
管理学  点击:   2012-11-02





1、With the development of our society, the campus nolonger is an"Ivory Tower".随着社会的进步,大学校园不再是一个象牙塔。【校园类的话题】

2、No invention has received more praise and abuse thanInternet.没有一项发明象互联网同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评.【中性类话题适用】

3、An increasing number of people are beginning to realize

thateducation is not complete with graduation.越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束.【换成读书,志愿者,弘扬文化之类的积极类话题】

4、A proper part-time job does not occupy student's too much time .Infact ,it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their

study .As an oldsaying goes :All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并不健康,正如那句老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻.【把


5、The direct correlation between self-esteem and success also appliesto one's ability to achieve.自尊和成功的直接联系也适用于一个人取






党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央就台湾问题和对台工作发表了一系列重要论述,提出许多富有创见的新理念新观点新要求。2017考研英语作文备考也要以最新的时政为重点,下面就为大家提供2017考研英语作文热门话题及范文:两岸关系。 01


Making joint efforts to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation


As Xi Jinping has emphasized, "The Chinese Dream is the dream of people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and it will take the joint efforts of us all to make it a reality."


The Chinese Dream is tied closely to the future of Taiwan. In order to make the shared Chinese Dream a reality as soon as possible, people on both sides of the Straits should stand by each other, devoting themselves to the rejuvenation of the nation regardless of their party affiliation, social strata, religion, and place of origin.



Working to promote peaceful cross-Straits relations


both sides of the Straits should consolidate the common foundation of adhering to the "1992 Consensus" and opposing "Taiwan independence," deepening the common understanding of safeguarding the One-China Framework. This foundation is the anchor of cross-Straits relations: only when it has been set firmly in place will cross-Straits relations be able to stay steady in the face of any storm.


We treat all our compatriots in Taiwan as equals, and extend our welcome to all those who are willing to promote peaceful cross-Straits relations, regardless of what views they may have held in the past.



Advocating the notion that "both sides of the Taiwan Straits are one family"


Chinese people living on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are members of the same family, sharing ties of blood and a common destiny.


The notion of one family is rooted in our blood and ethos, and in our common history and culture. All compatriots in Taiwan are our dear kin, regardless of which province or ethic group they hail from.{2017考研英语作文热点范文}.


We respect the social system and lifestyle they have chosen. Moreover, we are willing to use kinship to heal the wounds inflicted on Taiwan compatriots by history, and work together with them to build a bright future for the Chinese nation.



Gradually creating favorable conditions for resolving inherent political differences between the two sides of the Straits


In the words of Xi Jinping, "Looking to the future, the long-existing political differences between the two sides must eventually be resolved. We cannot keep on passing these problems down from one generation to the next."


Chinese people on both sides of the Straits have the wisdom to find a solution to these problems. Working within the One-China Framework, we are ready to engage in equal consultations with the Taiwan side in order to arrive at fair and reasonable arrangements. 05


Deepening economic cooperation between the two sides of the Straits and sharing development opportunities with Taiwan compatriots


As Xi has pointed out, "We are willing to let Taiwan compatriots be the first to share the Chinese mainland's development opportunities."


Proceeding on this basis, we will ascertain the actual needs of people in Taiwan, especially ordinary people, and take effective measures to benefit vulnerable groups so that more people in Taiwan can gain from economic exchanges and cooperation across the Straits.


At the same time, we hope that high-level economic dialogue and coordination between the two sides can be further stepped up in an endeavor to take economic cooperation across the Straits to a new level. This will involve a range of efforts to accelerate the expansion of cooperation in industry, increase two-way investment, deepen cooperation in financial services, and explore new approaches to cooperation.



Building mutual trust between compatriots and fostering stronger ties between youths on both sides of the Straits


Active efforts are therefore needed to facilitate broader contact between people of all circles and walks of life on both sides of the Straits. Through face to face interactions and heart to heart exchanges, we will be able to further mutual understanding and shorten the distance between us. ?习近平总书记尤其关心两岸基层民众和青少年的交流,强调要让广大台湾同胞特别是基层民众都能更多享受到两岸关系和平发展带来的好处。

Xi Jinping has placed a particular emphasis on contact between people at the grass-roots level and youths on both sides of the Straits. He has stressed that all Taiwan compatriots, especially ordinary people, should be able to benefit more from the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.


Youths hold the key to the future of cross-Straits relations. We need to work out more ways of facilitating interactions and contact between young people on both sides of the Straits, ensuring that they recognize the trend of peaceful development across the Straits and that they feel the momentum behind the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This will put them in the position to shoulder the responsibility of opening up a new chapter in cross-Straits relations and making the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation a reality.






