写作指导 点击: 2014-11-16
摘要: 有关托福TPO综合写作和独立写作的内容我们已经为大家介绍了不少,已经接近了尾声,不知道大家复习的怎么样了?今天我们陆续为大家爱介绍接下来的三篇文章:托福写作综合写作TPO23-25,需要的考生抓紧时间下载啦!
托福 TPO24综合写作 阅读材料:
Animal fossils usually provide very little opportunity to study the actual animal tissues because in fossils the animals' living tissues have been largely replaced by minerals. Thus, scientists were very excited recently when it appeared that a 70-million-year-old fossil of Tyrannosaurus rex (T.rex), a dinosaur, might still contain remains of the actual tissues of the animal. The discovery was made when researchers deliberately broke open the T. rex ’ s leg bone, thereby exposing its insides to reveal materials that seem to be remains of blood vessels, red blood cells, and collagen matrix.
动物化石很难帮助人们研究动物的软组织,这是因为化石里面的动物活性组织大部分都被矿物质代替了。最近,发现一个 7 千万年前的霸王龙化石中可能存在真正的动物软组织。这令科学家们非常兴奋。科学家小心翼翼地打开了霸王龙腿骨的时候,发现里面存在着可能为血管、血红细胞和胶原蛋白基质的物质。
First, the breaking of the fossilized leg bone revealed many small branching channels inside,which probably
correspond to hollows in the bones where blood vessels were once located. The exciting finding was the presence of a soft, flexible organic substance inside the channels. This soft substance may very well represent the remains of the actual blood vessels of T. rex.
Second, microscopic examination of the various parts of the inner bone revealed the presence of spheres that could be the remains of red blood cells. Tests showed that the spheres contained iron – a material vital to the role of red blood cells in transporting oxygen to tissues. Moreover, the spheres had dark red centers (substances with iron tend to be reddish in color) and were also about the size of red blood cells.
Third, scientists performed a test on the dinosaur leg bone that showed that it contained collagen.Collagen is a
fibrous protein that is a main component of living bone tissue, in which it forms a so-called collagen matrix. Collagen (or its chemical derivatives) is exactly the kind of biochemical material that one would expect to find in association with bone tissue.
托福TPO24综合写作 阅读部分需要提取的观点是:
- Main point: 科学家在研究霸王龙腿骨化石的时候,发现里面存在着可能为血管、血红细胞
- Sub point 1: 化石中有血管
- Sub point 2: 化石中有血红细胞
- Sub point 3: 化石中有胶原蛋白
托福TPO24综合写作 听力材料:
As much as we would like to have the remains of actual dinosaur tissue, there are sound reasons for being skeptical of the identifications made in the reading.
First, the soft, flexible substance inside the bone channels isn ’ t necessarily the remains of blood vessels. It is much more likely to be something else. Like what? You might say. Well, long after an organism is died, bacteria sometimes colonize hollows, empty areas in bones, like the channels that once held blood vessels. When bacteria lived inside
bones, they often leave behind traces of organic material. What the researchers in the reading are identifying as blood vessels might just be traces of soft and moist residue left by bacteria colonies.
首先,骨管内柔软而有延展性的物质不一定就是血管的化石。它更大的可能性是别的东西。那是什么呢?你们可能会问。恩,在有机体死亡很久之后,细菌可能会聚集在骨骼里的空洞 的地方,比如那些曾经是血管存在的地方。当细菌在骨骼内部繁殖后,细菌常常会留下有机物质的痕迹。在阅读部分,研究人员鉴定为血管的物质很可能就是细菌繁殖后留下的湿软残渣的痕迹。
All right. What about the iron-filled spheres? Well, the problem is that scientists found identical reddish spheres in fossils of other animals found in the same place. That includes fossils of primitive animals that did not have any red blood cells when they were alive. Clearly, if these spheres appear in organisms that did not have any red blood cells, then the spheres cannot be the remains of red blood cells. The spheres probably have a very different origin. They are probably just pieces of reddish mineral.
hird, the collagen. The problem is that we have never found collagen in animal remains that are older than one hundred thousand years. Collagen probably cannot last longer than that. Finding collagen from an animal that lived seventy million years ago would really contradict our ideas about how long collagen can last. It is just too improbable. The most likely explanation for the presence of collagen is that it doesn ’ t come from the T.rex, but from another much
more recent source. For example, human skin contains collagen, so the collagen may have come from the skin of the researchers who are handling the bone.
