快速阅读题目 点击: 2013-10-11
1.论文全文采用小四号Times New Roman(12号)字体:论文题目采用小二号 Times New Roman;中文题目采用小2号宋体。一级标题(章标题)采用16号Times New Roman,分别冠以I、II、III、IV、V等序号;二级标题(节标题)14号,分别冠以1.1, 1.2、2.1, 2.2、等序号;三级标题(节以下标题)均采用12号,分别冠以1.1.1、2.1.1等序号。所有标题加黑。
2. 论文正文采用段首缩进5个字符,单面打印;2倍行距。正文第一页加论文题目。
3.正文(包括附录和参考文献)页码标注格式为阿拉伯数字1 2 3….页码标注在页面底部居中。论文封面不标注页码。
第一部分:正文内引述 (In-text Citation: MLA Style)
[The formatting generally follows the latest Modern Language Association (MLA) style, including parenthetical references.*Parenthetical documentation means that in the text, only the author’s surname and the page number is given in parentheses following the quotation or any reference to another source. If the author’s name is given in the introductory statement to the quotation, only the page number is given in parentheses at (MLA一般不用脚注)The Works Cited page contains the full name of the author, the title of the book, etc. Internet sites frequently do not have page numbers, so that only the name of the author or web site is given in parentheses. Footnotes are used sparingly, and only to give additional information not suitable to include in the text.] (Julia Diterman) Ⅰ. MLA格式文内摘录一般用括号加注法:
1. 括号内(作者姓氏+引文页码),如果引文中已经给出作者姓名,只需括号加注内页码即可。例如:
e.g In studying the influence of Latin American, African and Asian music on modern American composers, music historians tend to discuss such figures as Aaron Copland, George Gershwin, Henry Cowell, Alan Hovhaness, and John Cage (Brindle; Griffiths 104-39; Hitchcock 173-98这里同时引用不同作者的多篇文献)
e.g Brian Taves suggests some interesting conclusions regarding philosophy and politics of the adventure film (153-54, 171).
e.g Her idea is further confirmed that “people think her odd and that nobody loves and admires her” (Fountain 33).
e.g Her idea is further confirmed that “people think her odd and that nobody loves and admires her (Fountain 33).”(不规范)
e.g Her idea is further confirmed that “people think her odd and that nobody loves and admires her (Fountain 33).” (不规范)
2. 引用中文著作或期刊时同姓作者的情况较多,应在括号夹注中使用他们名字的首字母加以区分,如:
MLA: (S.R. Wang 26) (J.X. Wang 30)
3. 两个作者时可以用 & 连接,两个以上时可用 ,隔开. 如:
e.g According to educational psychologists, raising children is a responsibility
of the entire community (Franklin, Childs, & Smith 410).
4. 引用团体作者的作品,括号夹注中应使用团体的名称,如:
e.g It was apparent that the American health care system needed “to be fixed
and perhaps radically modified” (Public Agenda Foundation 4).
5. 引用无作者文献:引用无作者文献,如果文献标题没有出现在正文里,则括号夹注中应使用该标题或者(如果标题过长的话)使用该标题中的关键词组,如:
e.g An anonymous Wordsworth critic once argued that his poems were too emotional (“Wordsworth Is A Loser” 100).
6.引用非直接文献(indirect source)论文应尽可能避免使用非直接文献(即二级文献secondary source),但在无法找到直接文献(即一级文献primary source)的情况下,引文可以从非直接文献中析出,例如:
e.g Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an “extraordinary man”
(qtd. in Boswell 2: 450).
Ⅱ 引用整篇文献(即全书或全文)观点时有两种情况:一种是作者的姓
e.g Charlottes and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their
personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (Taylor).
e.g Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing.
Ⅲ 超过四行的文内摘引语,另起一段,首行在原文基础上再缩进五个字符。行间距按1.5倍打印。
Lengthy quoted passages (more than four lines) are single-spaced and indented from the left margin.(some time from both margins) five paces. The first line is indented an additional five spaces when it marks the beginning of a paragraph.