大作文话题类型:1. 抽象品质; 2. 社会现象类 3. 社会问题类

预测话题包括:1. 网络类(网购、微博、微信等新现象);2. 抽象品质类(梦想与行动、创新、 诚信等)3. 环境类(节约型社会、交通状况、动物/资源保护等)4. 社会现象类(剽窃,明星代言、真人秀等)



What is subtly demonstrated in the above drawing is that in front of a desktop sits a fashionable lady who is staring at the screen with shocked expression wearing on cheeks and huge sweat dropping from her forehead. What is spit from the computer is the lengthy Alipay bill, which can almost be spread as long as two meters. The caption above reads that you should keep away from Taobao and cherish your income.

The objective of the drawer is to show us that utmost attention should be paid to shopping online, which has exerted profound impact on the daily life of the average individuals. We can easily recognize its advantages: e-commerce, which is extremely convenient, can save us a great amount of precious time and we can buy products everywhere we want as long as we can surf online. However, for all the advantages mentioned above, online trading is by no means without its limitations: we may be cheated by some online retailers, which might be a potential threat to our bank accounts.

Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. For one thing, we should appeal to the authorities to make strict legislations to severely punish those who deliberately spoil the interests of online customers. For another, we should enhance the awareness of residents that rational purchasing is conducive to our income management. Only in this way can we maximize the merits and minimize the demerits of online purchasing.

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大作文话题类型:1. 抽象品质; 2. 社会现象类 3. 社会问题类

预测话题包括:1. 网络类(网购、微博、微信等新现象);2. 抽象品质类(梦想与行动、创新、 诚信等)3. 环境类(节约型社会、交通状况、动物/资源保护等)4. 社会现象类(剽窃,明星代言、真人秀等)




(Common as it is, the above picture has deep implication). As is vividly shown in the cartoon, at least five patients are staying in one hospital who are injured because of jay-walking, driving after drinking and disregarding of the laws. If we take a closer watch, it is of little difficulty to find that one police is patiently explicating the traffic laws to one injured person, sitting at a wheel chair which is pushed by one nurse.

There is no doubt that it describes a common phenomenon in our society that traffic problems are increasingly severe. What might trigger this affair? (For my part, the following two are of utmost importance.) For one part, the general public have failed to realize the importance of abiding by the traffic regulations and laws(and a big deal of the attention have been distracted by the so-called“great affair”). Once some drivers easily disregard the traffic signals, so do other drivers who intend to obey the laws. Moreover, the current state of affairs depicted in the drawing, may have been encouraged, though not justified, by the lack of severe legal penalty. If someone does disorderly parking or drive under the influence of alcohol, the punishment is not so harsh that the drivers could afford to learn a heavy lesson from the fine. (If we let this situation continue as it is, ultimately, our society will suffer a great destruction.)

It is advisable for us to take steps to reverse this current evil trend. On one hand, we should cultivate the awareness of people that everyone needs to reflect on his or her uncivilized conducts and strengthen his self-discipline. On the other hand, it is high time that more severe and sound laws and regulations should be introduced to harness and curb this matter. Only in this way, can we crack the hard nut and embrace a bright future.

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A thought-provoking dialogue between the mother elephant and her own child appears in the first picture. Having growing his teeth, the young elephant is eager to share the exciting news with his mother. However, after repeating his words several times, there is still no response coming from the mother. Meanwhile, the attractive caption in the second photo reads: no trade, no kill. The above pictures unveil a hazard posed to wildlife due to the expanding scale of world commercial hunting. At least two fundamental factors could contribute to this phenomenon. The industry of commercial hunting have undergone a booming expansion (along with the growing public awareness of the merits of wildlife, which makes/), making hunting unusually profitable. Worse still, lacking knowledge regarding the significance of ecological balance, some people take the gun to chase animals insatiably (and thus cause a severe threat to all life in the world). Apparently, this trend will surely in turn endanger humankind in the long run.{2017考研英语作文热点范文}.

(On no account should we turn a blind eye to such things.//All these factors above make it crucial to take drastic measures to protect the wildlife.) Accordingly, governments all over the world are supposed to unite to work out effective measures against commercial hunting. Additionally, people should be educated from childhood to cultivate the awareness that we and the rare wild animals share the same precious planet. I do believe a harmonious relationship between the wildlife and human beings is awaiting us if we make every effort to promote wildlife protection both nationally and internationally.


The drawing does mirror a common social phenomenon and is really thought-provoking. According to the above photo, a couple of elephants are walking forward slowly while the young elephant says to his mother, “Mom, my tusks start to grow up!

But mom, why aren’t you happy about that?” What is conveyed carries the message of the human’s threat on the wild animals by catching and killing.

A host of reasons may make this happen. To start with, an army of hunters have been killing rare wild animals just to make huge profits. That is the very reason why the mother elephant does not glad to hear that her son’s ivory growing. Another significant cause of the rapid reduction of wildlife is the disappearance of their natural habitats. Because of the fast advancing of urbanization, animals are forced to give up their original places and move to another site which may not be as good as before.

