
热门资讯  点击:   2015-04-11




时间________ 家长签字___________



令人愉快的;宜人的_________________ 常用于原型动词之前,表示该动词为不定式 遇见;相逢______________ 也;又;太________________ 你的;你们的_______________


他的____________________ 和;又;而_______________ 她的_______________ 是的;可以_______________ 她______________ 他__________

不;没有;不是__________ 零_____________ 一_____________ 二___________ 三________________ 四________________ 五______________________ 六_________________ 七__________________ 八________________ 九_________________ 电话;电话机______________ 号码;数字_____________________ 电话号码____________________ 第一____________________ 名字____________________ 最后的;尾部的_________________ 姓____________________

朋友_____________________ 中国____________

adj.中间的n.中间_______________ 学校__________________ 中学;初中_________________

二.P2 2d背写

三.P3Grammar focus背写

四.P5 2b背写



从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )21. It’s ______ my ruler.

A. the B. / C. a D. an

( )22. This is an English girl. Her name is _____. A. Brown B. Mike C. Hand D. Kim ( )23. —_______ your name, please. —N-I-C-K. A. Look B. Meet C. Spell D. Answer ( )24. —What’s the ______? —Eight.

A. number B. question C. color D. name ( )25. I ______ Cindy. My telephone ______ nice. A. am; am B. am; is C. is; is D. is; am

( )26. The boy is Tony Miller. Tony is his ____ name and Miller is his _____ name. A. first; last B. last; first C. family; first D. family; last

( )27. —What color is ______ jacket? —_________ is blue. A. you; It B. your; It C. you; My D. your; My ( )28. —______ your ID card number? —It’s 268301. A. What B. What’s C. How D. How’s ( )29. —Hello! ______ —Hello! I’m Jack. A. Good morning! B. How are you? C. What’s this? D. What’s your name?

( )30. —My name is Jim. _________ —I’m Linda. Nice to meet you, too! A. Nice to meet you! B. Good evening! C. I’m fine. D. Thanks. II.完形填空(每小题1分,共8分)


Jack. What’s your name? name’s Alan. Jack: What’s your Alan: Green. I’m Alan

Jack: What’s your favorite (最喜爱的 Alan: Black.

Jack: What’s your telephone number?

谁Alan: She is my friend (她是我的朋友 ( )31. A. It’s B. This is C. I’m D. You are ( )32.A.My B.Your C. I D. You

( )33. A. first name B. last name C. phone number D. ID card

( )34. A. Smith B. Miller C. Green D. Hand ( )35. A. color B. number C. answer D. name ( )36. A. This B. It C. This is D. It’s ( )37. A. family B. telephone C. girl D. boy ( )38. A. His B. Her C. Your D. My III.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


Name: Jim Smith Age(年龄): 11 Favorite Number: 8 Phone Number: 398-7915

Name: Linda Brown Age: 13 Favorite Number: 6 Phone Number: 235-8016 Name: Nick Hand Age: 12 Favorite Number: 7 Phone Number: 581-2375

Name: Gina Green Age: 10 Favorite Number: 5 Phone Number: 920-7958根据表格内容,选择正确选项。

( )39. Jim is _________ years old (……岁). A. 13 B. 12 C. 11 D. 10 ( )40. Linda’s family name is __________. A. Smith B. Brown C. Hand D. Green ( )41. Nick’s phone number is __________.

A. 398-7916 B. 235-8016 C. 581-2375 D. 920-7958 ( )42. Gina’s favorite number is ___________. A. five B. six C. seven D. eight

( )43. ______ is the youngest student (年龄最小的学生). A. Jim B. Linda C. Nick D. Gina B难度:★★

Good morning! I am an English boy. My name is Frank Smith. My telephone number is 451-3175. My pen is blue, and my ruler is white. The girl is Grace Brown. Grace is a nice girl. Her telephone number is 535-9861. Her pen is black, and her ruler is red. Grace and I both like (都喜欢) numbers. Numbers are interesting. 根据短文内容,选择正确选项。

( )44. Frank’s phone number is _________.

A. 451-3175 B. 535-9861 C. 415-3175 D. 553-9861 ( )45. The girl’s last name is _______.

A. Frank B. Smith C. Grace D. Brown ( )46. What color is Grace’s pen?

Blue. B. Black. C. White. D. Red. ( )47. ______ is white.