Ⅳ 把句号或逗号放在引号内(Place the period and the comma within the quotation marks:)
E.g. “Jenny,” he said, “let’s have lunch.”
也有例外: e.g. The author states: “Time alone reveals the just(471)”.
当摘引用于强调事件本身时,破折号 —, 问号?和感叹号!一般置于引号内;当用于强调整个句子时,置于引号外。
e.g Gordon answered, “No way !”
e.g Stop whistling “All Do is Dream of you” !
第二部分:参考文献著录 Works cited or Bibliography
MLA格式(Documenting List of Sources: MLA Style)
正文引用文献须按MLA要求,著录在Works Cited或者Bibliography之下,在例如: 正文最后一章结束后另页开始,页码与正文相连。文献著录必须按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列,不得以正文中出现的先后编码排序,不得使用阿拉伯数字。每一条目中的各项内容都必须按MLA规定的次序和格式编排。
参考文献的字体与正文相同,条目间距为1.5倍行间距,另行缩进5个字符间距。 Ⅰ.每个参考文献一般有三个部分组成,依次是:作者姓,逗号,名,黑点,书名(斜体,如有副标题加冒号,文章名用引号),黑点,出版地,冒号,出版商,出版年。
e.g Feldman, Paula R. ed. British Women Poets of the Romantic Era. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins UP, 1997.
(Note: In a MLA style, always give the author’s name as it appears on the title page. Never abbreviate a name given in full. Only use initials if the title page does.以书名上所给名字为准 )
Borroff, Marie. trans. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. New York: Norton, 1967.
Eggins, Suzanne, and Diane Slade. Analyzing Casual Conversation. London: Cassell,
1997. (Note: Reverse the first author’s name only,当有两个作者是,只把第一位作者的姓,名倒置)
Brownell, Hiram H., and Heather H. Potter. “Inference Deficits in Right-Brain
Damaged Patients.” Brain and Language 27 (1986): 310-21.
Gilman, Sander, et al.(两个以上作者) Hysteria beyond Freund. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. (Note: When there are more than three names, name only the first and add et al., or give all names in full in the order in which they appear on the tile page.)
Kidd, John. “The Scandal of Ulysses.” Rev. of Ulysses: The Corrected Text, by
Hans Walter Gabler. New York Review of Books 30 June 1988: 32-39.
2. 收集在书籍中的文章(Selection from an edited book)
Glover, David. “The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of: Masculinity, Femininity,
and the Thriller.” Gender, Genre and Narrative Pleasure. Ed. Derek
Longhurst. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989. 67-83.
Miller, Mark Crispen. “Massa, Come Home.” New Republic 16 Sept. 1981:
4.百科全书中的文章(An entry in an encyclopedia)
Mohanty, Jitendra M. “Indian Philosophy.” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica:
Macropaedia. 15th ed. 1987.
Flower, Linda. The Role of Task Representation in Reading to Write. Technical
Report No. 6. Berkeley: Center for the Study of Writing at U of
California, Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon U, 1987.
6翻译的书籍(Translated book)
Lacan, Jacques. Ecrits: A Selection. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York: Norton,
Hubert, Henry Allan. “The Development of English Studies in
Nineteenth-Century Anglo- Canadian Colleges.” Diss. U of British
Columbia, 1988.
8.学术会议上的报告(Conference paper)
Moffett, James. “Censorship and Spiritual Education.” The Right to Literacy
Conference. Columbus, Ohio, September 1988.
9.电视广播节目和系列报道(A Radio/Television Broadcast/Series)
“Monkey Trial.” American Experience. PBS. WGBH, Boston. 18 Mar. 2003.
