经典语录大全 点击: 2013-09-24
第一节 书信
1. 信头(Heading):信头是指写信人的地址及日期,位于信笺的右上方,距信纸的顶头约一英寸。顺序是先写地址,后写日期。地址由小写到大,即门牌号→街名→城市→省份→国名,由小到大的顺序书写。如“江西省万载县康乐镇田下路159号”,英文写法是:159 Tianxia Road, Kangle Town, Wanzai County, Jiangxi Province;日期可按“日—月—年”的顺序或“月—日—年”的顺序写。
2. 信内地址(Inside Address):它是指收信人的姓名和地址,写在信笺的左上方,稍低于信头一至二行,在称呼语上方。顺序是先写收信人姓名,后写职务,再写地址(由小到大)。商业往来信件及公函必须写信头和信内地址。但亲友、熟人之间的信可不写信内地址,信头处只写发信日期。
3. 称呼(Greeting):收信人的称呼,写在信纸的左边,低于信内地址。
4. 书信的正文(Body):是写信者所要说的话,正文信的内容,从左向右横写,低于称呼语,常在缩进四、五个字母处起笔。写信与写文章一样,要分段写,每段有一个中心思想,内容要表达清楚,语言要简单明了,态度要诚恳礼貌。给亲友的信还应亲切热情。考试时必须把规定的内容写清楚。正文结束时,还可写一两句表达心愿的话,如:Best wishes to you /Remember me to your family /Hoping to hear from you soon等。
5. 结束语(Closing):发信人表示自己对收信人的一种客套称呼,写在书信正文结尾下面低两行的位置上。一般它均从正中或偏右处写起。结束语的第一个字母必须大写,后面须加上逗号。收信人与写信人之间是朋友关系时常用:Yours,/Yours ever,/Ever yours,/Always(Sincerely) yours, 等等。
6. 签名(Signature):发信人自己的姓名,写在结束语的下面一行。可与结束语齐头或略向右靠一点儿。 在这里给大家介绍一些关于书信的开头和结尾的写法:
A. 开头语
1. Thank you for your letter of September 1.
2. Many thanks for your kind letter which reached me yesterday.
3. You letter come to me this morning.
4. I was delighted to receive your letter.
5. I am in receipt of your letter.
6. It‟s a long time since I saw your last.
7. I have been missing you a lot since we met last time.
8. I am sorry for not writing to you sooner.
9. I am writing to you tell that ……
10. I often think of you. How are you recently?
B. 结束语
1. Good luck!
2. Best wishes!
3. Take care of yourself, will you?
4. Send my love to your…
5. Please write to me when you have time.
6. Please write soon.
7. Let‟s keep in touch.
8. I am looking forward to your next letter soon.
9. Thank you for an early reply.
10. Please tell me if you need my help.
1. 你是一个中国学生,对美国攻打伊拉克很关注。
2. 战争已经持续十多天了。这些天来,大约二十万美、英士兵一直在攻击伊拉克(Iraq) 。到目前为止,已经有很多房屋被摧毁(destroy) ,数以百计的平民(civilians) 在战争中被打死。伊拉克的儿童不能安静地上学,甚至连吃的都没有。
3. 希望美、英立刻停止战争,让伊拉克人民能重新过上平静的生活,让伊拉克的儿童重新回到课堂。
1. 这是一封写给美国总统呼吁停止战争的信。措词要恰当。要以学生身份去写。
2. 一些关键词:last 持续, two hundred thousand 二十万,be killed 被打死,live a…life 过着……生活,
care about 关注。
3. 要正确使用被动语态。
No. 28 Middle School
April 8, 2005
Dear Mr President Bush,
I am a student from China. All my classmates and I are caring about the war between your country and Iraq.
So far, the war has lasted about ten days. During these days, about two hundred thousand soldiers from your country and Britain have kept attacking Iraq. Many houses have been destroyed. Hundreds of civilians have been killed in the war. What‟s worse, the children in Iraq couldn‟t go to school like the children in your country and all of us. They even have no food to eat.