A. Frank’s pen B. Frank’s ruler C. Grace’s pen D. Grace’s ruler

( )48. What’s the meaning of (……的意思) "interesting"? A. 兴奋的 B. 悲伤的 C. 有趣的 D. 枯燥的 IV.词汇运用(每小题2分, 共10分)

从方框中选词,补全句子,有两个多余选项。 your, is, first, number, are, his, and 49. This clock ______ nice. 50. Zero is a _______.

51. This is a boy. _____ name is Bob. 52. My jacket is red _____ white.

53. Gina is the ______ girl in the family. V.完成句子(每小题2分, 共10分) 按要求完成句子,每空词数不限。

54. I’m Jim. ___________ Jim. (改为同义句) 对画线部分提问) __________ her first name?

56. His last name is Hand. (改为同义句) His ___________ is Hand.

57. 你的问题是什么?(翻译句子) ___________ question?

58. his, number, what’s, telephone (?) (连词成句) _____________________________________ VI.补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)(略) VII.书面表达(共12分)

假如你是珍妮(Jenny),下面的卡片是你的学生证。请根据学生证上提供的信息,在英语课堂上简单介绍一下自己。 Jenny’s School ID Card First Name: Jenny Last Name: Smith

Telephone Number: 916-7398 要求:

1. 语句通顺、语意连贯;

2. 不少于三句话,开头已给出,不计入总句数。 Hello!




Unit 2



姐;妹__________________ 母亲;妈妈__________________ 父亲;爸爸_________________ 父(母)亲_________________ 兄;弟___________________ 祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥__________ 祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷__________ 祖父(母);外祖父(母)___________ 家;家庭________________ 那些__________________ 谁;什么人__________________ 哦;啊____________________ 这些____________________ 他(她;它)们__________________ 嗯;好吧____________________ 经受;经历_____________________ 一天;一日;白天_______________ (表示祝福)过得愉快!______________ 再见____________________ 儿子__________________





祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥________________ 舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨夫






下一个(的);接下来(的)______________ 照片;图画_____________ 女孩_____________ 狗_______________

二.P8 2d背写

三.P9 Grammar focus背写



市一中七年级英语寒假作业答案 (一)

市一中七年级英语寒假作业答案 (一)


1-5 BCACD 6-10 DBDCD 11-15 BDCAD


16. closed 17. expensive 18. through 19. lying 20. fit

21. Finally 22. sheep 23. Children’s 24. Shopping 25. countries


26. doesn’t go 27. is 28. matches 29. to raise 30. organizing

31. look 32. celebrating 33. listening 34. is playing 35. will fly


36. My cousin was born in Beijing, but he lives in Suzhou now.

37. What do you think of your new school? / How do you like your new school?

38. Look! The children are playing a game called ‘trick or treat’.

39. Is there a discount on last year’s trainers / sports shoes?

40. --- What’s your shirt made of?

--- Cotton. / It’s made of cotton.


Now, more and more students’ bodies are getting worse. There are many reasons.

Firstly, most students don’t eat healthily. They eat too much meat, and often eat sweet food,

snacks and fast food. Secondly, they don’t have a healthy lifestyle. They don’t often take exercise, but watch TV or play computer games for a long time. Finally, most students like to wear modern clothes. Some clothes are too tight. They are not good for health.

I think we should eat fruit, vegetables and rice often. We should drink enough water every

day. We should exercise more. We should keep doing morning exercises and eye exercises. We should often wear loose and comfortable clothes.

A good diet and a healthy lifestyle can make us live longer.


一、1-5 CBDCC 6-10. BBDBD 11-15. CADBA

二. 16.teeth 17.visiting 18.made 19.February 20. colorful 21.seldom

22. Reading 23.first 24.mine 25. Both


26.Thank you for telling me about China.

27.Kitty is eating lunch at the moment .

28. Is there any beef in the fridge?

29. What do you have for supper?

30. Daniel chooses trainers because they are comfortable.


31. Amy's favourite subject is Maths.

32.It's important for a dancer to keep healthy.

33.We are all looking forward to the Chinese New Year.

34.Does Tom's father walk for half an hour after supper every day?

35. The Class 1 Grade 7 students want to raise money for Project Hope.


36. with 37. trees 38. fruit 39. also 40. often 41. study 42. volleyball 43. for

44. housework 45.happy


Dear Peter,

I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is Mike. I'm twelve years old. I work very

hard and I'm a top student in my school. I was born in Shanghai but now I live in Suzhou.