不同学科、不同研究方向以及不同类型的学术论文在基本结构上存在差异,但本科毕业论文一般应有以下部分:Introduction,(Literature Review)and Discussions (与APA不一致), Conclusion 等等。当然,研究类型不同,中间部分章节内容也就不同。北京第二外国语学院教务处对各章布局作如下规定,Introduction、Chapter 1、Chapter 2…Conclusion。其中,Introduction和Conclusion前不加Chapter等字样。下面对这些章节的大致内容略作介绍。
本章应该包括以下内容:本研究的背景、意义以及预期解决的问题。有时需要对重要概念或术语进行简单的定义。本章末尾一般对全篇论文的章节主要内容作简单介绍(An overview of the thesis)。本章要求简练,开门见山,一般为1-2页。
如果论文没有单独一章作文献综述,那么简单的文献综述可以放在这部分。文献综述的主要目的是向读者介绍与本研究有关系的现有研究(existing studies),重点介绍以下内容:(1)为何要做这一研究,论文要研究的问题前人已经做了哪些研究?采用了哪些研究方法?得出了哪些研究结论?(2)关于这个问题还有哪些问题没有解决?前人的研究存在哪些局限性?关于这个问题还有哪些争议或值得进一步研究的问题?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2…
本章名为结论,实际上应该包括以下几方面的内容:本研究的主要发现(Main findings)、本研
究的启示(Implications)、本研究的局限性(Limitations of the present study)以及需要进一步研究的问题(Further research suggestions)等等。
1. 文内注释的内容与位置
“divine and supernatural light”(Samuel 88)
As formulated by Emerson, this became a call for action (56).
Can we live more meaningfully by living simply? (42).
2. 文内注释的格式
(1) 如果句子中已经提供了作者的信息(为了读者阅读论文的方便, 我们建议作者在引用或借鉴某部作品时,能在文中确认作者),圆括号中作者的姓氏就应省略,注明页码即可,反之则要加上作者的姓氏,中文则加姓名。从下面几个样例中,我们可以看到几种内容不同的注释表达方法:
Tannen has argued this point (178-85). 文中已有作者, 圆括号中只注页码。
This point has already been argued (Tannen 178-85). 文中没有确认作者, 圆括号中除了页码外还 需指明作者Tannen。
This point has already been argued(王宁23).
(2) 两个或三个作者,要写出每一个作者的姓:(Perkins, Spooren and Noordman 16)
(3) 三个作者以上,可以写出每一个作者的姓,或者只写出第一个作者的姓,用“et al.”代替其余作者。 (Bia, Pedreno, Small, Finch, Patterson 161),或者(Bia et al. 161)。
(4) 如果参考文献(Bibliography)部分包含两个或更多的作者姓氏相同的话,文内注释中要注明名字的首字母缩写:(A. DeCarrera 213)
如果名字的首字母缩写也一样的话,要写全名字:(Annette DeCarrera 213)
(5) 同一个作者的不同著作,要在作者的姓后面注明著作名称,再加页码:(Mead, Coming of Age 32) (Mead, Culture 55)
(6) 机构作者,用机构的全称或缩写形式:(Modern Language Association 115)或者(MLA 115)
(7) 匿名作者,用文章题目的几个单词:(“Recent Innovation” 231)
在这里要特别强调的是, 文内注释要能够在与之相关联的论文末尾的“参考文献”中找到。
Yet, against the earthy reality of the painted peasant shoes, the “superchicaestheticism” of Wilde, Warhol begins to pale and “a new kind of flatness or depthlessness, a new kind of superficiality in the most literal sense” (9) begins to impossibly shine through.
Warhol, Andy. The Philosophy of Andy Warhol. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1975.{mla格式范文}.
3. 引用文学作品
(Hardy 18; b. 1, ch. 6) (哈代18;第一部,第6章)
(《伊利亚特》第9卷第19行) 如果没理由确定作者,则用书名。
文学作品的引文如果超过4行,则需要上下各空一行另成一段,第一行不缩进,英文每一行 左边都缩进10个字符,中文空四格,不用引号,右边不缩进。
Nature is not simply the Not-Me but also the universal mind whose signs are visible for the individual to read, with eyes, heart and mind.
Every man‟s condition is a solution in hieroglyphic to those inquiries he would put.
He acts it a life before he apprehends it as truth. In like manner,nature is already, in its forms and tendencies, describing its own design. Let us interrogate the great apparition that shines so
peacefully around us. (Emerson 34)
This part is followed by eight sections, each of which develops the general thesis of the book.{mla格式范文}.
