
热门资讯  点击:   2012-08-10



第一部分 交际用语

1.– I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.(B) B. Neither have I

2.– What subjects are you studying?(C ) C. I'm studying philosophy

3.– I wonder if you could help me.( D) D. Of course

4.– Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00.(A ) A. Don't worry. We've got 20 minutes 5.- David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately.(C)

C. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that 6.– Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you.(C) C. That's quite all right

7.– Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble.(A)

A. It's no trouble at all

8.– I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want?(C)

C. A beer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yet 9.– What would you like, tea or coffee?(B) B. Coffee, please

10.– Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D) D. Who's speaking

11.– May I help you, madam?(D) D. Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of oranges 12.– Nice weather, isn't it?(C) C. Yes, it is

13.– Must I do the washing-up tonight?(B) B. Leave it if you're exhausted

14.– Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?(B) B. At the office

15.– Do you like watching football matches?(D) D. Football? No. It's a waste of time

16. — Hello, Sally. How’s everything?(D) D. Just so-so

17 — Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?(A)

A. Certainly. Here you are

18. — I don’t like the spots programs on Sundays.(B) B. Neither do I

19. — What’s the problem, Harry? (D) D. I can’t remember where I left my glasses

20 — What kind of TV program do you like best?(C)

C. It’s hard to say, actually

21. --What about going for a walk?(A) A. Why not? A good idea

22. — I think the Internet is very helpful.(A) A. Yes, so do I

23. — Which language do you speak at home?(D)

D. English, most of the time

24. — Must we hand in our homework now? (C)

C. No, you needn’t

25. — Let’s take a walk. (A) A. Yes, let’s

26. — Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D)

D. Who’s speaking A. brought up

27. — Do you think the exam will be put 11.(B)he said is quite right. off?(C) B. What C. Not likely 12.He kept the light in his room (B )the 28. — In my opinion, you’d better take a whole night. couple of days off.(A) B. burning A. I’ll take your advice 13.He was (A )about his new job. 29. — Would you mind if I open the window A. over the moon for a better view?(D) 14.He has been ( B) in hospital for a month. D. Of course not B. in danger

30.I have an appointment with Dr. 15.He spends a quarter of the day ( B ) Johnson.(C) B. sleeping C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now 16.It happened ( D )a winter night. 31.Afternoon, sir. Where to?(A) D. on

A. Please get me to the airport 17.If you ( A )stop smoking, you can only 32. Can I help you to get it down? (C) expect to have a bad cough. C. Thanks. It’s so nice of you A. won’t

33.— I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no 18.It’s not safe (C ) in the street. answer.(D). C, playing D. Really? Maybe she’s out 19.( D ) it with me and I’ll see what I can do. 34.— Are you sure about that? (D) D. Leave D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive 20.I don’t suppose he will attend the meeting, 35.— Would you like to see the ( B )? menu?(A) . B. will he A. No, thanks. I already know what to order 21.I think all these are main points ( B ) 36.— What if my computer doesn’t work?(B) much attention. B. Ask Anne for help B. worthy of 37.— How’s the movie? Interesting?(C) . 22.I have given( C )eating meat. C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching C. up TV 23.I know it isn’t important but I can’t help 38.— Is this the motel you (B ) about it. mentioned?(B) .

B. thinking 24.Linda offered him her congratulations ( D) his passing the college entrance exams. I D. on forgot to buy salt. 25.Mr. White has a wife and three children to C. checking ( A ) 2.Ann is studying (B) at university. A. raise B. politics 26.Mary forgot( B )a letter to her mother, so 3.After(C )the bid, major construction began she wrote to her just now. in Beijing. B. to write C. winning 27.Not only I but also Jane and Mary ( B) 4.Be sure to( A ) your wife when you come tired of having one examination after another. here this evening. B. are A. bring 28.Our plane (A) from London at 7:00 5.---Can I get you a couple of tea? (A) yesterday evening. A. That’s very nice of you A. took off 6.Don’t worry. There is (C) room for all your 29.On his first sea( D), he was still quite books here. young but showed great courage to face the C. enough storm. 7.(A )fine weather it is! D. voyage A. What 30.She’s unlucky, and she’s always suffering 8.(C )for the Olympic Games begin about ten ( D ) luck one after another. years in advance. D. ill C. Bidding 31.She has lived here ( B) three years. 9.Everything( D )if Albert hadn’t called the B. for fire brigade. 32.Time is money! We should ( B )our time. D. would have been destroyed B. make good use of 10.Her parents died when she was very young, 33.They (B)the train until it disappeared in so she was (A )by her aunt. the distance.

