
热门资讯  点击:   2016-01-09



UNIT3 CBCBB CBACA ABDAC BBDBA UNIT4 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.d 7.b 8.c 9.c 10.c 11.c 12.b 13.a

14.a.15.b 16.b 17.a 18.d 19.d 20.a

1. ---I'm afraid I've got a headache.

---_______? Wait here and I will get some medicine for you.

A. B.Aren't you C.Have you D.Haven't you

2. ---Is Judy here already?

---Judy? You mean the girl _______ with Mr. Brown yesterday?

A. talked B.talking C.to talk D.talks

3.What do you suppose _______ to him?.

A.to happen B.happening C.has happened D.had happened

4. Scientists generally agree that earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to100 years______ it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age.

A. so long as B. as much as C as long as. D as well as

5. It is __ great shock to us that so many workers have lost their jobs because of__ economic crisis.

A.a:a B.a:the C. /:the D. the:/

6. ____ the polluting factory will be removed from the city is, in fact, ____ the citizens there are glad to see.

A.That, as B. As, what C. That, what D. What, that

7.The plan ____ she had argued against turned out to be a great success, and he felt embarrassed.

A what B. which C. why D. when

8. May I use your car? You ______ have my car if you do not take care of it.

A.shan't B. might not C. needn't D. shouldn't

9. What he said was ___ and we are all very ___.

A. confusing;confusing B. confused;confused

C. confusing;confused D. confused;confusing

10. I thought ___ necessary ___ him to tell his father everything.

A. it; for B. that; for C. that; of D. it; of

11. She ___ his number in the phonebook to make sure that she has got it right.

A, looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up

12 The news ___Tom brought us yesterday is not true, but the news ___our school football team has won is true.

A. that; which B. that; that C. as; which D.which; what

13. The medical team ___ a group of young men, the eldest of ___is 30.

A. consist of; which B.consists of; them C.consists of; which D.consists of; whom

14. Ten girls ___this group and they help this woman clean her room every other day.

A.make up B.makes up C.consist of D. are made up of

15. Word ___ quickly that he was admitted into Beijing University.

A.spread B.spreaded C.was spread D.spreading

16. Science and technology have ___ in important ways to the improvement of agricultural production.

A.witnessed B.contributed C. consisted D. related

17. Many people in the west make ___ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.

A. this B. it C. that D. them

18. Generally speaking, one can’t avoid ___ if he does wrong.

A. punished B. punishing C. to be punished D. being punished

19. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to ask. OK, if I do, I’ll ___ you to help me.

A.turn to B.depend on C.ask for D.look after

20. Contrast may make something appear more beautiful than it is when ____ alone.

a.seen b.is seen c.to be seen d.having been seen

unit 4

1. I ____ English for six years before I came to Beijing University.

A learned B have learned C have been learning D had learned

2 The brake doesn’t work. It needs ____.

A repaired B be repairing C to be repaired D to repairment

3 John had his room ____ yesterday, so it looks nice.

A to paint B painting C painted D to be painted

4 I have already put ____ necessary into my computer.

A all the information B all of the informations

C all the informations D all informations

5 Dr. Smith insisted ____ for a month.

A I resting B that I am resting C that I rest D me to rest

6 Would you mind ____ here?

A we smoke B us smoking C our smoke D we smoking

7 I wanted to go swimming, but the rain ____ heavy, I decided to give up the idea.

A is B was C being D has been

8 So seriously ____ in the accident that he is still in danger.

A he did injure B did he injure C was he injured D he was injured

9 It’s you ____ our real friend.

A that is B which is C who is D who are

10 ____, he has to stay here.

A No matter he likes it B however he likes it

C Whether he likes it or not D Until he liked it

11. He asked ____ for a violin.

A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much

C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid

12. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____ he or she wants.

A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever

13. ---I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.

---Is that ______ you had a few days off?

A. why B. what C. when D. where

14. The old house, in front of ______ there is a pine tree, is ______ I used to live.

A. which, where B. that, the place where

C. it, the place in D. that, the place

15. She may have missed her train, in ________ case she won’t arrive for another hour.

A.what B. that C. which D. this

16. I don’t believe the reason ________ he has given for his being late.

A.why B. that C. how D. what

17. I have bought two ball pens, ______ writes well.

A. neither of them b. none of them C. neither of which D. none of which

18. With the development of agriculture, the people _____ village I taught before have lived a happy life.

A. who B. whose C. in whose D. in which

19. The knife ______ he used to cut apples is very sharp.

A. with that B. for which C. with it D. with which

20. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, ______ the sailing time was 226 days.

