
励志语录  点击:   2013-02-21



川普狂言被收录2016最受瞩目语录清单 Donald Trump’s boast on the campaign trail that he could "shoot somebody" and not lose any voters tops a Yale Law School librarian’s list of the most notable quotes of 2016.


Sound bites from the presidential campaign dominated the 11th annual "Yale Book of Quotations" list from Fred Shapiro, an associate director of the library. He chooses quotes that are famous or revealing of the spirit of the times, and not necessarily eloquent or admirable.


The list includes quotes from each of the national party conventions. At the Republicans’ gathering in Cleveland, it was Trump saying: "I alone can fix it." At the Democrats’ convention a week later, it was Khizr Khan, the father of an American soldier killed in Iraq, addressing Trump and saying: "You have sacrificed nothing and no one."

该清单包括各党代会大会语录。当共和党人在克利夫兰举行竞选集会时,川普说:“我一个人就能搞定它。”一周后的民主党大会上,一名在伊拉克被杀害的美国士兵的父亲Khizr Khan对川普说:“你没有牺牲任何事情和任何人。”

The yearly list is an update to the "Yale Book of Quotations," which was first published in 2006.




1. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters." — Donald Trump, speech at campaign rally, Sioux Center, Iowa, Jan. 23.


2. "When they go low, we go high." — Michelle Obama, commencement speech at Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, April 23.


3. "You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ’basket of deplorables.’" — Hillary Clinton, remarks at a fundraiser, New York, Sept. 9.


4. "And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside." — Lin-Manuel Miranda, poem about Orlando massacre read at Tony Awards ceremony, New York, June 12.


5. "(In politics) you need both a public and a private position." — Hillary Clinton, speech to National Multi-Housing Council released by WikiLeaks, Oct. 7.


6. "I alone can fix it." — Donald Trump, speech at Republican National Convention, Cleveland, July 21.

“一个人就能搞定。”—— 2016年7月21日,唐纳德·川普在克利夫兰共和党全国大会上说。

7. "Have you even read the United States Constitution? ... You have sacrificed nothing and no one." — Khizr Khan, addressing Donald Trump in speech at Democratic National Convention, Philadelphia, July 28.


8. "Lucifer in the flesh. ... I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life." — Former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner, describing Ted Cruz during talk at Stanford University, April 27.


9. "His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life." — Dan Turner, letter to judge prior to sentencing of his son, Brock Turner, after Brock’s conviction for sexual assault of an unconscious woman, June.


10. "I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I’m the first Simone Biles." — Olympic gymnast Simone Biles, interview, Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 11.




英国新任外交大臣的惊人语录 7 Times Boris Johnson, Britain’s New Foreign Secretary, Was Anything but Diplomatic 英国新任外交大臣的惊人语录

LONDON — Boris Johnson, Britain’s new foreign secretary, has a quality unusual for a nation’s top diplomat: He can be spectacularly undiplomatic.

伦敦——英国新任外交大臣鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)身上有种鲜见于国家最高外交官的特点:他口无遮拦起来十分惊人。

Johnson has suggested that President Barack Obama had an “ancestral dislike of the British Empire,” written a poem insinuating that Turkey’s president had sexual relations with a goat, and likened the European Union — which he helped lead the campaign for Britain to leave — to Hitler’s Third Reich. 约翰逊曾表示贝拉克·奥巴马总统有“源自先辈的对大英帝国的反感”,他写了一首诗暗示土耳其总统和一只山羊发生性关系,并将欧盟比作希特勒的第三帝国——他是英国脱离欧盟运动的领导人之一。

And that was only this spring.


In December, he compared Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, to Dobby the House Elf, a “Harry Potter” character. In 2007, he wrote that Hillary Clinton looked like “a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital.” In 2002, he referred to Africans as “flag-waving pickaninnies.”

去年12月,他把俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)比作“哈利·波特”(Harry Potter)系列中的人物——家养小精灵多比。2007年,他撰文说希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)像精神病院里的一个“虐待狂护士”。2002年,他把非洲人叫做“挥舞着小旗的黑小子”。

So it was with no little shock that the world reacted to the news Wednesday evening that Britain’s new prime minister, Theresa May, had named Johnson to lead the rarefied Foreign and Commonwealth Office, which employs 14,000 people in nearly 270 diplomatic offices and works with the secret intelligence service MI6.