There is a shopping center with four floors near my home. I like dancing and I often go

dancing after school. I want to become a dancer, so I don't eat unhealthy food.

Every day I often spend about an hour doing my homework at home after school.

Sometimes I help my sister design clothes together at weekends.

I enjoy the lifestyle now very much. I hope you will come to visit my hometown Suzhou if

you are free. I am sure you will have a wonderful time here.



1-5 DDAAA 6-10 BACAD 11-15 ACBDB


1.comfortable 2.celebrating 3.models 4.wishes 5 stationery 6. Collect 7.hobbies 8 congratulations 9 quite 10 through.


1.to practise 2. waiting 3. playing 4. choosing 5. interested 6.lying 7 asking 8 are planning.


Eating saying breakfast less different America someone at talking restaurant


1.Thank you for giving us a treat of some candies.

2.I don’t want to wear the same costume as he does.

3.He looks forward to being a member of the school basketball team.

4. It’s very difficult for us to work out the problem in different ways.

4.The walkman is too expensive. I shouldn’t spend too much money on it.


We have a fashion show every term . We hold the show to raise money. We often donate the money to the students in poor areas in China. Many students want to go to the show. I am one of the models . I often do the show on the catwalk. I wear the clothes from the 1980s. Some students wear clothes from the 1970s. Some girls have their hair in a 1990s style. We have a lot of fun at the show. I want to become a model when I grow up.



1-5 BBCDA 6-10 ABCCD 11-15 ABCDA


1.library 2. autumn 3.potatoes 4. healthy 5 raise 6 boring 7 polite 8 modern 9 Finally

10 comfortable


1.Swimming 2.isn’t 3. go 4 goes 5 reading 6. to have 7. to tell 8.are working

9. chatting 10 playing


1 in 2 isn’t 3 his 4 Is 5 mother 6 our 7 it 8 There 9 are 10 go


1. The shopping centre is a good place to go.

2. Thank you for organizing the wonderful party.

3. The teachers say we shouldn’t watch too much TV.

4. Can you guess who he is?

5. How often does Kitty go to the supermarket? Twice a month.


My good friend

I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He likes playing computer games and reading comic

books. He often eats ice creams, so he is very fat. He wants to become thin and healthy. Now he wants to change his diet and lifestyle. He plans to take more exercise. He wants to go running for more than an hour every day. He wants to eat more fruit and vegetables. He will eat less sweet snacks. He is sure it is important for everyone to keep healthy.

市一中七年级英语寒假作业 (五) 答案

一、1—5 CDCBD 6—10 CAADD 11—15 BACDA

二、1.December 2.finally 3.tired 4.tomatoes 5.cheaper 6.through 7.matches

8.Christmas 9.candles 10.modern

三、1.swimmers’ 2.monkeys 3.less 4.has 5.is playing 6.do 7.Is 8.washing

9.careful 10.really

四、1.How beautiful 2.for lunch 3.What’s doing 4.Which girl 5.How long does need 6.Don’t forget 7.is lying 8.likes and 9.How often


1.I think Chinese New Year is a very special festival.

2.My grandpa spends half an hour reading newspapers every morning.

3.It’s important for him to drink more water every day.

4.That girl doesn’t eat snacks any more.(The girl no more eats snacks.)

5.I hope you will like this fashion show.

六、My cousin is eighteen years old.She wants to be a dancer when she grows up.so she likes eating fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.On Sundays.she often goes shopping with my aunt.Her favourite shopping Mall is “Sunshine Shopping Center.”Because there are many clothes shops on the second floor.Now she is trying on a red silk dress.It is not too long or too short.She looks beautiful in it.

市一中七年级英语寒假作业 六 答案

一 1-5 BCBDA 6-10 ABBCD 11-15 CDAAD

二 1 winter 2 healthy 3 reading 4 made 5 cotton 6 sheep

7 inviting 8 hobbies 9 flies 10 before

三 1 Don’t open 2 likes and 3 are from 4 How often 5 is lying

四 1 Please tell us something interesting about the fashion show.

2 I don’t know which school to choose.

3 The woman in red is Miss Li. She teaches us Chinese.

4 There is going to/will be an English party on the evening of December 24th.

5 It takes me half an hour to walk to school every day.

My friend Mary

Mary is fourteen years old. She was born in Zhangjiagang. She studies in Class 1,Grade 7. She is tall, wears glasses and her hair is black. Look, today she is wearing a red sweater and a pair of blue jeans. She looks smart. She often gets up at 7:00 a.m. and goes to bed at 8:30 p.m. every day .She seldom eats snacks because she wants to keep healthy (fit). Her favourite festival is the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), because she can get red packets and wear new clothes.