B. watched the radio. 34.That’s all settled. It (D) talked about. A. was listening to D. needn’t be 55.In the fifties last century, many new cities 35.The bedroom needs ( A ) ( C ) in the desert. A. decorating C. grew up

36.--- What’s happened to Tom? ---( D )to 56.He (A) in the laboratory the whole hospital. morning. D. He’s been taken A. has been working

37.---Which do you like better, real movies 57.You like playing football, (B) you? ( D) cartoons? B. didn't ---- I prefer cartoons ____ real movies. 58.That's the( C ) gentleman I've been D. or, to telling you about. 38.What a fool I have been! Why ( B )I think C. very of that before? 59.Dr. Hoffman proposed that we (A) the B. didn’t meeting until next week. 39.We must make a difference between (A ) A. put off language and _____language. 60. China is (A) the east of Asia. A. spoken, written A. in

40.We ( A ) every day when we were 61. Parliament didn't think the Prime Minister children. did enough in the improvement of fair A. used to swim employment, ( B)he was asked to write to 41.You must explain (C)how they succeeded Parliament for further explanation. ________ the experiment. B. so C. to us, in 62.He asked me where (B) from. 42.You look ( D ). What ______ you B. I came ________? 63.(B ), we keep records on all the D. tired, have…been doing experiments so that we may have enough data. B. As a rule

43.Not until most of the people had left the 64.I thought that this would be a funny trick airport ( C ) his sister was there. ( A)Jim. C. did he see A. to play on

44.They are ( B ) students that they all 65.If the man (B )succeed, he must work as performed well in the nationwide hard as he can. examinations. B. is to B. such diligent 66.I prefer tea (A) coffee. 45.She paid the builder ( A ) the gate. A. to A. to repair 67.The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is 46.We( A )every day when we were children. delicious. I'd like to have it again even if it A. used to swim costs ( D). 47.The work( A )by the time you get there. D. twice as much A. will have been done 68.I have (B) finished the report. 48.It is assumed that students at an B. already

intermediate level will have a good (A ) of 69.– Where ( B ) the recorder? I can't see it the basic structures and vocabulary of English. anywhere. A. command – I ______ it right here, but now it's gone. 49.More and more people in China now (A ) B. have you put; put to work regularly. 70.You look (D ) . What ______ you A. drive ________ ?

50.We (D) the bathroom and plan ____ the D. tired, have…been doing bedroom this year. 71.We are ( B ) in the future of our D. have painted…to paint motherland. 51.I regret (B) that I'm unable to help you. B. confident B. to say 72.Frank plays ( C )Alex. 52.They all ( B )the job. C. a lot better than B. asked for 73. I broke my leg when I (B) skiing in 53.We have our office ( C ) every day by a America. cleaner. B. was C. cleaned 74. She was convicted (C) murder. 54.Mother was busy. Although she was not C. of watching the basketball on TV, she ( A) it on 75. A new hotel (D) in the center of town at the moment.

D. is being built

76. It is very convenient (A) here. A. living

77. I have lived here (B) 1997. B. since

78. The bedroom needs (A). A. decorating

79. He is the man (D) dog bit me. D. whose

80. I’m tired. I (B) working very hard. B. have been

81. Before she left on the trip, she (D) hard. D. had trained

82. He keeps (B) at himself in the mirror. B. looking

83. The sun heats the earth, (C) is very important to living things. C. which

84. Ancient Greece is the (A) of western civilization. A. origin

85. Please stop (B). It cannot help the situation. B. shouting

86. The big man has always been eating on the go, (A) he has got stomachache. A. so

87. Let me (B) the case carefully before I draw a conclusion. B. look into

88. He, as well as I, (D) a student. D. is

89. She (C) her success to hard word and strong will. C. owes

90. Mr. Smith (C) a most important part in the development of our city. C. played

91. I’d rather stay at home than (C) a walk. C. take

92. Hardly (A)home when it began to rain. A. had I got

93. I prefer classic music (D) pop music. D. to

94. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, (A). A. however

95. When we were having a meeting, the director (B) the bad news by telephone. B. was told 96. Silk(B) by Chinese for thousands of years now.

