
初中作文  点击:   2018-10-02




1. 并列关系

and, also, likewise, moreover, in addition, what is more, for instance, for example

2. 转折关系

although, however, on the contrary, but, in spite of, yet, otherwise, despite

I'm lucky that I'm interested in school work, otherwise I'd go crazy. (幸好我对学校作业还感兴趣,不然会疯的)

3. 顺序关系

first, second, third, and so on, then, after, before, next

4. 因果关系

as a result, for, thus, because, for this reason, so, therefore, as, since.

5. 归纳关系

as a result, finally, therefore, in short, thus, so, in a word



1.It is my great pleasure to hear from you (万能回信开头句)

二、 表建议句型

It is highly suggested that you should (not)...

In addition, you are supposed to do sth.

Meanwhile...is also a good way for you.

You should....You’d better...


to begin with,可替换 at first,

Then/next, 可替换 second,

finally, 可替换 third,


however, 可替换 but

therefore 可替换 so

otherwise 可替换 or


1. 不用说......

It goes without saying that ...

= (It is) needless to say (that) ....

= It is obvious that ....


It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.

2. 在各种......之中,......

Among various kinds of ..., ... /= Of all the ..., ...


Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular.

Of all the people I know,perhaps none deserves my respect more than Miss Wang.


3. 就我的看法......;我认为......

In my opinion, ... = To my mind, ....

= As far as I am concerned, ... = I am of the opinion that ....

例:In my opinion, playing computer games not only takes much time but also is harmful to health. 就我的看法玩电脑游戏既花费时间也有害健康。

4. 随着人口的增加...... With the increase/growth of the population, ...

随着科技的进步...... With the advance of science and technology, ...

例:With the rapid development of Taiwan's economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass. 随着台湾经济的快速发展许多社会问题产生了。

5. ......是必要的 It is necessary (for sb.) to do / that ...

...... 是重要的 It is important/essential (for sb.) to do / that ...

...... 是适当的 It is proper (for sb.) to do / that ...

......是紧急的 It is urgent (for sb.) to do / that ...

例:It is proper for us to keep the public places clean

It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean.


6. 花费 spend ... on sth. / doing sth. ...


We shouldn't spend too much time on something we aren't interested in.

7. how 引导的感叹句

例:那至少可以证明你很诚实。 At least it will prove how honest you are.

8. 状语从句

A) 如果你不......,你就会...... If you don't ..., you'll ...

例︰If you don't keep working hard, you'll lose the chance.


B) 如此 ......,以至于...... so ... that ...

例:At that moment, I was so upset that I wanted to give up.

So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,它经不起我们浪费。 So beautiful is Xi Shi that we all like her.西施是如此美丽,以致于我们都喜欢她。

C) 每当我听到......我就忍不住感到兴奋。Whenever I hear ..., I cannot but feel excited. 每当我做......我就忍不住感到悲伤。 Whenever I do ..., I cannot but feel sad.

每当我想到......我就忍不住感到紧张。Whenever I think of ..., I cannot but feel nervous. 每当我遭遇......我就忍不住感到害怕。Whenever I meet with ..., I cannot but feel frightened. 每当我看到......我就忍不住感到惊讶。Whenever I see ..., I cannot but feel surprised. 例:Whenever I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot but feel sad.

= Every time I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot help feeling sad.


9. 宾语从句

我认为,...... / 我认为......不 I think / I don't think that ...

我想知道是否...... I wonder whether ...

例:He doesn't think I should stop him joining the club. 他认为我不应该阻止他参加这个俱乐部。

10. Since + S + 过去式, S + 现在完成式.

例:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard. 自从他上高中,他就一直很用功。

11.The + 比较级 +(名词) 主语 +谓语, the + 比较级 + (名词)主语+谓语

越......,就越...... 例:

1、The harder you work, the more progress you make. 你越努力,你进步越大。

2、The more books we read, the more learned (有学问的)we become.


3、The more exercise you take, the healthier you’ll be ! 锻炼越多,你越健康!

4、The more you eat, you will be! 你吃得越多,长得越胖。

12.There is no doubt that 从句。 毫无疑问的......

例:There is no doubt that to plant more trees is good for protecting the environment . 毫无疑问多种树对保护环境有益。

13.An advantage of ...is that 从句。 ......的优点是......

例:An advantage of taking exercise is that it can make us keep healthy.


14.The reason why 从句is that +从句 ......的原因是......

例:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。

15.By +V-ing, ... can ... ......,......能够...... 例:

1、By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.