寒假作业七 答案


1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. D

11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. B


1. scarves 2. anything 3. chatting 4. suitable 5. activities

6. teaches 7. Wednesday 8. Yours


1.He has some pocket money with him . (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

Does he have any pocket money with him ? No , he doesn't .

2. She is making wishes. (对划线部分提问)

What is she making?

3. I think the book is Jean's. (改为否定句)

I don't think the book is Jean's .

4.My mother spends an hour in cooking meals every day . (改为同义句)

It takes my mother an hour to cook meals every day.

6.there , near , is , , our , mall , school , called , shopping , a, Times ? (连词成句)

Is there a shopping mall called Times near our school ?


1. don't 2. giving 3. to wait 4. is working 5. Eating


1. I hope that you will have a good time at the party.

2. Her yellow cotton blouse matches her blue jeans very much.

3. Don't talk ,/ Stop talking, he wants to go to bed.


市一中七年级英语寒假作业答案 (一)

市一中七年级英语寒假作业答案 (一)


1-5 BCACD 6-10 DBDCD 11-15 BDCAD


16. closed 17. expensive 18. through 19. lying 20. fit

21. Finally 22. sheep 23. Children’s 24. Shopping 25. countries


26. doesn’t go 27. is 28. matches 29. to raise 30. organizing

31. look 32. celebrating 33. listening 34. is playing 35. will fly


36. My cousin was born in Beijing, but he lives in Suzhou now.

37. What do you think of your new school? / How do you like your new school?

38. Look! The children are playing a game called ‘trick or treat’.

39. Is there a discount on last year’s trainers / sports shoes?

40. --- What’s your shirt made of?

--- Cotton. / It’s made of cotton.


Now, more and more students’ bodies are getting worse. There are many reasons.

Firstly, most students don’t eat healthily. They eat too much meat, and often eat sweet food, snacks and fast food. Secondly, they don’t have a healthy lifestyle. They don’t often take exercise, but watch TV or play computer games for a long time. Finally, most students like to wear modern clothes. Some clothes are too tight. They are not good for health.

I think we should eat fruit, vegetables and rice often. We should drink enough water every day. We should exercise more. We should keep doing morning exercises and eye exercises. We should often wear loose and comfortable clothes.

A good diet and a healthy lifestyle can make us live longer.


一、1-5 CBDCC 6-10. BBDBD 11-15. CADBA

二. 16.teeth 17.visiting 18.made 19.February 20. colorful 21.seldom

22. Reading 23.first 24.mine 25. Both


26.Thank you for telling me about China.

27.Kitty is eating lunch at the moment .

28. Is there any beef in the fridge?

29. What do you have for supper?

30. Daniel chooses trainers because they are comfortable.


31. Amy's favourite subject is Maths.

32.It's important for a dancer to keep healthy.

33.We are all looking forward to the Chinese New Year.

34.Does Tom's father walk for half an hour after supper every day?

35. The Class 1 Grade 7 students want to raise money for Project Hope.


36. with 37. trees 38. fruit 39. also 40. often 41. study 42. volleyball 43. for

44. housework 45.happy


Dear Peter,

I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is Mike. I'm twelve years old. I work very hard and I'm a top student in my school. I was born in Shanghai but now I live in


There is a shopping center with four floors near my home. I like dancing and I often go dancing after school. I want to become a dancer, so I don't eat unhealthy food.

Every day I often spend about an hour doing my homework at home after school. Sometimes I help my sister design clothes together at weekends.

I enjoy the lifestyle now very much. I hope you will come to visit my hometown Suzhou if you are free. I am sure you will have a wonderful time here.



1-5 DDAAA 6-10 BACAD 11-15 ACBDB


1.comfortable 2.celebrating 3.models 4.wishes 5 stationery 6. Collect 7.hobbies 8 congratulations 9 quite 10 through.


1.to practise 2. waiting 3. playing 4. choosing 5. interested 6.lying 7 asking 8 are planning.


Eating saying breakfast less different America someone at talking restaurant


1.Thank you for giving us a treat of some candies.

2.I don’t want to wear the same costume as he does.

