
热门资讯  点击:   2016-10-13




The first day


II.1-5 BAACD/B 6-10 CCACA 11-15 DCBBC

The second day


II.1.children hospital

2.goes to by plane some shopping

4.enjoy themselves

5.other things the birthday song

7.late for

III.1. sell, buy

2. is sitting, is running

3. to close

4. sells

5. Does, have

6. read

7. driver, driving

8. to go

9. is drinking

10. is having

The third day

I.1-4 CDEB 5-8 AGHF

II.1. carry 2. watches 3. shopping 4. driving 5. is 6. to come 7. teaching 8. reading 9. to clean 10. to write


The fourth day

I. 1.C twice

2. C swimming

3. A Don’t

4. B take

5. B wrong

II.1. We don’t call it a small lion.

2. They are playing with their mother.

3.What do you do in your science corner?

4. What’s wrong with you?

5. My school is famous for its sports.

6. Can you show me those trousers?


The fifth day

I.1. knives 2. good, well 3. American, America 4. friends, friendly

5. us 6. Don’t open 7. to buy 8. Comes

II.1. is from 2. Does, speak 3. Where, are, from 4. How, say, in, English

5. lessons, do


The sixth day


1.was 2. flew 3. planted 4. were

5. drank 6. played 7.went 8. made

9. did 10. danced 11. worried 12. asked

13. tasted 14. ate 15. drew 16. put


1.What, they/these 2. What time 3. Don’t throw 4. Is, writing 5. How does


1-5:BCBCA 6-10:ACDCA

The seventh day


1-5:BACBD 6-10:CCBBD


1. magazines 2. useless 3. unpopular 4. length 5. nervous

6. Luckily 7. beginning 8. tasteful 9. yourselves 10. winners’

The eighth day




1. aren’t we 2. isn’t she 3. wasn’t it 4. doesn’t he 5. don’t they

6. can’t he 7. wasn’t he 8. wouldn’t she 9. didn’t he 10. weren’t they

11. doesn’t he 12. don’t you 13. doesn’t it 14. shouldn’t we 15. don’t they

16. won’t he 17. didn’t he 18. isn’t he 19. don’t they 20. didn’t she

The ninth day

一:1-5:BBCBB 6-10:CCDBA


1.funny 2. listen 3. jokes 4. lost 5. buy 6. enough 7. pay 8. check 9. voice


The tenth day

一:1. right 2. taught 3.studies 4. here 5. swimming

6. first 7. ourselves 8. warmer 9. photos 10. friendly

二:1. is 2. tallest 3. is reading 4. to make 5. keep

6. wear 7. plant 8. gave 9. lives 10. to protect

三:1. himself 2. before 3. too 4. rode 5. can’t

6. like 7. behind 8. later 9. market 10. again

本文来自: 一点通教学网( 主页() 详细出处参考:/huiyuan/wzhtml/288.html




Unit 1 掌握时间:检查人:

科学_____________博物馆___________ 邮局____________ 书店__________ 电影院____________ 医院________ 十字路口_________ 转弯____________ 左_______ 右________笔直地___________ 向左转________________向右转________________ 直走________________

1. 博物馆的商店在哪儿?在大门附近。


2. 我们怎么到那儿?在书店左转。然后在医院右转。


3. 我想买一张明信片。


4. 电影院在哪儿?在书店旁边。


5. 我们在电影院的前面。


6. 那离这远吗?不,不远。


Unit 2 掌握时间:检查人:

步行________________ 乘________ 公共汽车__________ 飞机出租汽车________ 船________ 地铁________火车_________慢的________减少,降低________停下________慢下来_____________

1. 你怎么来学校的?通常我走路来。有时候我坐公共汽车来。


2. 我经常骑自行车来。


3. 我怎么到复兴医院?在那边坐57路车。


4. 在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔。


5. 别闯红灯!我们必须停下来等。


6. 我必须注意交通信号灯!






sky, twin,fun,take,tourists,well,use,happy,meets,same

1.The traffic lights are the( ) in every country.

2. ( ) the No.12 bus.

3.I think it’s( )to walk on the moon.

4.I’m ( )to have a new pen pal.

5.He helps the bank use their money( ).

6.I’m going to the( ) .

7.He( )many other little water drops.

8.She often helps( )find their way.

9.My( )sister Ann likes drawing pictures.