B. has been used

97. You (B) to lock the door at night. B. ought

98. Before I got to the cinema, the film (A). A. had begunA. to shout

99. The patient acted on the doctor’s (B) and finally recovered.

B. advice

100. A lecture hall is (C) where students attend lectures. C. one

101. Don’t worry, your watch (D) and you can have it in no time. D. is being repaired

102. The definition leaves (B)for disagreement. B. much room

103. Not always (B) they want (to). B. can people do what

104. Sadam(B) for 25 years. B. was married

105. I don’t want you to make any trouble, (C), I urge you to solve the problem. C. on the contrary 106. Why (B) the old block of flats _________ demolished next month? B. is…being{2017电大英语作业答案}.

107. At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs (A) more to improve the relationship with the USA.

More and more people….. ⑴have⑵have been asking⑶due⑷who⑸-⑹which⑺estimated⑻to have them installed⑼yet⑽to install

文章2:开头Traffic in India means….. ⑴have been sold⑵in⑶vehicles⑷with⑸on⑹pulled⑺watch out⑻are recommended⑼by⑽that 文章3:开头Most workers spend eight…. ⑴workdays⑵enjoy⑶extra⑷to⑸rather⑹under⑺As a result⑻little⑼end⑽health

文章4:开头There are advantages and dis ⑴both⑵to⑶than⑷do⑸prepares⑹yet⑺on⑻new⑼as⑽have

文章5:开头Jules Verne’s most famous

⑴meaning⑵invented⑶at⑷story-teller⑸to be⑹who⑺easy⑻ways⑼as well as⑽Sometimes 文章6:开头Peter Blake is a successful ⑴used⑵was⑶decided⑷been⑸so⑹which⑺own⑻on⑼-⑽but

文章7:开头Although international

⑴exciting⑵from…in…from⑶which⑷to⑸leave⑹before⑺effects⑻lessen⑼best⑽for 文章8:开头Frank knew he was very ill

⑴sometimes⑵in⑶mind⑷listened⑸be admitted⑹remember⑺nobody⑻whenever⑼only⑽like 文章9:开头A study()„.

⑴has shown⑵to⑶who⑷even if⑸more likely⑹were⑺exercising⑻However⑼to reduce⑽encourage

文章10:开头A study has shown that fitness is the key

⑴to⑵or⑶those who do not⑷the least⑸whether or not⑹to be fat⑺being⑻smoking⑼on⑽to exercise

文章11:开头 A survey was carried out last year„„

⑴by⑵sharply⑶Although⑷to exercise⑸walking⑹walk⑺on⑻to make⑼for⑽for 文章12:开头 Bill was on holiday and he was very„„

⑴about⑵who⑶had had⑷about⑸surprised⑹for

his⑼and⑽with Bill cooper is portfolio manager of the 13billion value thust funds ……..

⑴ for nine years running ⑵through his fathers explanation ⑶one can make money through

buying stocks⑷hard work ⑸ only indicated that one was ready to start his career 文章2:开头是:my mother reised me as best as the could

⑴ poor ⑵ badly ⑶ whichare not regular or fixed ⑷ the three years of military service

⑸ the anthor was surprised that he was accepted as a firefight 文章3:开头:robert was born in a small town in England

⑴ his father is a rich farmer⑵ there were a lot of thiever in the city

⑶he was afraid to lose his wallet⑷ he hoped to make fun of the thieves ⑸the thief make fun of Robert

文章4:开头 I have two jobs growing up and they all help share my life…

⑴ how to talk and behave properly ⑵working in different occupations⑶challenging⑷ joining a baseball game ⑸ never be faraid of taking risks

文章5:开头 Paper was invented by the Chinese in the first century ad

⑴ in china⑵ in 1500 ⑶ one tre ⑷ faster⑸ houses

文章6:开头 the entertainment profession ,or shou business

⑴geting the best tailor⑵ yonger singes are catching up⑶ they make him rich and famous ⑷ can be very annoying ⑸keep smiling 文章7:开头may you wish upon a thousand stars?

