
快速阅读法  点击:   2016-05-19



We are truly grateful to the reviewers’ suggestions on English. Based on these

comments, we have made careful modifications on the manuscript.

Dear Editor:

We are truly grateful to yours and other reviewers’ critical comments and thoughtful suggestions. Based on these comments and suggestions, we have made careful modifications on the original manuscript. All changes made to the text are in red color. In addition, we have consulted native English speakers for paper revision before the submission this time. We hope the new manuscript will meet your magazine’s standard. Below you will find our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments/ questions: 1





Yours sincerely


Dear Prof.****:

Thank you very much for your kindly comments on our manuscript (No******). Based on your and reviewer’s suggestions, we carefully revised the manuscript.

We are now sending the revised article for your re-consideration to publish in Journal of Plant Physiology. Please see our point to point responses to all your comments below, and the corresponding revisions in the body of manuscript, both marked in blue. We look forward to hearing form you soon for a favorable 8 decision.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.



1. *****



Below, the original comments are in black, and our responses are in blue.


Following typographical and grammatical errors in original manuscript have been removed

and corrected:

(1) Line 20 page 1 in the original manuscript: the drag…..

Revised in the revised manuscript: The drag……


Dear Dr:

We are truly grateful to yours and other reviewers’ critical comments and thoughtful suggestions. Based on these comments and suggestions, we have made careful modifications on the original manuscript. All changes made to the text are in red color. In addition, we have consulted native English speakers for paper revision before the submission this time. We hope the new manuscript will meet your magazine’s standard. Below you will find our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments/ questions:

Comments from the Editor-in-Chief:


Dear Dr. Chernick:

We must thank you and all other reviewers for the critical feedback. We feel lucky that our manuscript went to these reviewers as the valuable comments from them not only helped us with the improvement of our manuscript, but suggested some neat ideas for future studies. Please do forward our heartfelt thanks to these experts.

Based on the comments we received, careful modifications have been made to the R1 manuscript. All changes were marked in red text. In addition, we also have a native English speakers double-checked the English for the revised R2 version. We hope the new manuscript will meet your magazine’s standard. Below you will find our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments/ questions:

Dear Editor:

Thank you very much for your supervision of the reviewing process of my manuscript (Ref. No. of XXXXXXX). We also highly appreciate the reviewer’s carefulness, conscientious, and the broad knowledge on the relevant research fields, since they have given me a number of beneficial suggestions. According to the reviewer’s instructions, we have made the following revisions on this manuscript:

1. After examining the reviewer’s comments carefully, we must admit

that we have

not expressed our meaning correctly in the previous manuscript. Sorry for this confusion. In the revised version, the “rougher” has been corrected as “weaker and

broader”. (See Line 7 from top, 3.1 Phase identification).

2. As suggested by the reviewer, Fig. 3a has been referred into the revised manuscript

to reveal flattening of the milled powders. (See Line 4 from top, 3.2 Microstructure)

3. In the review comments, the reviewer has pointed out that “The particle size of the

powders in Fig. 3b&c appear to be comparable?” We have again examined Fig. 3b

and 3c carefully. Compared with the particle size of powders in Fig. 3b, the particle


size of particles in Fig. 3c showed a very slight increase. (See Line 17 from top, 3.2


4. As suggested by the reviewer, we have outlined the operating mechanism in the revised manuscript for the sake of better understanding and clarity. (See Lines 7-11 from top, 4.Conclusions)

5. In the review comment, we are very appreciated to know that a marked hardcopy of

the manuscript has been sent by post concerning additional corrections of English

language. We have waited the hardcopy for more than 2 months since May 9, 2008.

However, we have not yet received the hardcopy till now, due to some unknown

reasons. With the permission of XXXXXXX (Email: XXXXXXX), we have invited another native English speaker in our university, who is a visiting professor from USA engaged in the research field of Materials Science and Engineering, to go through the whole manuscript. The English language in the current manuscript has been polished and improved.