10.Are you going to( )any books?







( )1.First,put the in the soil.

A.sprout B.seeds C.plant

( )2.Her mother is .

A.a cleaner B.a teacher. actress

( )3.My pen pal likes .

A.drawing pictures B.riding a bike C.collecting stamps

( )4.I want to buy .

A.a look B.a pair of shoes C.some apples

( )5.The park is the cinema. front of to C.near

( )6.I usually go to school .

A.on foot bus bike


1,come (现在分词)第三人称单数)




7.sing (名词 )

8.write (名词)

9.teach (名词) (第三人称单数)

11.go (第三人称单数)第三人称单数)

13.ride(ing 形式 )



16.make (ing形式)


1.The cloud comes from the vapour(对画线部分提问)

the cloud come from?

2.She is my aunt. (对画线部分提问)


3.He can go with us.(变为一般疑问句)

go with us?

4.I’m going to buy an English book tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)

are you going to ?

5.It is far from our school.(变为否定句)

It far from our school.{sl版六年级寒假作业英语答案}.



1.Her mother is a teacher.She math.

2.I’m going to a doctor.

3.Is your aunt accountant?Yes,she is.

4.Does Amy go to school bike?Yes,she does.

5.My brother likes a bike.

6.Is he policeman?No,he isn’t.

7. he like collecting stamp?Yes,he does.

8.My father usually newspaper after lunch.

9.They are going to their homework this afternoon.

10.Sarah’s mother goes work by bus.


( )1.How can I get to the zoo?

( )2.What do you do?

( )3.Is she an artist/

( )4.What are you going to do this afternoon?

( )5.What does she do?

( )6.Does he like diving?

( )7.What’s your hobby?

( )8.Where does your mother work?

( )9.Where does the cloud come from?

( )10Are they going to play chess next Sunday?

A.It comes from the vapour. B.I’m a teacher. C.I’m going to buy an English book. D.I like collecting stamps. E.No,she isn’t.She’s a TV reporter. F.Yes,they are. G.Yes,he does. H.You can ride a bike there. I.My mother works in a factory. J.He is a driver.



1.How can he water become vapour?

2,What does she likes do?

3,he goes to Canada by plane.

4,I’m go to the cinema tomorrow.

5,She likes watches TV.






1.Mr White usually (go)to work by car.

2.I (visit)my frandpa next week.

3.The children like (swim)

4. you (do)your homework now?

5.What Mike’s father (do)? ________________

5. Was Mike at home last night ?


三、 用括号内所给的单词(名词、代词、形容词或动词)的适当形式填空(在每条横线上不一定只写一个单词):(10分)

1. Look at those __________ (child). They _________ ( swim) in the swimming pool.

2. What language __________________your sister____________ (learn) next year?

3. Foshan __________(have) a ___________(long) history(历史) than Zhongshan.

4. They _______________(not play) badminton last Saturday morning They just __________(stay) at home.

5. Can I _________(take) a message for ___________ (he)?


1. ) 1.This _______ Mrs. White speaking.

A. am B. are C. is D. be

( ) 2.Class begins at 8.00. It’s 8.15 now. You are________.

A. busy B. different C. late D. fine

( ) 3.I think Hangzhou is _____________ city in China.

A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful

( ) 4What’s the matter _________ her?

A. in ; B. to C. on D. with

( ) 5. A: Did he see the doctor?

B: No,_____________.

A. he isn’t B. he doesn’t C. he didn’t D. he don’t

( ) 6. A: ________ will he come back?

B: At lunch time.

A. How B. When C. Where D. What

( ) 7.A: I can’t go to school today because I don’t feel very well.

A. Thank you. B. Goodbye. C. You are welcome. D. I’m sorry to hear that.

( ) 8. Canberry is the capital of ____________?

A. Australia B. Japan C. New Zealand D. America

( ) 9. Mrs. Webb likes______________ Guangzhou dimsum very much.

A. eat B. eats C. eating D. is eating

( ) 10._____________ you like to go shopping with me?

A. Do B. Are C. Did D. Would

五、 写出对话所缺的单词(每个空格填写一个单词,包括缩写形式):(10分) (I)

A: W_______ are you going to Hong Kong?

B: The day a________ tomorrow.

A: How are you going to g_________ there?

B: B_________ train.

