
管理学  点击:   2012-12-28


English Daily Report格式

English Daily Report格式


 Subject:Daily Report-组别-中文名-英文名-时间 eg:Daily Report-Group A-江浩


 To: sxu@wicresoft.com

 nikol@wicresoft.com

 jyan@wicresoft.com

 emilyzh@wicresoft.com

 mayzh@wicresoft.com

 CC: maggiezh@wicresoft.com

 内容(范例如下):

 Opening

 Activities of today

 Open Issues

 Where I am

 Plan for Next Working Day

From: FSS-Jane-王帅芳




Subject: Daily Report+左波+0721(0721代表7月21日)

Dear All, It is my great honor to be an intern student of Wicresoft and I’m ready to challenge myself and learn from my mentors and colleagues, especially you. Here is my daily report today. Would you please help to check? The things that you did today with progress, just like:

1. Rewrite the composition given by the written examination.

2. Watch and make notes : “Outlook 2007”(the remaining 20%).

3. Read英文邮件中常见的英语缩写.doc

The open issues, just like:

1. The outlook 2010

It can login more than one accounts and appear two folder on the left side but I cannot delete the unwanted folder(个人文件夹).

2. If we have more than one accounts, how to share the address book.


3. Synchronizing log

19:48:53 同步邮件时出错

错误: 1134

服务器命令: CHANGE

19:48:53 服务器 ID: 7007EAE1-4623-11E0-9B2F-00215AD965D0

19:48:53 在 Local Failures 文件夹中查找项目。

19:48:53 “发送/接收”功能出错。

What is wrong and how to solve it?

4. Our mentor is Joson is a considerate and heartening gentleman. He gave me a lot of

suggestions to get used to the internship life and study.

Eg: Being positive all the time and ready to learn from what are within our reach. So I downloaded and studied the document of the abbreviations used commonly in our daily emails.

5. Although I looked through the document of abbreviations used commonly in our daily

emails, it is not an easy job to remember and use them in our own emails. However I will go over it frequently and try to use it in my writing process.{dailyreport范文}.

The process of the tasks that you have done, just like:

1. I have finished the composition given by the written examination.

2. “Outlook 2007”

I have finished outlook today. I learned how to use outlook with the construction of the video step by step.

3. Email 英文邮件中常见的英语缩写.doc

I learned many abbreviations from the concise document.


CC=Carbon Copy

BCC=Blind Carbon Copy

AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned

AFAIK = As Far As I Know

AFK = Away From Keyboard

ASAP = As Soon As Possible

ATST = At The Same Time

BITD = Back In The Day

The things that you plan to do for next working day, just like:

1. Go on the video “outlook2010” and tell the differences between outlook2010 and


2. Discuss the plan for our English Salon which will be held in the next month. This is an

optional plan. If busy then skip it.

Best Regards,




Practical English Writing

— for Working Purposes

Part one: An Overview of Business Writing 商务写作概述

1. Criteria for Effective Business Writing

6 ―C ‖原则:






Courtesy(礼貌)& Consideration(体谅)

2. Tips for Modern Business Writing 商务信函的写作技巧

• Identifying the writing purpose in the beginning 开门见山谈目的


• Letter of enquiry: We read about your advertisement in the local newspaper and

would like to have more information about Mapleland Industrial Park.

• Letter of order: We would like to order the following goods:

• Letter of invitation: We are pleased to invite you to the launch of English Tomorrow,

the exciting new program for business English learners.

• Letter of thanks: I am writing to thank you for the hospitality you extended on our

visit to your company.

• Letter of complaint: I am writing to complain about your handling of the order No.

B13 and say how disappointed we are with how this order has been dealt with.

• Letter of apology: Thank you for your letter dated 25 June. First of all, I would like to

apologise for the unsatisfactory handling of your order.

• Letter of reply: Thank you for your enquiry of 23 May, in which you expressed an

interest in our Grace silk blouses.