Mr President Bush, will you please stop the war at once? Let the people in Iraq live a quiet life and let the children go back to their schools, will you?
Li Lei
1. 假如你叫Li Ming, 中学生,经常收听音乐节目,请你用英语给节目主持人写一封信。信的要点如下:(1)你很喜欢这个节目,特别是英语歌曲;(2)学习很疲劳时,你会打开收音机,听这个节目;(3)从英语歌里你学了很多单词;你最喜欢“Take Me to Your Heart”这首歌,希望得到歌词(the words of a song)。
2. 假定你叫周海,家住江西省南昌市北京西路 153号,你刚收到好友张辉8月15日的来信。他说对英语学习失去了信心,准备放弃,你很吃惊。现请你给他复信,劝他继续学习,并告诉他英语是一门重要学科,要有克服困难的意志,要有好的学习方法。写信时间为8月 20日,词数100左右。
3. 你是尚佳,在昆明大学英语系(English Department)一年级读书,九月十五日给你父母亲(辽宁省海城市八里镇头道村)写了一封信,信中说,你到昆明半个月了。这里很美,四季如春,昆明人更美,处处盛开友谊(friendship)之花。昆大的老师和同学们对你都很好,恐怕东北人在此不适应(fit),他们便常常关照你,这里就像一个欢乐的大家庭,请你父母亲放心,待家里活忙完后,也来昆明住几天。请你用100字左右写出这封信的全文。
4. 假如你叫李海,暑假里你和父亲去北京旅游。几天后你给你的同学赵涛写信,向他介绍首都北京及你们参观长城情况。(你住在北京西长安街809号)
5. 假若你叫王梅,你的英国笔友Betty写信请你给她介绍有关中国春节的一些情况。请你给她写封回信。
6. 假如你是张吉,你的加拿大笔友Tim给你来信,告知你他将来宁波度假。请你根据所给提示用英语写一封回信。词数:60-80。
1) 欢迎他来宁波;2) 恰好你也有一个月的假期;3) 在宁波可以游泳、钓鱼、爬山、吃各种海鲜、浏览市容;
4) 你们可以互相学习语言;5) 请对方告知到达的时间和航班号,以便去机场迎接。
7. 假如你叫李平,参加了学校开展的“有烦恼向谁说”的调查活动,调查结果如图所示。请你用英语给校报编辑写一封信,内容包括:调查结果(不局限于用分数表述)、理由及自己的想法。
要求:1) 语句通顺,合乎逻辑;
2) 词数80-100(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
提示词:survey 调查,trust 信任
1. No. 28 Middle School
April 8, 2005
Dear Mr Liu,
I‟m a middle school student. In my spare time, I‟d love to listen to the radio, especially the programme you present. When I am tired, I usually turn on my radio to relax. I enjoy the English songs in the programme most. From the songs, I learn new words. It is helpful in my English study.
I was wondering whether you could help me find the words of the song Take Me to Your Heart, as it is one of my favourites.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
2. 153 Beijing West Road
Nanchang, Jiangxi
August 20, 2005
Dear Zhang Hui,
I have received your letter of August 15. I‟m surprised to learn that you have lost heart in your English and that you want to give it up.
In my opinion, English is an important subject for us middle school students. It‟s wrong for you to give it up. I hope you‟ll go on studying English. You should have more confidence and when you are learning a language you will make mistakes, this is part of learning. Where there is a will, there is a way. Besides, you must develop a good way of learning. If you have any questions, please don‟t hesitate to ask your teacher for help. I‟m sure you‟ll make great progress in your English very soon.
Zhou Hai
3. Grade One
English Department
Kunming University 650032
Kunming, Yunnan Province
September 15, 1999
Dear parents,
How are you? How time flies! I‟ve been in Yunnan for nearly half a month.
All is beautiful here and so are the people. All the year is just like spring, and there are flowers of friendship here and there.