3.He looks forward to being a member of the school basketball team.

4. It’s very difficult for us to work out the problem in different ways.

4.The walkman is too expensive. I shouldn’t spend too much money on it.


We have a fashion show every term . We hold the show to raise money. We often donate the money to the students in poor areas in China. Many students want to go to the show. I am one of the models . I often do the show on the catwalk. I wear the clothes from the 1980s. Some students wear clothes from the 1970s. Some girls have their hair in a 1990s style. We have a lot of fun at the show. I want to become a model when I grow up.



1-5 BBCDA 6-10 ABCCD 11-15 ABCDA


1.library 2. autumn 3.potatoes 4. healthy 5 raise 6 boring 7 polite 8 modern 9 Finally 10 comfortable


1.Swimming 2.isn’t 3. go 4 goes 5 reading 6. to have 7. to tell 8.are working

9. chatting 10 playing


1 in 2 isn’t 3 his 4 Is 5 mother 6 our 7 it 8 There 9 are 10 go


1. The shopping centre is a good place to go.

2. Thank you for organizing the wonderful party.

3. The teachers say we shouldn’t watch too much TV.

4. Can you guess who he is?

5. How often does Kitty go to the supermarket? Twice a month.


My good friend

I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He likes playing computer games and reading comic books. He often eats ice creams, so he is very fat. He wants to become thin and healthy. Now he wants to change his diet and lifestyle. He plans to take more exercise. He wants to go running for more than an hour every day. He wants to eat more fruit and vegetables. He will eat less sweet snacks. He is sure it is important for everyone to keep healthy.

市一中七年级英语寒假作业 (五) 答案

一、1—5 CDCBD 6—10 CAADD 11—15 BACDA

二、1.December 2.finally 3.tired 4.tomatoes 5.cheaper 6.through 7.matches

8.Christmas 9.candles 10.modern

三、1.swimmers’ 2.monkeys 3.less 4.has 5.is playing 6.do 7.Is 8.washing

9.careful 10.really

四、1.How beautiful 2.for lunch 3.What’s doing 4.Which girl 5.How long does need 6.Don’t forget 7.is lying 8.likes and 9.How often


1.I think Chinese New Year is a very special festival.

2.My grandpa spends half an hour reading newspapers every morning.

3.It’s important for him to drink more water every day.

4.That girl doesn’t eat snacks any more.(The girl no more eats snacks.)

5.I hope you will like this fashion show.

六、My cousin is eighteen years old.She wants to be a dancer when she grows up.so she likes eating fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.On Sundays.she often goes shopping with my aunt.Her favourite shopping Mall is “Sunshine Shopping Center.”Because there are many clothes shops on the second floor.Now she is trying on a red silk dress.It is not too long or too short.She looks beautiful in it.

市一中七年级英语寒假作业 六 答案

一 1-5 BCBDA 6-10 ABBCD 11-15 CDAAD

二 1 winter 2 healthy 3 reading 4 made 5 cotton 6 sheep

7 inviting 8 hobbies 9 flies 10 before

三 1 Don’t open 2 likes and 3 are from 4 How often 5 is lying

四 1 Please tell us something interesting about the fashion show.

2 I don’t know which school to choose.

3 The woman in red is Miss Li. She teaches us Chinese.

4 There is going to/will be an English party on the evening of December 24th.

5 It takes me half an hour to walk to school every day.

My friend Mary

Mary is fourteen years old. She was born in Zhangjiagang. She studies in Class 1,Grade 7. She is tall, wears glasses and her hair is black. Look, today she is wearing a red sweater and a pair of blue jeans. She looks smart. She often gets up at 7:00 a.m. and goes to bed at 8:30 p.m. every day .She seldom eats snacks because she wants to keep healthy (fit). Her favourite festival is the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), because she can get red packets and wear new clothes.

寒假作业七 答案


1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. D

11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. B


1. scarves 2. anything 3. chatting 4. suitable 5. activities

6. teaches 7. Wednesday 8. Yours


1.He has some pocket money with him . (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

Does he have any pocket money with him ? No , he doesn't .

2. She is making wishes. (对划线部分提问)

What is she making?

3. I think the book is Jean's. (改为否定句)

I don't think the book is Jean's .

4.My mother spends an hour in cooking meals every day . (改为同义句)

It takes my mother an hour to cook meals every day.

6.there , near , is , , our , mall , school , called , shopping , a, Times ? (连词成句)

Is there a shopping mall called Times near our school ?