⑴ husband and wife⑵ her motorhome ⑶ they learn a lot more than ordinary school kids ⑷

global positioning syatem ⑸ their life is rich and they stay closer to each other

文章8:开头dear folks :I ’ve been here fou about three weeks…

⑴ looks very different form what she expected ⑵ it is the cheapest⑶ to keep up in a different learning bnvironment ⑷ less confident in making⑸ lanzhou 文章9:开头a funny thing happened on the way to the communication..

⑴ unhappy⑵ both A and B ⑶more

disconnecet⑷ all of the above ⑸ it actually creates a distand between …

文章10:开头 Cynthia woolly is calld the

⑴ the best professional woman baskbetball well ⑵the team leader of a basketball team ⑶ at a disadvantage⑷ she doesn’t want the yonger ⑸ providing them eith a better 文章11 开头: I was 15 when I walked into .. ⑴ he happended to walk into the shop and got in by chance⑵ it helped him understand the world and himself ⑶proud of himself⑷perauding his boss to let him do the story on tv⑸ it helps people make sense of the worle 文章12:开头 we are all in rush ..

⑴ feel time is pressing ⑵at the same time ⑶ about time ⑷ is doubtful about⑸can we save timesaving

文章13开头: PALO ALTO ,California… ⑴ children will get father if they spend more time watching tv⑵ is more than fours a day⑶ three hours ⑷ childrend usually eat more while watching tv⑸both A and B

文章14开头: Lillian hanson , a college student .

⑴she hadn’t got enough money⑵ to further her education at college⑶ that she is 73 years old ⑷ they were deeply moved by her spirit ⑸ cares for study very much

文章15开头 the greatest recent social changers have been in the lives of woman ..

⑴at about tewenty-five ⑵ many children died before they were five⑶was unlikely to find a job evwen if the wanted one⑷ marry before they are twenty-five ⑸today more married women leave…

文章16开头:Once the king of India fell ill and sent for his doctor.

⑴drinking bull’s milk ⑵hated Gulbo very much ⑶He was upset. ⑷Because she wanted the king to notice her.⑸understood the girl’s meaning

文章17开头:People all over the world today are beginning to…..

⑴the release of artificial or natural substances into the environment⑵all sides concerned would make more efforts⑶both a litter problem and a waster of resources⑷Eating⑸bits of waste things 文章18开头:Thousands of years ago,

⑴how life began on a volcano-produced island⑵its own rock⑶bare⑷soil, plants and animals⑸Insects could not live on the island without plants. 文章19开头:In the last 500 years, nothing about people

⑴Food⑵some shops⑶the potato harvest was bad⑷Ethiopia⑸coffee drinks were first made by Arabs

文章20开头:Crime Prevention Initiatives……AT HOME

⑴how to avoid the crimes both at home and in the street⑵never leave the keys to workmen since they can easily make copies⑶go to public places⑷Because it’s convenient for us to report Michael Jordan of women… to the police in case there is a burglary.⑸we cannot part




(适合专科起点本科学籍的学生) 目录: 2017.04(第1部分)交际英语 2017.04(第2部分--1)阅读理解(1) 2017.04(第2部分--2)阅读理解(2)其中必考一篇 2017.04(第3部分)词汇与结构 2017.04(第4部分)完形填空 2017.04 (第5部分) 英译汉




第一部分 交际英语(2017 年4月统考)全真翻译版(共90题)


----------------以下红色 1-45 必须掌握,得分值 9分 ------------------

交际用语答题要领总结:讲礼貌,多委婉;受帮助,要感谢;遇坏事,先致歉;最长选项就是答案原则;有比较“恐怖”或者不认识的单词或者搞不清什么意思的选项就是答案的原则。在统考中,考的题型主要分为三类:询问类,看法类,功能类,下面的题目按分类排列,总结每类交际用语的常用回答。 2017年4月大学英语B统考题库

1.—Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? .