We hope that these revisions are satisfactory and that the revised version will be

acceptable for publication in XXXXXXX.

Thank you very much for your work concerning my paper.

Wish you all the best!

Sincerely yours,



分享两篇SCI发表的经历(cover letter、response letter)




第一篇发表在Fitoterapia Cover letter Dear Editor Verotta:

We would like to submit the manuscript entitled "××××××题目" by ××××××所有作者姓名which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia. All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal. We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the first time of ××××××研究的精华所在

Thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.

地址、 学院、学校名称

Phone: + 86××××××

Fax number: + 86571××××××

Best wishes for you and your family! Sincerely yours,

×××所有作者 Response to reviewers Dear Editor: Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled "××××××" by ××××××所有作者 have been revised according to the reviewers’ comments, and we wish it to be reconsidered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia. A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows. List of Actions LOA1: The key words were changed in page?. LOA2: The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section 2.1 (page 3). LOA3: A paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in polyprenols.

LOA4: The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop. To Reviewer 1#, Thank you very much for pointing out the problems in our manuscript. We have revised it according to your recommendations. We would like to know if there are still somewhere need to be amended. (1) Keywords: general terms should be avoided; I would change some of the keywords (homologues, identification, quantification)

The key words have been changed as follows: ××××××修改后关键词

(2) In paragraph 2.1 the "local biochemistry company" should be identified by

name and location. The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section 2.1 (page 3). NaOH,Pyrogallol,anhydrous Na2SO4 were purchased from Hangzhou ChangqingHuagong CO., LTD.

(3) How the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ×××××× were determined? Authors should say something about.

The following paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ××××××. (4) Language should be checked for clarity and correctness.

The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop. To Reviewer 2#,

Thank you very much for your recommendation on our paper and we have improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop. All in all, thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to ****第一作者或通讯作者 at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.


Phone: + 86571××××××

Fax number: + ××××××

Best wishes for you and your family!

Sincerely yours,



第二天便接收了!那是因为这篇文章是历经磨难后的,之前投了Separation of science和JPBA,其中第一个期刊当天就给我回复了,那肯定是悲剧的!编辑所谓的与该期刊不符,但我认为主要是因为文章写的太垃圾,那是我第一次写SCI而且是没有任何人指点的情况下,可想而知会有多烂。随后这篇文章放了将近一年,填补了写数据,又投了第二个期刊,编辑委婉的拒了但给我修改重投的机会。我按照审稿人的意见和建议修改了几个月后重投(补数据,重新整结构框架,仅次于重写),结果悲剧了。而且不是因为修改的问题,而是说我的文章档次太低,不足以在JPBA上发表,我当时晕倒怎么不早说,害我这么长时间的重修。不过现在想想若不是重修在下次的投稿中又怎能如此顺利呢?所以说所有的努力都不是白费的!

第二篇投了Journal of Ethnopharmacology,相比第一篇这个稍有磨难。也是差不多两个月的样子收到修改意见,修改后提交一直不见动静,等两个月左右的时候我有点hold不住了,编发了一封催稿信,之前看论坛里说忌讳催稿,但也看期刊吧,Journal of Ethnopharmacology的编辑第二天便给了修改建议(还是要修改),原因是第一次修改是一个审稿人的,由于另外一个审稿人一直没给才拖到第二次。也没办法,只能再改!这次相对比较快点,每到一个月便通知接收了。

Journal of Ethnopharmacology与别的期刊不同,有一份Author_checklist。不算重要但还是给大家附上附件吧(黏贴好像乱掉了),我之前也是请教的虫友。需要提醒的是初次提交和修改后要注意最后一项打勾。

Dear editor,

We would like to submit the manuscript entitled " ××××××" by ×××××× which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Ethnopharmacology. All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any

part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal. We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the first time of investigating ××××××

Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.


Phone: + 86××××××{theresponseletter的范文}.

Fax number: + 86571××××××

Thank you very much for your considering our manuscript for potential publication. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes for you and your family!

