
热门资讯  点击:   2016-01-09





Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (22.5 marks)

Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question. You will hear each conversation TWICE.

Conversation 1

1. What is the boy doing?

A. Reviewing his lessons in school. B. Studying at home. C. Taking the final exam.

2. What will the woman do when she gets home?

A. Help the boy do his homework.

B. Give the boy a present.

C. Check the boy’s homework.

Conversation 2

3. What is the woman’s reason for not going out with the man?

A. She needs to wash her hair. B. She isn’t feeling well. C. She needs to have her hair cut.

4. What do we know about the man?

A. He’ll see a movie with the woman tomorrow night.

B. He washes his hair every night.

C. He hasn’t won the woman’s heart yet.


5. How long does the man ask the woman to wait?

A. At least one week B. At most one week{七年级英语全品作业本答案}.

6. What will the woman do next?

A. Go to another shop.


7. Why doesn’t Michael have good fiends in his class?

A. They have different interests.

B. His classmates don’t have much spare time.

C. It’s difficult to get along with his classmates.

8. What does Michael like?

A. Music. B. Sports. C. Reading.

9. How did he get to know the boys from the other classes?

A. His neighbors are in those classes. B. Wait for the man’s call. C. Try on another pair of boots. C. At least one month

B. They attend the same club.

Conversation 5

10. Where is the gas station? C. He has the same teachers with them.

A. To the left. B. Next to the bank. C. Across from the post-office.

11. How will the man pay for the gas?

A. By credit card. B. By cash. C. By check.

12. What does the woman suggest the man buy?{七年级英语全品作业本答案}.

A. Some postcards. B. Some souvenirs. C. A map.

Conversation 6

13. What are the speakers going to do tonight?

A. See a movie.

A. Chinese food. B. Have a meeting. C. Attend a party. B. Mexican food. C. American food. 14. What kind of food does the woman prefer?

15. What do we know about Tina?

A. She lives in the city.

B. She is a humorous and nice girl.

C. She and the woman went to the same school.

Section B (7.5 marks)

Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

You will hear the short passage TWICE.

Weather in England

Ⅰ. A forever topic

●People often talk about the weather because they can experience 16 in the same day. Ⅱ. Summer or winter

●You may see the British go 17 in winter and wear 18 in summer.

Ⅲ. Just in case

●They always take an umbrella or 19 with them even when it is 20 .


Part II Language Knowledge (45 marks)

Section A (15 marks) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and

D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

21. When Li Lei was a small child, he hoped to be ______ policeman after he grew up and finally his dream came true.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

22. More and more foreigners are working in China, ______?

A. are they B. aren’t they C. do they D. don’t they

23. The day before yesterday, I ______ one of my old friends in the street.

A. meet B. met C. will meet D. have met

24. ______ he did was quite right.

A. That B. Which C. What D. Who

25. I failed in the examination last week and I regret _____________ hard.

A. not to study B. did not study C. have not studied D. not studying

26. When hearing the good news, both the child and the mother ______ very happy.

A. wasn’t B. were C. is D. aren’t

27. Don’t make any noise. The baby _________.

A. sleep B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. slept

28. His tired face suggested that he ________ really tired after the long walk.

A. had been B. was C. be D. should be A. that B. which C. whose D. its

said they were forced to practise the piano. 29. Do you live near the building ______ color is yellow? 30. A great number of students

A. to question B. to be questioned C. questioning D. questioned

31. Follow your teacher’s advice, __________ you will catch up with your classmates.

A. or B. and C. as

D. it

C. learned D. learn D. but 32. I think_____ necessary for a student to master a foreign language. A. its B. this C. that 33. We __________3,000 English words by the end of last year. A. have learned

A. would

B. had learned 34. You _________ pay more attention to your spelling next time. B. should C. will D. shall B. Dressing; noticing 35. _____ in her best suit, the girl tried to make herself _____ at the party. A. Dressed; noticed C. Dressed; noticing D. Dressing; noticed

Section B (18 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B,

C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. I will have many things to do in my future. I want to have a beautiful home and a good car. I want to get married and have children ... I want to join different clubs and organizations. I want to 36 children in trouble. I want to 37 around the world and see different places and different cultures.