托福TPO24综合写作 听力部分需要提取的观点是:
- Main point: 阅读部分的发现是值得怀疑的
- Sub point 1: 细菌会侵袭死亡有机体,研究人员鉴定为血管的部分可能是细菌的遗迹
- Sub point 2: 含铁红色球状物在其他没有血红细胞的动物化石中也有发现,可能是矿物颗粒
- Sub point 3: 胶原蛋白不可能存在那么长时间,很可能来自于研究人员
托福TPO24综合写作 例文(仅供参考)
The reading passage points out three evidences that indicate the existence of actually tissue in dinosaur fossil.
However, the professor doubts the accuracy of these evidences. In fact, he offers some alternative explanations for the substances found in the fossil.
First and foremost, he challenges the existence of blood vessels. Instead, he points out that bacteria may occupy the hollows inside the bones. Therefore, it is highly possible that the soft substance in the branching channels of the bone is the moist residue of bacteria, rather than blood vessels of the dinosaur.
Moreover, the professor casts doubt about the red substance in sphere, which according to the reading passage is the remain of red blood cells. In fact, the professor claims that this red substance was also found in some other animals, which lived in the same place but had no red blood vessels at all. The professor argues that the sphere can be pieces of red minerals.{tpo24写作范文}.
Additionally, the professor doubts the existence of collagen in the fossil. On the contrary to the reading passage, he points out that the earliest collagen that has ever found is in fossils 100000 ago. It is unlikely for collagen to last for more than 70 million years.As a result, the professor suggests that the collagen may come from recent sources, such as the skin of researchers who handed the fossil.
以上就是为大家介绍的托福综合写作TPO24的内容, 托福写作 成绩不高的学生一定要吃透这些内容,托福tpo里面包含的托福写作类型设计了真题中考到了几乎所有的类型,是我们托福写作最佳资料。老话重提,你可以通过扫描页面中的二维码。加入我们的 小马 21天免费体验班,对于你备考中出现的各种问题,他们都会为你第一时间解答,能够有效的帮助你提高自己的托福写作成绩。
摘要: 托福TPO写作是非常好的托福备考资料,同学们用它来了解托福考试题型,从而检验自己的真实水平,下面是小马过河整理的托福TPO24独立写作范文(含题目),供大家参考。
托福 TPO24独立写作题目
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
One of the best ways that parents can help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take a part-time job.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Sample Responses
Modern technological development has made our lives faster than ever before. Under this circumstance, people nowadays tend to live with a faster pace, and people are now concern more about efficiency. As a result, doing things slowly and making almost everything correctly seems to be sort of out of date. In a modern society, people should, I believe, work at a higher speed and risk taking mistakes.
As I’ve mentioned in the first paragraph, the development of modern technology has made our life faster than ever before. With the assistance of modern techniques, we consequently should work faster than ever before. For instance, in the old days people made their own clothes by hand. But now, machines in the factories have made sewing and weaving at a great speed and of great quality. We do not have to waste any time doing cumbersome works because of modern technology. Therefore, why should we insist to work at a slow pace instead of enjoying the convenience that is brought by technology?
Another important aspect is, now we are living in a society which develops rapidly. To meet the rapid change and improvement, all of us need to improve our own efficiency. As we can see, almost every factory wants to increase its productivity and almost all the employer wants
employees to generate greater value within the time limitation. Nobody wants to be a loser in the society, so the only way to keep pace with the whole society is to accelerate, which is, working faster.
By then, some people may counters that people may face greater risks of making mistakes. Admittedly, it is highly possible for us to make mistakes when working at a high speed. But in fact, we human beings always make mistakes, so even if we work as slowly and carefully as possible, we still risk making errors. However, by taking the advantage of modern technology and high self-efficiency, we can do our work more precisely than ever before.
All in all, in today’s world, people should work at a higher speed. It is so important that everyone in a modern society should be like that. It is a general tendency of our world.
