管理学 点击: 2012-12-25
Personal Profile
在简历的顶头正中央处写明自己的姓名,并用大写加黑体标出。并且姓名下面写清自己的永久居住地址、邮编、电话和常用的电子邮件地址。另外,在简历的个人信息的写作中绝对不能用缩写。 Education
Professional Experience
社会活动 - 参加过的学校和社会活动, 活动名称,时间,担任的角色
技能 - 文艺,体育,电脑,语言或其他方面的特长
荣誉和奖项 - 得过的重要奖励,获奖时间
由于每个人的经历都是不同的,所以需要放在简历中的内容也是根据个人情况而定的。总的原则就是希望通过此份简历展现你的主要学习和工作经历,以及个人特长和亮点。个人简历由于篇幅有限,文字力求简练, 格式要清楚明了。
Name, Address, Phone & Email
Information architecture professional with over 9 years of experience working with Internet technologies.
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA May 2006 (expected)
• Master of Information Management & Systems • Selected Coursework: Needs & Usability Assessment, User Interface Design &
Information Organization & Retrieval, XML & Related Technologies
Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, NY May 1995
• Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology (minor in Biology) • Thesis:“How Canadian Multicultural Policy Has Affected Ethnic Identity” (research
included conducting ethnographic interviews)
Database Usability Consultant, Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley Jan 2006-present
• Design and conduct user interviews and testing to pinpoint user problems with database interface. • Analyze findings, make design recommendations, and implement redesign. • ind and fix bugs in the PHP and mySQL code for final deployment of application.
Mobile Shopper Mobile Prototype Workshop January 2006
• Worked with a small team of developers to design and implement a shopping
application for the mobile
phone using Python for Symbian OS and PHP for a week-long workshop.
• Presented prototype to peers and Yahoo! Research team.
Graduate Student Instructor, School of Information Management, UC Berkeley Sept-Dec 2005
• Prepared and led discussion sessions on various technical, social and economic
topics dealing with search
engine technologies. [course info]
Participated in needs assessment, requirements gathering, user interviews, design, development, prototyp- ing,implementation and/or documentation in a number of class projects.
Social Responsibility Barcode Project [final project documentation] Fall 2005-present
Software: Dreamweaver, FrontPage, EditPlus; Visual InterDev, Eclipse, Perforce, NetBeans, Smallx Pipeline Technology, Ant; ImageReady, Photoshop, Media Cleaner Pro, Real Video plug-in technology, Macromedia Flash
1. CV的内容要充满,不要出现半页的情况。
2. 注意文字的竖对齐。
3. 邮箱地址。
4. 页眉要注重。
不管是PS还是简历,页眉上写“Resume, Seven Teen, iCow University, Fall 2017”。这样人家万一弄丢了或者从学校传到学院传到教授手上,的原先的申请包裹早就四分五裂的分尸各地了,这个时候一拿过来建立,一目了然的知道到底是来干嘛的,提高人家工作效率,也让人家觉得PROFESSIONAL。立即好感。
在简历的第二页上,最好附上类似于“TEEN, PAGE 2” 的标志。或者可以写在页脚,或者插入页码,页码的格式一定是要“1 of 3”, 而不是单单的”-1-”,人家就知道一共有几页,有没有弄丢。
5. 每一个SECTION的格式都要CONSISTENT。{cv范文}.
- 建立了全国第一家大学生有机奶牛农场;
- 为社区以及大学学生生产了13加仑的有机牛奶;
- 出席了2007年度国家牛奶生产加工会议;
- 参与拟定了第17项国家奶牛保护法”
“ iCow社团主席 2007
- 建立了全国第一家大学生有机奶牛农场;
- 生产了13加仑的有机牛奶为社区以及大学学生;
- 出席了2007年度国家牛奶生产加工会议;
- 参与拟定了第17项国家奶牛保护法”
我把第二句的顺序移动了,这样人家 一瞟眼 RESUME的一扫,第一竖列,都是动词,都是行为,句子都是动宾结构,这样让人家很容易看懂,颠来倒去,人家只要有一个wonder,到底在写什 么,马上心里的好感会降下来,马上会引起心烦,那present的RESUME是要设想,是一个给教授 按摩的过程,把人家弄舒服,人家才愿意招一起合作。
6. 每一件事情发生的时间要标出来。简历上精确到季度或年份就可以了。
7. GPA尽量算成4分制。
美国按照4分制的, 国内有些学校按照5分的,换算成4分制,否则来个4.XX的GPA这里还要给重新算,那还不如最开始就用最能把自己的GPA算高的算法算出来呈现给对方呢
8. 用逗号分隔句子,而不是用分号.
