
经典语录大全  点击:   2013-07-08


M4The school life in the future

The school life in the future In the future,maybe there won’t be any schools.Everyone will study at home.Students will use computers and get information on the Internet.They can ask their teachers questions by Internet,tel ephone or email. Teachers won’t use chalk on a blackboard. Students won’t use pens and paper,or erasers any more. Students won’t have too much homework.They will have a lot of free time.That will be great.


life in the future教案

Module 1 Life in The Future

1. Teaching class and time

Class 3 grade 11, April 8th , 2014

2. Teaching content

Speaking&Vocabulary in module 1

3. Teaching purpose and requirements

Knowledge purpose:

1. Students can speak freely.

2. Students can understand and use some sentences to speak English.

3. Learn some words and do some exercise.

4. Improve students’ communicative ability

Emotional purpose:

1. Increase students’ interests in English

2. Courage students be brave

4. The type of the class


5. Teaching methods

Task-based language teaching method, communicative language teaching method, discussion teaching method

6. Teaching tools

PPT, blackboard, recorder, pointer…

7. Important point and difficult point

Important points:

1. Let students speak freely when look at something.

2. Let some students discuss in a group.

3. Grasp the meaning in picture and video.

Difficult points:

Let students speak English freely when students look at some picture.

8. The teaching steps and time allocation

Step 1: Work-Show(3-5 minutes)

Show their homework. A story or conversation with their partner about their ideal life.share it in the front of the class.

Step 2: Speaking.(15-20 minutes)

Before doing the exercise, look at some pictures(Robot, computer, car, house, travel and so on.) about the life in the future to lead students to speak freely.

Step 3: Watching and thinking.(3-6 minutes)

Watch a vidoe about life in 2050 directed by a foreign director. And lead students to think and imagine the future life.

Step 4: review some words of materials.(2-3 minutes)

Please students read after me.

Step 5: Do exercises and have a discussion.(4-5 minutes)

Do exercise 2 in the text book. Let students discuss the answers. And check the answer.

Step 6: Thinking and speaking.(5-8 minutes)

Talk about the materials of our school.

Step 7: Assign Homework(1-2 minutes)

Draw a picture that is your ideal house in 2040. (you can note the material of building, furniture or any other things.)

Preview reading.

9. Blackboard design



Module 4 Life in the future

Unit 3 language in use教学案例


一、教材分析(talking about students’ book)

本节课选自七年级英语下册,课题为:Module 4 Unit 3 language in us 它是在前两节新授课的基础上,根据教材需要,设立的一堂复习课。本节课主要围绕一般将来时的用法,展开教学活动。

二、学生分析(talking about the situation on the students) 形象、直观的事物往往能促进七年级学生积极、主动地学习。七年级学生对英语学习已经有了一定的经验并养成了良好的学习习惯,他们对英语学习有着浓厚的爱好,渴望获得更多的锻炼机会。

三、教学目标(teaching aims)

1、知识目标(knowledge aims):能够听、说will的用法,并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话,完成一定的交际任务。2、过程与方法(teaching way ):通过听、说、读、写等一系列教学形式使学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,使他们获得学习英语的成就感和自豪感。


3、情感态度价值观(feeling):通过本课的学习,使学生明白时态在英语语四、教学重点和难点(teaching importance and difficulty)


1、重点:一般将来时will 的陈述句,否定句,一般疑问句及回答 五、教学方法:(teaching ways)


六、学习方式:(learning ways)


七、教学流程:(teaching steps)




点拨 巩固检测


八、教材结构处理:(activity arrange)


在学生熟知单词的情况下,布置学生有关短语的任务(Activity 4 Put the words and phrases into the correct columns)


学生观察大屏幕并讨论词组构成规律(形容词与名词的关系) (学生先讨论,让后教师点拨)


在明确形容词和名词关系的基础上,同学之间讨论并完成:Activity 3 Put

the words in brackets in the correct places in the sentences



学生在探究二的基础上,观察Language practice的句子,总结:一般将来时态的句式结构:


(2)一般将来时用在there be 句型中,句式:______________________. There ___________(be) a meeting tomorrow afternoon. There _________ (be) a flower show in the park tomorrow evening. (学生讨论完之后,学生先发言,让后教师用大屏幕为学生呈现规律,为下一步检测效果做好铺垫。)


学生自我检测,完成Activity1 Look at the picture and write questions about the future


教师补充有关there 的将来时的练习,学生讨论并完成:

1) There will be more cars.

(1) 改为否定句:There be cars.

(2) 改为一般疑问句: more cars?

2) Will there be a sports meeting?

(1)作肯定回答: Yes,

(2)作否定回答: No, .



1、概念:一般将来时态表示在将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow, next week, 等。

2、will +动词原形,表一般将来时,表示对未来的事实或将来的预测等.如:

学生们来用计算机来学习. Students will use computers to study

3. Will there be schools in the future ?

There will be … 将会有…… 如:将来每张桌子上都会有一台计算机.