A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for which




试卷总分:100 测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。) 1. ( ) I am longing for is to talk with the famous musician in person. A. Which B. That C. What

D. Whatever

满分:2 分 2. ( ) the wet day, he drove his car at fastest speed as usual. A. As for B. Although C. Despite

D. Because of

满分:2 分

3. __ What happened to her ( ) that cold winter evening? __ I don't know, and I'm also curious ( ) it.

A. /; of B. in; about C. on; about

D. on; for

满分:2 分 4. Tony is going camping with ( ) boys. A. little two other B. two little other

C. two other little



1、The_______century is from 1901 to 2000.




1. The iron and steel works ________ five million tons of iron and steel every year.

A. produce

B. produces

C. producing

D. to produce

知识点: Unit2assignment

学生答[B;] 案:

得分: [10]


2. The waves ________ high and the wind howled.

A. rose

B. risen

C. arose

D. raised

知识点: Unit2assignment

学生答[A;] 案:

得分: [10]



4. I ________ his offer, but I didn’t ________ it.

A. receive...accept

B. received„accepted

C. accepted„received 标准答A 案: 试题分10.0 值: 标准答B 案: 试题分10.0 值:

D. received„accept

知识点: Unit2assignment

学生答[D;] 案:

得分: [10]


5. The postal ________ is very unreliable in this country because postmen are constantly on strike.

A. information

B. service

C. management

D. protection

知识点: Unit2assignment

学生答[B;] 案:{专科英语二作业}.

得分: [10]



7. “Death control” ________ to the efforts of scientists and doctors to save people’s lives.

A. means

B. refers

C. indicates

D. suggests

知识点: Unit1assignment

学生答[B;] 案:

得分: [10]


8. 标准答B 案: 试题分10.0 值: 标准答B 案: 试题分10.0 值: 标准答D 案: 试题分10.0 值:

9. The workers ________ a fair wage for their work.

A. appealed

B. campaigned

C. asked

D. demanded

知识点: Unit1assignment

学生答[D;] 案:

得分: [10]



10.There is a great demand ________ eggs.

A. on

B. about

C. for

D. to

知识点: Unit1assignment

学生答[C;] 案:

得分: [10]


11. As he had a science degree and varied experience in ________

technology, he found a good job in a communications firm.

A. transportation

B. engineering 标准答C 案: 试题分10.0 值: 标准答D 案: 试题分10.0 值:

C. nursing

D. printing

知识点: Unit1assignment

学生答[B;] 案:

得分: [10]


12.The plan ________ the cooperation of young and old.

A. puts

B. keeps

C. gets

D. involves

知识点: Unit1assignment

学生答[D;] 案:

得分: [10]


13.She ________ her old car for a new model as soon as she had won the money.

A. exchanged

B. got

C. did

D. sent

知识点: Unit1assignment

学生答[A;] 案: 标准答A 案: 标准答D 案: 试题分10.0 值: 标准答B 案: 试题分10.0 值:

得分: [10] 提示: 试题分10.0 值:




Part I Vocabulary & Structure词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30小题,满分60分)

Directions:These are 10 incomplete statements here.You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C) and D).此部分共有10个未完成的句子。每个句子中未完成的部分有四个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。

1. The_______century is from 1901 to 2000. B. twenties

C. twentieth

D. twenty

2. This story took place in_______. B. the 1940

C. a 1940’s

D. 1940s

3. The twins_______in Dalian last year、They_______here now.

A. are; were C.was; are

D. were; was

4. _______your father at work the day_______yesterday? B. Is; before

C. Was; after

D. Is; afte

5. It is ten years_______I last saw her.

A. after C. for

D. that

6. The Smiths _______ in China for 8 years.

A. has lived

B. lived D. live

7. My grandpa died _________.

A. at the age of my 2

B. for 2 years

C. when I was 2

D. my age was 6

8. Mother_______me a new coat yesterday、I_______it on、It fits me well.

A. had made„have tried

B. made„have tried{专科英语二作业}.

C. has made„tried

D. made„tried

9. He_______very busy this week; he_______free next week.

A. will be; is

B. is; is

C. will be; will be

D. is; will be{专科英语二作业}.

10. Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.