Sincerely yours, ××××××


单独提交revision notes

第一次修改 A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows. List of Actions LOA1: The reference on the selection of doses has been adapted in section 2.2 (page 5).

LOA2: The details of HPLC data were supplemented in section 2.1 (page 4). LOA3: Figure 3, figure 4 and figure 5 have been redrawn.

Replies to the remarks of the reviewer 1:


The authors appreciate valuable suggestions and comments from the anonymous reviewers. We have revised our manuscript accordingly. Hope it is satisfactory now.


response letter写法

写论文如导大片, 投论文如谈恋爱

in love 精选 已有 5767 次阅读 2011-4-24 08:26 |个人分类:论文写作|系统分类:论文交流|关键词:manuscript submission,


1.“忌早恋”:对于谈恋爱而言,早恋的危害,在知名作家肖复兴先生写的小说《早恋》已有深刻描述。未成年人过早谈恋爱可能会危害人的一生,同样的道理,一篇文章,其实很多情况下就相当于一个故事,故事还没有讲完,还不完整,还没有发育成熟,就由于种种原因(比如急着毕业、职称晋升等)仓促投出去,这样做的害处是很明显的,和早恋类似,有点自己作践自己,因为这样的稿件,投出去,往往都过不了编辑部内审这一关,现在象样点的SCI期刊都是先将投稿初步筛选一下,像这样明显不完整、有硬伤的稿件不经外审就直接据稿了。当然这样的稿件也许最终还是会在影响因子(impact factor, IF)很低的期刊上发表,这就像有些未成年少女早恋,少不更事失了身,最后草草把自己嫁给了一个自己不满意的男人。

2. “要门当户对”:此言一出,估计会惹板砖无数,认为我现在都什么年代了,还在提封建社会那一套,我所说的“门当户对”是指大致的门当户对,不但包括家庭条件,更包括自身条件。古今中外,甚至上朔至古埃及时代,一直以来都有各种版本的有关灰姑娘的故事(当然这也包括男版灰姑娘的故事,英语都是Cinderella),

就是现在这个社会还有N多的靓女想嫁入豪门(当然也有不少男人也想入赘豪门)。对于科研人员而言,著名刊物Science、Nature等牛刊无疑就是“豪门”,多少人想将自己的稿件能嫁入这样的豪门。有这样的想法很正常,但是,问题是:我们投稿是否都要先往这些牛刊撞撞大运?!Science的现任主编(即:Dr. Bruce Alberts)曾经在中国访问时就曾公开说来自中国的稿件(指投向Science)的据稿率是最高的,说明有这种想法的人不是少数,现在我们国家一切都看IF的奖励政策,就更加加剧了许多人的灰姑娘的梦想,“有枣没枣来一杆”,先投一把再说,一般而言,高IF的期刊一般要首先由专业学术编辑对稿件进行初审,初审通过后,一般还要邀请至少两位(当然,有的只有一位,有的期刊则高达8位)审稿人外审,通过这样的专家评审,一篇明显很烂的文章想蒙混过关的很能性很小。一位有经验的科研人员对于的稿件是何水平,有几斤几两会有比较清楚的判断,比如他/她如果认为自己的文章大致是IF=5的水平,可能会先投稍微IF稍微高一些的期刊,比如6-8分的,最多不超过10分的,一般不会不自量力的去投Science、Nature。这就像江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》曾经的一位女嘉宾,其貌不扬、家境也很一般,却扬言月收入10万以下的男人免谈(这个收入即使是在发达国家也是高收入),除了被人耻笑,没有多大用处,这样自视甚高的男女嘉宾最后挑来挑去就成了剩男剩女,投稿也是如此,最后一路被拒(杯具)期间,可能别的研究组抢了先,发表了类似的论文,本来还可以发IF=5左右的期刊,结果不得不降价处理,最后蜗居在一个IF低的可怜的期刊上。所以,论文投稿,豪门梦适可而止。不然,下场可能会很惨。