Here‟s a big family and we are brothers and sisters. They take good care of me, for they are afraid it can‟t fit a friend from the Northeast. So I‟m very happy here and you needn‟t worry.
Hope you come and visit here after farm work.
Yours loving,
Shang Jia
4. 809 West Chang‟an Street, Beijing
July 20, 2005
Dear Zhao Tao,
I‟ve been in Beijing for several days. I miss you very much. Does everything go well at home? Now let me tell you something about Beijing.
Beijing, our capital, is a very beautiful city. There are too many people, cars and big buildings in Beijing. There are all kinds of shops. They sell all kinds of things. There are lots of places of great interest. Now it‟s the best time to visit Beijing. Too many travellers have come here.
Yesterday my father and I visited the Great Wall. How great! I was very excited when I saw the Great Wall. We took lots of photos. I saw lots of foreigners, they‟re very interesting. We enjoyed ourselves very much there.
Zhao Tao, have you finished your lessons? I‟m going home soon.
Please tell my mother not to worry about us.
Li Hai
5. Dear Betty,
Thank you for your last letter. I‟m getting on well with all my subjects. I hope you can come to China one day. The following is the answer to your questions. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for China people. It always comes during winter holidays. It‟s time for families to get together. People all have a big dinner in the evening before the Spring Festival. On the Spring Festival, every people wears their new clothes. People say “Happy New Dear” to each other. In the following few days, people will be busy visiting friends and relatives. Everyone enjoys the Spring Festival. Our winter holidays will come soon, so will the Spring Festival. I‟m busy with my lessons now. I have to stop writing. Thank you for helping me with my English.
Yours sincerely
Wang Mei
6. August 9th
Dear Tim,
I received your letter yesterday. I‟m very happy to hear that you‟ll come to Ningbo. I‟m going to have a one-month holiday after the exams finish. We can spend our holiday together. We can go swimming, go fishing, climb the hills and enjoy many kinds of seafood. We can also visit different parts of this beautiful city. I‟m sure you‟ll like it. At the same time, we can learn language from each other. Please call me and let me know your flight number and the arrival time as soon as you get the ticket. I‟ll meet you at the airport. I‟m sure we‟ll have a good time together.
Best wishes to your family!
Zhang Ji
7. June 26th, 2005
Dear editor,
I am a student in Grade Three. We have made a survey-“To whom do you go when in trouble”.
Here are the results. Most of the students will go to their classmates or friends when in trouble because they‟re almost the same age and they can talk with, communicate with and understand each other easily. Some students will tell their teachers or parents about their troubles as the teachers and parents have rich experience and love them very much. They can be trusted by these students. Only a few students solve their problems all by themselves. They hate to talk with others and can‟t get on well with others. They have few friends.
In my opinion, when in trouble we should ask our teachers, parents, friends or classmates for help.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ping
第二节 日记
1. 格式:英文日记和中文日记的写法大致相同。一般是第一行写上日期、星期、天气状况。日期通常顶格写,后面是星期,天气状况写在右上角。表示天气情况的词一般用形容词,如:
fine, cold, rainy, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowy, foggy等。正文部分另起一行。
2. 人称:日记要用第一人称写。
3. 时态:写日记的时间一般是在下午或晚上,有时也有在第二天补记的。所记叙的事情通常发生在过去,所以常用一般过去时态。但如果要记叙天气、描写景色、展望未来、议论某事或对话引语等,可以使用一般现在时或一般将来时,以生动再现当时的情景。
4. 日记的写作顺序:日记一般按照时间顺序或事情的经过来写。语言要清楚、自然,内容要连贯、完整。
5. 类型:日记可分为记事型、议论型、描写型以及抒情型等类型。记事型日记,就是学生用所学英语词汇记述当天自己生活中所发生的事情。议论型,就是对生活中的某一事情或情况、现象发表自己的看法。描写型就是对某人、某物的特征进行细致的描述,或对某事物抒发自己的感情。
1. 全世界人民热爱足球,我也最喜欢足球;
2. 今天下午一位有名的足球运动员张林,来我校给我们作了“足球与中国”的报告;
3. 报告结束后,他和我们一起在学校操场踢了半小时足球;
4. 今天过得很愉快。我一定要更加努力学习,将来当一名像张林一样的优秀足球运动员。
1. 首先要将日记的格式写对。
2. 注意时态的一致性和真实性。
3. 用词要准确,行文要流畅,不能照汉语提示硬译。
May 10th, 2005 Monday Fine
The people all over the world love football. Football is my favourite sport. This afternoon a famous football player came to our school and gave us a talk about “Football and China”. His name was Zhang Lin. He was tall and strong. After the lecture, he played football on the school playground with us for half an hour. I enjoyed myself very much today. I think I must work hard at all my lessons and try to become a good football player like Zhang Lin.