以上就是 小马 小编整理的托福TPO24独立写作范文(含题目),希望考生们可以认真学习。如果想了解最新 托福考试 资讯,请关注 小马过河 托福频道,关于本文有任何疑问,都可以和小马过河专家联系。
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TPO24写作 题目
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Contents .............................................................................................................. 1
TPO 软件免费版下载 .......................................................................................... 2
Integrated Writing ............................................................................................... 3
Writing 2 ............................................................................................................. 3
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Integrated Writing
Reading materials: Animal fossils usually provide very little opportunity to study the actual animal tissues, because in fossils the animals' living tissues have been largely replaced by minerals. Thus, scientists were very excited recently when it appeared that a 70-million-year-old fossil of Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex), a dinosaur, might still contain remains of the actual tissues of the animal. The discovery was made when researchers deliberately broke open the T. rex’s leg bone, thereby exposing its insides to reveal materials that seem to be remains of blood vessels, red blood cells, and collagen matrix.
First, the breaking of the fossilized leg bone revealed many small branching channels inside, which probably correspond to hollows in the bones where blood vessels were once located. The exciting finding was the presence of a soft, flexible organic substance inside the channels. This soft substance may very well represent the remains of the actual blood vessels of T. rex.
Second, microscopic examination of the various parts of the inner bone revealed the presence of spheres that could be the remains of red blood cells. Tests showed that the spheres contained iron-a material vital to the role of red blood cells in transporting oxygen to tissues. Moreover, the spheres had dark red centers (substances with iron tend to be reddish in color) and were also about the size of red blood cells.
Third, scientists performed a test on the dinosaur leg bone that showed that it contained collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein that is a main component of living bone tissue, in which it forms a so-called collagen matrix. Collagen (or its chemical derivatives) is exactly the kind of biochemical material that one would expect to find in association with bone tissue.
Writing 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
One of the best ways that parents can help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take a part-time job.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
The lecturer points out three different shortcomings of genetically modified trees. In the aspects of adaptation, economic lucrativeness, and environmental value, they never have overwhelming advantage over natural trees. That means the points made in the reading are partial and biased.
First, genetic modification doesn’t necessarily make a natural tree more resistant to environmental adversities. Although genetic reconstructing may make a species stronger in a specific condition as the reading indicates, the new strain lakes the genetic diversity of a natural species. Thanks to the marginal differences between individuals, there can always be some survivors among natural species following a large
interruption like climate change or pest invasion. But similar changes may cause the distinction of a genetically modified species for their unification in characteristics.
Second, tree farmers don’t get guaranteed economic benefits if they plant genetically new strains. Companies that develop the new plants always charge farmers higher prices for
artificially improved seeds, and receive money from farmers each time they grow the same plant. Such company policies and
law will deprive farmers of the gaining mentioned in the reading.
Third, genetically modified trees don’t promise to protect wild trees. Actually, since they can grow faster with fewer resources, they are more ecologically invasive. Normally they outcompete natural trees by grasping natural resources like sunshine, water and soil. It’s far from the idealistic situation described in the reading.
The lecturer refutes all the seemingly existing shortages of ethanol listed in the reading and holds that ethanol is quite likely a good replacement of gasoline as the future fuel. First, the application of ethanol will not create as much heat as that of gasoline does. Although the burning of ethanol will also generate carbon dioxide, it will not add to the severity of global warming. Since the production of ethanol requires the planting of corns, whose growth in turn requires carbon dioxide as nutrition, the raised amount of the unwanted gas will be offset therewith. This is the situation the reading doesn’t account for.
Second, the production of ethanol doesn’t surely reduce the food supply for farm animals. Because ethanol can be made out of any part of the plant whose cell walls contain cellulose, the cost of the pants’ useful parts can be avoided. This advantage renders the worry of the reading totally unnecessary. Finally, the price of ethanol will be largely reduced if the scale of manufacture increases. According to statistics, if the manufacture scale, following heavier demand of consumers, can be enlarged by three times, its cost will be reduced by forty percents. Under such circumstance, the government subsidies mentioned in the reading shall no longer be needed. TPO23
The lecturer holds that the main reason causing the overall decline in yellow cedar population is not yet decided. The proposed reasons in the reading, though responsible for the poor health of some individual plants, may not account for the decline of the whole species throughout the North American Continent.
First, healthy yellow cedar trees can secret a chemical that is poisonous to insects feeding on its barks. Hence, it is
unlikely that the cedar bark beetle can ever attack a plant before it gets ill or dead. The reading thus finds a misleading causal relationship between the insect and the tree.
Second, bears cannot be blamed for large-scaled dying of yellow cedars across North America, although they might be responsible for the accidental dying for some individual plants. Another condition that can set bears free from this accusation is that yellow cedars growing on bear-free islands are also dying in large numbers. Hereby the reading material fails to spot the primary reason again.
