写作指导 点击: 2013-05-13
1. Music & singing 音乐&唱歌(旧题回库)
2. Evening activities/events晚上活动(素材同讲过的业余时间)
3. Stay at home 待在家里(之前素材的衍生版)
4. Country 祖国(旧题回库,素材可移接)
5. Plant / flowers 植物/鲜花(旧题回库)
6. Noise 噪音(二变一)
7. Walking 步行(旧题回库,素材可移接)
8. Hats帽子 (全新题目,有难度,素材可移接clothes)
9. Art 艺术,含painting画画(旧题回库,素材可移接)
10. Communicating 交流(旧题回库,素材可移接)
11. Gift 礼物(旧题回库)
12. Sunny days (旧题回库,素材可移接)
13. Birthday (旧题回库)
14. Advertisement (旧题回库)
15. Patience(旧题回库,难点题)
House or apartment房子或公寓
study or work学习或工作
public transport (bus)公交
emails and letters邮件和信
outdoor activities户外活动
magazine or newspaper杂志或报纸
An interesting person in your local news?有趣的人
A creative person 有创造力的人
A person you enjoy spending time with 喜欢在一起的人
A person who just moved to a new place to live in 新搬家的人
A leader you admire 钦佩的领导
A situation that you felt a little bit angry 生气
A positive change in your own life 积极改变
A wedding you enjoyed 婚礼
An App or a program 手机应用
An activity you do in school day? 活动
A short journey which you dislike but you often take 不喜欢但常有的短途旅行
An interesting public place / an interesting place that the public want to visit 有趣的公共场所
A place you like most in the city you are living in最喜欢的地方
A mistake you made 错误
Something that is important for your family and you or your family kept for a long time 保留很久的重要之物
An important skill you learned while you were a kid 小时候学的技能
Something important for you to keep fit 保持健康
Something you ate once 吃过的东西
A big company you are interested in 大公司
An interesting tradition in your country 有趣的传统
A piece of good news you got recently 好消息
A time you got up very early 早起的经历
A good personality you have 好性格
A subject you like? / want to take if you have time 科目
Something you learned from mistakes 教训
A method that helps save money 省钱的方法
An occasion when you ate something for the first time 第一次吃某物的经历
Person who apologized to you 道歉
A person who travels by air a lot 乘飞机
A friend / best friend 好友
An old person who you admire 钦佩的老人
An interesting animal you saw 有趣动物
Place with water 近水之地
A place that was polluted 污染的地方
A childhood toy you liked 童年玩具
A piece of clothing given by someone 衣服
A photo you like most 最喜欢的照片
A thing that you borrowed 借的东西
A photo of yourself 自己的照片
A photo you like most that someone took for you 别人给找的照片
Something you bought you felt happy about 买来很开心的产品
A new skill you want to learn 新技能
A family you like 家庭
A goal 目标
A perfect job 工作
A sport (you like to try for the first time) (you want to learn)运动
A sport which is good for people’s health 有助于健康的运动
An interesting local news people are interested in 当地新闻
An interesting story from TV 有趣的故事
An article from a magazine or newspaper 杂志或报纸的文章{2017雅思写作范文}.
A difficult choice you made 艰难决定
A plan changed by weather 天气改变计划
A time you helped someone 帮助
A happy childhood event 童年快乐活动
The first time you talked with someone in a foreign language第一次用外语交流
A special vacation you like most 最喜欢的特别假期
A short holiday 短假
A dinner you had with your friends / you organized 一顿饭
A time you shared something with others 分享
A special short trip 特别的短途旅行
An interesting story or novel 有趣故事或小说
1.描述一个经常坐飞机的人( describe a person who always travel by plane ) part3 飞机跟其它交通工具在中国人么更多的怎么选择?坐飞机的优缺点?住在飞机场旁边好处坏处?
2.描述一个新闻人物(describe a person you know from the news)part3 中国的新闻一般
有哪些内容?经常出现哪些人?真实吗?Why ?你经常看新闻吗? What kinds of people can be seen on TV ? Is the information always true ?why do you think the news is not true ? what’s the difference between reporting news in the past and in the present ?
3.描述你认识的做对社会有益工作的人(describe a person who does socially useful job / a person who has important job )part 3 工作中重要的品质?年纪大和年轻的谁工作表现会更好?
4.描述一个说外语很好的人(describe a person you know who is good at a foreign language ) part 3 你觉得会一门外语重要吗?现在学外语方便还是以前方便?学外语对工作的好处?一般人多久能熟练掌握一门外语?为什么小孩子学的比adults快?
5. 描述你帮助过的一个朋友或邻居(a neighbor or friend you helped, when, where, why, how , what feeling) p3, why you helped stranger? What job you think should pay for help ? People should be paid for help?
6. 描述一个你想一起工作的家庭成员(describe a family member you want to work with in the future) p3. 和家人工作好吗? 中国哪些行业的家族企业非常常见?在大公司工作好么?why?