A: How long are you going to s_______ there?

B: About two w________.


Mrs. White: Good evening. I called you this afternoon.

Mrs. Webb: Sorry, I _________ at the market.

Mrs. White: I’m __________ a party at home. Would you like to come?



Unit 1 掌握时间: 检查人:

科学_____________博物馆___________ 邮局____________ 书店__________ 电影院____________

医院________ 十字路口_________ 转弯____________ 左_______ 右________笔直地___________

向左转________________向右转________________ 直走________________

1. 博物馆的商店在哪儿?在大门附近。


2. 我们怎么到那儿?在书店左转。然后在医院右转。


3. 我想买一张明信片。


4. 电影院在哪儿?在书店旁边。


5. 我们在电影院的前面。


6. 那离这远吗?不,不远。


Unit 2 掌握时间: 检查人:

步行________________ 乘________ 公共汽车__________ 飞机出租汽车

________ 船________


1. 你怎么来学校的?通常我走路来。有时候我坐公共汽车来。


2. 我经常骑自行车来。


3. 我怎么到复兴医院?在那边坐57路车。


4. 在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔。


5. 别闯红灯!我们必须停下来等。


6. 我必须注意交通信号灯!


7. 黄灯慢下来,停一停。红灯停下来,等一等。绿灯行。


Unit3 掌握时间: 检查人: 拜访________________电影________________ 看电影________________ 旅行________________ 去旅行________________ 超市_______________ 晚上,傍晚____________

在今晚_____________ 明天________________ 下周________________ 词典_______________滑稽的________________连环画册________________ 单词___________ 单词书________________明信片________________看望我的(外)祖父母________________ 去超市________________

1. 你明天打算做什么?我要上美术课。



2. 我们要到人民公园去画画。


3. 你们打算去哪儿?我们打算去电影院。


4. 你们打算什么时候去?下周三。


5. 你今天打算买什么?我打算买一本新的漫画书。


Unit4 掌握时间: 检查人:

ing形式:跳舞________________唱歌________________ 读故事________________

踢足球__________________________ 练功夫__________________________ 进行体育运动__________________________ 爬山__________________________

听音乐__________________________看电视__________________________ 弹琵琶__________________________画卡通__________________________ 三单形式:做中国食物__________________________学习汉语__________________________

猜字谜__________________________ 去远足__________________________

1. Peter有什么爱好?他喜欢读故事。他喜欢练功夫和游泳。他也喜欢唱歌。 __________________________________________________________________________________

2. 他住在悉尼吗?不,他没有。


3. 他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?是的,他喜欢。


4. 我能成为他的笔友吗?当然可以。





1. 元旦节

2. 散步 3.在我的前面

4. 四月二日

5. 在农场 10. Let‟s wait and see.


( )1.-----What is it today? -----Tuesday.

A. day B. date C. time

( )2. Did you a big lunch last Spring Festival?

A. had B. has C. have

( )3. My father to work from Monday to Friday.

A. goes B. go C. went{sl版六年级寒假作业英语答案}.

( )4. There a pen and two books in my school bag a moment ago.

A. was B. were C. is

( )5 Saturday morning, Mr. Black walked to the park.

A. In B. At C. On

( )6. This is my bike. is over there.

A. His B. Her C. She

( )7. Oh, my glasses are on the ground. Please for me.

A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick them up

( )8. Do you like playing volleyball?

A. / B. the C. a

( )9. It time lunch.

A. have B. for C. to

( )10.Where you two days ago?I in Beijing.

A. was, was B. was, were C. were, was


1. This sign means “No ”. (smoke)

(twelve) of March.

3. I‟d like (be) your good friend.

4. Listen, the children (play) the guitar now.

5. Show (we) the stamps.

6. Liu Tao and Wang Bing (go) to the park yesterday.

7. Su Hai can (make) pumpkin lanterns.

8. All the people are very (excite) now.

9. My mother often (do) housework.

10. How many (child) are there in your family?


1.Nancy, race, a, and, Mike, running, watching, are (连词成句)

Nancy and Mike a running race.

2. There are some apple trees on the farm. (改为一般疑问句)

there apple trees on the farm?

3. My mother‟s birthday is 对划线部分提问)

mother‟s birthday?

4. I did my homework last Sunday. (改为否定句)

I my homework last Sunday.