因此,当周三晚上传出消息,新任首相特丽莎·梅(Theresa May)将让约翰逊领导清贵的外交与联邦事务部(Foreign and Commonwealth Office)时,全世界都颇为震惊,这个部门掌管着近270座外交办事处的1.4万名雇员,还要和秘密情报机构军情六处(MI6)合作。

Informed of the appointment, the State Department’s spokesman struggled to keep a straight face. The French foreign minister told a radio station that Johnson had “lied a lot to the British people” while

campaigning for Britain’s exit from the European Union. Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister of Sweden, lamented on Twitter: “I wish it was a joke, but I fear it isn’t.”

在得知这个任命时,美国国务院发言人忍俊不禁。法国外交部长接受电台采访时说,在呼吁英国退出欧盟的行动中,约翰逊“对英国人民撒了很多谎”。前瑞典首相和外交大臣卡尔·比尔特(Carl Bildt)在Twitter上哀叹:“我希望这是个玩笑,但恐怕不是。”

Putting Johnson — whose aspirations for prime minister were dashed by the betrayal of an erstwhile ally, Michael Gove — at the helm of the foreign office may have been an astute move by May. He will

frequently be out of the country. He will have limited say over trade and withdrawal from the European Union, tasks May gave to other proponents of a “Brexit.” And perhaps, at least in his public style, he’ll have to grow up a little.

曾经的盟友迈克尔·戈夫(Michael Gove)的背叛,令约翰逊的拜相之梦破灭,而此时让他去执掌英国外交,似乎是梅的一个高招。他会频频出国。他在贸易和退欧事务上的发言权是有限的,梅已经把这些事务交给其他脱欧支持者。此外他可能得让自己显得更像个成年人,至少在公众形象上。

His defenders argue that for all of his verbal daggers, Johnson is at heart a liberal internationalist. He was born in New York City, grew up partly in Brussels, speaks French and Russian, and sprinkles his sentences with Latin phrases. He is a polymath who studied at Eton and Oxford and was a prolific journalist and author who wrote a well-regarded book on his hero Winston Churchill.

捍卫他的人称,尽管语言伤人,但约翰逊本质上是一个崇尚自由主义的国际主义者。他出生于纽约市,在布鲁塞尔生活过一段时间,会说法语和俄语,还会在讲话时穿插引用一些拉丁语。曾在伊顿和牛津就读的他学识渊博,以前还是一名高产的新闻工作者和作家,写过一本颇受好评的著作,是关于他心目中的英雄温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)的。 As London’s mayor — from 2008 until May of this year — Johnson proved to be both popular and canny, presiding over a successful Olympic Games in 2012, improving public transportation (the city’s

shared-cycling program is still informally known as “Boris Bikes”) and traveling the world to raise the city’s profile as a capital of commerce and finance.


Here, however, are some of Johnson’s memorable utterances that may shadow him in his new role as Britain’s top diplomat:


He Called Obama Part-Kenyan


When Obama urged Britons in April to remain in the European Union, Johnson was not amused. In a column in The Sun, he mentioned a theory, prominent in the U.S. far-right, that Obama was motivated by a radical anti-imperialist agenda and that “the part-Kenyan president’s ancestral dislike of the British Empire” had motivated the removal of a bust of Churchill from the White House. (Obama, a native of Hawaii, had limited contact with his Kenyan father. There is no evidence that the bust, a loan from the

British government, was removed for political reasons. Another Churchill bust remains in the White House.)

奥巴马4月呼吁英国留在欧盟时,约翰逊感到不快。在《太阳报》(The Sun)的一个专栏里,他提到了一个理论,即促使奥巴马这么做的是一个激进的反帝国主义议程,且“这个一半是肯尼亚人的总统源自先辈的对大英帝国的反感”导致丘吉尔的一尊半身塑像移出白宫。这个理论在美国的极右翼中很著名。(实际上,作为一个土生土长的夏威夷人,奥巴马与来自肯尼亚的父亲联系有限。而且没有证据表明,从英国政府借来的那尊半身塑像是因为政治原因被移走的。丘吉尔的另一尊半身塑像仍在白宫里。)

Asked Wednesday evening if he planned to apologize to Obama, Johnson replied: “The United States of America will be at the front of the queue.” (That might have been a nod to Obama’s warning that Britain would be at the “back of the queue” in trade negotiations with the United States if Britons voted to leave the European Union.){donaldtrump语录}.