• Basing your opinion on facts基于事实论观点


• ―The customers here have always been satisfied with your products. However, some

European manufactures have recently launched new models which are catching on very fast. Therefore we wonder whether you can improve your present designs.‖

• Using small paragraphs 分段

Poor paragraghing:

Dear Mr. Miller,

I’ve just received your fax and after searching for different possibilities, this is what I can offer you:

10% discount on the total prize if you book our offices for 18 months, could it be interesting for you? You asked us for 4 offices in Riverside Tower and we only have 4 left but placed in different floors and there are no parking spaces left. Would you mind if I search what you need in Ocean Palace? Ocean Palace is a big Tower with 300 parking spaces, it has wonderful views to Tulip Park and the public transport connections are really good. I’ve just checked if we have 4 offices left in Ocean Palace and for your information we have them now!! At the same floor and one is 10㎡and the last one is 20 ㎡ as you required.

Please let me know if you are interested in this possibility.

Yours sincerely,

William Cruise

Better paragraphing

Dear Mr. Miller,

Thank you for your order by fax. I’d like to mention that I can offer you 10% discount if you are booking for 18-month period.

We have 4 offices left in Riverside Tower as you required but they are on different floors. Also there is no parking space available at the moment in Riverside Tower. However, I can offer you a very interesting alternative in Ocean Palace Building:

• 4 offices as you required on same floor

• 300 parking spaces and good public transport connections for your employees

• Wonderful views.

Please think about this alternative and the discount I mentioned before. I look forward to hearing from you soon so I can make the booking.

Yours sincerely,

• Using appropriate tone 使用恰当的语气


Dear all,

There will be a visit from health and safety inspectors on Monday, April 1st from 9 a.m. to 15

p.m. As the inspection is necessary for our quality management certificate, please be prepared for the inspection by telling the staff to tidy up their workplace.

Sam Powell

General Manager


Dear Mr. Johnson,

I would like to attend a seminar on 3 April. It is about presentation skills. Since I have to make many presentation to our clients, this seminar will be very useful.


Could you tell me if it is possible to take time off work to attend the seminar?



• Using more active voice and proper linking words多使用主动语态和连词

Use transition:


I am the product manager of the Food Service Division. I was instructed by John Carson to evaluate our Lite Fruit marketing strategy. I have analyzed the effect of the marketing campaign on the division. The campaign has run at a loss for two years. I studied the division’s recent cost-income data and consumer—trend reports. I recommend continuing the Lite Fruit campaign. I urge increasing the price of Lite Fruit and directing a large portion of the advertising budget to male consumers.


John Carson instructed me, as product manager of the Food Service Division, to evaluate our Lite Fruit marketing strategy. When I analyzed the effect of the marketing campaign on the division, I found the campaign had run at a loss for two years. To determine the root of the problem, I studied the division’s recent cost—income data and consumer—trend reports. Now that I have completely my report, I recommend continuing the Lite Fruit campaign, increasing the price of Lite Fruit, and directing a large portion of the advertising budget to male consumers.

• Using courteous expressions 措辞礼貌得体

3. The Layout of Business Letters 商务信函的写作格式

正式的商务信函包含7个部分:信头、 日期、 封内地址、称呼、正文、信尾客套语和签名。示例如下:


Daily report for senior 3 初三英语课堂值日报告范文

Daily report for senior 3

Sample 1

Hello, everyone. I am on duty today.

Today is Monday, September 6th, 2010. It's sunny.


I had an unusual experience today. I met a little boy on my way

to school. When I saw him , he was crying because he lost his

way. I asked him for his parents' phone number and called his

father. Finally his father came and took him home. I felt really

happy to help others!

That’s all. Thank you.

Sample 2

Hello, everyone. I am on duty today.