There will be a computer on every desk in the future


练习1(2分钟)、同桌之间进行结对活动,Activity 5 Work in pairs. Think about

your dream school. Write your ideas below.(采用学生讨论与展开)

练习2(3分钟)、结合练习1的答案在小组内进行问答活动,Activity 6 Work

in groups of fours. Talk about your dream school. Decide on five good ideas.

---What will your ream school have?

---My dream school will have big classroom.

In my dream school there won’t be any teacher 练习3(3分钟)、在练习2的基础上英语口语自我展示,Activity 7 Make a poster.

Include your five good ideas.



教师总结 (2分钟)并回归教学重难点,并进行小组课堂评价。

课后延伸(after teaching)


B、 布置学生预习下节课的相关词汇与语法知识。 教学反思:





Module 4 Life in the future

Unit 3 language in use


一、教材分析(talking about students’ book)

本节课选自七年级英语下册,课题为:Module 4 Unit 3 language in use.


二、学生分析(talking about the situation on the students)


三、教学目标(teaching aims)

1、知识目标(knowledge aims):能够听、说will的用法,并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话,完成一定的交际任务。

2、过程与方法(teaching way ):通过听、说、读、写等一系列教学形式使学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,使他们获得学习英语的成就感和自豪感。


四、教学重点和难点(teaching importance and difficulty)

1、重点:一般将来时will 的陈述句,否定句,一般疑问句及回答


五、教学方法:(teaching ways)


六、学习方式:(learning ways)


七、教学流程:(teaching steps)










八、教材结构处理:(activity arrange)

九、教学过程(teaching steps)

课前预习(before teaching)

1、教师布置学生课前诵读,朗读模块Module 4所学单词、短语,巩固复习效果。


课内探究(during teaching)






(二)、自主探究(study by themselves)


在学生熟知单词的情况下,布置学生有关短语的任务(Activity 4 Put the words and phrases into the correct columns)





在明确形容词和名词关系的基础上,同学之间讨论并完成:Activity 3 Put the words in brackets in the correct places in the sentences



学生在探究二的基础上,观察Language practice的句子,总结:一般将来时态的句式结构:


(2)一般将来时用在there be 句型中,句式:______________________.

There ___________(be) a meeting tomorrow afternoon. There _________ (be) a flower show in the park tomorrow evening.



学生自我检测,完成Activity1 Look at the picture and write questions about the future


教师补充有关there 的将来时的练习,学生讨论并完成:


1) There will be more cars.

(1) 改为否定句:There be cars.

(2) 改为一般疑问句: more cars?

2) Will there be a sports meeting?

(1)作肯定回答: Yes,

(2)作否定回答: No, .



1、概念:一般将来时态表示在将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow, next week, 等。

2、will +动词原形,表一般将来时,表示对未来的事实或将来的预测等.如:

学生们来用计算机来学习. Students will use computers to study


3. Will there be schools in the future ?

There will be … 将会有…… 如:将来每张桌子上都会有一台计算机.

There will be a computer on every desk in the future


练习1(2分钟)、同桌之间进行结对活动,Activity 5 Work in pairs. Think about

your dream school. Write your ideas below.(采用学生讨论与展示相结合。)

练习2(3分钟)、结合练习1的答案在小组内进行问答活动,Activity 6 Work

in groups of fours. Talk about your dream school. Decide on five good ideas.

---What will your ream school have?

---My dream school will have big classroom.

In my dream school there won’t be any teacher 练习3(3分钟)、在练习2的基础上英语口语自我展示,Activity 7 Make a poster.

Include your five good ideas.



教师总结 (2分钟)并回归教学重难点,并进行小组课堂评价。

课后延伸(after teaching)


B、 布置学生预习下节课的相关词汇与语法知识。 教学反思:





Unit 3 Life in the future



I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)【甘肃省兰州中学2016届高三9月月考】 Do you know insurance? Buying insurance is a 1 by which people can protect themselves 2 large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large numbers of people pay 3 sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only 4 will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay for these homes out or the sums of money it has 5 . The first modern fire insurance company was 6 in London, England in 1666. A great fire had just 7 most of the city, and people wanted protection against 8 losses. The first company 9 rapidly. Soon other companies were founded in other areas. Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance company in America in 1752. He also 10 a new kind of insurance for 11 . The new insurance would offer protection against the loss of crops 12 storms.

In 1795, Benjamin Franklin helped start 13 new insurance company in America. This company, 14 offered life insurance, collected some money 15 from many different men. 16 a man died, his family was given a large sum of money. Today, this company is 17 in business.

Over the years, people have 18 from many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from 19 accidents as car and plane crashes. 20 , almost everyone has some kind of insurance.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. way A.. from A. small A.many A. stole

B. firm B. against B. huge B. little B.collected{lifeinthefuture作文初一}.

C.consideration C. with C. much C. few C. lent

D. means D. beyond D. little D. a few D. brought

6. 7. 8. 9.