周三傍晚被问及是否打算向奥巴马道歉时,约翰逊回答说:“美利坚合众国排在第一位。”(这可能是对奥巴马早前发出的警告的一种示意。奥巴马曾表示,如果英国投票决定退出欧盟,在与美国进行贸易谈判时将“排在最后一位”。) He Has Insulted Hillary Clinton


As a columnist for The Telegraph — a job for which he has reportedly been paid 275,000 pounds

($365,000) a year — Johnson wrote of Clinton in 2007, when she was running for president: “She’s got dyed blonde hair and pouty lips, and a steely blue stare, like a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital.” He concluded, however, that she should become president, “not because we necessarily want her for herself, but because we want Bill in the role of first husband. And if Bill can deal with Hillary, he can surely deal with any global crisis.” (Johnson later apologized.)

在2007年,为《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph)担任专栏作家的约翰逊写到了当时正在竞选总统的克林顿:“她有着一头染过的金发和肥大的嘴唇,用蓝色的眼睛冷冰冰地盯着人看,就像精神病医院里的一个虐待狂护士。”不过,他在文章结尾处写道,她应该当总统,“不是因为我们必然希望她当总统,而是因为我们希望比尔当第一丈夫。如果比尔应付得了希拉里,他肯定也能应付任何全球危机。”(约翰逊后来表示了道歉。)据称,这份工作一年带给他的收入是27.5万英镑(约合250万元人民币)。

He Called Donald Trump Crazy{donaldtrump语录}.

他曾说唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)疯了

Asked about a proposal by Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, to bar Muslims from entering the United States, Johnson responded that Trump was “clearly out of his mind.” 被问及稳获美国共和党提名的总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普禁止穆斯林进入美国的提议时,约翰逊回答称特朗普“显然是疯了”。

As to Trump’s suggestion that parts of London were so overrun with radicalized Muslims that they were no-go areas for police officers, Johnson retorted that Trump had displayed “stupefying ignorance” that

made him unfit to be president. He said he would welcome Trump to London to show him the city, “except that I wouldn’t want to expose Londoners to any unnecessary risk of meeting Donald Trump.”


He Compared the European Union to Nazi Germany


In May, Johnson told The Sunday Telegraph that European history had been marked by ill-fated attempts to unify the Continent, in efforts to re-create the “golden age” of the Roman Empire. “Napoleon, Hitler, various people tried this out, and it ends tragically,” he said. “The EU is an attempt to do this by different methods.”

今年5月,约翰逊对《星期日电讯报》(The Sunday Telegraph)表示,欧洲历史上有多次注定会失败的尝试,意在统一整个欧洲大陆,这些行动旨在重现罗马帝国的“黄金时代”。“拿破仑、希特勒和各种各样的人都尝试过,但均以悲剧收场,”他说。“欧盟是试图用不同的方式来做这件事。”

Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, said Johnson had “crossed the boundaries of rational discourse.” But Jacob Rees-Mogg, a Conservative lawmaker, defended the remarks as “absolutely true.” While Hitler and Napoleon wanted to create a single European power through violence, he said, “the EU is trying to do it by stealth.”

欧洲理事会(European Council)主席唐纳德·图斯克(Donald Tusk)表示,约翰逊“越过了理性言论的界限”,但保守党议员雅各布·里斯-莫格(Jacob Rees-Mogg)为约翰逊的言论进行了辩护,称其“绝对属实”。他说,希特勒和拿破仑希望通过暴力建立一个统一的欧洲大国,“欧盟则试图通过暗中行动这么做”。

He Has Offended Commonwealth Nations


Johnson has offended people from central Africa to Southeast Asia (not to mention Liverpool, England). He will have to work with a number of African and Asian nations in his new portfolio, which includes handling Commonwealth affairs.