2、By reading, we can broaden our horizon. 通过阅读,我们可以扩大视野

16.have a great influence on ~~ (对......有很大的影响)

例:1、Smoking has a great influence on our health. 抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

2、Watching TV too much has a great influence on our study.


17.do good to (对...有益),do harm to (对......有害) 例:

1、 Reading does good to our mind.读书对心灵有益。

2、 Overwork does harm to health.工作过度对健康有害

18. spare no effort to do something 不遗余力地干某事 例:

1、We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


2、I will spare no effort to improve my English. 我要不遗余力地提高英语。

19.Those who ... ......的人......

Those who break the law should be punished. 违法的人应该受处罚

20.There is no one but .... 没有人不...... 例:

1、There is no one but longs to go to college. 没有人不渴望上大学。

2、There is no one but longs to be a millionaire. 没有人不渴望成为百万富翁

21.据说... It is said (that)从句

据报导... It is reported (that)从句

大家都知道... It is known (that)从句

一般认为... It is thought (that)从 句

一般相信... It is believed (that)从句

例: 1、It’s reported that some nuclear radiation from Fukushima of Japan has gone into the sea. 据报道,部分日本福岛核辐射已经进入海洋。

2、It's known that Chongqing is a mount city. 众所周知,重庆是座山城


1. Every coin has two sides. 每个硬币都有两面,比喻事物的两面性。

2. The winter is coming and the spring is not far. 冬天已经临近了,春天还会远吗?

3. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

4. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

5. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

6. A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

7. A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

8 Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。

9 Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。

10.Do as Romans do in Rome. 入乡随俗。

11.To live is to learn,to learn is to better live.活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着。

12. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

13. Nothing is too difficult in the world if you set your mind into it.


14. No pains,no gains. 不劳无获

15.Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功

16.It’s never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老{中考英语作文好词好句}.

注意:There is an old saying, “... ...” 古语有云,中间插入的谚语要第一单词的字母要大写



Great Changes in My Hometown

More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small, old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didn’t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life.

Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years. The people have found a lot of ways of making money. Now there are many tall buildings. They are very beautiful. Roads are wide and clean. People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work. Many people have cell phones and personal computers. People’s living conditions have improved a lot. Thanks to the government’s efforts. My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.



Save the Earth

How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world.

It’s our duty to protect our environment. No matter where we live, we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy. We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling. We should plant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and fields. We shouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places. We mustn’t pick the flowers or step on the grass in public. If everyone tries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much more beautiful and our life will be better and better.












1. 词数:80—100词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)

2. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。



1. 学校生活及学习成绩


be absorbed in ... bury oneself in ... 对...入迷

give an excellent performance before the whole class 在全班面前好好表现一番

put one’s heart into... 一心扑在...上

be interested in ... 对...感兴趣

be fond of ... 喜欢/爱好...

be good at ... 擅长... be poor at ... 不擅长... be weak in ... 不擅长.... fail in ...考试不及格

make progress in ... 在...方面取得进步

be tired of ... 对...感到厌烦/厌倦

pass the examination 通过考试 major in history 主修历史 live up to one’s hope 不辜负某人的期望

be active in class 在课堂上表现积极

take an active part in ... 积极参加...

learn sth by heart 谙记某事,牢记在心

improve oneself in ... 在某方面提高自己

have a good command of ... 精通...

lay a good foundation in ... 在...方面奠定一个好的基础

2. 师生关系

get on well with sb 与某人相处得很好

raise a question 提问

be gentle with us 对我们很友好

be kind to sb 对某人和蔼

be a strict teacher 一个严厉的老师

be strict in work 对工作要求严格

help sb with sth 用...帮助某人

praise sb for sth 由于某事赞扬某人

blame sb for sth 为(某事)责备某人

give sb advice on sth 在...方面给某人建议

question sb on ... 就...质问某人

be satisfied with ... 对...满意

give sb a lot of work 给某人很多的工作

make one’s lessons lively and interesting 使课堂生动并且吸引人 devote all one’s time to work 将自己所有的时间都投入工作之中

3. 彼此沟通信息

tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事

get information about ... 了解...

express one’s idea(feelings)in English 用英语表达自己的思想(情感)

write sb a letter saying ... 给某人写信说……

apologize to sb for ... 为...向某人道歉

thank you for ... 感谢你...

make a speech at the meeting 在会议上发表讲演

take a message for sb 给某人带口信

send a message to sb 给某人送口信

hear from sb 收到某人的信

talk about / of sth 谈论某事

explain sth to sb 向某人解释某事

look upon sb as ... 把某人认为...

think sb to be ... 认为某人...