Conducted research on…. , managed team project xxx, and developed xxxx
Conducted reseach on… ; managed team project xxx; developed xxxx
9. 给没有研究背景的非牛牛们再来一道法子: Course project
我在这里第一个学期读研究生的时候,才读了几个月,实习的招聘会就开始了。我都还没学什么呢,更表说研究背景了。我去就业中心问这个简历要怎么写 写,我刚来,都没这个专业的背景。对方说,不要慌,大部分学生都没研究背景的,把学的课程列出来,的课业里的作业列出来,就把那些作业作为的 project experience。
美国这里的课程作业,做项目的多,有的是团队项目,有的是个人的,一般研究生都是独立的项目。比如我做过一个要去学生宿舍楼里检测安装设备的,还有 一个是大楼的险情状况计算机模拟,一个
项目一般给一个月的时间,从文献综述,编写程序或者出访调查,到写份几十页的报告,到PPT演讲。这一类的作业很练人。做完了就真的懂很多。就业中心的指导说,把这类作业写到的简历里去,比如的一门作业,老师布置,每个学生采集一头奶牛的奶水样本,在简历上就 写:
- 独立采集大学有机奶牛农场牛奶样本{cv范文}.
- 在大学有机奶牛农场做牛奶生产检测{cv范文}.
很多学工科的学生,大多有些实验课,把这些课的内容写出来: - 研究了17种传感器的工作原理,包括……
- 调查了17头奶牛哺乳期的心理活动,对此撰写了一份17页的英文调查报告,并正式演讲了调查发现 ( formally presented the results / findings / it )
Date of Birth:
Academic Background
2-3 points
Bachelor of Science (2004-2008)
- Major:
- School of XXX, XXX University.
- Ranking: Top % out of students in the class
GPA: /100
Master of Science (2008 up to the present, degree expected in July 2011)
- Major:
- School of XXX, XX University.
- Supervisor: Prof. XX
Plant physiological and cell techniques: Physiological and cytological analysis on small signalling molecular such as NO and ROS. Enzyme activity analysis on PAL, ascorbate peroxidase and NOS. Cell morphology observation using fluorescence and electron microscopy. The allocation determination of nutrient elements in plants using atomic absorption spectrometer. Microenvironmental factor analysis using light, air humidity sensor and soil water probe. 发表文章列表,计划发表的也写进去,这样看起来多一点。中文的也可以放进来,后面加上(in Chinese)
分别阐述你在本科、硕士或博士研究生阶段从事过哪些研究工作,简要写一下工作内容。可以作为Summary of research的详细说明
Honor & Awards
Foreign Language Abilities
Excellent in reading and listening, well in written and spoken IELTS 6.5 (taken time November 20, 2010)
Available upon request.
CV- 模板doc
Curriculum Vitae
...... Ph.D., Social Medicine and Health Management
Gender: Female
Citizenship: China
Email: - Public health policy
- Health management and policy
- Health service
- Hospital evaluation and management
- Social management and policy
Ph.D., Social Medicine and Health Management Sep. 2009-Jun. 2014 Center for Health Management and Policy, Shandong University, China
M.A., International Politics Sep. 2004-Jul. 2006 College of International Relations, Northeast Normal University, China
B.A., English Major Sep.1999-Jul. 2003 Foreign Language College, Changchun University of Technology, China Lecturer Jul. 2006-present College of Humanities and Social Science, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
Project Title: Research on Hierarchical Diagnosis Model of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Role: I was responsible for the project designing and had done some literature review. Performance Period: Nov. 2016-Aug. 2017
Project Title: Study on Responding Policy of Improving Service Ability of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shandong Province.
Role: I was responsible for all the investigation activities.
Performance Period: Aug. 2016-Aug. 2017
Project Title: Study on Strategies for Chronic Non-infections Disease Prevention and Control Based on Risk Management Theory.
Role: I was responsible for the questionnaire designing and had done some literature review.
Performance Period: Jan. 2016-Dec. 2017
Project Title: Study on Medical Security of Urban and Ural Differences and Overall Reform.