5. I‟d like to buy some cards. (改为同义句)

I buy some cards.


The Lantern Festival is a popular festival in China. It is in February or March, fourteen days after the Spring Festival. People usually go to watch lanterns in the streets or in the parks. There are many lanterns. Children often hold little lanterns in their hands. They‟re very excited. Sometimes, we can watch firework (焰火) at night. They are so beautiful. At the festival people eat small dumpling halls(汤圆). In China, people also call them Yuanxiao. It means family reunion (团圆) and happiness(快乐).

( ) 1. The Lantern Festival is a holiday.

A. English B. Chinese C. American

( ) 2. When‟s Lantern Festival? .

A. Fourteen days after the Spring Festival.

B. Fourteen days before the Spring Festival.

C. In January or February.

( ) 3. People usually go to in the streets or in the parks at the festival.

A. watch lanterns B. Buy things C. give presents

( .

A. Dragon Boat races B. Moon cakes C. Firework

( ) 5. Yuanxiao means family .

A. reunion B. happiness C. A and B.{sl版六年级寒假作业英语答案}.







5 6 午饭以后 拔萝卜 7 上周末 8 赏月 9 在圣诞节 10 元旦节 have a Christmas party National Day holiday


( ) 1 ---What date is it today? ----It‟s _________ 1st of October.

A. a B. / C. an D. the

( ) 2 What holiday _______ after May Day?


A. come B. comes C. coming D. came

( ) 3 That girl _____ her grandma and her grandpa last Friday.

A. visit B. visits C. visited D. visiting

( ) 4 _______ ate many noodles last Sunday.

A. Mike and I B. I and Mike C. I and mike D. Me and Mike

( ) 5 A: What ______ you do? We flew the kites.

A. did B. do C. does D. don‟t

( ) 6 Jim and Ben are _____ about Ben‟s birthday.

A. talk B. saying C. speaking D. talking

( ) 7 Where are my shoes? _______.

A. It‟s on the desk. B. It‟s under the desk

C. They‟re under the desk. D. It‟s here.

( ) 8 I t is an _____ day, we are all ______.

A. excited, exciting B. exciting, exciting

C. exciting, excited D. excited, excited

( ) 9 We usually _______ moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival.

A. eat B. eated C. ate D. eats

( ) 10 Whose book is it? It‟s not _____ book. It‟s _____.

A. my. her B. mine, hers C. mine, her D. my, hers


1 They all like ______________ to music. (listen)

2 Li Lei usually __________ to school at 7:10. (go )

3 which season do you like (well), the spring or the autumn?

4 last week we _______ ( have ) a _________ ( run ) race at school.

5 That girl can ________ (sing ) French songs.

6 Miss li lives on the _______ ( two ) floor in this building.

7 He _______ (help )an old man after school yesterday.

8 __________ ( who ) mirror is it? Is it ________ (your )?



‟s Day? 对划线部分提问)

last weekend? 对划线部分提问)




5.This hairdryer is hers. (改为同义句)6. 从爷爷那儿得到了两件生日礼物。

I‟ 五.阅读理解。

(1) Today is the 5th of March. It‟s my birthday. I get a lot of presents from my friends and family. They are in nice boxes. My father gives me a yellow box and there is a book in it. Jack, one of my friends, gives me a long box. What‟s in it? It‟s an umbrella. My sister gives me a round box. I think it‟s a big cake, but it is a basketball. I like playing basketball very much, so I‟m happy to have it. Now, my friends are singing the song “Happy Birthday to you” to me.

( )1.My birthday is on _________.

A. March 5 B. March 7 C. Sunday

( )2. I get a lot of presents from__________.

A. my parents B. my friends C. A and B

( )3. My sister gives me ________ as my birthday present.

A. a big cake B. a basketball C. a football

( )4. There‟s _______ from my parents.

A. a box B. an umbrella C. a book

( )5. From this dialogue (对话) , you know _____.

A.I am a boy . B. There‟s a birthday party. C. My father is a doctor

(2)Yesterday was September 10. It was Teachers‟ Day. We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers‟ office. We thanked them for their hard work. Our teachers were very happy. In the afternoon we held a party in our school hall. Many students and teachers gave wonderful performances at the party. Our teachers sang and danced happily with us. All the teachers and students had a good time.

根据短文内容判断正误。( T or F )

( )1.Yesterday was National Day.

