
管理学  点击:   2015-12-08




各位家长: 目前一年级的所有班级均参加了网上英语学习活动,对于各位家长和学生在使用过程中遇到的问题,现做统一说明。

1、 每名学生的帐号和密码资料单,请家长妥善保管保存,遇有遗失,请联系英语老师协助解决。

2、 学生完成网上作业有两个渠道:电脑和手机。在电脑上直接登录网站 输入用户名和密码,开始完成作业;手机上完成作业需要先在群文件共享中下载安装4月16日上传的手机客户端软件,才可以完成作业(此软件目前仅支持案桌系统手机,苹果手机无法使用)。

3、 在电脑上完成作业的时候,如果电脑没有内置的麦克风,需要准备外置的麦克风,否则一些录音的作业无法完成;在手机上使用时,录音作业的技巧类似于微信上发送语音消息,需要让孩子多次操练,达到熟练使用。不论是使用电脑还是手机答题,均要求网络通畅,否则容易出现卡住等问题;录音时尽量保证周围安静。

4、 家长了解孩子的作业情况,作业检查报告等反馈情况则需要用手机扫描学生带回来的资料单上面的二维码,关注“一起作业家长通”微信公众号,就可以及时了解孩子的作业情况了。

5、 遇有孩子生病,网络故障,手机或者电脑故障等状况,可以之后在作业历史里面进行补做,一样可以得到奖励,只是星星数量稍微少一些。

6、 班级里面排名情况会随着班级中完成作业的学生增加,作业分数改变而有变化,家长可以刷新查看。

7、 以下是部分截屏图,供家长参考: 在电脑上使用------登录进入之后,同的界面。













1)________ (What, What’s ) day is today?

2)We have art ___________ (on, in) Tuesday.

3)We’ll fly the kite ____________ (in, after) class.

4)A: __________ (When, Where) do you have Music? B: On Monday and Friday.

5) What lessons ___________ (do, does) you have on Friday?


Mike: There’s meat, fish and eggs! And a big cake! Why so much, Mum?

Mum: It’s your dad’s birthday.

Mike: Happy ________, Dad!

Dad: Thank you. Would you like something to drink?

Mike: Yes. _________ a glass of orange juice. Mum: ______ you ______ some meat?

Mike: _________, thanks. Could I have some rice? Mum: Certainly. Here you are.

Mike: _______________.{一起作业网英语作业五年级上册}.


1.He can clean the desks.

______ he clean the desks?(改为一般疑问句)

2.Alice can play chess.

Alice ______ play chess.(变否定句)

3.Can Mike play chess?

Yes,______ ______.(作肯定回答)

4.Do you read books on weekends?

______,I ______.(作否定回答)


( )1.What can you do?

( )2.Can Amy set the table?

( )3.Who can use a computer?


1.A:What can you do ?(打扫教室)


2.A:What can Amy do ?(唱英文歌)


3.A:What can John do ?(练武术)


7.A:Are you helpful at home ?(是的) B:___________________________________.

8.A:Can you swim ?(不会)


9.A:What can you do, Amy ?(画卡通) B:____________________________________.

10.A:Can you play football ?(会) B:___________________________________.

11.A:Can Amy cook the meals ?(不会)


12.A:Can you water the flowers ?(会)





班级_________ 姓名_________


1、nunyf 2、 3、dol

4、 5、itsrtc 6、iknd



( )1.---Do you know Wu Yifan?----_______________

A. Yes, I know. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can.

( )2.---Is Mr Jones young? ----Yes, _____ is.

A.he B. she C. it

( )3. ----Is Chen Jie kind?-----______________

A. No, he isn’t. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, she is.

( )4. --Our English teacher is Mr Wang. Is he strict? ---_____

A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is . C. No, she isn’t.

( )5、---____he young?----Yes, he is.

A. Am B.Are C. Is{一起作业网英语作业五年级上册}.

( )6、---____ he like? ----He is funny.

A. What B.What’s C. Who’s

( )7、I like funny ____. A. teacher B.teachers

( )8、MR Li is ____ music teacher. A. our B.me C. We ( )9、---____ is your maths teacher? ----Mr Sun.

A. What B.What’s C. Who

四、选择正确的be 动词填空。

am is are

1. ZhangPeng a hard—working boy.{一起作业网英语作业五年级上册}.

2. I can do many things at home, I a helpful.

3. ----What Zhang li like?

---- Yes,she’s very quite.

4. ----What ---- They’re potatoes.