1. 就植树节这一天的植树活动写一篇简短的日记。单词数:50左右。
1) 穿旧衣服;
2) 早餐后乘车到西山;
3) 挖坑、种树、浇水,每人种树3棵;
4) 12点结束;
5) 感想;
6) 天气晴朗。
2. 按下列要求写一篇日记。
要求:今天是5月21日星期六 ,不上课,吃完早饭后你做作业。然后和飞鸣一起去看电影。路上看到一个小男孩在修自行车,你们停下来帮忙。飞鸣花了10分钟的时间帮助他修好了自行车,小男孩非常的感激。当你们匆忙赶到电影院时正好电影开始。
3. 2005年5月1日,星期六,晴,上午约8点,你和你的朋友们在去香山的路上。此时你们看到前方有几个外国客人正在不知所措,周围不少人围观,由于语言的障碍,谁也不知发生了什么事。正在这紧要关头,你们赶去。原来,在刚刚的一起交通事故中,他们的一位朋友受了伤正要去医院,可是他们没有那么多的钱。你和你的朋友打电话叫来警察,你们陪同他们去了医院,他们的朋友得救了,十分感激你们。尽管旅游没去成,但你们都
在学习生活和工作中,与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为 “Cooperate with others”的英文演讲稿。
参考词汇:合作者 partner
Good afternoon, everyone!
The topic of my speech today is “Cooperate with others”.
In this busy, modern world, if we want to complete our work effectively and efficiently, we must all learn to cooperate with others. If we lose our partner, then we will fail. Cooperation can save us a lot of time and energy. Additionally, we can learn much from our partners by cooperating them.
When we cooperate with someone we like, we will feel very happy. And we can share our pleasure and sadness with him. But it can be difficult to be cooperative with someone we dislike. In such a situation, we may focus on our work, instead of our partner. Perhaps in working together with him for a long time, we’ll learn that he is a man to get along well with. Even if this doesn’t happen, it’s still worth a try.
How can we become a good partner? In my opinion, (we should try to listen to others’ opinions. If he makes mistakes, we also try to point them out. Thirdly, we mustn’t beat others to make them in unfavorable position)
Thank you for your listening!
《21Century学生英文报》记者采访了你校“争做好学生好公民” 活动, 并邀请你就活动前后同学们的言行变化写一篇英语报道,同时发表你个人看法。
3. 请根据以上提供的信息写篇报道,个人看法可自由发挥。 词数:120左右;开头已写好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:活动 campaign; 抢座位 scramble for seats At the beginning of the term, a campaign “to be a good student and a good citizen” was launched in our school, and great changes have taken place since then.
Before the campaign, we used to be late for school and failed to hand in our homework in time. Often, we forgot to greet our teachers and after class we made loud noises. Worse still, we jumped the queue when waiting for buses and scrambled for seats on board.
However, the campaign have changed us a lot. We are no longer late for school and are more careful in our homework. We have learned to show respect for the elders, help others, wait in line for buses and give up seats to other passengers.
The campaign is a very good experience, from which we have learned a lot. More importantly, we have got rid of many bad habits and have become better students at school and better citizens in society.
