
自我评价  点击:   2011-08-16


A decade after Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt split, the actress says that part of her life is in the distant past.

在Jennifer Aniston和Brad Pitt分手多年后,这位女星近日重提往事。

On CBS Sunday Morning, Lee Cowan asked Aniston if she finds it painful when people constantly bring up the couple's divorce. "I don't find it painful though," she said.


在CBS节目《Sunday Morning》中,Aniston被问到,大众经常会提起她和布拉德皮特分手往事,这会不会让她经常觉得很难过。“我并不觉得难过,”她回答说。

As for whether or not Aniston and Pitt are still friends or still speak, the actress, who's now engaged to Justin Theroux, answered, "We've exchanged good wishes and all that sort of stuff to each other, but not a constant thing. I mean, do you talk to your ex-wife?"

现在Aniston已经跟Justin Theroux订婚,当被问到和Pitt是否还是朋友、是否还会说话时,她的回复是,”在分手的时候我们互相送上了祝福,不过之后并没有再多联系。难道你会无缘无故跟你前妻聊天?







但是很不幸,我们生活在一个任性的时代里,一遇到问题,首先想到 的就是‘糟糕,过不下去了’,那是最重要、决定性的时刻,因为一旦有了这种想法,人们自然而然就签订了离婚协议,他们不知道,自

己已经错过互相迁就、互相认错、重新证明爱情的机会,那才是最美好的。但是很遗憾,这不是他的婚姻观。我们的观点完全不同,若观点根本不一致,就无法勉强继续一段关系。我希望获得的是灵魂深处最忠诚的关系,但是他有权选择另一种形式,于是他选择分手。” It's like the ebb and flow of every relationship. It's hard; it gets easy; it gets fun again. What's hard to sustain is some ideal that it's{皮特为何不爱安妮斯顿}.

perfect. That's ridiculous. What's fantastic about marriage is getting through those ebbs and flows with the same person, and looking across the room and saying, 'I'm still here. And I still love you.' You re-meet, reconnect. You have marriages within marriages within marriages. That's what I love about marriage. That's what I want in marriage. It's unfortunate, but we live in a very disposable society. Those moments where it looks like 'Uh-oh, this isn't working!'-those are the most important, transformative moments. Most couples draw up divorce papers when they're missing out on an amazing moment of deepening and enlightenment and connection."

"That's not Brad's view of it. We believe in different things, I guess. You can't force a relationship, even if it's your view of how you would like it to be conducted. Obviously two people leave a{皮特为何不爱安妮斯顿}.

relationship because there's a different thought pattern happening. My goal is to try and achieve a very deep, committed relationship.

That's what I'm interested in, but it's someone's prerogative to be or not to be in or out of a relationship."

第三篇:《詹妮弗安妮斯顿老公结婚照 皮特为何不爱安妮斯顿?》




詹妮弗安妮斯顿老公结婚照 皮特为何不爱安妮斯顿?


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