Role: I was responsible for the project designing and had done some literature review. Performance Period: Sep. 2013-Oct. 2014
Project Title: Comprehensive Evaluation and Research of the Service of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in Shandong province.
Role: I was responsible for all the investigation activities.
Performance Period: Sep. 2012-Oct. 2013
Project Title: Study on Effects of Essential Medicines System in Rural Areas of Shandong Province.
Role: I was responsible for all the investigation activities.
Performance Period: Jun. 2011-Aug. 2011
Project Title: Pilot Study on the Compensation for Traditional Chinese Medicine Services.
Role: I participated in the investigation and report writing.
Performance Period: May. 2011-Jul. 2011
Project Title: Study on Health Co-ordination of Rural and Urban in Laiwu of Shandong Province.
Role: I was responsible for the report writing.
Performance Period: Mar. 2011-Apr. 2011
Project Title: Study on the Key Control Technology of NCDs.
Role: I was responsible for the questionnaires designing and all the investigation activities.
Performance Period: Dec. 2009-Aug. 2011
The Test for English Majors Grade 8 (TEM-8) SPSS, STATA, Microsoft Office
Personal Information:
Name: Hu xiao-lu Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Dec. 28th, 1989 Native Place: Meishan Sichuan, P.R.China
Health: Good
P.R.China 617000
Tel: +8615583559277 (MP) ,
E-mail: 244296094@qq.com Marital Status: Unmarried Address: College of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Panzhihua University, Panzhihua.
Exploitation on teaching, management or research in university or academy;
Education: 2008.9――2012.6 Sichuan University Bachelor in Biology chemical engineering
Practice Experiences:
1997.7――2002.9 Panzhihua University Teacher as instructor in chemical engineering{cv范文}.
department, engaging in courses teaching, experimental teaching and thesis instructing, etc.
2002.9――2006.10 Participate in many projects and designs, have four-year experiences
Summary of Abilities:
Be familiar with basic knowledge and principle of metallurgical engineering and chemical
engineering, and be skillful in using Microsoft Office, Origin, Jade, XRD, GC, particle size
analyzer software and instruments, etc.{cv范文}.
Be accomplished in science research and design.
Passed CET-4 and CET-6, fluent in English (reading/writing/listening/speaking), especially in
special English on chemical engineering and process.
Sureness, honest, able-minded, laborious, could cooperate with others well, have strong ability of
Project List:
Synthesis Mechanism and Properties of TiO2 with Ordered Mesoporous Structure through Titanium
Sulfate Hydrolysis Process Induced by Supermolecular Template (Chinese Natural National
Foundation, 50474071)
Preparation of nanometer titania via crystal aberration in high density ultrasonic field and thermal
decomposition (Chinese Natural National Foundation, 50274056)
Preparation of lithium ion rechargeable battery using cobalt instead of manganese (Sichuan
province basic application foundation, 02GY029-031)
Preparation of No. II preservative agent of Mango (Panzhihua importance science & technology
tackle key problem foundation, 20011-21 )
Basic academic study of SO42-,Cl- on deposition and crystallization of nickel
carbonate (Jinchuan aggregative Co. Ltd. (Sichuan University, 04H433) )
Preparation of sub-micronmeter high purity orbicular nickel powder (Jinchuan aggregative Co.
Ltd. (Sichuan University, 04H440))
Study of chemical electroless of Ni-Cu-P (Panzhihua University)
Preparation and application of coating hydroxylapatite (Panzhihua University)
Preparation of newfashioned anode of lithium ion rechargeable battery (Panzhihua University, 2005-B05); etc.