How can I do these things? If I 38 go to college, I will leave high school and begin

40 time to

41 a great

42 I won’t working in a difficult 39 for little pay. I may work longer hours. I will have look for a wife and get married. Children are out of the question because they amount of time and money. I won’t be able to have a holiday to see the world have any paid vacation.

However, 43 I can go to college, I will begin my life in the city I like. I can learn in and out of the classroom about the new and exciting ideas of technology. I can grow into a responsible adult. I can join college organizations, show my children 46 44 new people, and have fun as well. I can 45 to receive my degrees and work where I want to work. I will be able to have the time and children, without 47 about money. And I will be able to travel around the world.

36. A. have B. help C. accept D. catch

37. A. show B. build

39. A. job C. travel D. clean[ D. can’t 38. A. could B. will C. can

40. A. more B. less

41. A. need B. save{七年级英语全品作业本答案}.

42. A. unless B. after

43. A. So

44. A. ask B. If important knowledge is. I can find the wife of my dreams and have B. work C. money D. chance C. longer D. fewer C. have D. make C. when D. because C. Only D. Suddenly

C. name D. scene

C. how

C. talking D. when D. worrying B. miss C. meet D. teach 45. A. ability B. space 46. A. what B. which 47. A. worry B. worried

Section C (12 marks) Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. Today we read a passage about “dying to be thin”. It was about a Canadian actress 48 had to go to hospital because she took some weigh-loss pills. She lost 7kg in 2 months. 49 , the pills{七年级英语全品作业本答案}.

contained something that causes liver failure, so she had to get 50 new liver. A young Chinese man donated more than half of his liver to save 51 life.

Recently, my cousin learned about a new weight-loss pill 52 she really wants to try it. I’ve told her the story of the actress, but she won’t listen. She’s only 12, but has become a girl who is worried 53 her figure and how she looks. She often refuses to eat. My aunt is worried that my cousin will buy the pills in secret. She says health is 54 . She thinks that children must eat properly as they are growing all the time. What do you think I should do? 55 cousin?

Part III Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C and

D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.


Food British people like good food, and more than half of them go to a restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular---30% of all adults have a hamburger every three months, but 46% have fish and chips!


British people don’t do a lot of sports. Only 17% of people go swimming every week, about 9% go cycling and 8% play golf--- and only 6% of people play football (but 32% go to watch it). Cinema and TV Films are very popular in Britain, and about 60% of the young people go to the cinema every month. At home, men watch TV for about three hours every day ---30 minutes more than women.

Holidays British people love going on holiday, and have 56 holidays every year. Most of these holidays aren’t spent in the UK---27% are in Spain. 10% are in the USA, and 9% are in France. Maybe this is because the weather in Britain isn’t very good!


British people don’t send others expensive presents like other Europeans. They often send chocolates, wine and flowers of good quality.

56. Which food could be more popular among British adults, a hamburger or fish and chips?

A. A hamburger. B. Fish and chips. C. Both. D. Neither.

57. Those who are interested in movies are _____. can I help my




一. 1. A 2. A 二. 1. behaved 7. visitor 8. walkmans

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. C

10. D

2. western 9. saving

3. aunt 10. end

4. built

5. bad

6. returns

三. 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. D 四. 1. on 2. By 3. longest 4. also 5. in ; in 6. by 7. of 8. about 9. on 10. in 11. take 12. on 13. to 14. to 15. for 五. 1. was 2. Did ; call 3. went ; was 4. had 5. went 6. bought 7. are called 8. make 9. was found 10. to make 11. feet 12. more 13. to cook 14. stop 15. hundred 六.