( )2.We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers‟ office.

( )3.Our teachers were not happy.

( )4.We held a party in the afternoon in the morning.

( )5. We all had a good time.

C. 根据短文内容判断下列各句是否正确,对的写“T”,错的“F”。

An old man and a young man are walking in the park . The old man is behind the young man . There’s a chair in front of the young man . The old man is very glad to see the chair . He is very tired . He is going to sit on the chair for a few minutes (几分钟) .He walks to the chair . He sees the young man walking to the chair , too , So he begins to run . Now he is in front of the young man . The young man says, “Don’t sit on the chair ”. The old man doesn’t listen to him . He is sitting on it . He looks very happy . The young man come over to him . He is holding (举着) a small board in his hand . It says “Wet Paint (油漆未干)”

( )1、The young man is playing in the park .

( )2、The old man and the young man are very happy to see the chair .

( )3、The old man wants to have a rest (休息一下) on the chair .

( )4、There is some water on the chair .

( )5、The young man asks the old man not to sit on the chair because (因为) it is

wet (湿的)。



1. This sign means “No ”. (smoke)

(two) of March.

3. Would you like _____ (milk) cows on the farm?

4. Listen, the children (play) the guitar now.

5. Show (we) the stamps.

6. Liu Tao and Wang Bing (go) to the park yesterday.

7. Su Hai can (make) pumpkin lanterns.

8. All the people are very (excite) now.

9. My mother often (do) housework.

10. How many (child) are there in your family?


( ) 1. Did you visit a farm with your family last week? A. Spring Festival.

( ) 2. Where was your father last Saturday? B. It‟s in October.

( ) 3.When‟s Halloween? C. I went to the Great Wall.

( ) 4.Whose glasses are these? D. No, I wasn‟t.

( ) 5.What did you do last May Day? E. Yes, I did.

( ) 6.Who are the presents from? F. They‟re mine.

( ) 7. What‟s your favourite holiday? G. He was in Shanghai.

( ) 8. Were you at home just now? H. They‟re from Grandpa and Grandma. 三.选择题。

( ) 1. What ______ he ______ last Tuesday ?

A. did, did B. do, did C. did, do

( ) 2. I want ________ the farm.

A. to go to B. to go C. go to

( ) 3. We _______ cows and planted trees on the farm.

A. milk B. milks C. milked

( )4. Where________ Su Yang and Su Hai just now?

A. was B. is C. were

( ) 5. Liu Tao and his friends _______ a lot of oranges on the farm last week.

A. tasted B. watched C. visited

( ) 6.-Were there any trees in your school? - No ,__________ .

A. there didn‟t B. there wasn‟t C. there weren‟t

( ) 7. What do children usually do _____ Children‟s Day?

A. at B. on C. in

( )8. National Day is ______ the first ______ October.

A. on, in B. on, of C. in, on

( ) 9. Did you _____ moon cakes _____Mid-Autumn Festival?

A. ate , last B. eat , last C. eat , at

二. 从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏的正确应答,并将序号填在括号内。



六年级上册英语寒假作业测试题 姓名:

一、选用适当的字母或字母组合,补全单词。(5分) ( ) 1. tho s nd A. u , o B. a , a C. u , a ( ) 2. A stral a A. u , e B. u , i C. n , i ( ) 3. rest rant A. u o B. o u C. o o ( ) 4. bamb A. a r B. a u C. u a ( ) 5. Bel ve A. e i B. e a C. I e 二、按要求写出下列各词的适当形式。(10分)

1. friend(复数形式 2. come(ing形式 3. inside(反义词) 4. man(复数形式) 5. can(否定形式) 6. doesn’t(完全形式7. left(反义词) 8. give(三单形式) 9. where’s(完全形式 10. have(三单形式三、选出下列各组中不同类的一项。(10分)

( ) 1. A. Canada B. China C. Beijing ( ) 2. A. six B. seven C. more ( ) 3. A. in B. east C. west ( ) 4. A. worker B. doctor C. sing ( ) 5. A. doing B. cinema C. dancing ( ) 6. A. collect B. letter C. drive ( ) 7. A. library B. school C. chair ( ) 8. A. show B. easy C. quiet ( ) 9. A. lucky B. always C. often ( ) 10. A. how B. what C. Are 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)

1. (dan

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