1. don't 2. giving 3. to wait 4. is working 5. Eating


1. I hope that you will have a good time at the party.

2. Her yellow cotton blouse matches her blue jeans very much.

3. Don't talk ,/ Stop talking, he wants to go to bed.

4. He never spends any time chatting with the other people on the Internet.

5.Why is Daniel often late for school ? Because sometimes he gets up late.


At Chinese New Year, I get a lot of money from my grandpa. I feel very happy. I plan to spend my pocket in the right way. First, I will donate my money to the people in poor areas. Then I will buy some stationery like books, pens and so on. I think it is a good idea to buy some presents for my parents and my friends. I hope all my family members will be happy.



1---5 DDBCA 6---10 ABCAD 11---15 BCCBB 16---20 CDBBB


1 easy 2 politely 3 made 4without 5 vegetables 6 tired 7 free 8 costs 9 favourite 10 dancing


1.Mary doesn’t like any fish at all.

2.When do you often do your homework?

3.Is it important to have healthy food?

4.What should I do to keep healthy?

5.He never drinks juice or coffee at home in the morning. 四、句子翻译。

1. How often do you write to your parents?

2. I was born in Shanghai, but live in Suzhou.

3. It’s very important for everyone to keep healthy.

4. This is really a good place to play computer games.

5. The boy with glasses often plays a trick on his sister.

6. Li Hua likes reading English in his free time.

7. Jack looks smart in the purple tie.

十、 书面表达。

I am a student in No. 1 Middle School. Look at my family. There are 3 people in my family: my father, my mother and I.

My father likes vegetables, chicken, fish and fruits. But he doesn’t like juice, salad or ice cream. My mother likes vegetables and fruits, too. But she doesn’t like porridge or dumplings. What about me? Oh, I like fruits and vegetables. I like meat too. And I don’t like sweet food. We all like the food in the KFC. My mother likes chicken legs, my father likes porridge and hamburgers, and I like drinks and ice cream.

What about you, what food do you like best?




三、一毛不拔、一掷千金、一落千丈、一手遮天、一本万利、一盘散沙 四、菊花、桃花、杏花杨柳、杨花 一、jiang(4)dian(4)ti(1)pa(2)bing(3)fei(3)奢雏迭堕濯猝DCD 一、嘹xu(4)niang(4)he(2)礴匐吗寐镶liao(2)CBB











假期--计划落空的期间。在这期间里所作的下学期的计划 也要落空。












C D D 4、 面动成体

5、5 6、5


8、 2 3 4 1


9、定点数:4 7 8 10 边数:6 9 12 15 区域数:3 3 5 6

(2)V+F-E=1 (3)20+11-1=30(条)


油漆 1530元 五夹板 2016元






13、8 8 4分之3

14、乘方 乘除 加减

15、< < 16、254

17、-3 2

18、(1)=-1.5+11.5 (2) =4×9+6 (3) =6.7+3.3

=10 =42 =10

(4)-28+3 (5)-4+-8+2+-3 (6)=9×9分之11

=-25 = -7 =11



20、4. 9. 6 . n的平方

21、(1)1.7(万) (2)3日,共有10.5万人 (3)1画第五格 2画6 画8 4画4 5画1 6画2 7画半格

22、-7分之1 8分之1 -9分之1


22、-2009分之1 0 23、101分之100


25、 20

P27 3



11、6xy 12、0 13、13 22

14、-2x-5y -x

15、1,5 16、BC 18、乙;x+1 丙:x+1×2 丁:x+1×2-1

(2)19+1×2-1=39 (3)35-1÷2=17

19、100×7(7+1)+25 100×8(8+1)+25

100×10(10+1)+25 3980025


直角 平行 垂直



AC BC CD CD 一点到一条直线上的垂线最短

D A 6 0.5 22.5 44°3′28″


6÷2=3 4÷2-2 3+2=5


12、ABC中间 因为AC离得远,设在那里中等

13、90 30 45

14、6 15=5+4+3+2+1

7. 21=6+5+4+3+2+1

N+N-1+N-2+N-3……=N 35种

15、两点之间 ,线段最短



4、26 -2 2 2.88%

8、 2x=2+5 (2)-a×2分之1+3=5 (3)-11x=-7 (4)4x=12+6

X=3.5 a=-4 x=11分之7 x=4.5















15、90÷3=30(元) 每个人付30元


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