3.“要培养感情”: “一见钟情”对于恋爱和投稿(比如主编看稿后直接接受了)都可能会发生,但是毕竟这种概率并不太高,谈恋爱更多的是一个培养、加深感情的过程。而投稿对于感情培养,虽然没有谈恋爱期间那么重要,但是也是值得重视的,这个培养贯穿于整个投稿的全过程,比如:初投稿时,稿件是否符合期刊的格式,期刊的投稿须知部分是否读了,一篇明显不符合期刊格式,稿件内容有许多明显错误的稿件是很容易让编辑上火的,觉得自己没被尊重,问题严重时,如上所述,直接被被拒了。另外,在稿件修回时,修回稿的回复信(即response letter)更是培养感情的一个绝佳机会(我不日将会有博文专门讨论这个话题),本文就不多谈了,总的原则是:要充分尊重编辑和审稿人。一个课题组如果经常在某个期刊发高质量的论文,建起了信誉,也和编辑/主编建立了感情,以后在该期刊发表论文就会越来越容易,这是一个良性循环的过程。再牛的作者,如果太“拽”了,也照样“杯具”。比如Nature的一个子刊(Nature Review系列)的编辑就曾发文谈到,有的作者在投稿的cover letter中想仗势欺人或者耍大牌,有的作者就写到:本文主要内容已在某个国际会议上交流时被某诺贝尔奖得主所肯定、赞赏(言外之意:诺贝尔奖得主都放话肯定了,你们看着办!),像这样的牛刊的编辑可不是吓大的(当然,哪个期刊的编辑都不是,照样还要经过常规的同行评审),人家见的诺贝尔奖得主多的去了,作者这种“拽”法,只能导致自己的稿件死的快!




回复要“周全”: SCI英文论文修回稿回复信常见问题和错误分析

detailed 精选 已有 9642 次阅读 2011-4-25 01:58 |个人分类:论文写作|系统分类:论文交流|关键词:response letter, polite,

本文可以说是我的另一博文的续篇(参见:写论文如导大片, 投论文如谈恋爱),在该文中,我提到:“在稿件修回时,修回稿的回复信(即response letter)更是培养感情的一个绝佳机会。”论文投出后,经过忐忑不安地(甚至有的作者是焦虑地) 等待,如果幸运,就会有修回的机会,当然也有可能是杯具,但是直接接受的可能性非常的低(当然,极个别期刊如BBRC除外,参见我的另一博文)。恰好近期有机会审了一些来自国内的英文论文投稿,发现在修回稿的回复信有不少共同的问题,值得网友,尤其是新手注意,下面就response letter这个话题谈谈自己的一些看法。当然如果您已经有N篇SCI文章,下面的内容也许就不用浪费您时间了,对于SCI老手而言,下述内容应该都是常识了。标题为何强调“周全”? 先按下不表,文末您就会知道答案。现结合自己的经验和体会,分述如下:

1. “礼”不够:下面图片中的response letter的要点来自理文编辑网站,前面两点都是关于礼貌的,国际学术期刊的审稿人都是义务(无任何报酬)审稿的,人家辛辛苦苦审完稿,指出投稿的问题,自然会理所当然的会希望作者的肯定和感谢,这应该是起码的基本常识,我国又是N年的礼仪之邦,但是,我见过的相当多的论文修回回复信中没有看到对编辑/主编和审稿人有任何的感谢、感激的字眼。俗话说,“礼多人不怪”,这可以说是放之四海而皆准的真理,反过来说,礼少,人必怪!多说你个谢字,不花作者一个大子,于人于己都有利何乐而不为呢?惹得编辑/主编和审稿人不爽,那是想让自己的文章死的快!