Today is Wednesday, May 8th. It is cloudy today. Li Lei is

absent. During this summer holidays, I went to Nanjing for a

visit. The roads were broad. The buildings stood there, high to{dailyreport范文}.

the sky. Goods in the stores were of different kinds. People

there were friendly. During the visit, I had a chance to talk with

foreigners in English. I benefited a lot from it. This trip was

quite wonderful.

That’s all. Thank you.


循序渐进,提高口语。 6/28/2013


Daily Report在小学英语课堂中的运用

Daily Report在小学英语课堂中的运用


1. Daily Report:在英语课堂教学的前三至五分钟内,由一名(可几名)学生向全班所做的值日报告。Daily Report的话题,是在老师的指导下,学生们自己选择的与所学内容相关的知识、或幽默故事、或自己的经历、或所见所闻、或从21st century、China daily、广播或网上获得的最新消息或新闻。因此,这对学生英语水平要求较高,在初中及高中阶段的英语课堂经常被使用,目前在小学阶段则很少用。

2.《英语课程标准》把“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神”放在了首位。Daily Report虽然只是英语课堂教学中一个小小的环节,但它对激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,培养学生的听、说、读、写能力从而巩固英语学习效率起着很大的作用。Daily Report犹如奏响在英语课堂上的一段序曲,可将学生的注意力迅速拉回到课堂上,且对激发学生学习英语的兴趣、复习巩固所学内容、提高学生的课堂参与热情、发展同学间的合作意识、培养学生的听说能力都大有裨益。

3.本校是一所以外语教学为特色的九年一贯的基础教育学校,学校软硬件设施优势明显,吸引了大批生源,由此带来班级人数众多(均超过50人),这样的弱势就是学生每堂课上“开口”表达的机会不是很多,因此势必要借助某种方式弥补课堂教学的不足。“Daily Report”的活动设计完全是在此种背景下的较好补充,这为学校的长远发展、为学生英语学习的奠基起到了不可低估的作用。于是想通过此课题的研究,更好地指导小学生做好适合自身英语水平Daily Report,更好地帮助学生发展自主学习的能力和形成有效地英语学习策略,从而让小学生的英语学习变被动为主动,变缺乏氛围为浓厚氛围。


1.在教学目标定位上,“Daily Report”要求小学生运用已经学过的知识进行互相配合,完成语句通顺、语境得体、表演自然地过程,这也是一个通过实践来检查学生的口语交际能力、语言运用能力等的过程。




“Daily Report”的活动设计完全符合语言学科需要加强实践的理论要求。任务型教学法、情境教学理论认知理论都对为学生的学习实践提供真实的情境提出了要求,强调外语学习的能动性与主动性,改变以教为中心的教学方式而转向以学为中心。



第一阶段:确定课题,进入“试运行Daily Report”阶段;

第二阶段:了解周围同学(可以是本校本班同学,也可以是邻居同学)完成Daily Report的方式方法,深入实际调查访问,总结交流;

第三阶段:通过录像观摩或者深入课堂亲耳聆听同年龄学生英语课堂优秀的Daily Report,找到借鉴经验;

第四阶段:精心准备下一阶段的Daily Report,谈谈自己的活动体会。 活动目标:

1.探索小学英语Daily Report教学的方式和方法。


3.探索通过评价机制促进Daily Report实践能力提高的方式、方法。







1. 以1~10号活动小组为单位,轮流登台完成Daily Report;

2. 组长充分协调,从自身已经学过的内容里面寻找Daily Report的内容,也可以借助家长的力量帮助完成;

3. 组长从上课前的问候用语开始到本组活动结束,用时大概五分钟左右;

4. 全体学生根据这一小组的表现进行综合评价(可以是活动结束时,也可以在课后)。


第一阶段:确定课题,进入“试运行Daily Report”阶段

1. 课题的确定


小学生年龄小,对任何事情都冲满了好奇心,对有趣的角色表演都希望自己演一把,教师要充分利用学生的这些特点,积极创设条件,让学生走上讲台,收获快乐和智慧。于是,就和同事及孩子们商量,决定开展“寻找身边的Daily Report”的实践活动。

2. 试运行Daily Report


Teacher: Class begins!

