经典语录大全 点击: 2015-04-17
Media April Fool's Day Ten classic prank
From television revealing that spaghetti grows on trees to advertisements for the left-handed burger, the tradition of April Fool's Day stories in the media has a weird and wonderful history.
Here are several of the top ten April Fool's Day pranks ever pulled off, as judged by the US website of Museum of Hoaxes for their notoriety, absurdity, and number of people duped.{三年级扫墓作文}.
Swiss spaghetti harvest tops the hoax list. In 1957, a BBC television show announced that thanks to a mild winter and the virtual elimination of the spaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers were enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop.
Footage of Swiss farmers pulling strands of spaghetti from trees prompted a barrage of calls from people wanting to know how to grow their own spaghetti at home.
Instant color TV sets in Sweden comes as the third. Sweden in 1962 had only one television channel, which broadcast in black and white. The station's technical expert appeared on the news to announce that thanks to a newly developed technology, viewers could convert their existing sets to receive color pictures by pulling a nylon stocking over the screen.
US ex-president Nixon's comeback is placed at sixth. In 1992, US National Public Radio announced that Richard Nixon was running for president again. His new campaign slogan was, "I didn't do anything wrong, and I won't do it again." They even had clips of Nixon announcing his candidacy. Listeners flooded the show with calls expressing their outrage. Nixon's voice actually turned out to be that of impersonator Rich Little.
In 1998, a newsletter titled New Mexicans for Science and Reason carried an
article that the state of Alabama had voted to change the value of pi from
3.14159 to the "Biblical value" of 3.0.
Burger King, an American fast-food chain, published a full-page{三年级扫墓作文}.
advertisement in USA Today in 1998 announcing the introduction of the "Left-Handed Whopper," specially designed for the 32 million left-handed
Americans. According to the advertisement, the new burger included the same ingredients as the original, but the condiments were rotated 180 degrees. The chain said it received thousands of requests for the new burger, as well as orders for the original "right-handed" version.
Discover Magazine announced in 1995 that a highly respected biologist, Aprile Pazzo (Italian for April Fool), had discovered a new species in Antarctica: the hotheaded naked ice borer. The creatures were described as having bony plates on their heads that became burning hot, allowing the animals to bore through ice at high speed.
Noted British astronomer Patrick Moore announced on the radio in 1976 that at 9:47 am, a once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event, in which Pluto would pass behind Jupiter, would cause a gravitational alignment that would reduce the Earth's gravity. Moore told listeners that if they jumped in the air at the exact moment of the planetary alignment, they would experience a floating sensation. Hundreds of people called in to report feeling the sensation.
celebrate April Fools' Day
In the 16th century, people celebrated New Year's Day from March 25 to April
1. In the mid—1560s King Charles IX changed it from March 25 to January 1. But some people still celebrated in on April 1, so others called them April Fools. Each country celebrates April Fools' Day differently. In France, people call the
April Fools “April Fish”. They tape a paper fish to their friends' backs to fool them. When he or she finds this , they shout “April Fish!”
In England, people play jokes only in the morning. You are a “noodle” if
someone fools you. In Scotland, April Fools' Day is 48 hours long. They call an April Fool “April Gowk”. Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.
In the America, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of Aprol. They may point down to your shoe and say, “ Your shoelace is untied.” If you believe them and look down to see, you are an April Fool then. 愚人节英语作文800字
April Fools'Day:A Great Trick
April 1st or"April Fools' Day" is a day of trickery? in the United States. Young students to older professionals? will use this day as a time to play funny tricks? on their fellow students and colleagues?. While sometimes these tricks get a bit mean, the day is really meant for playing light-hearted jokes on other people. One of the best April Fools' jokes I have ever seen was at my university. My English professor? came into the class two days after we had all taken an exam and said"I have some very bad news for everyone. It seems that either I am not a good teacher or no one in this class is studying hard enough. I regret ?to inform? you that everyone in this class has failed the exam." Since this was one of three major? exams we had to take in the class, failing the test meant that our final? grades would be very low. Everyone in the class had this near death look on their face?. The rest of the class - 45 minutes to be exact?- everyone just sat shocked? waiting for the period to end. Just to note, I had studied several days for the exam and felt confident? I was going to do very well.
At the end of the class, our English professor said, “You guys? need to study
harder next time. This class is not a joke." With that everyone walked out not saying a word. Later that evening, I checked? my universities telephone message system? and there was a message from my professor. I was really nervous? thinking that he would ask me to visit him in his office (maybe I did worse than everyone else I thought).
I clicked #1 on the message system? and waited to hear what he had to say. His message was simple,"April Fools' Ladies and Gentleman. I can't believe you all feel for it. Hahaha. You all did well on the exam and I am proud of? you. Hahaha!"
Happy April Fools' Day Everyone!{三年级扫墓作文}.