7. 描述一个让你发笑的小孩(describe a child who makes you laugh) part3 小孩容易被什么逗笑?你们国家认为什么时候该结婚要孩子?要孩子必要条件是什么?
8. 描述一个穿着时尚的人(describe a person likes dressing ) part3 去哪里买衣服?不同方式各自的优缺点? Young people 更时尚吗?为什么潮流一直在变?
1.描述一件艺术品或工艺品(describe a piece of art or craft (painting…) part3 Compared gifts made by machine and by people ? would tell me more Chinese handmade gifts ?
2. .描述一个你准备很长时间的礼物(describe a gift that takes you long time to choose ) part3 中国人准备礼物有什么习惯?礼物的意义是啥?
3. 描述一个全家福(describe a family photo), 在哪个房间,内容是什么,为什么喜欢?)part3 数学和艺术哪个更重要?成年人可以学好艺术吗?为什么学艺术呢?有什么好处吗?家里有很多照片吗?绘画对儿童重要吗?绘画对成人重要吗?有没有必要在初级学校设立绘画课?每个人都有画画的能力吗?过去的照片和现在的照片的区别?用手机和相机照相的缺点?接上是否有隐私问题?
4 .描述你想买的一个电子设备( describe an electronic machinery you want to buy ) part3 机器会取代老师吗?机器在课堂上的信用咋样?机器在家庭的普遍使用会有缺点吗?
5. 描述一个你借的有用的东西(describe a useful thing you borrowed ) part3 what Chinese people usually borrow ? Will borrow thing make people uncomfortable ? How to do when you do not want to borrow ?
1.描述一个适合看书的地方(describe a place where you can read or write ( not your home)
2.描述你喜欢的一个房子或公寓(describe a house or flat that you like (not your home) part3 what are the differences between apartment and house ? Do you like living in a city or countryside ? Do you like or rent house and why ?你会买房吗你认为中国这一代人会买房吗你喜欢哪里的房子?
3.描述你喜欢去的一个街道(describe a street where you like to go)part 3 你觉得怎么样的street 更好?关于空气污染,怎么样去解决?
4. 描述一个cafe 或者饭店(describe a cafe or restaurant 在哪儿,什么样的,为啥喜欢) part3: 健康饮食的重要性?过去的人和现代人饮食习惯的改变?对文化的影响?这么多外国餐馆的原因,生意好的因素。中国人的饮食习惯对身体有和影响,为什么?
5.描述你访问过的历史建筑( describe a historical building ). Part 3 人们喜欢去historical place? 为啥喜欢去?有人说科技和科技现在很重要,觉得历史不重要,你咋么看?你觉得这些地方应该收费么 ?为啥
6:描述你常去的park 或garden ( describe a park or garden you often visit) part 3 关于城市种树多好不好?城市发展是不是要影响周边地区?
7.描述一个你想去的国家(describe a foreign country you wanna visit but you have not been to ) part3 为什么中国人爱出国了?出国能给我们带来什么?旅游能给环境带来影响是什么?中国人为什么愿意去欧洲?在欧洲工作和去欧洲上学有什么区别?你去欧洲上学最大的困难是什么?
8. 描述一个成功的小企业(describe a small successful company,)
Part3 , do you think you will run a business with your family members the future ? what kind of family business in your country are most commonplace ?advantages and disadvantages about family business ?
9;描述一个放松的地方(describe a place to relax )part3 relax 是否重要?描述一个你想放松的地方(describe a place you like to relax) ( where it is , what is it like, how do you spend the time in this place.) part 3. In China, say a place people often go to relax ?why they like this place ? do you think students should relax ? why? What do you think of that students should have 5-6 hours study without break ?
Nowadays,many people take the option to change jobs while others prefer not to. In my essay, I will explore the good and bad points of the above attitudes.
定位词能力 scanning
One of the main benefits of staying in one job is security.Changing employer often means a period of instability,where one may have to think about moving house, or temporary losing a steady source of income.Staying in one job means these problems are avoided. Another benefit of not changing occupation is that one is able to gain much experience and expertise in his or her profession,thus enhancing job security.Their company may recognize their loyalty and reward their service. In contrast, those who often change jobs may be seen as unreliable and employers might be reluctant to hire and invest training in them.
However, there are also arguments in favour of changing jobs frequently.
One is that a worker improves his employability. Working in several different jobs often means that the individual has more skills.Such people are often seen as more dynamic and versatile. Another benefit of changing job frequently is that one never gets stuck in the same routine.People may get bored when they spent too long in a job.Following this, the quality of their work would suffer.Also, increased wages and promotions are often easier to attain by changing jobs.
Overall, it can be said that the disadvantages of changing jobs are the advantages of staying with one company, and vice versa.In my opinion,I feel that changing jobs every once in a while is of more benefit.