昨天为什么不来参加我的生日晚会? 不好意思,我太太出了个交通事故

A Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower B Fine, I never go to birthday parties

C Well, I don‘t like birthday parties D Sorry, but my wife had a car accident

2.—This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. 这个盒子对我来说太重了,搬不到楼上去 --让我帮你吧

A You may ask for help B I‘ll give you a hand

C Please do me a favor D I‘d come to help

3. -That’s a beautiful dress you have on! 你穿的这件裙子很漂亮! 噢,谢谢,我昨天买的

A Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday B Sorry, it‘s too cheap C You can have it D See you later

4. -David injured his leg playing football yesterday. 大卫昨天踢球时腿受伤了 真的吗?那怎么发生的啊?

A Who did that B What‘s wrong with him

D Why was he so careless

请问,Mary 在吗?--请别挂断,我去叫她

B No, she isn‘t here.

D Yes, what do you want? C How did that happen 5. -Hi, is Mary there, please?A Hold on. I‘ll get her. C Yes, she lives here.


6. -It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? _.

这里相当冷,你介意我把窗关上吗? --不介意,去关上吧。(问介意用 YES 表示介意或 NO)

A Yes, please B No, go ahead C Sure, please D I don‘t like it

7. -Medam,do all the buses go downtown?女士,请问,是不是所有的公交车都开往市区? 对不起,我也不是本地人

A Wow, you got the idea B No, never mind

C pretty well, I guess D Sorry, I‘m new here

8. -Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? 我能和 Don Watkins 说话吗?


A I‘m listening. B Oh, how are you? C Speaking, please. D I‘m Don.

9. -Thanks for your help. .谢谢您的帮助 --这是我的荣幸。

A My pleasure B Never mind C Quite right D Don‘t thank me

10.-Hello, I’m Harry Potter. 你好,我是 Harry Potter. 你好,我叫 Charles Green,但是请叫我 Charles。

A call my Charles


11.-Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?打扰下,你能告诉我最近的邮 B call me at Charles C call me Charles D call Charles me




1.- Sorry I'm late.

- _________

A.You are welcome.

B.It's a pleasure.

C.Take care.

D.Don't worry.


2.- We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?

- ________

A.I'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.

B.Of course not. I have no idea.

C.No, I can't.

D.That's all set.


3.- Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?

- ________

A.No, I already have plans.{2017电大英语作业答案}.

B.I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight.

C.No, I really don't like being with you.

D.I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out.


4.- Must I take a taxi?

- No, you ________ . You can take my car.

A.had better to


C.must not

D.don't have to


5.- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?

- ________

A.Speaking, please.

B.Oh, how are you?

C.I'm listening.

D.I'm Don.



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首次使用。) James Watt had made the first widely used steam(蒸气)engine. He had no way of telling people exactly how powerful it was, for at that time there were no units for measuring(测量)power.

Watt decided to find out could do in one minute. He called that unit one horsepower. With this unit he could measure the work his steam engine could do.

He discovered that a horse could lift a 3,300-pound weight 10 feet into the air in one minute. His engine could lift a 3,300-pound weight 100 feet in one minute.

Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten horsepower engine.

6.The passagesays that Watt made the first widely used steam engine.




7.Watt made up a unit of measurement based on the strength of a horse.




8.Watt wanted to find a way to lift a 3300-pound weight.




9.One horsepower would equal the weight a horse could lift.




10.The title of the passageis "How the Term Horsepower Came into Being".




Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is “no”. It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to be confirmed by other persons. He also works to fit the answers he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.

The scientist’s knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same different, any changes the scientist observes in a demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason that investigations are important in science. Albert Einstein, who developed the Theory of Relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy of his mathematics was later tested through investigations, and Einstein’s ideas were shown to be correct. A scientist uses many tools for measurements. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.

11.What makes a scientist according to the passage? ________

A.The tools he uses.

B.The way he uses his tools.

C.His ways of learning.

D.The various tools he uses.


12.The underlined part in the passage shows_______.

A.the importance of information

B.the importance of thinking

C.the difference between scientists and ordinary people

D.the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs


13.A sound scientific theory should be one that _________.

A.works not only under one set of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other times

B.does not allow any changes even under different conditions

C.can be used for many purposes

D.leaves no room for improvement


14.The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate __________.