Monitor: Stand up!

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Mr. Chen.

Teacher: Thank you. Sit down, please. ×××,what’s on the teacher’s desk? S×: There are some copy books..

Teacher: Is this your copybook?

S×: No, it isn’t.

Teacher: Whose is it?{dailyreport范文}.

S×: Sorry, I don’t know.

Teacher: Thank you very much. Sit down, please.


第二阶段:了解周围小组同学完成Daily Report的方式方法,深入实际调查访问,总结交流

在进行了“试运行Daily Report”阶段后,孩子们都很兴奋,也很期待。但是老师必须对本阶段的活动进行合理地分析和中肯地评价,既要指出孩子们中间表现好的一面,同时也要委婉地提出不合理的方面,比如:有同学说错了,或者个别音发的不是很准,大家就笑话;有的小组准备的内容大部分是没有学过的,听的同学因为听不懂,就兴致全无;有同学在别的小组表演的时候不认真听,丧失了很好的学习机会;有些小组准备的道具不充分,让自己的表演打了折扣„„ 于是,大家根据第一阶段各组的表现,推选出表现较好的5个小组,然后利用班会课分别进行采访或者访问,交流出他们是如何进行活动的。








第三阶段:通过录像观摩或者深入课堂亲耳聆听同年龄学生英语课堂优秀的Daily Report,找到借鉴经验

在充分访问、交流了本班第一轮Daily Report活动的前提下,老师请同学们欣赏一些视频(初中、高中英语课堂学生Daily Report的情况),然后交流。




生2:不能用“知识渊博”,老师才能称得上“知识渊博”。(大家笑)不过我们如果一个人登台的话,估计说不到一分钟就会下来了。(大家继续笑) 生3:人多力量大,我们不见得会输给他们。












生3:还有,我们劳动课的手工作品,我们也可以利用起来在英语课展示。 生4:数学老师让大家准备的计算面积的图形,在交流图形的时候,不也可以利用起来吗?


生6:我爸爸是集邮爱好者,如果有需要,我也会缠着他借来一用的。 „„







1. 大家5人一小组,集体登台不改变;

2. 所需要的道具,只要仔细观察生活,就一定能花最短的时间准备好;

3. 表演完毕,我们可以增加一个环节,由登台的同学,每人准备一个问题(视情况而定)和“听众”进行互动。


第四阶段:精心准备下一阶段的Daily Report,谈谈自己的活动体会 精选一组学生精彩的表演(牛津小学英语4B后半学期):

S1: ×××, what’s in your classroom?

S2: There’s a TV. There are some pictures. My classroom is big and bright. S1: Great, let’s go and see.

S2: OK. But I’m hungry now.

S1: Let’s go to the snack bar.

S2: All right.(走向食品店,黑板上画了一个食品店的招牌) S3: Can I help you?

S1: I’d like a hamburger.

S3: How about you?

S2: Two hot dogs, please.

S3: Something to drink.

S1&S2: Some orange juice, please.

S1: How much are they?

S3: Eighteen yuan, please.

S1: Here you are.(注意到S2有一个包)What’s in your bag?

S2: Oh, a story book.

S1: I’d like the story book.

S2: Sorry, the story book is for my friend.

S1: Who’s your friend?

S2: Guess!

S1: Is your friend a boy?

S2: Yes, my friend is a boy.

S1: Are his eyes big?

S2: No, his eyes are small.

S1: How old is he?

S2: He’s eleven.

S1: Is he tall?

S2: No, he is short.

S1: Aha, your friend is ×××, I think.

S2: Yes, you’re right. He’s ill. He’s in the hospital. Let’s go to see him. S1: Good idea. But how do we go there?

S2: The hospital is over there. Let’s go there on foot.

S1: OK. Let’s go.





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