雅思口语part1往往被同学们认为是雅思口语三部分中较容易的部分。实际的确如此,part1 的难度最低,话题贴近生活,在这一答题过程中更易于同学们进入口语对话状态。但对于英文基础较差的同学,雅思口语part1部分虽然简单但依旧会暴露出语法,用词等不足。今天这里为大家整理1月雅思口语part1 中关于weather话题的答案。希望同学们有所学习。
1.Do you like raining?
Oh, absolutely not. I hate raining days. I have to admit that weather is able to exert dramatic impacts on how I feel. If it is raining cats and dogs, I have to take an umbrella with an already quite heavy handbag, which really annoys me and drives me crazy. Sometimes my shoes and socks get wetted by the rain and it is very likely for to catch a cold in this way.
2.What kind of weather do you like the most?
Sunny and warm, without doubt, and that is the reason for me to favor summer above all the other seasons. Summer's warm sun, ripe fruit and beautiful blooms hold a very special place in my heart. Lying in the sun and watching the clouds in the sky will cheer me up and drive all the troubles away, and I guess that’s why people living in rainy places suffer more depression than those who live in sunny regions.
3.Does weather have any influence on you?
Oh, weather can have dramatics impacts on how I feel. Walking under the sun in the morning gives me hope and energy for a whole’s work. Also, lying in the sun and watching the clouds in the sky will cheer me up and drive all the troubles away. On the contrary, if it is raining cats and dogs, I have to take an umbrella with an already quite heavy handbag, which really annoys me and drives me crazy.
4.Which season do you like best, why?
Summer's warm sun, ripe fruit and beautiful blooms hold a very special place in my heart. I fondly look back to summer throughout all the other months of the year. I wish I could live at the Equator where there is only this one characteristic climate. More importantly, drinking coca cola, eating ice-cream and swimming for hours are all perfectly justifiable thanks to summer.
5.Which one do you prefer, a place with changeable seasons or a place with unaltered seasons?
As I have mentioned, I love summer, so I wish I could live at the Equator where there is only this one characteristic climate. Unaltered season means that I do not have to worry about a wide range of clothes that best suit different temperatures. All what I need to worry about is fashion and style. Besides, living with only one season doesn’t require a person to adjust him or herself frequently, so the chance of catching a cold will be relatively low.
考试成绩记录在成绩单上,包括一个总分,及听力、阅读、写作和口语四个单项分,考生的考试成绩采用1 – 9分的评分制来测评,四个项目独立记分,最后所得成绩取四项成绩的平均值。总分和四个单项分均允许半分。
每个分数级别有对应的描述。总分可以是整数分或半分。九个分数段及其描述如下: 9分 专家水平
8分 优秀水平
7分 良好水平
6分 合格水平
5分 基础水平{2017雅思写作范文}.
4分 有限水平
只限在熟悉的状况下有基本的理解力,在理解与表达上常发生问题,无法使用复杂英语。 3分 极有限水平
2分 初学水平
1分 不懂英语
5 15
6 23
7 30
等级分 原始分
4 15
5 23
6 30
7 34
考官给以下四项分别评等级分:任务完成情况(Task 1)/任务回答情况(Task 2),连贯与衔接,词汇变换、句式多样性和语法准确性。这四方面所占权重相同。
· 学术类考试评估考生的英语水平是否满足学术环境及高等教育的要求。
· 考试适合所有考生,与其学习专业无关。
• 30分钟,并有10分钟时间将答案誊写到答题卡
• 4段独白和对话{2017雅思写作范文}.
• 3段文章及相应问题
• 文章类型包括从描述性到阐明事实性,从散漫性到分析性
• 也包含非文字性内容,例如图表、曲线或插图
• 文章取自真实出版物(例如选自书籍,期刊和报纸)
• 一篇150字的文章,需要考生进行分析、描述或说明一张表格,曲线图,柱状图或示意图
• 一篇250字的议论性文章
• 面对面的形式
• 包括几个简短问题,针对某熟悉话题进行阐述以及针对该话题的讨论
1. 注册成为教育部考试中心雅思报名网站用户
2. 预存考试费
3. 选择考位
4. 填写报名表并确认付费
there is no doubt that modern technology has caused a variety of environmental issues, both in cities and towns. ironically, i feel that technology can address some of these problems but at the same time, personal effort is a must.
theoretically, addressing some environmental issues by adopting simple lifestyles is sensible. according to the statistics, during the last 100 years, the earth's surface temperature has risen dramatically because of human activities. therefore, some people feel that the changes in our lifestyles can reverse this worrying trend. for example, the growing number of vehicles on the road emits a large quantity of green house gases, such as carbon dioxide, which will worsen the air quality. if residents chose other modes of transport, like buses or subways, this serious condition would be alleviated to a large extent. however, in my opinion, this policy would be very unpopular with some people, especially those living in the suburb, who do need to travel on roads.
while it is undeniable that an individual's behaviour has a profound effect on the environment, other people argue that the improvement in technology can tackle some problems in turn. for example, the technology today is available to produce electric cars that would be both quieter and cleaner to use. persuading manufacturers and travellers to adopt this new technology would be a more effective strategy for improving air quality fundamentally.