2.回复信的开头要先写上文章的基本信息:如manuscript tracking number, title, author等,另外还要加上是投给哪个期刊的。

3. 对编辑/主编的称呼:许多信的抬头是“Dear Editor”, 这种通用的格式,会使编辑/主编感觉作者对自己不尊重,在文章修回后,处理的编辑/主编的名字肯定是已经知道的,所以此时应该称呼编辑的名字(姓即可),即:Dear Dr. xxx(the family na

me of the editor)。我自己曾经做过某SCI期刊的兼职编辑,对此有切身体会,我明明都注明自己的名字并是Ph.D.,但是不少作者还是称呼俺“Dear Editor”, 当然作者的本意可能觉得这样是为了尊重编辑,但是,可以换位思考一下,如果您是王姓教授,别人不叫您王教授,只是称呼“教授”,您有何感? 有的网友对此,不以为然,认为自己一直就是这样称呼的,文章也都发表了许多,当然,任何一位负责任的编辑/主编都不会因为这样的“小节”而据稿,但是,如果这样的“不拘小节”多了,也许….(您懂得)。

4. 回复信要详细:这一点非常重要,很多作者不知道这一点。那么回复信要详细到什么程度呢?基本原则是:所有的审稿人不用看修改稿,只需看回复信即可清楚了解作者几乎所有的修改。所修改过的内容,包括图表都要放到回复信中,如果关于文字修改太多,无法一一展示,也要举几个改动大的例子。即使有的审稿人的问题和另外一个审稿人的问题重复,也要分别回答,别怕回复信长,我就见过30多页的回复信。另外审稿人的问题和作者的回答要显著区分开,比如用黑体等方式,总之,要让审稿人阅读方便、一目了然。当然也不能走向另外一个极端,认为是回复信越长越好,用超长的回复信将审稿人砸晕,我们写回复信不是为了挣按字数计算的稿费,说话也要到点子上,审稿人大都是忙人,东拉西扯很可能会误事。

5.要认真:有位牛人说“共/产/党最怕认真二字”,审稿人也最怕作者认真,最上火的大概就是作者粗心了。举个例子来说,审稿人要求作者更正某笔误或大小写等小问题,这类的问题往往不至一处,很可能文章的许多地方都需要做相应的修改,作者在回复信中说我们都做了修改,但是审稿人一看修改稿,发现还有不少没有改过来,试想,审稿人忙了一天了,晚上加班加点审修改稿,本来对作者蹩脚的英语已经整得一头火了,现在又看到作者如此粗心,当然会很不爽,另外作者这方面的粗心,很容易使审稿人造成这样一种印象:作者写个response letter都如此粗心,想必做实验也是如此,实验结果也就不可靠,所以,有人说态度决定一切,有一定道理,认真可能成就一篇文章,粗心几乎可以肯定会毁掉一篇文章。


P.S.另外,特别推荐一篇科学网有关response letter的出色博文,标题为:“如何回应审稿人的批评?”,博主为香港大学的金冬雁教授(这个名字,估计搞分子生物学的不知道的不多)


【求助】求修回给编辑时cover letter写作格式? 时间:2011-04-29 14:37来源:作者:admin 点击:次 文章改好想修回给编辑,编辑要求写一个关于如何修改的cover letter,小弟第一次写SCI,不知道如何写才合适?望达人指教。最好有个模板参考一下。一般都会将审稿人的问题一对一作

【求助】求修回给编辑时cover letter写作格式?


] 专业SCI论文修改服务: ★先修改后付款; ☆语言问题免费重修;

★24-72小时交稿; ☆正规财务发票; ★一分钟下单; ☆365日不间断服务 文章改好想修回给编辑,编辑要求写一个关于如何修改的cover letter,小弟第一次写SCI,不知道如何写才合适?



Dear editor:

Thank you for your letter of June 15, 2009 regarding our manuscript entitled “*****” (Ms. No.: ) that was submitted to your journal for publication. We are very pleased to be asked to submit a revision and are delighted to know that the two reviewing members felt that the experimental design is appreciated and this study is basically a good idea and may provide useful information. We found the comments and suggestions of the reviewers to be extremely helpful.

Please find our uploaded revision and response on separate sheets in which we have carefully addressed the issues raised by the reviewers, point by point, as highlighted in the supplementary file. We believe their comments and suggestions have significantly improved the quality of manuscript and made it publishable.