A.that measurements are keys to success in science

B.that accuracy of mathematics

C.that investigations are important in science

D.that the mathematical calculations may test his investigations


15.What is the main idea of the passage? ________

A.The theory of relativity.

B.Exactness is the core of science.

C.Scientists are different from ordinary people.

D.Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.



16.When Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late.

A.for to come

B.that she was coming

C.for coming

D.to come


17.Samuel Clemens, ________ as Mark Twain, was one of the most famous American writers.

A.to know

B.to be known




18.She is not only my classmate ________ also my good friend.






19.Tom is so talkative. I'm sure you'll soon get tired _______ him.






20.He _______ lives in the house where he was born.







兰是芝加哥市里一家糖果公司的年轻总裁。) Her father began the company in the 1960's. He died three years ago. Now, the company belongs to Susan.

Susan, however, did not have any jobs before becoming head of the company. She just finished the college. The employees became even more concerned during Susan's first months on the job. Mr. Cleveland had been a __21__ leader. But Susan permitted many employees to make their own __22__. One employee said, "Old Mr. Cleveland always told us what to do. He kept people on a short leash. But the company did well. What does a "short leash" mean?A leash is a kind of rope. We use a leash to walk our pet dogs. The leash keeps the dog from __23__ away or getting into trouble.

Keeping a person on a short leash means keeping him or her under close control. The person can't make many decisions for himself or herself. Ms. Cleveland does not keep her workers on a short leash. __24__, she encourages them to get better ways to do business. For example, her secretary proposed an idea. She said the company should offer a sum of money as a prize to the best student in the high school near the factory. The winner could use the prize money to study at a university. Mr. Cleveland appreciated the idea. After the prize was announced, people who lived in the area of the factory began to buy __25__ of the company's candy. Local newspapers wrote about the competition. Business improved.{2017电大英语作业答案}.

Ms. Cleveland made her secretary the company's first Director of Public Relations. The former secretary was very pleased.

















1.- Would you like to have some coffee? - _________ A.No, please. B.Yes, I like. C.It is a pleasure. D.No, thank you. 答案:D 2.- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. - ______ A.Great, I am very art-conscious. B.Don't mention it. C.Thanks for your compliments. D.It's fine. 答案:C 3.- Thanks for your help. - __________ A.My pleasure. B.Never mind. C.Quite right. D.Don't thank me. 答案:A 4.- Is it possible for you to work late tonight? - _______ A.I like it. B.I'll do that. C.I'd love to. D.I think so. 答案:D 5.- Do you mind my smoking here? - _______ A.No, thanks. B.Yes, I do.

C.Yes. I'd rather not. D.Good idea. 答案:B 二、阅读理解 In learning a foreign language, one should first pay It is the ground-work(基础)of reading and writing. You'd better try your best to speak. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. While you are doing this, a good exercise is to write --- keep a diary, write notes or letters and so on. a language. If you are slow in to improve your English by reading, either aloud or low to yourself. The important thing is to choose something interesting to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you. When you are reading in this way, don't stop to look up the words if you can guess their meanings or if they are not important to the sentence. You can do that some other time. 6.Speaking is the ground-work while you are learning a foreign language. A.T B.F 答案:A 7.The best way to learn through mistakes is to try your best to speak. A.T B.F 答案:B 8.When you write, you will learn how to speak. A.T B.F 答案:B 9.When you read, you should choose interesting books for you. A.T



2017年新版模拟试卷 第5套


1. --Is that seat taken?


A. Please don’t worry

B. I don’t think so

C. Why not?

D. It’s very nice

2. --How much is this necklace?


A. It’s very nice

B. It’s a birthday present for my parents.

C. It costs fifty pounds

D. It’s a bargain

3. –Sorry to give you so much trouble.


A. I think so

B. I’m so sorry

C. It’s OK

D. You are busy

4. –I think the reference book is very helpful


A. Good idea.

B. So do I

C. Neither do I

D. So am I

5. –Would you come and have dinner with us?


A. No, I think I do.

B. No, never mind

C. Yes, please

D. Yes, I think I will


Passage 1

How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or written in letters, we call words.