5. 事件中人的态度

would like to do 愿意做某事

be unforgettable 是难以忘怀的

have fears for 感到害怕

hesitate for a few minutes 犹豫了几分钟

give sb a meaningful smile 冲某人意味深长的一笑

allow sb to do 允许某人做某事

keep / prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

call on sb to do sth 号召某人做某事

be afraid to do (be afraid of)sth 害怕/担心某事

feel like doing sth 坚持做某事 drive sb off 赶走某人 think highly of sb 对某人评价很高

force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事

offer to do sth 主动提出做某事

refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事

agree to do sth 同意做某事

regret doing sth 遗憾做过某事

prefer to do A rather than do B 喜欢做A胜过做B

had better do sth 最好做某事

would rather (not)do sth 更(不)愿意做某事

6. 事情过程

be woken up by the telephone 被电话吵醒

set out without a delay 一点没耽误地出发了

do sth as usual 像平常一样做某事

set about doing sth 开始做某事

try one’s best to do sth = go all out to do sth 尽力做某事 get into trouble 陷入困境


have the habit of doing sth 有做某事的习惯

have no trouble in doing sth 做某事没困难

make up one’s mind to do sth 下决心做某事

prepare sb for sth 准备/预备让某人干某事

give up doing sth 放弃做某事

wait for sb to do sth 等待某人去做某事

find a way to do sth 找到做某事的方法

make friends with sb 与某人交朋友

I’m trying to find ... 我正努力发现...

I’m afraid we are out of ... 我担心我们失去...

pass the time doing sth 做某事来消磨时间

feel a little excited about doing sth 对做某事感到有一点兴奋 can’t help doing sth 禁不住做某事

be prepared for more hard work 准备好应付更多的艰苦的工作

7. 感官活动与思维活动

be pleased with ... 对...感到高兴

be delighted in doing ... 做某事很愉快

take a pleasure in doing sth 做某事很高兴

be worried about sth 担心某事

feel surprised at ... 对...感到惊讶

be sorry for ... 对...抱歉

be angry with sb for sth 因某事对某人发怒

be angry about... 为某事生气

look forward to doing ... 期盼做某事

wish to do sth 希望做某事

expect to do sth 期待做某事

be sick for one’s home 怀念家乡

have a strong desire to do sth 对做某事有强烈的愿望。

look up(down)at ... 往上(朝下)看...{中考英语作文好词好句}.

catch sight of ... 看见...

take a look at ... 看一眼...

take notice of ... 注意到...

take view of ... 评价某事(某物)

have a good understanding of ... 对...能很好地理解

consider sb(sth)to be ... 认为某人(某物)...

realize that +从句 认识到...

know that +从句 知道...

8. 健康状况及治疗

develop a disease 得病

enjoy good health 身体健康

be in good shape 身体好

have got a high fever 发高烧

have got a pain in ... (身体某部位)感到疼痛

It’s nothing serious 没什么严重的

save one’s life 救某人的性命

9. 信件开头常用语

I was delighted to receive your letter 我很高兴收到你的来信 Your letter came to me this morning 我今天上午收到了你的来信 I have received your letter of July the 29th


I’m writing to you about the lecture to be given next Monday 我给你写信是想打听下星期一讲座的事

I’m writing to ask if you can come next week


How time flies ! It’s three months since I saw you last.


Thank you for your letter 谢谢你给我写信

10. 信件结尾常用语

Tom joins me in sending all good wishes to you and your family. 我和汤姆祝福你们全家

I imagine we’ll see you again , so I’ll end for now.


Please remember me to your whole family. 请代我向你全家问好。 Give my best regards (wishes)to your mother. 请代我向你妈妈致意。 Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible. 希望能尽快收到你的来信。

11. 问路和应答

Go down this street. 沿这条街道向前走。

Turn right / left at the first crossing. 在第一个十字路口向右/左拐。 in front of / behind ... 在...之前/之后

at the corner 在拐角处 pass two blocks 经过两个街区

12. 其他

There is something wrong with ... ...有问题。

It take sb some time to do sth 某人花费一些时间做某事

A is four times as big as B A是B的4倍

It is said that ... 据说...

be fit for ... 适合于...

be short of 缺乏

be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

change ...into ... 把...变成

waste time doing sth 浪费时间做某事

spend time doing sth 花费时间做某事

have no choice but to do sth 除了做某事外,别无选择

be mistaken about ... 把...搞错

catch up with ... 紧跟/追赶...

on behalf of 代表

be welcome to do sth 欢迎做某事


1. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友

3. A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半

4. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成

5. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大道通罗马

6. Easier said than done. 说起来容易,做起来难

7. Easy come, easy go. 来得快,去得快

8. Every man has his weak side. 人人都有缺点

9. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母

10. Look before you leap. 三思而后行

11. Nothing in the world is difficult if you set your mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人

12. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.