“I become a transparent eye-ball. I am nothing. I see all. The currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am a particle of God.” (Emerson 23) That the individual soul can become the medium of the divine forces of Nature is at the heart of this book.
Dickinson once wrote in a poem: “This is my letter to the World / That never wrote to Me.” (34)
如果超过4行,则空行另起一段,并把所引诗歌中最长的一行居中作为基准,向左按原诗形式排列, 不用引号。
I celebrate myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
I loaf and invite my soul,
I lean and loaf at my ease…observing a spear of summer grass. (Whitman 34)
4. 引文附译文
In 1915 Freud published Mourning and Melancholia (《哀悼与忧郁症》) and described it.
5. 重复引用
(3)使用容易辨认的中心词。(吉鲍尔迪106; 305-334)
6. 转引
论文应该尽量引用原始资料,凡是引用文摘类作品或是别人引用的资料,都应该查找原始资料并做好注释。万一无法获得原始资料,也应注明qtd. in (quoted in)“转引自……”的字样。
In a May 1800 letter to Watt, Creighton wrote, “The excellent Satanism reflects immortal honour on the Club” (qtd. in Hunt and Jacob 493).
Hunt, Lynn, and Margaret Jacob. “The Affective Revolution in 1790s Britain.”
Eighteenth-Century Studies 34.4 (2001): 491-521.
MLA 2009 Formatting and Style Guide
General Format
MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing. MLA style also provides writers with a system for referencing their sources through parenthetical citation in their essays and Works Cited pages.
Writers who properly use MLA also build their credibility by demonstrating accountability to their source material. Most importantly, the use of MLA style can protect writers from accusations of plagiarism, which is the purposeful or accidental un一般格式
MLA样式指定用于格式化的手稿和使用英语的书面指引。MLA风格也提供了与作家通过括号引用引用其来源在他们的论文和引用文献的页面的系统。 作家谁正确使用工作重点还通过展示问责其来源的材料建立自己的信誉。最重要的是,使用MLA风格可以保护从作家抄袭的指责,这是有目的的或意外的主演使用的源材料由其他作家。credited use of source material by other writers.
If you are asked to use MLA format, be sure to consult the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th edition). Publishing scholars and graduate students should also consult the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (3rd edition). The MLA Handbook is available in most writing centers and reference libraries; it is also widely available in bookstores, libraries, and at the MLA web site. See the Additional Resources section of this handout for a list of helpful books and sites about using MLA style. For an overview of the 2009 guideline changes, please visit the OWL's MLA Update 2009 resource.如果你被要求使用MLA格式,请务必咨询MLA手册为研究论文(第7版)的作家,出版的学者和研究生也应征询MLA格式手册和指南,以学术出版(第三版)的工作重点手册提供最写作中心和参考库; ..它也被广泛使用在书店,图书馆,并在重点网站,请参阅本讲义的其他资源部分为有用的书籍和网站列表关于使用MLA风格为2009年度方针的改变列表,请访问OWL的工作重点更新2009的资源。
Paper Format
The preparation of papers and manuscripts in MLA style is covered in chapter four of the MLA Handbook, and chapter four of the MLA Style Manual. Below are some basic guidelines for formatting a paper in MLA style.论文格式 论文和手稿在MLA样式的准备是包括在MLA手册的第四章,和MLA样式手册的第四章。下面是在MLA样式格式化文件的一些基本准
General Guidelines
white 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
Double-space the text of your paper, and use a legible font (e.g. Times New Roman). Whatever font you choose, MLA recommends that the regular and italics type styles contrast enough that they are recognizable one from another. The font size should be 12 pt. Leave only one space after periods or other punctuation marks (unless otherwise instructed by your instructor).
Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides. 一般准则 输入你的论文的计算机上,并打印出来的标准,白色8.5×11英寸的纸张。 双空间纸张的文本,并使用清晰字体(如宋体)。无论字体您选择,工作重点建议,定期和斜体款式型号对比不够,他们是从另一个辨认之一。字体大小应为12磅。 期或其他标点符号后只留下一个空格(除非你的导师另有指示)。 设置您的文档的页边距为1英寸四面八方。
margin. MLA recommends that you use the Tab key as opposed to pushing the Space Bar five times.
Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. (Note: Your instructor may ask that you omit the number on your first page. Always follow your instructor's guidelines.)
Use italics throughout your essay for the titles of longer works and, only when absolutely necessary, providing emphasis.
If you have any endnotes, include them on a separate page before your Works Cited page. Entitle the section Notes (centered, unformatted). Indent the first line of paragraphs one half-inch from the left Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard,
Formatting the First Page of Your Paper
Do not make a title page for your paper unless specifically requested.
your instructor's name, the course, and the date. Again, be sure to use double-spaced text.
Double space again and center the title. Do not underline, italicize, or place your title in quotation marks; write the title in Title Case (standard capitalization), not in all capital letters.
Use quotation marks and/or italics when referring to other works in your title, just as you would in your text: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as Morality Play; Human Weariness in "After Apple Picking"
Double space between the title and the first line of the text. Create a header in the upper right-hand corner that includes In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your last name, followed by a space with a page number; number all pages consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. (Note: Your instructor or other readers may ask that you omit last name/page number header on your first page. Always follow instructor guidelines.) Here is a sample of the top half of a first page in MLA style:
A sample first page of an MLA-formatted paper.标题和正文的第一行之间的双重空间。 创建包含您的姓氏,然后用一个页码的空间在右上角的角落头;(1,2,3,4,等)数量所有页面连续用阿拉伯数字,一半来自英寸,顶部和右边距对齐(注意:你的老师或其他读者可能会问,你省略姓/页码页眉上的第一页始终遵循导师的指引。) 这里是MLA样式的第一个页面的上半部分的一个示例: 一个MLA格式文件的样本第一页。
Section Headings
Writers sometimes use Section Headings to improve a document’s readability. These sections may include individual chapters or other named parts of a book or essay.
MLA recommends that when you divide an essay into sections that you number those sections with an arabic number and a period followed by a space and the section name.
1. Early Writings 2. The London Years 3. Traveling the Continent 4. Final Years
MLA does not have a prescribed system of headings for books. If you are only using one level of headings, meaning that all of the sections are distinct and parallel and have no additional sections that fit within them, MLA recommends that these sections resemble one another grammatically. For instance, if your headings are typically short phrases, make all of the headings short phrases (and not, for example, full sentences). Otherwise, the formatting is up to you. It should, however, be consistent throughout the document. If you employ multiple levels of headings (some of your sections have sections within sections), you may want to provide a key of your chosen level headings and their formatting to your instructor or editor.
Sample Section Headings
The following sample headings are meant to be used only as a reference. You may employ whatever system of formatting that works best for you so long as it remains consistent throughout the document.
1. Soil Conservation 1.1 Erosion 1.2 Terracing 2. Water Conservation 3. Energy Conservation
Formatted, unnumbered:
Level 1 Heading: bold, flush left
Level 2 Heading: italics, flush left
Level 3 Heading: centered, bold
Level 4 Heading: centered, italics How to Cite the Purdue OWL in MLA:
Entire Website
The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 2008. Web. 27 Dec. 2008.