A. will gives C. gives

D. give

11. It is expected that in the future robots will ______ man to do those dangerous jobs.

A. relax

B. relate

C. request 12. The question is worth_______ again. B. discussed

C. to discuss

D. discuss

13. Mary’s dress is similar in design_______ her sister’s.

A. with


B. like D. as

14. Lisa had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ________.

A. intention

C. purpose

D. desire{专科英语二作业}.

15. Elderly people_______ best to a calm and unhurried environment .

A. response

B. reply

C. answe 16. In much of the animal world, night is the time ______ for sleep—pure and simple. B. set down

C. set off

D. set up

17. Many people often_______that they can’t find true love.

A. talk

B. speak D. quarrel

18. It is very_______to be interrupted by advertisement at intervals(间隔).

A. annoyed C. being annoyed

D. to annoy

19. How did the soldiers_______that order of the officer?

A. try out

B. look out

C. take out 20. people appreciate_______with him because he has a good sense of humor.

A. to work C. to have worked

D. having worked

21. I don’t usually like staying at_______hotels, but last summer I spent a few days at_______very nice hotel by_______sea.

A. the,the,/

C. the,the,the

D. the,a,the 22. In the district there are two glass_______and one chemical_______.

A. works,work

B. works,works

C. factories,work

D. work,work

23. Tony is going camping with_______ boys.

A. little two othe

B. two little othe

C. two other little

D. little other two

24. Tim has more foreign stamps than_______ in his class.

A. other any boy

B. other any boys

C. any other boys

D. any other boy

25. It was not until 1920_______ regular radio broadcasts began.

A. while

B. which

D. since

26. The mother_______ the disappointed child and then promised to take him to the cinema as soon as it stopped raining.

A. smoothed

B. tracked

D. settled

27. In the middle of the grass stands a little board that_______ “No Parking”.

A. is read

B. advised

D. hopes

28. Here’s my card. Let’s keep in_______.

B. relation

C. connection

D. friendship

29. After she_______ her shopping list, she found she had forgotten to buy some sugar. B. examined

C. tested

D. saw

30. Up to now, scientists have not found out how to_______ patient of that disease. B. treat

C. deal with

D. get rid of

Part II Reading Comprehension(每小题4分,共10小题,满分40分)

Directions:There are five questions in each passage. You are required to complete each question by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D)。此部分共有两篇短文。每篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案选项。

Passage 1

Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. People use money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of other things we need or want. When they work, they usually get paid in money. Lots of the money today is made of paper. But people used to use all kinds of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was shells. Shells were not the only things used as money.

In China, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money for a long time. Some Africans once used elephant tusks, monkey tails, and salt as money.

The first metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the center. Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money. Later, countries began to make coins of gold and silver.

But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. They began




1.We could be starving ____[1]__________!

2.______[2]______________ have another drink?

3.____[3]_________? It's your responsibility now! 4.____[4]_____________ what she thinks?

5.Quite honestly, I _____[5]___________ what happened.

6.She called to talk about her new house, _____[6]_________! I.Word Choice: Direction: Select the most appropriate word to complete the following

所选答I.Word Choice: Direction: Select the most appropriate word to complete the 案: following sentences.(请辨析相近的词组或短语,见下例)

1.We could be starving ____ A. for all somebody care (全然不在乎;无动于衷)__________!

2.______ C. would you care to______________ have another drink?

3.____ B. What do somebody care? (管它呢;谁管呢)_________? It's your

responsibility now!

4.____ D. who cares_____________ what she thinks?

5.Quite honestly, I _____

F. couldn’t care less___________ what


6.She called to talk about her new house, _____ E. as if I cared_________!

(Unit 2)

7. Don't lose your air tickets or hotel [7]____________.

8. Internet [8]___________ typically provide for reduced cost or free shipping, a spec ific dollar or percentage discount, or some other offer to encourage consumers to purchase specific products or to purchase from specific retailers.

9. I had a [9]______________ for $1 off the purchase of my favorite breakfast cereal.

10. I was given one meal [10]_______________ that I could use for a meal in the dini

ng room during my stay at the hotel.

11. To qualify for the discount, please present your Privilege Shopping Card with the

[11]______________ below.

12. Only one discount [12]______________ is valid per order.

13. We will only credit you with a refund for a transaction if we receive a refund [13]


(Unit 2) 7. Don't lose your air tickets or hotel A. voucher____________. 8. Internet B.

coupon___________ typically provide for reduced cost or free shipping, a specif: ic dollar or percentage discount, or some other offer to encourage consumers to

purchase specific products or to purchase from specific retailers.