5. Sarah and Chen Jie 五、选择句子汉语意思,将选项填在题前的括号内。 ( )1. Do you know Mr Young? A. 他是谁?

( )2. Who is he? B.你认识杨先生吗? ( )3. Is he young? C.他滑稽吗? ( )4. Is he funny? D.他年轻吗? ( )5.Yes, he is. E.是的,他是。


Wu Yifan:1.___________ Oliver:2. No, I don’


Wu Yifan:He’s our music teacher. Oliver:3._______________

Wu Yifan:No, he isn’t. 4. ______ ____

Oliver:Is he funny?

Wu Yifan:5.______________

Oliver:Great ! I like funny teachers.


1. Mr Zhang is 55years old. He is ________.(老的)

2. Mr Wang is 22 years old. He is ________.(年轻的)

3. Miss Zhao is our science teacher. She is ________.(幽默的)

4. Our English teacher is Miss Yang. She is ____.(和蔼的,慈祥的)

5. Mr Lin is our maths teacher. He’s _______.(严格的)


short young strict big

1、,but he looks _______.

2、but my music teacher is _____.

3、,but I’m _______ .

4、The cup(杯子)is that one is ______.


1. 2. Who is he?

3. Is he young? 4、Is he funny?

5.Yes, he is. 家校互动:


young kind strict funny helpful polite clever

棒( ) 一般( ) 还需努力( )





姓名 ________班级________等级________

Listening part 听力部分

一、 听音,选择正确的单词。

( ) 1. A. bean B. beef ( ) 2. A. cow B. brown

( ) 5. A. skirt B. girl ( ) 6. A. river B. farmer

( ) 3. A. boat B. road ( ) 4. A. tall B. small

( ) 7. A. sweep B. sweet ( ) 8. A. table B. vegetable

( ) 9. A. dishes B. fish ( ) 10. A. housework B. homework







short ( ) thin ( ) active ( )

on ( ) in front of ( ) young ( )

七、Read and write(组词成句)

1. teacher art who’s your (?)


2. today what day is (?)


3. salty beef too is the (.)


4. end table there a phone is the on (.)


八、 Choose the correct answer(选择正确的答案

( )1. ---What’s your new teacher like ---__________

A. She’s a lady B. She’s tall and thin. C. She’s strict.

( )2. ---Are there any bird ---Yes, __________

A. there’re B. there are C. there aren’t

( )3. ---What day is it today? ---__________

A. It’s sunny. B. It’s cool C. It’s Tuesday.

( )4. ---How many bridges are there? ---__________

A. There are many bridges. B. There are three bridges.

C. There are bridges over the river.

( )5. ---What’s your favourite food? ---__________

A. Fish B. Fishes C. Fishs

( )6. ---What do you __________ for lunch?

A. do B. have C. has

( )7. ---What can you __________ ---I can sing and dance.

A. sing B. dance C. do

( )8. ---There ____ a bed, two end tables and a closet in the bedroom.

A. is B. are C. am

( )9. ---Do you like grapes? ---__________

A. Yes, I like. B. Yes, I do C. Yes, you like

( )10. ---Can you help me?---__________

A. Yes, of course B. No. C. I have no time.


九、 Read and choose(读一读,选择正确的答句)

( )1. What can you do?

( )2. Who’s that young man?

( )3. Where is the sofa?

( )4. What do you do on weekends?

( )5. Is there a mountain near the village?

( )6. What would you like for lunch?

( )7. Are you helpful at home?


Hello! My name is Tom. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef, eggplant and tofu. I’m very helpful at home. I can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers. Today is Saturday. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you do on weekends?

My home is near a river. There are some mountains behind my house. There is a road in front of my house. You can see two bridges over it. I like my home.

( ) 1. Tom likes beef, eggplant and tofu.

( ) 2. Tom can sweep the floor.

( ) 3. Tom often waters the flowers on Saturdays.

( ) 4. There are some mountains in front of Tom’s house.

( ) 5. There are two bridges over the river.


__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


1. 听音,选择正确的单词。

1. beef 2. brown 3. road 4. tall 5. girl 6. river

7. sweet 8. table 9. dishes 10. homework

2. 听音,将下面五幅图按听到的顺序编号。

1. I like green beans.

2. Zhang Peng often watches TV on Sundays.

3. My favourite food is tofu.

4.He is a young university student.

5. He’s very funny.

6. Mike reads books on Saturdays.

3. 看图,勾出你所听到的图片。(12%)

1. What day is it today? It’s Sunday.

2. I can see so many mountains in the park.

3. What can you do, Mike? I can clean my bedroom.

4. I like fruits. They are healthy.

5. Look at the mouse. It’s under the box.

6. Miss Li is our principal. She is very kind.

4. 听音,将听到的食物和水果打“√”。(15%)

1. What’s your favourite food, Chen Jie? I like eggplants, noodles and bread.

2. Do you like noodles, miss Li? Yes, I like grapes and tomatoes, too.

3. What’s your favourite food? I like chicken and green beans.

4. What do you have for breakfast, John?

5. I have bread and tomatoes. For lunch, I have chicken and cabbage.

6. Do you like grapes, Sarah?

No, I don’t like grapes. I like cabbages, chicken and tomatoes.