13. All things are difficult before they are easy. 万事开头难

14. Always prepare for a rainy day. 未雨绸缪

15. As you sow, so shall you reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆

16. I might say that success is won by three things: first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort. 成功要靠三件事才能赢得:努力,努力,再努力

17. Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 有事莫推明天

18. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧

19. Bad news has wings. 好事不出门,坏事传千里

20. Honesty is the best policy. 做人以诚信为本

21. You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret of success. 你必须相信自己,这是成功的关键

22. Don’t judge a man by his looks. 不可以貌取人







① 主语+ be + adj/n.. 例如:

She is of medium height. 她中等身材。

② 主语+ be + a + adj. + man / woman / girl / boy. 例如:

He is a grey-haired thin old man. 他是一位白发苍苍的瘦老头。

③ 某人 + has + adj. + 身体部位。例如:

She has a round face and wide eyes. 她长着圆圆的脸,大大的眼睛。

(二) 常用词语:

①表“长相”常用词语:good-looking 长得好看的,ugly-looking 长得难看的, ordinary-looking长相一般的, funny-looking 长相滑稽的,white-haired白头发的,beautiful 漂亮的,pretty 漂亮的,handsome (男子)英俊的,漂亮的,broad shoulder宽肩膀,wide eyes大眼睛,wide mouth大嘴巴。

②表“体形”常用词语:tall高的, short矮的,be of medium height中等身材,be short in stature身材矮小,fat胖的, thin瘦的, slim苗条的,full-bodied魁梧的。



① 主语 + be + 数词 + 单位 + tall.

② 主语 + be + 数词 + 单位 + in height. 例如:

He is 1.72 metres tall/in height. 他身高一米七二。


①主语 + be +数词 +单位词 + in weight.

②主语 + weighs + 数词 + 单位词。

③ One’s weight is + 数词 + 单位词。例如:


He is 65 kilogram in weight.

He weighs 65 kilogram. / His weight is 65 kilogram.




①主语 + be + 数词 + years old. 例如:

She is eight years old.

She is an eight-year-old girl.


①at the age of + 数词. 例如:

At the age of twelve,Edison began selling newspapers on the train.


①of + 数词 + years old. 例如:


He is a boy of twelve years old.

②aged + 数词 + years. 例如:

He is a boy aged twelve years.

③数词 + years of age. 例如:

They are all children under five years of age.

(4)表示十年之内的岁数: in + one's + 数词复数

When Marx was in his fifties,he found it important to study the situation in Russia.



①主语 +wears / is wearing + 衣物(衣、袜、鞋、帽、手表、眼镜、饰物、标志、颜色等名词)。例如:

She is always wearing red她总是穿红衣。

He wears his hair long. 他蓄长发。

②主语 + is dressed in +服装(类别、材料、颜色)。例如:

He is dressed in white他穿着白衣服。

③主语 + be + in +服装(类别、材料、颜色) 例如:

Mr Smith was in grey. 史密斯先生穿着灰色衣服。

④主语 + have on +服装(不用进行时) 例如:

She always has her black hat on.她总是戴着那顶黑帽子。

⑤ with + 眼镜,手套(用作定语)

Our boss is a young man with thick glasses.


⑥主语 + dress + well [badly, neatly]衣着漂亮[难看, 整洁]

(二)常用名词:suit男西装, dress女服, uniform制服, coat 外套, jacket 夹克, shirt衬衫, sweater毛衣,运动衫, trousers裤子, skirt 裙子, shoe 鞋, boot 靴子, glove手套, ring戒指, necklace项链, earring耳环, handkerchief 手帕, tie领带, cap无沿帽, hat大沿帽, perfume 香水, purse手提包, scarf围巾, jeans牛仔裤, stocking长袜, belt腰带, sock 短袜, slipper 拖鞋, raincoat 雨衣, wallet钱包, blouse 女外套, 女衬衫。



① Sb. was born in..

He was born


Sb. was born in a poor / rich /ordinary family.


② Sb. was born + adj. .

He was born wise. 他生来就聪明。

He was born rich. 他生来就富贵。

③Sb. was born + n..