9. I had a B.

coupon______________ for $1 off the purchase of my favorite breakfast cereal.

10. I was given one meal A.

voucher_______________ that I could use for a meal in the dining room during

my stay at the hotel.

11. To qualify for the discount, please present your Privilege Shopping Card with t

he B. coupon______________ below.

12. Only one discount A. voucher______________ is valid per order.

13. We will only credit you with a refund for a transaction if we receive a refund

A. voucher______________.

(Unit 4)

14. Before you get your car insurance, you should [14] that form and provide so

me information.

15. When you are happy about yourself you won't need to [15] with food.

16. You should go to a pharmacy to[16] .

17. That's not a career. She's just [17] as far as I can see, until she gets married.

18. This football season [18] of people who are crazy about football.

19. Don't forget to [19] your boarding card. 20. The program helps [20] among teenagers for practical advice about drugs. 21. We've got to [21] before the show. Let's go for a drink.


答案: (Unit 4) 14. Before you get your car insurance, you should B. fill

in that form and provide some information.

15. When you are happy about yourself you won't need to A. fill

(yourself) up with food.

16. You should go to a pharmacy to E. fill a

prescription .

17. That's not a career. She's just C. fill

time as far as I can see, until she gets married.

18. This football season D. fill a

need of people who are crazy about football.

19. Don't forget to B. fill in your boarding card.

20. The program helps D. fill a

need among teenagers for practical advice about drugs.

21. We've got to C. fill time before the show. Let's go for a drink.

(Unit 5)

22. The project is well [22]_______________ to being finished.

23. She's the professor? [23]_______________!

24. My roommate is into computers [24]_______________.

25. I'm with you [25]_______________ on that issue.

26. [26]_______________! You have done a terrific job in that match!"

27. Jenny [27]_______________ little babies. 28. This meeting [28]_______________ the Civil Rights Movement.


案: (Unit 5) 22. The project is well F. on the way_______________ to being finished.

23. She's the professor? C. no way_______________!

24. My roommate is into computers E. pave the way


25. I'm with you A. all the way_______________ on that issue.

26. D. way to

go_______________! You have done a terrific job in that match!"

27. Jenny B. have a way with_______________ little babies.

28. This meeting G. in a big

way_______________ the Civil Rights Movement.

(Unit 6)

29. —I have no idea what to buy for my mom's birthday.

—Oh, come on, [29] ______________.

30. —How was your trip to Bahamas?

—Fabulous! Just [30]______________...Ocean, sand and sun all day long.

31. —

I don't know what to write in this paper.

—[31]____________. What do you know about the subject?

32. —What should I give my girlfriend for her birthday?

—Oh, Mike, [32]________________.

33. —Mom, how could I persuade father to buy me a laptop?

—Honey, [33]_______________.{专科英语二作业}.

所选答(Unit 6)


29. —I have no idea what to buy for my mom's birthday.

—Oh, come on, A. use your imagination ______________.

30. —How was your trip to Bahamas?

—Fabulous! Just C.

imagine______________...Ocean, sand and sun all day long.

31. —I don't know what to write in this paper.

— B. use your

brain____________. What do you know about the subject?

32. —What should I give my girlfriend for her birthday?

—Oh, Mike, A. use your imagination________________.

33. —Mom, how could I persuade father to buy me a laptop?

—Honey, B. use your brain_______________.

II. E-C Translation: 34. (Unit 1) When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

所选答案: B.


所选答案: A. 35. (Unit 2) Which period of your life would you want to skip over?


III. Judgements:

Unit 3: Decide which function the following computer-related expre ssions show.

问题 所选匹配


To ask about computer o



To talk about problems

with a computer

To surf the Internet, you need to start a browser and open a (

navigation) window. C. To talk about the Intern

et How do I set up the printer? B.

To ask about computer o

peration A.

To talk about problems

with a computer I can't log on (or log in) to the computer. A.

To talk about problems

with a computer C. ed modem/broadband service. To talk about the Intern

et How do I pull down the menu? B.

To ask about computer o

peration A.

To talk about problems

with a computer cations that you will use most frequently

B. To ask about computer operation A.

To talk about problems

with a computer B.

To ask about computer o

peration C. To talk about the Intern

et A.

To talk about problems

with a computer B.

To ask about computer o


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