Thanks again for your reconsideration of our manuscript for publication in your journal. We look forward to your favorable decision.

Sincerely yours,

Yours sincerely


Comment from reviewer 1

The study has merit but the article needs to be edited/ revised with respect to English language, spelling and grammar. There are a number of obvious spelling (eg: line 208 radioactive, line 55: according, line 267: cross) and typographical errors and many sentences which are very difficult to interpret. For example: line 25/26 "this requires bacter...” etc, does not make sense and I am unsure of what the author intends / means by this statement. There are many such examples in the text making it difficult to accurately follow the paper.


The manuscript was carefully revised both in spelling and grammar. The changes were highlighted in the revised version.{theresponseletter的范文}.

Comments from reviewer 2:



Dear Editor,

We are truly grateful to yours and other reviewers’ critical comments and thoughtful suggestions on our manuscript(********). Based on these comments and suggestions, we have made careful modifications on the original manuscript. All changes made to the text are in red color. We hope the new manuscript will meet your magazine’s standard. Below you will find our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments/ questions.

We hope that these revisions are satisfactory and that the revised version will be acceptable for publication in *********.

Thank you very much for your work concerning our paper.

Wish you all the best!

Sincerely yours,


Response letter写法

We are truly grateful to the reviewers’ suggestions on English. Based on these comments, we have made careful modifications on the manuscript.

Dear Editor:

We are truly grateful to yours and other reviewers’ critical comments and thoughtful suggestions. Based on these comments and suggestions, we have made careful modifications on the original manuscript. All changes made to the text are in red color. In addition, we have consulted native English speakers for paper revision before the submission this time. We hope the new manuscript will meet your magazine’s standard. Below you will find our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments/ questions: 1





Yours sincerely


Dear Prof.****:

Thank you very much for your kindly comments on our manuscript (No******). Based on your and reviewer’s suggestions, we carefully revised the manuscript.

We are now sending the revised article for your re-consideration to publish in Journal of Plant Physiology. Please see our point to point responses to all your comments below, and the corresponding revisions in the body of manuscript, both marked in blue. We look forward to hearing form you soon for a favorable 8 decision.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.



1. *****



Below, the original comments are in black, and our responses are in blue.


Following typographical and grammatical errors in original manuscript have been removed and corrected:

(1) Line 20 page 1 in the original manuscript: the drag…..

Revised in the revised manuscript: The drag……


Dear Dr:

We are truly grateful to yours and other reviewers’ critical comments and thoughtful suggestions. Based on these comments and suggestions, we have made careful modifications on the original manuscript. All changes made to the text are in red color. In addition, we have consulted native English speakers for paper revision before the submission this time. We hope the new manuscript will meet your magazine’s standard. Below you will find our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments/ questions:

Comments from the Editor-in-Chief:


Dear Dr. Chernick:

We must thank you and all other reviewers for the critical feedback. We feel lucky that our manuscript went to these reviewers as the valuable comments from them not only helped us with the improvement of our manuscript, but suggested some neat ideas for future studies. Please do forward our heartfelt thanks to these experts.

Based on the comments we received, careful modifications have been made to the R1 manuscript. All changes were marked in red text. In addition, we also have a native English speakers double-checked the English for the revised R2 version. We hope the new manuscript will meet your magazine’s standard. Below you will find our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments/ questions:

Dear Editor:

Thank you very much for your supervision of the reviewing process of my manuscript (Ref. No. of XXXXXXX). We also highly appreciate the reviewer’s carefulness, conscientious, and the broad knowledge on the relevant research fields, since they have given me a number of beneficial suggestions. According to the reviewer’s instructions, we have made the following revisions on this manuscript:

1. After examining the reviewer’s comments carefully, we must admit that we have

not expressed our meaning correctly in the previous manuscript. Sorry for this confusion. In the revised version, the “rougher” has been corrected as “weaker and

broader”. (See Line 7 from top, 3.1 Phase identification).