Publication List: Publishing papers 17, conference papers 7, employed papers 3 (EI embody) , Patent 1, magnum opus: ; Zhang, Zhao; He, Jing-Ping; Hou, Jun. Synthesis of ordered mesoporous TiO2 from
industrial TiOSO4 by composite surfactants template method. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 2006,38(1):63~67;(EI 06139783907)
; Zhang, Zhao; He, Jing-Ping. Synthesis of ordered mesoporous titania from industrial
TiOSO4. Journal of Functional Materials, 2006,37(1):63~65,69; (EI 06159819667) Zhang, Zhao; He, Jing-Ping; Chen, Yao-Han. Thermal treatment study for the
precursor of mesoporous titania. RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 2006,35(S2):185~189;(SCI、EI embody)
; Zhang, Zhao; Hou, Jun; Li Hai. Synthesis and characterization of non-stoichiometric
spinel as anode for rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2006,57(4):937~942;(EI 06269966459)
Hou, Jun; Li Hai; Zhang, Zhao. Synthesis and characterization of spinel
LiCo0.05Ni0.05 Mn1.9O3.9F0.1 as a cathode for rechargeable lithium-ion battery. RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 2005,34(11):1758~1761;(SCI 991ZN,EI 05519605936) ; Zhang, Zhao. Synthesis and characterization of Li1.05Co0.05 Ni0.05Mn1.9O3.9F0.1 spinel
as a cathode material for rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition) ,2005,37(2):63~66;(EI 05199092683)
; Hou, Jun; Li Hai; Zhang, Zhao. Synthesis of spinel by supersonic Co-precipitation
method as an anode for rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Electronic Components & Materials, 2005,24(3):10~13;(SCI 8397215,EI 8397215(Inspec))
Huang, Zai-Chun; Experimental study of the synthesis of hydroxyapatite in
water solution. Journal of the Chengdu Institute of Technology, 2002,29(3):350~354;(EI 02317038705)
Yang Dong-Ping. A study of additives for electroless plating Ni-Cu-P.
Electroplating & pollution control, 2002,22(6):12~14;
; Zhang, Zhao; Hou, Jun; Li Hai. Synthesis and characterization of non-stoichiometric
spinel as anode for rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Chinese doctor forum in Tianjin University, 2005, Tianjin University, 226~227;
Shen Jun; Zhang Ming-Jun; Zhang, Zhao. Synthesis and characterization of
2-mesoporous TiO2-SO4. Cuihua Xuebao, employed(SCI、EI embody)
Patent: You Xian-Gui; Huang Xue-Chao; etc. A method of preparing sub-micronmeter orbicular nickel powder. (Appl. No. 200610065021.7)
Sample 1
Richard Anderson
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.
Career Profile :
Manufacturing Financial Manager with over twenty years experience leading the financial functions of manufacturing operations with up to 300 employees and $50 Million in sales. Recognized for ability to identify continuous change actions to reduce cost, enhance quality, and increase margins. Supervised up to 13 direct reports with responsibilities in financial reporting, planning, forecasting, information systems, accounts payable, payroll, fixed assets, and general ledger. Led several IS conversions bringing in new systems on or ahead of schedule and on or below budget. Enjoy driving new improvements. Key strengths include:
Process Improvement Leadership Financial and Operations Management
Management Philosophy :
In today's competitive world, the best way to ensure organizational success is to delight the customer. Today’s customers -- and tomorrow’s -- want responsiveness, low cost and high quality. If a company does not meet or exceed the customers needs, their competition will.
It’s no longer enough for employees to simply "embrace" change: continuous improvement must become a way of doing business, where people actively seek improvements and where systems and processes support and drive initiative. Trust is the key. The work environment must be such that people work
without fear, within a culture that encourages pride in both personal and organizational accomplishments. Accomplishments :
Process Improvement
Facilitated team charged with the improvement of inventory record accuracy: team results included improved on-time delivery from 45% to 95%, eliminated annual inventory losses exceeding $200,000, reduced freight costs by 1%, and improved record accuracy by 83%.
Reduced new bill of material (BOM) cycle time from several weeks to one day and improved BOM accuracy to 100%. Developed a financial modeling system to evaluate multiple "what-if" scenarios; system reduced forecast and budget preparation time by 80%, increased process accuracy, and improved staff's awareness of actions needed to reach production and financial goals.
Implemented automated financial reporting process to download data, reducing annual overtime by $25,000 and enhancing accuracy and timeliness. Developed and installed automated back flushing system to support JIT initiative.
Led several cross-functional TQC teams and coached team members, as appropriate, to
develop skills and confidence in their ability to examine work processes, create solutions, and measure improvements.
Participated in management team process to develop vision and mission statements. Recognized for ability to develop consensus for strategic planning among all stakeholders. Communicated with managers and coordinated the financial reporting of fifteen locations to consolidate financial data. Facilitated numerous learning programs on new reporting systems. Decentralized accounts payable to facilitate transition from cost centers to profit centers, and trained employees in the new system. Identified ABM as a key strategy to drive process improvements.