1. shouldn’t do 2. No , needn’t 3. Where does ; come 4. Where do 5. Yes ; do 6. look after ; well

7. Would ; like some 8. enjoyed themselves 9. more than 10. turn off 11. Where is ; going 12. aren’t many 13. should do 14. watches ; home ; seven 15. going ; make 16. What does ; you to do 17. in 18. don’t ; can 七. 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 八. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9.

B 10. A 九. animals ; Sure ; deer ; monkeys ; trying ; to do ; friends ; animals ; northeast ; fly ; south ; pandas ; southwest ; also ; fast



{七年级英语全品作业本答案}. {七年级英语全品作业本答案}.



一、完形填空 (10%)

通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 George Wilson was the owner of a watch shop. One day he told his son James, “I’ll teach you all I know about watches.”

For the first few weeks, James 1 the front of the shop. He worked hard

2 was helpful to the customers ( 顾客 ). George was very pleased with (对…很满意)him. 3 about six months, James said to his father, “Is there anything else you want to teach me?” “Yes,” said George, “It’s time for me to teach you how to make 4 . ”

“I know that,” said James, “You buy watches at one price and sell them at 5 price. That’s how we get so much money.”

“That’s true. 6 we don’t make most of the money from it.” He 7 a watch from the counter(柜台). “What do you think of this watch?”

“That’s a cheap watch. We can only get a few dollars from 8 it.”

“You are 9 , my son, ” George said, “Those cheap ones get more money to us than any other watch in the shop.”

“I don’t understand,” James said.

“Because they are really cheap, they are always breaking, and we make our money from fixing(修理) 10 .”

( )1. A. looked for B. looked at C. looked after )2. A .and B. but C. or )3. A. Before B. Soon C. After )4. A. money B. watches )5. A. the same C. clocks C. a lower B. a higher )6. A. But B. So C. And )7. A. picked up B. put up C. pulled up C. repairing )8. A. buying B. selling )9. A. right B. wrong C. clever )10. A. it B. them C. one

二、. 阅读理解(10%) Mr. White worked in an office in London, but he lived in the country and came to work by train every day. The station was not very far from his office, and he always went on foot from the station to his office and back from his office to the station. Every evening he walked past a poor

man near a bridge. The man sat at the road and sold matches( 火柴 ), and there was a dog near him. There was a piece of wood round the dog’s neck, and the words “ I AM BLIND ” were on the piece of wood.{七年级英语全品作业本答案}.

Mr. White was a kind man. He always stopped and gave a penny( 便士) to the man, but he did not take any of his matches. One day, Mr. White had a lot of work in his office and left the office very late. He came to the man and his dog, but he did not stop. The poor man stood up quickly, ran after him and said, “ You’re always very kind to me . Give me a penny today. I’m a poor man.”

Mr. White stopped and he was surprised(奇怪的). Then he said, “ You’re a blind man. How did you see me?”

The poor man said, “ No, I’m not blind. My dog is.”

( )1. Mr. White lived in __________. A. London B. the city near London C. the country near London D. the country not far from his office )2. Mr. White went to his office ___________. A. by train C. on foot B. first by train and then on foot D. first on foot and then by train )3. Every evening Mr. White passed a poor man near a bridge _________. A. on his way to work B. on the way to his office C. on his way home by train D. on his way home )4. One day Mr. White did not stop and give the poor man a penny because ______. A. he did not like the man C. he worked too late B. he was afraid of the dog D. he hurried to catch the train )5. What is the Chinese for “ blind ” ?

B. 聋的 C. 瞎的 D. 哑的 A. 看见的

Ex3:complete the sentences:

1. 他经常走路上班 He often ______________________


Travelling by air___________________________________

3. 山上有数百万棵树 ____________________________________ on the hill.

4 你喜欢什么奥运运动?

What ______________________do you like?


___________________________ running and cycling.


Listening to rock music ___________________ than listening to _______________.




I often take a t___________ to work.

2.In the m____________ world, English is more and more useful.

3. Don’t walk c__________ to me any more.

4. His home is the f__________ of us



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