Third, cold climate can neither be blamed for the general failure of cedar population. The proof can be found in the trees’ wider recession in areas of lower elevation, where it’s warmer than on higher elevations. Though cold weather may have made cedars more sensitive, it cannot be the primary killer as the reading indicates.
The lecturer extends possible explanations besides the conclusions made on the newly discovered T. Rex fossil and
suggests that the existing evidences can lead to something other than remaining animal tissues as suggested in the reading.
First, the branching channels in that leg bone can quite likely be the colonies of bacteria, since bacteria always take the hollows in a bone structure and develop themselves following the organic material. And the soft substance inside the
channels can also be the residues of these bacteria colonies, rather than once blood vessels suggested by the reading material.
Second, the reading assumes the reddish spheres found in the bone to be red blood cells, finding credence from their color and size. But fossils of primitive organisms in the same area also contain similar reddish spheres. With the knowledge that such primitive organisms could not yet have evolved red blood cells, there is a good reason to doubt that these spots are only reddish minerals instead of blood cells. The reading again makes an imprudent conclusion here.
Third, not a single sample of collagen found to this date is older than ten thousand years in age. The collagen found in the passage, however, is located in a seventy million-year-old
TPO 24
Animal fossils usually provide very little opportunity to study the actual
animal tissues because in fossils the animals’ living tissues have been largely
replaced by minerals. Thus, scientists were very excited recently when it
appeared that a 70-million-year-old fossil of Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex), a
dinosaur, might still contain remains of the actual tissues of the animal. The
discovery was made when researchers deliberately broke open the T. rex’s leg
bone, thereby exposing its insides to reveal materials that seem to be remains
of blood vessels, red blood cells, and collagen matrix.
First, the breaking of the fossilized leg bone revealed many small branching
channels inside, which probably correspond to hollows in the bones where blood
vessels were once located. The exciting finding was the presence of a soft,
flexible organic substance inside the channels. This soft substance may very
well represent the remains of the actual blood vessels of T. rex.
Second, microscopic examination of the various parts of the inner bone
revealed the presence of spheres that could be the remains of red blood cells.
Tests showed that the spheres contained iron - a material vital to the role of
red blood cells in transporting oxygen to tissues. Moreover, the spheres had
dark red centers (substances with iron tend to be reddish in color) and were
also about the size of red blood cells.
Third, scientists performed a test on the dinosaur leg bone that showed that
it contained collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein that is a main component of
living bone tissue, in which it forms a so-called collagen matrix. Collagen (or
its chemical derivatives) is exactly the kind of biochemical material that one
would expect to find in association with bone tissue.
- Main point: 科学家在研究霸王龙腿骨化石的时候,发现里面存在着可能为血管、血红细胞和胶原蛋白基质的物质。{tpo24写作范文}.
- Sub point 1: 化石中有血管
- Sub point 2: 化石中有血红细胞
- Sub point 3: 化石中有胶原蛋白
As much as we would like to have the remains of actual dinosaur tissue, there
are sound reasons for being skeptical of the identifications made in the
First, the soft, flexible substance inside the bone channels isn’t
necessarily the remains of blood vessels. It is much more likely to be something
else. Like what? You might say. Well, long after an organism is died, bacteria
sometimes colonize hollows, empty areas in bones, like the channels that once
held blood vessels. When bacteria lived inside bones, they often leave behind
traces of organic material. What the researchers in the reading are identifying
as blood vessels might just be traces of soft and moist residue left by bacteria
All right. What about the iron-filled spheres? Well, the problem is that
scientists found identical reddish spheres in fossils of other animals found in{tpo24写作范文}.
the same place. That includes fossils of primitive animals that did not have any
red blood cells when they were alive. Clearly, if these spheres appear in{tpo24写作范文}.
organisms that did not have any red blood cells, then the spheres cannot be the
remains of red blood cells. The spheres probably have a very different origin.
They are probably just pieces of reddish mineral.
Third, the collagen. The problem is that we have never found collagen in
animal remains that are older than one hundred thousand years. Collagen probably
cannot last longer than that. Finding collagen from an animal that lived seventy
million years ago would really contradict our ideas about how long collagen can
last. It is just too improbable. The most likely explanation for the presence of
collagen is that it doesn’t come from the T.rex, but from another much more
recent source. For example, human skin contains collagen, so the collagen may
have come from the skin of the researchers who are handling the bone.{tpo24写作范文}.