In 2002, criticizing a trip by Tony Blair, then prime minister, to the Democratic Republic of Congo,

Johnson wrote: “It is said that the queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving pickaninnies.” He added: “No doubt the AK-47s will fall silent, and the pangas will stop their hacking of human flesh, and the tribal warriors will all break out in watermelon smiles to see the big white chief touch down in his big white British taxpayer-funded bird.” (He later apologized.)

2002年,约翰逊在谴责时任首相托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)访问刚果民主共和国时写道:“据说女王开始喜欢英联邦,在一定程度上是因为它能为她提供一群群放声欢呼、挥舞旗帜的黑小子。”他接着又说:“看到白人大头领乘坐着那架用英国纳税人的钱购买的白色大鸟着陆时,无疑AK-47会安静下来,非洲大砍刀会停下砍人肉的动作,部落武士也会露出西瓜似的笑容。”(他后来为此道歉。)

In 2006, describing his own party, Johnson wrote: “For 10 years, we in the Tory Party have become used to Papua New Guinea-style orgies of cannibalism and chief-killing,” stunning leaders of the Pacific nation, which is part of the Commonwealth. He apologized, but only halfheartedly.







1. “不做准备,就是在准备失败。” ——本杰明·富兰克林

富兰克林,《独立宣言》的签署者之一,同时,身为出版商的他也是该时代美国最成功的企业经营者之一。由富兰克林所撰写的商业书籍《穷理查德历书》(Poor Richard’s Almanac),直到今天,仍因饱含关于财富和规划的永恒智慧而被人津津乐道。合理规划是构筑成功的原则之一。要创业,就制定一份计划并明确你的前进方向吧。

2. “优秀是一种习惯,而不仅仅是一两次的表现。”——亚里士多德


3. “你希望自己能在力所能及的事情上做到尽善尽美,那么就找出其中的每一个问题并逐一解决。”——Elon Musk


4. “我认为,失败不过是企业生命过程中的一个小小的碰撞,从而使你偏离目标轨道的小把戏。我对失败的界定不是最后是否实现了预期的目标,而是在整个过程中你有没有竭尽全力。”—— Sara Blakely(Spanx品牌创始人)


5. “你能创造的最有价值的东西就是失误,你不可能从‘完美’中学习到任

何东西。”—— Adam Osborne(世界上第一台笔记本电脑的发明者,奥斯本公司的创始人。)


6.“作为一个爱惹是生非的人,他的最后结果是什么?他会成为一名企业家。”—— Natalie Clifford Barney(美国作家)


7. “体现你价值的并非是简历而是你的实际工作。” ——Seth Godin(著名的营销大师)



8. “我喜欢思考大事。如果你打算对每件事都进行思考,那么你还不如专注一点,想想大事。”——Donald Trump(美国地产之王)


9. “你的时间有限,所以没必要把它浪费在复制别人的生活上。别被教条所羁绊,否则就是活在别人的想法下。不要让他人观点的噪音淹没了你自己内心的声音。最最重要的一点是,要有勇气追寻你的内心和直觉。”——史蒂夫·乔布斯


10. “请追逐理想而非金钱,因为金钱终有离你远去的那一天。”——Tony Hsieh(Zappos创始人谢家华)




























10 Quotes To Change Your







―我认为一个聪明的女人可以把一个普通男人卖了 ‖——李奥贝纳






当产生一个新的主意时,这些人总结出到底什么是重要的。不要认为微不足道,认为你可以做的更好,对它是否马上成功或失败掉以轻心——以为以后还有机会。最终,你必须相信你自己和你的直觉。批评家们总是会找到一些抱怨的事情,所以没有理由担心它们。 只要你有想象力和将努力工作,你会很棒!试着深呼吸,出去散散步,就能摆脱当前的心态,你再看东西就会井井有条。