Financial and Operations Management
Developed financial modeling system that reduced turnaround time from five days to one day. Directed the movement of IS to Winterset plant with only one day of downtime. Converted to new payroll and accounting systems that reduced and improved tax reporting and corporate consolidations. Directed several IS conversions to increase accuracy and reduce time for financial recording and reporting. Developed cost estimating process for quoting new business that was adapted by entire division. Assisted in closing one office that reduced costs by over $500,000. Installed LAN to enhance communication and information-sharing capacity.
Career History :
Controller/IS Manager, Invensys Appliance Controls (formerly Siebe Appliance Controls, formerly Eaton Corporation), Winterset, Iowa, 1991 - Present
Responsible for financial management in a manufacturing plant with up to 225 employees and annual sales exceeding $34 Million. Recognized for efforts to identify new processes to improve quality, reduce costs, and increase
General Accounting Manager, Eaton Corporation - Division Office, Carol Stream, Illinois, 1985 - 1991.
Coordinated the financial reporting functions of fifteen locations and supervised accounts payable for entire division. Trained plants in the use of corporate reporting systems. Assisted several acquired plants in converting to corporate reporting systems, and assisted with
due diligence reviews for new business acquisitions.
General Accounting Supervisor, Eaton Corporation - Division Office, Carol Stream, Illinois, 1980 -1985.
Supervised up to 13 people. Directly involved in forecasting and planning, budgeting, and product line reporting for up to
fifteen locations.
Accountant, Eaton Corporation - Division Office, Carol Stream, Illinois, 1976 - 1980.
Prepared product line financial statements, month-end closing, and product budgets.
Education :
Bachelor of Science
Northern Illinois University, 1974
- Comprehensive Major: Accounting
Associate of Science
Rock Valley College, 1972
- Major: Accounting
- Lettered in Football
Certified Management Accountant: Certificate 4314, 1984
Certified Public Accountant: Certificate 20394, 1977
Complete 30 Hours of Continuing Education annually to maintain certifications.
Sample 2
Richard Anderson
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.
Position as financial or investment advisor with a leading investment firm, specializing in the
management of large corporate assets.
CFP, 199
NASD 6 And 7
Financial Advisor, 1995 - Present
L.T.D. Consultants, Tuscon, AZ
Managed a six-figure diversified portfolio that has experienced at least 20% annual growth over the course of seven years. Conducted company research and analyzed profiles, identifying a number of startups that have yielded significant returns. Monitored account activity online.
Investment Analyst, 1989 - 1994
Hoover Associates, Portland, OR
Prepared investment analyses for clients, including several with more than $500M in total assets under management. Communicated with sell-side analysts and company management. Assessed economic trends. Selected and monitored investments in bonds, banks, automotives, and biotech.
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
M.B.A., Finance, June 1994
University of Texas, Austin, TX
B.S., Accounting, June 1988
Sample 3
Richard Anderson
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.
Career Objective
To obtain a demanding position in the Financial Counseling field, dealing clients on face and developing compact financial strategy.
Academic Background
Achieved Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration with specialization in Marketing, from the Southeastern University, Evanston, IL in the year 1992. Achieved Certificate in Investment Planning from the Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, 1994.
Computer Programming Skills
Knowing Office Package: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook Express. Knowing Operating Systems: Windows9X, Windows2000, Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows Vista. Knowing IBM PC, Lotus 1-2-3, MS-Dos, WordStar, JERSEYPRO and Lotus Macros.
Self-motivating, outstanding verbal communication skills, able to handle matters efficiently and
competently with the upper level management and lower level management, colleagues and the public, aim oriented, capable of the constant effort necessary to take an assignment from beginning to conclusion.
Professional Background
Since 2004 working as a Regional Manager in the Hillside Estates, Kalamazoo, Ml, and is responsible for developing and administering all parts of the organization. Implement necessary skills and knowledge of market state of affairs and sales procedures. Interface customers and purchasers in the sale and resale of previously constructed and developed homes. Interview and recruit prospective staffs and employees. From 2000-2003 worked as an Assistant Manager in the Springhouse Restaurant, Springfield, ND, and efficiently synchronized restaurant functioning and operations. Taught and provoked staffs in customer care and client relations and the procedures of maintaining a healthy employer-employee association. From 1995-1999 worked as a Junior Manager in the Foreign Friends, Inc., Chicago, IL, and efficiently participated in a serious winter curriculum culminating in 8 weeks of journey in South Africa. Organized and completed programs to afford vaccination shots.