- Main point: 阅读部分的发现是值得怀疑的
- Sub point 1: 细菌会侵袭死亡有机体,研究人员鉴定为血管的部分可能是细菌的遗迹
- Sub point 2: 含铁红色球状物在其他没有血红细胞的动物化石中也有发现,可能是矿物颗粒
- Sub point 3: 胶原蛋白不可能存在那么长时间,很可能来自于研究人员
摘要: 托福综合写作分值与独立写作一样,但是却考查学生三方面的能力。听力、阅读、写作,相当于难度,有不少学生托福写作部分失分就在这里,为此本文特别将托福24套TPO综合写作分享给大家,供大家借鉴。
托福 tpo的综合写作题目几乎接近托福真题的难易度,这也是为什么不少学生在考试前总会将tpo熟练掌握、反复练习的原因。 托福写作 综合部分不是很好的学生,更应该如此。
满分范例:Another reason is that modern people are more effective than those in the past. And great efficiency is one fundamental way to success. We are able to make use of many tools increasing productivity today. For instance, the computer plays an important role in our life in terms of efficiency. As I want to search material concerning the “nuclear energy”, all I have to do is to type this term on Google and a great number of sources will pop out on the screen. Given the past, I had to go to the library and bury me a couple of days looking for the information on nuclear energy without the assistance of computers. The distance is conspicuous, thus modern people with advanced
technology would succeed more readily.
平庸范例:Another reason is that the modern people have more efficiency than the past people. The better efficiency is important to success. Today, we may use the computer to improve our efficiency. For example, the computer is very important to our success. When I want to find the “nuclear energy” material, all I need to do is
imputing the word in the google, and then the information will show from the screen. If we lived in the past, we have to go to the library to find the information about the “nuclear energy”, because we have the computer. The difference is very obvious, so the modern people who have high technology would easier to be successful.
首先第一句:优秀范例很赞!Another reason is that modern people are more effective than those in the past.对比平庸范例Another reason is that the modern people have more efficiency than the past people.显然这里的差别只在最后一点,也就是优秀范例写的是in the past,平庸范例写的是the past people。这里的差别主要在于past当做形容词来用的时候表示的是“刚过去的”,或者“以前的”总有一点“按照时间顺序的前面的几位”这样一种感觉,因此实际上,我们很少把它当做形容词来使用,在真正写作文的时候,我们大多数情况下用的还是in the past这种表达方法。
第二句就厉害了。优秀范例写的是And great efficiency is one fundamental way to success.平庸范例写的是The better efficiency is important to success.首先优秀返利的great就比平庸范例的better要好,因为great本身就有一种“比平庸的更好一点”的这种感觉,因此平庸范例的better就显得画蛇添足了。而且优秀范例的one
fundamental way为我们的important开辟了一种新的表达方法,显得比较新颖,因为“更根本性的”方式,也就是“更重要的”方式。
第三句:优秀范例是We are able to make use of many tools increasing productivity today.再来看平庸范例Today, we may use the computer to improve our efficiency.这里的差别主要在于优秀范例用了make use of这个固定搭配。而且人们往往注意不到的是优秀范例还用了非谓语动词increasing,使得整个句子的逻辑性非常的连贯。
第四句优秀范例又发威了For instance, the computer plays an important role in our life in terms of efficiency.对比平庸范例For example, the computer is very important in the efficiency.显然优秀范例的plays an important role这个
固定搭配用的很给力,而且最后的in terms of也是我们平时很难用到的,其实它往往可以直接换用in,但是我们一定要注意使用的语境,往往是表达“在……方面”的时候,才进行换用。
第五句优秀范例也是写的很给力As I want to search material concerning the “nuclear energy”, all I have to do is to type this term on Google and a great number of sources will pop out on the screen.平庸范例则是完败!When I want to find the “nuclear energy” material, all I need to do is imputing the word in the google, and then the information will show from the screen.优秀范例的As这个词不见得高级,但是贵在用词的多样化。然后优秀范例的material concerning the “nuclear energy”表示的是关于核能的相关信息和数据,但是平庸范例的“nuclear energy” material则有可能让人误解是制作核能的原材料。而且优秀范例的term这个词意思是“名词”就显得比平庸范例的“word”更为书面化,也更为准确。最后优秀范例的“pop out”更是显得十分的地道,而且有动感,可以说完胜平庸范例的show这个词。