5. 听句子,圈出正确的答句的序号。(7%)



一目前,一起作业网专注于小学英语和数学教学。一起作业网拥有强大的教研和技术团队,所有教学产品均由一线的英语和数学教研团队设计开发。此外,一起作业网还联合美国加州大学伯克利分校语音实验室,利用世界领先的智能语音纠正技术,帮助改善小学的英语教学,并拥有该技术世界范围内的全部知识产权。 如何使用此平台?

1. 方提供在线互动教学服务;

2. 联合美国加州大学伯克利分校语音实验室,应用世界领先的智能语音纠正技术——发音即时打分技术,并拥有该技术世界范围内的全部知识产权;

3. 整合并利用语音心理学、儿童心理学等先进理念与技术,配合对话机器人等趣味性设计,全面提升学生的学习体验和学习效率;

4. 紧扣国家教育部颁布的英语新课程标准,研究开发了国内第一套完整的、系统的符合英语新课标理念的教学资源。




学科覆盖:覆盖了全国范内的小学英语和小学数学全版本教材; 教材同步:网站所有学习资源均与各学科对应的数十种教材同步,方便老师和学生使用;


作业报告:智能生成班级成绩报告,知识点掌握情况一目了然。 学生学习功能{一起作业网英语作业五年级上册}.


通过游戏化的学习方式,激发学习主动性,让学与玩相结合,强化学生英语听说读写方面的能力,在潜移默化中提高英语成绩和能力。 家校互动功能

1. 可以与老师轻松在线沟通,了解孩子学习情况;

2. 通过成绩报告,可以详细了解孩子的知识点掌握情况;

3. 与孩子共同学习,见证孩子的进步与成长。





一、判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“X”。 (8分)

1、new 2、here 3、panda 4、key window where balloon copy

5、bike 6、zoo 7、cold 8、read write 二、英汉互译。(10分)

1、看一看 2、用英语

3、她的玩具老虎 4、迈克的大鞋子

5、在八点十分 6、上床睡觉

7、Read the new words. 8、Try this pair on .

9、Happy Teachers’ Day! 10、Don‘t worry.


1、( )- I’m tired. -_______ .

A. Here‘s a glass water. B. Sit down, please. C. Have a hamburger, please.

2、( )- It’s 4:30 in the afternoon. Shall we ?

A. go to school B. have lunch. C. go home

3、( )- It‘s nine. Go to bed, David. - All right._______, Mum.

A. Good night. B. Good morning. C. Good evening.

4、( )- Do you like this ___________ ? Yes, I do. I like ___________ .

A. dolls, dolls B. doll, dolls C. doll, doll

5、( )- What’s the matter? - .

A. Fine, thank you. B. I‘m too hot. C. It’s eleven.

6、( )- the dress? - It‘s on the bed.


A. What’s B. Whose C. Where‘s

7、( )- you like dolls? - .

A. Do; Yes, I do. B. Do; Yes, I don’t. C. Do; No, I do.

8、( )- kites for you.

A. This; are B. These; are C. It‘s; is

9、( )- Is that your mother’s bike? - Yes, it‘s _______ bike.

A. his B. he C. her

10、( )- What time you get up? - I get up six twenty-five.

A. are; at B. do; it’s C. do; at



( )1、Is this your jacket? A. I‘m ill.

( )2、What’s the time? B. They‘re my father’s.

( )3、Shall we copy it now? C. She‘s in the classroom. ( )4、What’s the matter? D. Yes, I do.

( )5、My pencil is too short. E. At four.

( )6、What time do you go home? F. Thank you.

( )7、Where is Miss Li? G. You can have this long one.

( )8、Do you like puppets? H. Four thirty.

( )9、Whose jeans are they? I. All right.

( )10、Here‘s a kite for you. J. No, it isn’t.

五、选词填空, 注意大小写。(8分)

drink, may, open, what‘s, sit, don’t, read, draw

1. ( )down please, boys and girls.

2. ( )your books, let‘s( )these new words.

3. nine and eleven? It’s twenty.

4. I‘d like to( )some milk.

5.( )I have a storybook for Helen?

6. Why( )you go to bed now?

7. I like that tiger.( )it for me, please.


1. Oh, what’s the matter?

2. I‘m sorry. Are you ill?

3. Good morning! How are you?

4. I’m tired.

5. No, I‘m not ill.

6. Thank you very much.

7. Not so good.

8. Here’s a chair for you.

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