―成功是你自己喜欢 ,你喜欢做什么,你喜欢怎么做。‖玛雅·安吉罗




我想确定这个词,―成功‖是其中之一,但那很难。对一些人来说,拥有一个史考治·麦克唐纳拱顶金币可供支配。对于其他人来说,有钱到外面去吃顿饭,每周两次,被认为是成功的。无论哪种方式,只要你与自己的快乐相处,你做什么,你怎么做,你都是一个成功者! 你不能打败老规矩,―尝试,尝试,再尝试‖,来帮你度过那些艰难的日子。但事实就是这样!即使你的想法第一次没有成功,也并不意味着你是个失败者。它真的很容易陷入那种心态,要抵制冲动和在下一次尝试新的东西。




艾米斯旺森是一个营销的一部分/内容部质量标志产品和定期有助于他们的促销产品的博客。她是一个自称报纸书呆子 业务爱好者 和电视爱好者 他引用了公园和娱乐是她的最爱之一。但不要问她美言与罗恩·斯万森——她不幸的是不能帮你。

We‘ve all been there. We‘re out of ideas and nothing new is coming to our tired and weary minds. When these moments strike, I‘ve always been a fan of reading quotes to get me out of that funk, whether it‘s writing a term paper or coming up with new business ventures.


You could type, ―Awesome business quotes‖ into and waste a couple hours or if you need just a quick read, then I‘ve got you covered. I‘ve found several quotes from the people who actually know what they‘re talking about. I hope you find one that makes you stop and think.{donaldtrump语录}.

Direct from the titans of industry,

―As long as you‘re going to be thinking anyway, think big.‖ – Donald Trump

―I think a smart woman can sell the average man anything, ‖ – Leo Burnett

―I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.‖ Warren Buffet

―There are moments in our lives when we summon the courage to make choices that go against reason, against common sense and the wise counsel of people we trust. But we lean forward nonetheless because, despite all risks and rational argument, we believe that the path we are choosing is the right and best thing to do. We refuse to be bystanders, even if we do not know exactly where our actions will lead.‖ – Howard Schultz (CEO of Starbucks)

―Here‘s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers… The ones who see things differently. They‘re not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can‘t do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.‖ -Steve Jobs

―Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can‘t lose.‖ – Bill Gates

Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I‘ll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I‘ll give you a stock clerk. – J.C. Penney

These men have summed up exactly what is important when thinking of new ideas. Don‘t think small, think as big as you can and don‘t focus on whether it‘ll be a success or a failure right away – that‘ll come later. Ultimately, you have to trust yourself and your instincts. The critics out there will always find something to complain about, so there‘s no reason to worry about them.

As long as you have an imagination and the will to work hard, you‘ll be great! Take a deep breathe, go for a walk, just get out of the current mindset you‘re in and watch as things fall into place.

―Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.‖ Maya Angelou

―It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.‖ – Franklin D. Roosevelt

―Many of life‘s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.‖- Thomas Alva Edison I think defining the word, ―success‖ is one of those words that is impossible to do so. For some people, it‘s having a Scrooge McDuck vault of gold coins at their disposable. For others, having money to go out to dinner twice a week is considered a success. Either way, as long as you‘re happy with yourself, what you do, and how you did it, you‘re a success!

You can‘t beat the old standby, ―try, try, try again‖ to get you through those tough times. But it‘s so true! Even though your idea didn‘t work the first time, that doesn‘t mean you‘re a failure. It‘s really easy to get swept up in that mindset, but resist the urge and try something new the next time.

Don‘t forget,

Don‘t let those disastrous thoughts of not being good enough or failing at everything you try stop you. You may be right on the path towards greatness and each failed attempt is leading you closer to the successful ending you‘ve been searching for.

Just keep plugging away and when you get stuck, consult these quotes and think about the person who originally said them. If they stopped at every bump in the road, they probably wouldn‘t have ended up where they did. Now, go get ‗em tiger!

Amy Swanson is a part of the marketing/content department at Quality Logo Products and regularly contributes to their promotional products blog. She is a self-professed newspaper nerd, business buff, and TV enthusiast who cites Parks and Recreation as one of her favorites. But don‘t ask her to put in a good word with Ron Swanson – she unfortunately can‘t help you there.