近年来全球许多国家对公共场所吸烟限制越来越严;从2007年1月1日起,我国香港地区室内全面禁烟。针对这个问题,你班同学组织一场辩论会,请你根据下表内容,以“Ban Smoking in Pubic Places?”为题,写一篇短文,客观介绍双方的不同观点。
注意:1、词数:100左右; 2、题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Ban Smoking in public places?
Smoking bans can be seen in public places in many countries. Our class had a heated discussion on banning smoking in public places. Opinions fall into two.
Some students agree that smoking is dangerous, Not only does smoking harm smokers themselves but also harm the people around them. Bans in public places would also urge smokers to smoke less or give it up.
However, Others hold an opposite view. They believe that it’s legal to smoke and smokers should have the freedom and right to smoke in any place they like. Besides, bans on smoking in public places would drive many bars, pubs or clubs out of business. What’s worse, many people will be out of job because of this.
1、 江苏是我国经济发达的省份之一,位于我国的东部,人口多,占地少。
人口:7000多万;土地面积:10多万平方公里。自然资源贫乏。2、 随着经济的发展和人口的增长,越来越多的良田被征用来建造住房和工厂。耕地面积逐年减少。
3、 人们正认识到保护耕地的重要性,政府积极采取措施禁止非法用地。
4、 保护土地资源,是每个公民应尽义务,也是造福子孙后代的需要。
How are you? With this letter I’d like to introduce my hometown—Jiangsu Province to you .Situated in the east of China, Jiangsu is one of the most developed provinces of our country. It is a province with a large population of 70,000,000 but not much farmland for people to live on, and it lacks natural resources with an area of more than 100,000 km2 .
With the development of economy and growth of its population, more and more good farmland has been used to build houses and factories. As a result, farmland is decreasing year by year.
Fortunately people are realizing the importance of protecting farmland and the government has taken measures to stop the illegal use of farmland.
In my opinion, it’s our duty to protect our farmland as well as our obligation to benefit the younger generations.
Looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes.
3.有的同学还在课堂上发短信息,浪费宝贵的时间。 4.建议:教室是学习的地方,需要安静;学生不应该在教室中使用手机;
1. 信的开头和结尾已给出;
2. 字数: 100 左右 3. 参考词汇 :集中(注意力) concentrate on Dear Editor ,
I’m a senior high student .
Dear Editor,
I’m a senior high student. Now many students use mobile phones .They think it’s a fashion to use mobile phones .Besides ,it’s very convenient to get in touch with their families and friends by using mobile phones. But some students break the rules in class. They bring their mobile phones to the classroom and we often hear the ring of mobile phones in class. Some of them even waste precious time in class typing short messages on the mobile phones .
In my opinion ,the classroom is a place for students to gain knowledge .Therefore quietness is badly needed for us to learn our lessons .Those with mobile phones shouldn’t take mobile phones to the classroom . We are supposed to concentrate on our studies. The school should make a rule to forbid the students to use mobile phones in the classroom.
Wang Li 据报载今年有许多应届高中毕业生放弃高考。根据下面表格的内容,谈谈学生弃考的原因,并发表你的看法,看法部分需要你自己设想。
2.参考词汇:学费——n. tuition fee 大学毕业生——n. college graduate
It is reported that many high school leavers gave up signing up for the College Entrance Examinations this year. There are a variety of reasons for this phenomenon. The college tuition fees are so costly that poor families can’t afford them even if students are admitted to college. As a result, many poor students choose to give up. The news that many college graduates can’t find
jobs this year also has a bad effect. They decide to work right after graduation instead of going to college. And some students are so poor in their subjects that they had lost confidence.