Individual Resources
Purdue OWL. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 10 May 2008. Web. 15 Nov. 2008. All Sections in MLA 2009 Formatting and Style Guide:
1. MLA 2009 Formatting and Style Guide 2. MLA 2009 In-Text Citations: The Basics 3. MLA 2009 Formatting Quotations 4. MLA 2009 Footnotes and Endnotes 5. MLA 2009 Works Cited Page: Basic Format 6. MLA 2009 Works Cited Page: Books 7. MLA 2009 Works Cited: Periodicals 8. MLA 2009 Works Cited: Electronic Sources (Web Publications) 9. MLA 2009 Works Cited: Other Common Sources 10. MLA 2009 Additional Resources 11. MLA 2009 Abbreviations 12. MLA 2009 Sample Works Cited Page 13. MLA 2009 Sample Papers 14. MLA 2009 Tables, Figures, and Examples 15. MLA 2009 PowerPoint Presentation 16. MLA 2009 Undergraduate Sample Paper
1.论文全文采用小四号Times New Roman(12号)字体:论文题目采用小二号 Times New Roman;中文题目采用小2号宋体。一级标题(章标题)采用16号Times New Roman,分别冠以I、II、III、IV、V等序号;二级标题(节标题)14号,分别冠以1.1, 1.2、2.1, 2.2、等序号;三级标题(节以下标题)均采用12号,分别冠以1.1.1、2.1.1等序号。所有标题加黑。
2. 论文正文采用段首缩进5个字符,单面打印;2倍行距。正文第一页加论文题目。
3.正文(包括附录和参考文献)页码标注格式为阿拉伯数字1 2 3„.页码标注在页面底部居中。论文封面不标注页码。
第一部分:正文内引述 (In-text Citation: MLA Style)
[The formatting generally follows the latest Modern Language Association (MLA) style, including parenthetical references.*Parenthetical documentation means that in the text, only the author’s surname and the page number is given in parentheses following the quotation or any reference to another source. If
the author’s name is given in the introductory statement to the quotation, only the page number is given in parentheses at (MLA一般不用脚注)The Works Cited page contains the full name of the author, the title of the book, etc. Internet sites frequently do not have page numbers, so that only the name of the author or web site is given in parentheses. Footnotes are used sparingly, and only to give additional information not suitable to include in the text.] (Julia Diterman)
Ⅰ. MLA格式文内摘录一般用括号加注法:
1. 括号内(作者姓氏+引文页码),如果引文中已经给出作者姓名,只需括号加注内页码即可。例如:
e.g In studying the influence of Latin American, African and Asian music on modern American composers, music historians tend to discuss such figures as Aaron Copland, George Gershwin, Henry Cowell, Alan Hovhaness, and John Cage (Brindle; Griffiths 104-39; Hitchcock 173-98这里同时引用不同作者的多篇文献)
e.g Brian Taves suggests some interesting conclusions regarding philosophy and politics of the adventure film (153-54, 171). e.g Her idea is further confirmed that “people think her odd and that nobody loves and admires her” (Fountain 33).
e.g Her idea is further confirmed that “people think her odd and that nobody loves and admires her (Fountain 33).”(不规范){mla格式范文}.
e.g Her idea is further confirmed that “people think her odd and that nobody loves and admires her (Fountain 33).” (不规范)
2. 引用中文著作或期刊时同姓作者的情况较多,应在括号夹注中使用他们名字的首字母加以区分,如:
MLA: (S.R. Wang 26) (J.X. Wang 30)
3. 两个作者时可以用 & 连接,两个以上时可用 ,隔开. 如:
e.g According to educational psychologists, raising children is a responsibility of the entire community (Franklin, Childs, & Smith 410).
4. 引用团体作者的作品,括号夹注中应使用团体的名称,如:
e.g It was apparent that the American health care system needed “to be fixed and perhaps radically modified” (Public Agenda Foundation 4).
5. 引用无作者文献:引用无作者文献,如果文献标题没有出现在正文里,则括号夹注中应使用该标题或者(如果标题过长的话)使用该标题中的关键词组,如:
e.g An anonymous Wordsworth critic once argued that his poems were too emotional (“Wordsworth Is A Loser” 100).
6.引用非直接文献(indirect source)论文应尽可能避免使用非直接文献(即二级文献secondary source),但在无法找到直接文献(即一级文献primary source)的情况下,引文可以从非直接文献中析出,例如:
e.g Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an “extraordinary man” (qtd. in Boswell 2: 450).
Ⅱ 引用整篇文献(即全书或全文)观点时有两种情况:一种是作者的姓氏在正文中没有出现,如:
e.g Charlottes and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (Taylor).
e.g Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing.
Ⅲ 超过四行的文内摘引语,另起一段,首行在原文基础上再缩进五个字符。行间距按1.5倍打印。
Lengthy quoted passages (more than four lines) are single-spaced and indented from the left margin.(some time from both margins) five paces. The first line is indented an additional five spaces when it marks the beginning of a paragraph.{mla格式范文}.