《绯闻女孩》是继《欲望都市》之后,最具纽约风格的电视剧,青春+偶像+贵族+悬念,独特的视角和拍摄手法,《gossip girl》迅速吸引了众多年轻观众,成为校园中提高英语和情节性极强的主流美剧。


GG视频+中英剧本(Chapter 1):/film_veido/gossip_season1_chapter1









Gossip Girl 剧照及海报:Serena 校内相册:Blair 校内相册:

Jenny 校内相册:

Chuck 校内相册:Dan 校内相册:

Nate 校内相册:

Friends – 老友记



Friends视频+中英剧本(Chapter 1):/film_veido/friends_chapter1 Friends视频+中英剧本(Chapter 2):/film_veido/friends_chapter2_1


Friends的口头语:/film_veido/friends_pet_phrase_part1 Friends 电子音乐杂志




Rachel 校内相册:Ross 校内相册:

Monica 校内相册:Phoebe 校内相册:Joey 校内相册:


Desperate Housewives – 绝望主妇

清晨的一声枪响,打破紫藤社区长期以来的安宁。Mary Alice Young在家中自杀身亡。故事以她叙述的口吻开始,死后的Mary开始环顾四周关心自己邻居的生活。英语方面:主要演员的大多数发音都是Standard American English,特别是五个主妇的发音,她们的语速和语调绝对是地道的美式英语,适合模仿和学习


绝望主妇视频+中英剧本(Chapter 1):

绝望主妇视频+中英剧本(Chapter 2):

绝望主妇视频+中英剧本(Chapter 3):

绝望主妇视频+中英剧本(Chapter 4):

绝望主妇视频+中英剧本(Chapter 5):

绝望主妇视频+中英剧本(Chapter 6):



Lie to me – 别对我说谎

一个普通人在谈话的时候,平均每10分钟要说3个谎话”----这就是最新美剧《lie to me》,讲述了一名办理诈骗案件的高手能在调查当中通过辨别人脸、声音及体貌特征来发现真相。当你无意中抓挠下巴、扳动手掌、触摸鼻子或者拼命吞咽口水,Cal Lightman博士马上就知道你在撒谎。无论是家人、朋友还是陌生人,什么事情都无法对他隐瞒。


Prison Break电子杂志(电驴):/topics/2786301/

PB的那些朋友们相册:Michael 校内相册:Sucre 校内相册:

Sara&Michael 校内相册:Lincoln 校内相册:

Heroes – 英雄

有些人天生不凡。他们以为自己与他人一样,没有什么不同…直到有天他们使出了无与伦比的能力。 在日本,有个小职员可以用意志自由移动物体;在纽约,一个激进的艺术家能够绘制未来的图画; 在洛杉矶,一个不得志的小警察能够看穿人内心的想法; 在其他某个地方,一个高中啦啦队员发现她的身体牢不可摧; 这些能力让他们成为英雄,英雄的使命就是拯救人类,而他们的事迹将被载入史册…


Heroes视频+中英剧本(Chapter 1):

Heroes视频+中英剧本(Chapter 2):

Heroes视频+中英剧本(Chapter 3):

Heroes视频+中英剧本(Chapter 4):

Claire 校内相册:Saylar 校内相册:Heroes 其演员相册1:Heroes 其演员相册2:

Ugly Betty – 丑女贝蒂


Ugly Betty美剧主页:

Ugly Betty视频+中英剧本(Chapter 1):/film_veido/uglybetty_s1e01

Ugly Betty视频+中英剧本(Chapter 2):

Betty&Matt 相册:

Marc & Wilhelmina & Daniel相册:

Hilda & Justin & Ignacio & Claire & Amanda相册:

Drop Dead Diva – 美女上错身


Drop Dead Diva美剧主页:/film_sub/Drop_Dead_Diva

Drop Dead Diva视频+中英剧本(Chapter 1):/film_veido/Drop_Dead_Diva_season1_chapter1

Drop Dead Diva 相册:

The Celebrity Apprentice – 飞黄腾达

一套美国NBC电视台播放的真人秀节目,节目是在一群壮志雄心的商界男士与商界女强人中,选拔一个年薪25万美元的人,成为美国著名地产大王Donald Trump的徒弟,为Trump集团效力的比赛。


飞黄腾达视频+中英剧本(Chapter 1):/film_veido/appretience_s1e01


Lost – 迷失


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