to be):to be calm and composed 十分冷静,镇定自如

eg.Although he's guilty of the crime ,he sure as cool as a cucumber.尽管他犯了罪,却还是那么镇定自如。




1. Peter's vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office. 办公室出了问题,彼得的假期泡汤了。

2. We should probably hit the road. It's going to take us two hours to get home. 我们可能该上路了吧?到家的两个小时呢!

3. You'd better shape up if you want to stay on.


4. Don't sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit out of me.


5. He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats for the concert. 他运用关系替我们拿到音乐会前排的位子。

6. This car is a real lemon. It has broken down four times.


7. The movie was a flop. Nobody went to see it.


8. Chris flipped out when I told him that we won the game.


9. Cathy is such a stick in the mud. She never wants to try anything new. 凯西真保守,她从不想尝试新事物。

10. Let me spring for dinner.



[ 2011-02-21 17:07 ]


1. One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.(My Blueberry Nights)

2. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.()

3. Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last. (When Harry Met Sally)

4. I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you. (Edward Scissorhands)

5. Love makes man grow up or sink down. (Days of Summer)

6. If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love. (If Only)

7. We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. (The Bridges of Madison County)

8. One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love. (Titanic)

9. When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind. ()

10. When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we are pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up. And we become different. (The Odd Couple)

11. If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain. (Dear John)

12. Don't forget the things you once owned. Treasure the things you can't get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory. (Once)

13. I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things. Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. For example, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings. ()

14. Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. (Love Me If You Dare)

15. We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. And then begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to love or how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will come out, but this kind of waiting is the love itself. (Cold Mountain)

16. Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that it's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but in fact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time. (Amelie)

17. In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness. (P.S. I Love You)

18. An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time - sometime for forgetting. A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding. (The English Patient)

19. I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this. ()

20. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years. (The Notebook)

21. I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least. And then be a simple man. ()

22. When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast , clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you. (A Room with a View)

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