2. As suggested by the reviewer, Fig. 3a has been referred into the revised manuscript

to reveal flattening of the milled powders. (See Line 4 from top, 3.2 Microstructure)

3. In the review comments, the reviewer has pointed out that “The particle size of the

powders in Fig. 3b&c appear to be comparable?” We have again examined Fig. 3b

and 3c carefully. Compared with the particle size of powders in Fig. 3b, the particle

size of particles in Fig. 3c showed a very slight increase. (See Line 17 from top, 3.2


4. As suggested by the reviewer, we have outlined the operating mechanism in the revised manuscript for the sake of better understanding and clarity. (See Lines 7-11 from top, 4.Conclusions)

5. In the review comment, we are very appreciated to know that a marked hardcopy of

the manuscript has been sent by post concerning additional corrections of English

language. We have waited the hardcopy for more than 2 months since May 9, 2008.

However, we have not yet received the hardcopy till now, due to some unknown

reasons. With the permission of XXXXXXX (Email: XXXXXXX), we have invited another native English speaker in our university, who is a visiting professor from USA engaged in the research field of Materials Science and Engineering, to go through the whole manuscript. The English language in the current manuscript has been polished and improved.

We hope that these revisions are satisfactory and that the revised version will be

acceptable for publication in XXXXXXX.

Thank you very much for your work concerning my paper.

Wish you all the best!

Sincerely yours,




一、 学术文化篇



提示词:give up concentrate on be (become)interested in

★ 范文

Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.

Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more

interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.

二、 素质教育篇


许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以"Less Pressure, Better Life"为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:

(1) 同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;

(2) 我的压力是什么;

(3) 我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。


★ 范文

Less Pressure, Better Life

Hello, boys and girls!

Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can’t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams.

I’m always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the top student in class. So they send me to all kinds of after-classes at weekends. Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem.

That’s all. Thank you!

三、 现代生活篇





★ 范文

I think healthy habits are very important for us.

All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don’t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.

四、 社会经济篇


现在全世界都在倡导―低碳生活‖(low-carbon life),即:降低二氧化碳的排放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。

提示词语:be good for, everyone, ride a bike, think, make a difference, environment, suggest, reuse

★ 范文

Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides, I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be a better place.

五、 人生哲理篇





★ 范文

What should we thank?

The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with us existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for. The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life! The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, and put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us. The thankful classmate and friend grow up with us and let us no longer stand alone in the itinerary of life. The thankful our country provides us with free books, dormitory and food. Whenever it is, we should keep a thankful heart towards everything existed. Only thus, can we become a useful man.

六、 环境保护篇


6月5日( June 5)是世界环境保护日, 我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重。环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重......如何保护我们的环境? 请以― How to protect/save our

environment/world? ‖为题写一篇短文。

提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重;2.砍伐森林严重;3. 大气污染严重;4. 白色垃圾等。

要求:如何改善/保护环境?至少:3---4个方面, 80字左右的。

★ 范文

How to protect/save our environment/world?

The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today. Water is polluted; we have no clean water to drink. Many trees are cutting down, some animals is getting less and less. Some factories are pouring dirty air in the sky, the population is increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less…etc. Not only does it affect our lives and health, it but also has a great affection in the future. People's health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases. In order to live a better life, we need protect our world.

We shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. We want to recycle, reduce, reuse things .Don’t waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution. Use things for as long as possible. We don’t use plastic bags. We must plant more trees and stop the people cutting them .We hope our world becomes more and more beautiful.

七、 兴趣爱好篇


★ 范文

My Hobby

I am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study, I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano, surfing the Internet.

One of my favorite hobbies is reading. Reading has been in my life for many years, since I began to learn characters. It can not only kill the time, but also, more important, help improve my comprehension ability. When reading, I can learn a lot. Reading

Shakespear's works, I know how Hamlet looks like. Reading Socrates, I can see how great ancient Greek philosophers are. Reading Lu Xun, I come back to the old time of China.{theresponseletter的范文}.




介绍信 Letters of Introduction


Dear Mr. / Ms,

We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang Yo

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