In my opinion, it is unwise to give up such a good chance that will probably change your future. After all, college graduates have better chance of finding better jobs. Besides, if you miss the golden opportunity for study in college, you may never make up for it later in life. We should take advantage of the opportunity. As for colleges, tuition fees should be greatly reduced so that everybody can afford higher education.
st上引起了很大反响。请你根据以下支持者和反对者的观点,就其利弊为21 Century Teens写
Some hold that it’s good to see that students’ scores will no longer be the only way to decide whether he can get into a college or not. Thanks to such a change, some excellent students with special talents can attend university now, which in turn will encourage high schools to help train such students.
Others doubt whether headmasters have the practical standards to recommend students. Besides, it will greatly challenge the honesty and justice from headmasters.
In my opinion, I think it is a good try and of great benefit if the headmasters can avoid the disadvantages,such as the injustice and dishonesty. (110 words)
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
你校正在开展“创建文明班级,共建和谐校园”活动,请根据下表内容,以“Get Rid of Bad Habits and Greet Civilization”.为题写一篇短文,向“China Daily”投稿,介绍有关情况。
2.参考词汇:文明 civilization 和谐的 harmonious
A:“hello。you do not look well ,what's wrong with you?”
B:well,i find it is hard for me to sleep well
C:there must be some pressure disgusting you
B:yeah.i want to get a high score ,so i can not relax well
D:oh,come on.do not think too much of that .please do some exercises,which can help you keep mental health
E:you can also listen to light music.
F:maybe,when you feel terrible,you can communicate with us,and all of us can help you B:thinks very much,i will get better as soon as possible
A:" hello.you看上去气色不好,你怎么啦?”
Ann: Why are you unhappy?
Lily: I want to stay away from school.
Ann: What do you want to do?
Lily: I want to have a trip.
Ann: To where?{mywish作文六年级上}.
Lily: No matter where I want to go, it must be quiet and could make me regain the strength. 不管是去哪,它一定要是安静的能够让我重新获得力量的地方。
Ann: I know you have been repressed your emotion for a long time, and you need give vent to your pain.
Lily: Yes, I think so. Do you agree to cut class?
Ann: I don’t agree, but you can try another way to release yourselves. And you can find a near place to make yourselves clam down where you can come back during the weekend.
Lily: Thank you.
N: how come you're still up? Shouldn't you be asleep by now?
G: I've been having a hard time sleeping lately.
N: as far as I know, insomnia is usually caused by stress. Are you stressed at all?
G: well, I'm really worried about my grades. I didn't think this course would be so stressful. N: you're a good student. I'm sure you can do well. What you need to do is to relax.
G: you're probably right. I just wish it were that simple. How can I stop feeling so anxious all the time?
N: taking a yoga class or learning some relaxation techniques can help you cope with your stress. G: I don't really have time to learn anything new. I need to spend my time studying!
N: you need to take some breaks throughout the day. Studying all day isn’t very usually effective. G: you’re right. I usually end up starting at my computer or checking my email instead of doing my work for class.
N: besides, it’s not diffciult to learn yoga. In fact, I can teach you a move that’s supposed to help you fall asleep! You just have to sit down like this, bend over and breath in deeply.
G: that’s fantastic. I’m going to go try that out in my room now. good night!
N: good night, sleep tight; don’t let the bed bugs bite!
今天Larry(LL)到Li Hua(LH)的宿舍去串门,Li Hua正在为期末论文和考试做准备,压力很大。我们要学两个常用语:hang in there和stressed out。
LL: Li Hua, you look exhausted. Is everything OK?
LH: 哎哟,Larry,我得在星期五以前赶出两篇论文,星期五还有一门课要大考,你说我能不累吗?I AM exhausted!
LL: Hang in there, Li Hua! After Friday it will be all over, and then you can relax.
LH: Hang in there? 那是什么意思呀?
LL: Hang in there. Hang in there just means "to keep enduring" or "to persist through a difficult situation."
LH: 噢,hang in there的意思就是,在困难的情况下再忍一忍,或者坚持下去。Hang in there - Hmm„„这个说法很有意思。不过hang这个词本意不是“悬挂”吗?
LL: That's right, but "hang in there" can also mean "to stay the same" or "to not give up".