He was born a genius. 他生来就是天才。

He was born an artist. 他天生就是艺术家。

④Sb comes from a family of teachers. 某人来自于教师世家。


①There are ......people in his / her family. 家庭有……人口。

②His/Her family is very big/small. 家庭人口多/少。

③His/Her father/mother works as a...... 父母从事……工作。

④He was the son of a poor family. 他是穷人家的儿子。



①When he was a small boy (girl),...{中考英语作文好词好句}.

When he was young,...

②As a child,...

③During his (her) childhood, ...

④Sb. spent his(her) childhood in…,

⑤ at the age of ...,


①grow in a ...... family在……家庭成长

grow in a happy family 在和睦的家庭成长

② grow up under the care of ... 在的……关怀下成长

grow up healthy and strong 健康茁壮地成长

③ live a happy (hard) life 过着幸福的/艰难的的生活

④ make a living by 以…为生

When he was young, his parents died, so he had to make a living by begging.


⑤ depend on sb./ oneself 依靠某人/自己

⑥ be forced to work for 被迫为…工作。

At the age of fifteen, he was forced to work for the landlord in the field.




①start school in…在…开始上学

②be educated at [in] school在…学校接受教育

③finish middle school中学毕业

④graduate from... high school 毕业于…中学


①pass university entrance examination通过大学入学考试

②be admitted into ...university 被…大学录取

③graduate from the department of ...of ...university毕业于…大学…系

④When at college, he majored in...., 上大学时,主修…专业

⑤ receive/get a doctor’s degree in.... 获得…博士学位

⑥ get higher education 接受高等教育


①go abroad for further studies 去国外进修学习;

②go to ...university for further education 去…大学深造。


① work in + 单位 + from ... to...从…到…在某单位工作

② work as 从事…职业

③ work at从事/致力于某工作

④ be appointed +职位。被任命为…

In 2004, he was appointed chairman of the committee.


⑤be promoted to 被提升为…;


①live one’s last life in... 在…度过某人的晚年生活;

②spend one’s last happy life in... 在…度过晚年的幸福生活;

③Sb. died (passed away) in + 地点 + 时间。某人于某时某地去世/死。


(一)常用形容词:excellent极佳的, healthy健康的, short-sighted 近视, far-sighted 远视, lame瘸的, blind瞎的, disabled残疾的,energetic 精力充沛的。

(二)常用词组:be in good health身体好,be in bad/poor health身体不好,be well enough很健康,be well and fit很健康,be in condition身体很好,be out of condition身体不适, be /fall ill生病, get /fall sick生病。

He is energetic and healthy. He takes an active part in varieties of activities.他精力充沛,身体健康,积极参加各种活动。



①常用形容词:married已婚, single未婚,divorced 离异, separated分居。

② He/She got married to sb. in + 时间。和某人结婚。

③He/She got divorced from sb. in + 时间。和某人离婚。

He got divorced from his former wife in 1988.


④She/He remains single. 尚未结婚。


① Sb. has a large [small] family. 子女多[不多]

② He / She has a son and a daughter. 有一儿一女。

③ He lives in a single parent family. 他生活在一个单亲家庭。



① like...very much 非常喜欢;

② be fond of喜欢…;

③ be interested in对…感兴趣;

④ be crazy about 对…极度喜欢;

⑤ enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事;

⑥ His/her hobbies are...他/她的业余爱好是… 。

⑦fall in love with sth. 爱上…





Not onlybut also he has a gift for music.

4. 雷锋给我们树立了一个良好的榜样,我们都很敬重他. 5.他小时候就对数学非常感兴趣。

6. 她总是乐于帮助同学提高他们的阅读。

她为科研献出了一切, 对国家作出了巨大贡献。

8. 他被认为是中国最伟大的科学家之一。

9. 她因在化学方面的科研成就被授予了诺贝尔奖。 10. 凭着他的决心和毅力,他花了37年完成这本书,这位中国做出了巨大奉献。 great contribution to China.




1. 学校生活及学习成绩

put one’s heart into … 一心扑在…上 be fond of … 喜欢/爱好……

make progress in … 在……方面取得进步 be getting on well with one’s study(某人)学业进展得很好

work hard at …努力学习

live up to one’s hope 不辜负某人的期望 be active in class (work) 在课堂上(工作中)表现积极

take an active part in …积极参加…… learn sth . by heart 谙记某事,牢记在心 work out a problem解决一个问题 improve oneself in …在某方面提高自己 have a good command of …精通…… lay a good foundation in (language study)在(语言学习)方面奠定一个好的基础 2. 师生关系

get on well with sb. 与某人相处得很好 raise a question 提问

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