A. built A.destroyed A. farther A. risen

B. found B. hurt B. further B. rised B.determined B. workers B. by B. certain B. which B. usually B. Although B. still B. offered B. so B. Generally

C. formed C. harmed C. wider C. grew C. asked C. waiters C. from C. another C. whom C. regularly C. Unless C. hardly C. bought C. such C. Lately

D.organized D. wounded D. longer D. turned D.demanded D. doctors D. for D. some D. that D. ordinary D. Because D. seldom D. benefited D. that D.Tomorrow

10. A.suggested 11. A. farmers 12. A. with 13. A. other 14. A. where 15. A.commonly 16. A. If 17. A. always 18. A. paid 19. A. many 20. A. Today

3. A考察形容词。A. small小的; B. huge巨大的; C. much 多的;D. little几乎没有;根据句意是只需要金额的一小部分,故选A。

4. D考察形容词。A.many很多; B. little 几乎没有;C. few几乎没有 一点点的;根据题意是只有一小部分通过火灾失去房子,故选D。

5. B考察动词。A. stole偷; B.collected收集; C. lent借出去;D. brought带来;根据文意可知是用收集到的资金用作赔款,故选B。

6. C考察动词。A. built修建; B. found建立; C. formed形成; D.organized织;根据题意是建立了一所公司,故选C。

D. a few

7. A考察动词。A.destroyed 毁坏;B.hurt 伤害;C.harmed 损害; D.wounded 创伤;文章中为火灾毁坏了一座城市,故选A。 8. B形容词比较级。A. farther更进一步的;

B. further更远的; C. wider更宽的;

D. longer更长的;文章意为人们想预防以后的意外,故选B。

9. C考察动词。A. risen升起的; B. rised抚养; C. grew成长; D. turned转变;文章意为公司成长的很快,故选C。 10. A考察动词。A.suggested建议;

B.determined决定; C.




B. workers工人;

C. waiters服务员; D.

11. A考察名词。A. farmers农民;


12. B考察介词。A. with在一起; B. by被; C. from从..来; D. for为了;文章意思为被洪灾毁坏的水稻,故选B。

13. C考察形容词。A. other其他的; B. certain确定的; C. another再一个; D. some一些;文章意为又建立了另一个保险公司,故选C。 14. B考察代词。A. where在哪里;

B. which哪一个;

C. whom 谁;D. that那个;


15. C考察副词。A.commonly共同地; B. usually经常地; C. regularly规律地;

D. ordinary日常地;文章意为会常规性的筹集资金,故选C。

16. A考察连词。A. If如果; B. Although虽然; C. Unless除非; D. Because因为;这里是提出假设,如果他死了,故选A。

17. B考察副词。A. always总是; B. still仍然; C. hardly几乎不; D. seldom几乎不;根据文章可知那些公司仍然存在,故选B。 18. D考察动词。A. paid支付; B. offered提供;

C. bought买; D.



第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 【河北省邯郸市曲周县第一中



In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us,

1 goes like this: "Your future depends on

many things, 2 mostly on you." I can't agree 3 (much) with this view. It's true that our future 4 (determine) by many things, such as opportunities and help from others, but our own attitude, determination, 5 hard work play a more important role. In 6 words, we are the master of our own future.

Take Abraham Lincoln for example. He was born in a poor family, and only received a 7 (limit) education in his childhood. Yet through his painstaking efforts, he changed not only his own fate but also the history of America. 8 to this day, Lincoln 9 (regard) as one of the most inspiring figures in the world. 10 , I firmly believe that our future is in our own hands. 【答案】 1.which 2.but 3.more determined 5.and 6.other 8.Even regarded


3.考查副词比较级。句意:我非常同意这个观点。I can't agree more非常同意,是习惯用语,故填more。

4.考查被动语态。句意:我们的未来取决于很多事情,这是真的。sth is determined by...某事由......决定,故填is determined。

5.考查并列连词。态度、决心和勤劳是并列关系,故填and。 6.考查固定短语。in other words换句话说,故填other。

7.考查过去分词作定语。林肯在童年时候只接受过有限的教育,故填limited。 8.考查副词。句意:甚至到现在,林肯......,故填Even。

9.考查被动语态。句意:林肯被认为是最具影响力的人物之一,根据this day可知,用一般现在时,故填is regarded。

10.考查副词。句意:因此,我坚信我们的未来掌握在我们自己的手中。故填Therefore。 考点:并列连词;被动语态;比较级;固定短语;定语从句 II阅读 (共两节,满分30分)

第一节 阅读理解 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分20分)




It was Saturday, so Mr. Smith did not have to go to work. It had snowed heavily the night before, and Mr. Smith’s son Bobby had a new sledge (雪橇), which he had been very eager to try out for a long while. There was a good slope (斜坡) in a park not far away from the Smiths’ house — a slope which children often used for their sledges, so Mr. Smith agreed to take Bobby there in the car. They put the sledge in and went off.

When they reached the park, they found that there were already a lot of boys there, each boy with a sledge of his own. They were sliding down the slope at great speed, and then pulling their sledges up again for another go.

Mr. Smith stood by, watching them with a smile. It was obvious that each and every one of them had much fun. After a few moments, Mr. Smith suddenly saw among the boys a kid who was small and poorly-dressed, and did not have a sledge. This boy had

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