LH: 噢,我明白了,hang in there就是要"坚持下去,不要放弃"的意思。{mywish作文六年级上}.
LL: Exactly! Remember last semester when you had two tests and a term paper due the same week, you hung in there and even managed to get good grades. When things get tough, you just have to hang in there.
LH: 我当然记得上学期的那个礼拜。一个星期里,我有两门课要考试,还要交一篇学期论文。我当时咬紧牙关坚持学习,结果还得了好分数。所以你说,这就是hang in there的意思吧?
LL: You're right! Let me give you another example. If someone is having an emergency and calls the 9-1-1 emergency hotline, the operator might say, "Hang in there, an ambulance will be there in a few minutes".
LH: 噢,你说要是遇到紧急情况打911电话,接线员可能会说,Hang in there! 也就是说:"别着急,坚持一下,救护车马上就到"的意思。
LL: So, just hang in there, Li Hua. You'll finish the papers before Friday and get good grades for the test too!
LH: 嗨,Larry, 我刚考完试。现在好了,我可以轻松一下了。
LL: Well, I'm glad to see you so happy now that your test is over and those papers are done. You were really stressed out last week!
LH: 就是啊,我现在好高兴。可是,你说我上星期怎么了?Stressed out?
LL: I said you were "stressed out". Stressed out means that you were under so much stress and pressure that you barely made it.
LH: 噢,stressed out意思就是“压力太大,几乎承受不了”。Hmm, 这话一点没错,我上个星期还真是有点顶不住了。Larry, 你倒是好像不太容易stressed out。
LL: That's because I know that to be stressed out usually makes things worse. I find that I do better on a test when I'm not stressed out about it.
LH: Hmm, 我也有这种感觉,你越是感到压力大,越会坏事。在这种情况下,考试都是考不好的。
LL: Last week, you appeared a little bit impatient, but I understand it's because you were really stressed out about your papers. So I encouraged you to HANG IN THERE.
LH: 我上星期显得很烦躁呀!哟,我自己还没有察觉呢。Larry, 我要是对你显得不耐烦, 对不起哟!下次再遇到压力很大的情况,也就是我stressed out的时候,我一定会记住,要坚持下去,要hang in there.
LL: Oh, don't worry about it. The last thing I want is for you to stress out about making me upset. By the way, did you call Michael last night?
LH: 对,我打了。他说他还不太习惯那儿的生活,我让他hang in there! Try not to be stressed out. 他还让我向你问好呢!
LL: That's nice!
你这样认为吗?一个B C D:那是真的。嗯,我们现在可以使我们在大学生使劲特征
A: Hello,guys.A good day,isn't it?B、C、D、K: Really.C: Well,now here we are going to talk about our research topic 'pressure'.D: Right,it is very close to the deadline.K: So we must give a outlineabout it then.A: OK,first,let's tell some opinions from ourselves.B: Er,in my opinion,pressure is a big deal for adults,especially for us university students.C: Yes, i agree with you.As an adult,we have to make our living by ousrselves,then we are facing job-seeking pressure.B: That's exactly what i thought.Another is marriage.They should do some preparations for it.K: I can't agree more.But as a student,we'd better concentrate on students' pressure.As all we know,we are in great pressure now,don't you think so?A B C D: That's true.A: Well,we can now make our piont at college students' pressure.I think trying to get a certificate is the most important one.In order to get it,we should work very hard.B: Also,how to prepare ourselves ready for our future jobs is also very challenging.C: Pressure is surely existed,and we can talk about how to release it.K: That's a good idea. Maybe we can ask our classmates for some help.A: That sounds great.OK, we can take actions separately. Tomorrow this time,we will meet right here. Bye.BCDK:Bye.
1、 Dear friend,
My name is Sally. I am from China. I want a pen pal in Australia. I am 14 years old. I have no brothers or sisters in my family. MY favorite subject in school is science, because I think it’s very interesting. I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends. How about you? Can you write and tell me something about yourself?