The power of words, then, lies in their associations, that is, the things they bring up to our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more we are reminded of the happy and sad events of our past by certain words; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, a real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.

6. One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and ideas was that ___________.

A. they could express actions and things

B. they could communicate with each other

C. they could agree upon letters

D. they could write and combine them

7. What is true about the words?

A. They are used to express only thoughts and feeling.

B. They are signs.

C. They are simply sounds.

D. They can only be written.

8. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. The more we read and learn, the more the number of words means something to us.

B. The more we read and learn, the more knowledge we will acquire.

C. The more we read and learn, the more learned we are.

D. The more we read and learn, the more literate we become.

9. In expressing their thoughts, great writers are able _______________.

A. to move me kind.Their trip lasted twenty-five minutes and they travelled about eight kilometres.



6.Leonardo da Vinci ______ .

A.said that man would fly in the sky one day

B.built a kind of machine which never flew

C.drew many beautiful pictures of birds.

D.made designs for flying machine

7.Eight hundred years ago an Englishman ______ .

A.made a kind of flying machine

B.tried to fly with wings made of chicken feather

C.wanted to build a kind of balloon

D.tried to fly on a large bird

8.In fact,the Englishman who tried to fly ______ .

A.lost his life

B.flew only 8minutes

C.got badly wounded

D.succeeded in flying

9.The very first air passengers in the balloon were ______ .

A.the King and the Queen

B.two Frenchmen

C.two animals

D.the Montgolfiers

10.When did two Frenchmen rise above Paris?

A.In December 1783.

B.In September 1783.

C.In November 1783.

D.In the seventeenth century.{2017电大英语作业答案}.

Passage Two

When did you last see a polar bear(北极熊)? On a trip to a zoo, perhaps? If you had attended a winter activity in New York a few years ago, you would have seen a whole polar bear club. These "Polar Bears" are people who meet frequently in the winter to swim in freezing cold water. That day, the air temperature was 3℃, and the water temperature was a bit higher. The members of the Polar Bear Club at Coney Island, New York are usually about the age of 60. Members must satisfy two requirements. First, they must get along well with everyone else in the group, this is very important because there are so many different kinds of people in the club. Polar Bears must also agree to swim outdoors at least twice a month from November through February.

Doctors do not agree about the medical effects of cold-water swimming. Some are worried about the dangers of a condition in which the body's temperature drops so low that finally the heart stops. Other doctors, however, point out that there is more danger of a heart attack during summer swimming because the difference between the air temperature and water temperature is much greater in summer than in winter.

The Polar Bears themselves are satisfied with the benefits (or advantages)of cold-water swimming. They say that their favorite form of exercise is very good for the circulatory system(循环系统)because it forces the blood to move fast to keep the body warm. Cold-water swimmers usually turn bright red after a few minutes in the water. A person who turns blue probably has a very poor circulatory system and should not try cold-water swimming.

The main benefits (or advantages) of cold-water swimming are probably mental. The Polar Bears love to swim year-round; they find it fun and relaxing. As one 70-year-old woman says. "When I go into the water, I pour my troubles into the ocean and let them float away."

11. The members of the Polar Bear Club must meet the following requirements except

that_____ .

A. they should be easy to make friends with

B. they must swim outdoors at least 8 times in the four cold months

C. they must agree to swim outdoors from November through February

D. they must reach the age of 60

12. Doctors _____ .

A. encourage people to take part in cold-water swimming actively

B. point out the possible danger of blood illness during cold-water swimming

C. believe swimming is helpful both in winter and in summer

D. have different ideas about the medical effects of cold-water swimming

13. According to the passage, some doctors believe it is true that _____ .

A. you are healthy if cold-water swimming turns your skin color blue

B. cold-water swimming causes more heart attacks in summer than in winter

C. cold-water swimming can make the body temperature dangerously high

D. Polar Bears are bears swimming in freezing water

14. The Polar Bears like to swim all the year round, for _____ .

A. they can remain young

B. it is an easy way to keep the body warm in winter

C. they find it enjoyable and interesting

D. they might meet fewer troubles in life

15. The passage is mainly about _____ .

A. a group of cold-water swimming lovers

B. the Polar Bears' life in New York

C. doctors' ide

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