Ⅳ 把句号或逗号放在引号内(Place the period and the comma within the quotation marks:)
E.g. “Jenny,” he said, “let’s have lunch.”
也有例外: e.g. The author states: “Time alone reveals the just(471)”.
当摘引用于强调事件本身时,破折号 —, 问号?和感叹号!一般置于引号内;当用于强调整个句子时,置于引号外。
e.g Gordon answered, “No way !”
e.g Stop whistling “All Do is Dream of you” !
第二部分:参考文献著录 Works cited or Bibliography
MLA格式(Documenting List of Sources: MLA Style)
正文引用文献须按MLA要求,著录在Works Cited或者Bibliography之下,在正文最后一章结束后另页开始,页码与正文相连。文献著录必须按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列,不得以正文中出现的先后编码排序,不得使用阿拉伯数字。每一条目中的各项内容都必须按MLA规定的次序和格式编排。
参考文献的字体与正文相同,条目间距为1.5倍行间距,另行缩进5个字符间距。 Ⅰ.每个参考文献一般有三个部分组成,依次是:作者姓,逗号,名,黑点,书名(斜体,如有副标题加冒号,文章名用引号),黑点,出版地,冒号,出版商,出版年。
e.g Feldman, Paula R. ed. British Women Poets of the Romantic Era. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins UP, 1997.
1. 独著
姓,名. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.
Bambrough, New York: The New American Library, 1963.
2. 两至三名作者
姓,名, 名姓, and 名姓. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.
Horton, Rod W., and Herbert W.
3. 四名或以上作者
姓,名, et al. . 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.
4. 机构作者
机构名称. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.
American Psychological Association. 1994.
5. 匿名作者
. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.
6. 同一作者两本以上著作
Bloom, Harold. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973.
7. 编著
姓, 名, ed. . 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.
Frye, Northrop, ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 1963.
姓, 名, and 名姓, eds. . 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.
第一编者姓, 名, et al. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. University Press, 1986.
8. 译著
原作者姓, 名. 译者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年. Norton, 1961.
9. 再版著作
姓,名. 版别序号 ed. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.
Fromkin, Victoria, and Robert Rodman. 5th ed. Ft. Worth: Harcourt, 1993.
10. 论文集中的文章
文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” . Ed. 论文集编者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 起始页码.
Wellek, Rene. “Romanticism RE-examined.” Ed. Northrop Frye. New York: Columbia University Press, 1963. 75-98.
Hall, Stuart, “Minial Selves.” Arnold: Hodder Headline Group, 1993. 131-42.
11. 多卷或多册著作,书名后注明第几册或第几卷.
姓, 名. 书名. 卷目 vols. (其他信息). 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.
Plato. 2 vols. Trans. R. G. Bury. Leob Classical Libery. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1926.
12. 前言,后记
前言作者姓,名. “Introduction (或Forewords 或 Preface).” 书名. By 书目作者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 前言起始页码.
后记作者姓,名. “Afterwords.” 书名. By 书目作者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 后记起始页码.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. “Introduction.”
13. 期刊文章
文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 卷号. 期号 (出版年代): 起始页码.
Maguire, James H. “The Canon and the 'Diminished Thing.” (1988): 645-52.
Davis, Sherri Heckler. “The Zen Art of Prewriting.” 1 (1988): 21-23.
14. 周刊或双周刊文章
文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 出版日月年: 起始页码.
Hoagland, Edward. “Standing Tough in the Desert.” May 1989: 44-45.
15. 月刊或双月刊文章
文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 出版月年: 起始页码. January 1994: 37-56.
16. 报纸文章
文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 出版日月年, 版, 栏, 页码.
Intraub, Anna Jinagwang. “How I learned to Read.” 13 January 2002, Section 4, Column 6, Page 16.
如果作者未知, 版栏信息缺失, 格式为:
“文章标题.” 报纸名称 出版日月年: 页码.