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Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic and effective measures to protect the wildlife. On the one hand, we can appeal to the government to make some strict laws to prevent them from being caught and killed. On another level, we must enhance citizen's awareness that loving the nature is everybody's responsibility. Only through these measures are we able to have

opportunities to expect a beautiful world and a promising prospect to come.

What is explicitly demonstrated in the above caricature is that there sits an individual by the river bank, fully equipped with a protective mask, who is fishing in the acid rain with an umbrella in his right hand. It is not difficult to notice that what he got from the highly polluted river is a fishbone rather than a real one and noxious gases are pouring into the sky continuously which is already dusky.

What might trigger this phenomenon? Previously, it is widely admitted that the authorities concerned have failed to enact strict legislations and regulations to curb environmental detriment, which has exerted negative impact on the daily life of the average folks. Simultaneously, there is no denying that citizens lack of awareness of protecting the surroundings we are living in, which are vital to us. Ultimately, another contributory factor to this situation is that some folks are tempted by the economic motivation so that they put the environment at risk. .

Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to reverse this disturbing trend. To begin with, relevant laws should be made to severely punish those who deliberately destruct the environment. In addition, the awareness of the public should be cultivated that guarding the circumstance we are dwelling in is protecting our own homeland. Only by enforcing these actions, can we effectively, efficiently and eventually crack this hard nut and embrace a promising community.

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What is vividly revealed in the picture is that water is being reused in daily life at home. After washing rice, the water can be used to wash vegetables and then clean the mop and the toilet. What a harmonious scene it is!

It is not difficult to find that what the picture intends to express is the importance of saving and protecting resources. On the one hand, as we all know, water resource is limited and water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being. On the other hand, the phenomenon of wasting water can still be easily found anywhere in our daily life. For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it o that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious water is that we cannot afford to waste it. Water resource is not only indispensable in our daily life but also in the industry and agriculture. It is hard to imagine what the world would be like when there I is no more water.

It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention. But, this is not adequate. As is shown in the above picture, what we need is more actions to save and protect resources! First of all, social environment is shaped by the general public, and the cultivation of conservation-minded society depends on the active involvement of every member of our society, be he old or young. Accordingly, an education campaign should be launched to call on people from all walks of life to save and protect resources. In addition, saving and protecting resources is bound up with our daily life. We, college students, should spare no efforts to save valuable energy and natural resources such as power, water, coal, gas and so on. Only by the joint efforts of the whole society can we create a real conservation-minded society.

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1. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. In you writing, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)


Here is a picture, interesting but with profound implication. As is vividly depicted in the photo, a cute little boy and an old man are talking about a book, which successfully captures our eyes. After a close watch, it is not difficult to find that they disagree with the so called “purified” traditional book. Apparently, what the drawing has subtly conveyed is supposed to be given further analysis.{2017考研英语作文热点范文}.

Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the interaction and confrontation between

tradition end modern society, but for my part, the following two are of utmost importance. On the top of list is that tradition culture is our root and we have attached much importance to

our traditional culture. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally admitted that modern society needs the reinterpretation to our tradition, which directly leads to the phenomenon in the picture.{2017考研英语作文热点范文}.

According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to make our tradition and modern society coexist harmoniously. Of all the steps, mass media tends to function essentially in the work. Only in this way can we make the best of the value of ancient culture and let it contribute to our life.








In your opinion, what is the most importantcharacteristic (for example, honesty,intelligence, a sense of humor) that a personcan have to successful in life? Use specificreasons and examples from your experience toexplain your answer. When you write youranswer, you are not limited to the exampleslisted in the prompt.

Model Essay(范文):

Although honesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor are all worthwhile characteristics,I feel the most important one in life to have is sensitivity. A sensitive person is aware ofhim/herself and the way their actions affect others. A sensitive person knows the place ofhonesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor.

Honesty is not always the best policy. There is such a thing as a white lie. You don't want toinsult someone by saying that their new dress doesn't fit properly or that you wouldn't live intheir new house if they paid you. You must be sensitive to when it is necessary to tell the truthand when it is better to tell a white lie.

Intelligence is a wonderful thing to have, but not all intelligent people use their intelligencesensitively. You don't want to show off and make others feel stupid. You must be sensitive tothe reactions of the people around you. It might be appropriate for you to admit that youhave the right answer, but in some cases, you might have to say, “I think this is the answer,but we might want to check it.” A sensitive person would not make someone else look dumb.

A sense of humor is always valued. Different people, however, laugh at different things. Youdon't want to make someone feel uncomfortable by laughing at his /her mistakes. A sensitiveperson would understand whether a person could be teased or whether a person wouldappreciate a certain joke.

A sensitive person would make everyone feel comfortable. A sensitive person understandsthat people are different and that the values of honesty, intelligence and humor can beapplied differently.

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