The History of April Fools Day
"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." --Mark Twain
How do you think April Fools' Day originated? Did some joker in biblicaltimes decide to switch the frankincense and the myrrh? Was there a historicepidemic of spring fever-tomfoolery in a tiny Finnish town in the early1800s? Did a New Yorker in 1910 find a cockroach in his coffee cup anddecide to recreate the experience for his officemate, thereby sparking afamous April 1 lawsuit? In a convincing testimonial to the saying thattruth is stranger than fiction, we'll tell you the story, or at leastpresent the most viable theory, of how April Fools' Day came to be.{三年级扫墓作文}.
Once upon a time, back in 16th-century France, before computers, people celebrated New Year's Day on March 25, the advent of spring. It was afestive time. They partied steadily until April 1. In 1564, when the calendar reformed and became Gregorian, King Charles IXproclaimed, perhaps pompously, that
New Year's Day should be celebrated on January 1 instead of in the spring. Diehard conservatives resisted the change (or perhaps didn't hear about it due to the absence of e-mail) and continued to celebrate New Year's from March 25 to April 1. During this period of spring festivity, the more flexible French mocked the rigidrevelers by sending them foolish gifts and invitations to non-existent parties. The victim of an April Fools' Day prank was called a "poisson d'avril," or an "April fish," because at that time of year, the sun was leaving thezodiacal sign of Pisces. April Fools' Day hit its stride (avoiding thebanana peel) in England in the 18th century, and was brought to colonial America by the English, Scottish, and French. No fooling.
About April Fools Day
What is April Fools Day and how did it begin? Well, that is a very good question. The origin of this holiday is rather uncertain. However, the common belief holds that during the reformation of the calendar the date for the New Year was moved from April 1st to January 1st. During that time in history there was no television and no radio so word spread slowly. There were also those who chose to simply ignore the change and those who merely forgot. These people were considered "fools" and invitations to non-existent parties and other practical jokes were played on them. "All Fools' Day" is practiced in many parts of the world with practical jokes and sending people on a fool's errand.
Another thought is that the origin began with the celebrations of the Spring Equinox. While some believe it has to do the a Roman festival known as Hilaria, the end of the Celtic new year.
In Scotland, April Fools Day lasts 48 hours, day two is know as Taily Day and pranks involving the posterior are played. The victim of the practical joke is
一大早,妈妈就把我叫醒了,对我说快起床,穿好衣服,今天我们要上山去挂亲,快一点。我半睡半醒的听着,又迷糊睡了一会。十几分钟以后,我们全副武装,下楼啦。 我刚上车,就闻到一种车的味道,简直不想走了,一闻到这种味道我就想吐,唉,没有办法,我爱晕车,从小就这样,不管妈妈和三姨怎么努力,带我坐了无数次车,说是锻炼,可是,每一次,都是以我半路下车跑步,最后难受的结束旅程。坐车还是晕,看见车还是畏惧。妈妈过来对我说:老丹江不远的,就在马家屯这座山后面,去吧,坚持一点,给老祖公磕个头,叫他们保佑你。 车子开动了,朝着凯里方向出发,不一会就过了固鲁村,拐了一个弯,又过了一座桥,我们来到了山脚下。开始走山路了,只看见陡峭陡峭的山路,沿着山上蜿蜒盘旋,像一条彩带,因为都是石子路面,坐在车子里面,颠簸的车让你感觉就像坐摇摇车一样的,甚至更厉害,可真好玩,我都忘了晕车。往窗外望去,哇,我发现,这山坡上的花很美丽也很奇怪,有的开了三四朵;有的开了七八朵;有的居然只有花朵,没有叶子;还有的就像一朵棉花挂在树上一样。山上空气非常新鲜,一阵阵清风吹来,又凉快又清新,还有淡淡的泥土和花香的味道呢。 终于到达了目的地,下车啦,妈妈安排我就留在老祖太的坟上等她们,因为去老祖公坟上的小路很不好走,我没有同意,就缠着妈妈,想跟着妈妈一起,妈妈没有办法,就答应我了。然后我跟着妈妈还有大家一起。去老祖公的坟还得上一个小土坡,这一路,可辛苦了,因为也都是泥石小路,路面很滑,也很窄,偶尔会摔一下,每一次摔跤,手都会碰上路边的刺,好痛啊! 终于到了坟前,我已经累坏了,不顾一切的坐在了草地上,看着妈妈和家人把在家里准备好的鸡肉,猪肉,炒菜什么的,规规整整的摆在坟前,还有酒呢。然后,妈妈叫我去给老祖公烧香磕头,我按照妈妈的吩咐磕头了,还偷偷在心里许愿了呢。刚起身,我又想爸爸因为忙不能来,我就代替他又多了磕两个头,我希望老祖公保佑爸爸,保佑我们全家都开开心心的。 今天,我很开心,因为我为家人求福啦!贵州黔东南雷山县丹江小学三年级:陈明浩