
励志语录  点击:   2013-07-05



The Joker: Starting tonight... people will die. I'm a man of my word. 小丑:今晚开始„„人们将会死去,我是个说话算数的人。

Bruce Wayne: I knew the mob wouldn't go down without a fight. But this is different. They crossed the line.

Alfred Pennyworth: You crossed the line first, sir. You hammered them. And in their desperation they turned to a man they didn't fully understand. Some men aren't looking for anything logical. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.



Bartender: Dent! I thought you were dead!

Harvey Dent: Half...



Harvey Dent: Rachel's told me everything about you.

Bruce Wayne: I certainly hope not.



Gotham National Bank Manager: The criminals in this town used to believe in things. Honor. Respect. Look at you! What do you believe in? What do you believe in!

The Joker: I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger.



The Joker: [to Batman] You've changed things... forever. There's no going back. See, to them, you're just a freak... like me!


Mayor: [regarding The Joker] What do we got?

Lt. James Gordon: Nothing. No name, no other alias. Clothing is... custom. Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint.



Bruce Wayne: People are dying. What would you have me do?

Alfred Pennyworth: Endure. You can be the outcast. You can make the choice that no one else will face - the right choice. Gotham needs you. 布鲁斯·韦恩:人们在面临死亡,你想让我做什么?


The Joker: It's all... part of the plan.


Alarm Guy: So why do they call him "the Joker"?

Safecracker: I heard he wears makeup.

Alarm Guy: Makeup?

Safecracker: Yeah, to scare people. You know, war paint.





Harvey Dent: You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Harvey Dent: The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming!


The Joker: Where do we begin? A year ago, these cops and lawyers wouldn't dare cross any of you. I mean, what happened?

Gamble: So what are you proposing?

The Joker: It's simple: Kill the Batman.




10. “I’m like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one…I’d just do things.”


9. “Let’s put a smile on that face!”


8. “It’s a funny world we live in, speaking of which, you wanna know how I got these scars?”


7. “I believe… whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger.” 我相信……那些杀不死你的,只会让你变得更离奇。

6. (When told that he has a 50% chance of living) “Ummm, Now we’re talkin.” (双面人告诉他只有50%活着的机会)嗯,你总算开窍了。


5. “You know, madness is a lot like gravity… sometimes all you need is a little push.”


4. “Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything

becomes chaos, I’m an agent of chaos , and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair.”


3. “Don’t talk like one of them, you’re not! Even if you’d like to be. To them,you’re just a freak–like me. They need you right now. When they

don’t…they’ll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their code: it’s a bad joke. They’re dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other.”


2. “I don’t want to kill you. What would I do without you? Go back to ripen off mob dealers, no, no, no, no, you…You complete…me.”


1. “You… you just couldn’t let me go could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You are truly incorruptable aren’t you. You won’t kill me because of some misplaced sense of

self-rightousness. And I won’t kill you because…you’re just too much fun. I get the feeling that you and I are destined to do this forever.”


还有一句:why so serious? 为何这么严肃?


阿甘正传经典台词赏析 (中英)

Forrest Gump 阿甘正传经典台词赏析

我妈妈常说 My mama always said

人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力 Life was like a box of chocolates.

你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种 You never know what you're going to get.


妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情 Mama always said there's an awful lot

只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道 you can tell about a person by their shoes.

他会往哪里走 Where they're going,

他住在哪里 where they've been.

你知道,孩子记事实在奇怪 You know, it's funny what a young man recollects,

我不记得我的出生 'cause I don 't remember being born.

我不记得我的第一份圣诞礼物 I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas,

我也不记得 and I don't know

我第一次去野餐 when I went on my first outdoor picnic,

但我却记得 but I do remember

我第一次听到最甜的声音 the first time I heard the sweetest voice

在整个世界上 in the wide world.

由那天开始,我们经常在一起 From that day on, we was always together.

珍妮和我形影不离 Jenny and me was like peas and carrots.

她教我怎么爬树 She taught me how to climb.

我教她怎么摇摆 I showed her how to dangle.

她帮我学怎么认字 She helped me learn how to read,

我教她怎么倒挂 and I showed her how to swing.

有时,我们就那么坐着 Sometimes, we'd just sitout{Joker语录}.

等星星出来 and wait for the stars.

妈妈总是对我说 Now, my mama always told me

每天都会有奇迹 that miracles happen every day

有些人并不同意 Some people don't think so,

但这是真的 but they do.

我到哪儿都跑着去 I ran to get where I was going.

我没想过后来会跑遍所有地方 I never thought it would take me anywhere .

我们已经获得胜利 We are winning in this fight,

因为我们唤醒了美国人民 because we are awakening the American people

去面对我们谈论已久的危机 to the dangers that we have spoken about so many times

你有过梦想吗,福雷斯„ Do you ever dream, Forrest...

梦想你将来要成为什么人? about who you're going to be?

我将来要成为什么人? Who I'm going to be?

对 Yeah.

我将来不能做我自己了吗? Aren't I going to be me?

你永远都会是你 You'll always be you,

但会是另一种人 just another kind of you.

你明白吗? You know?

你还记得我们的祈祷吗,福雷斯? You remember that time we prayed, Forrest?

我们祈祷上帝把我变成一只鸟 We prayed for God to turn me into a bird

让我能飞得远远的 so I could fly far away .

是的,我记得 Yes, I do.

“有的人生下来” # Some folks are born #

“是为挥舞旗帜” # Made to wave the flag #

“红色白色蓝色” # Ooh, they're red, white, and blue #

“乐队奏起赞歌” # And when the band plays "Hail To The Chief" #

“他们放着礼炮” # Ooh, they'll point the cannon at you #

“那不会是我” # It ain't me #

“那不会是我” # It ain't me #

“我不是高官子弟” # I ain't no senator's son #

“那不会是我” # It ain't me #

我到了这个国家的很多地方 I got to see a lot of the country side.

我们走了很长的路 We would take these real long walks.

“总会有条路” # There must be some kind of way #

“从这里出发” # Out of here #

“小丑告诉贼” # Said the joker to the thief #

我们总是在找 And we were always lookin'

一个叫“越共”的家伙 for this guy named Charlie.

“一切都令人迷惑” # There's too much confusion #

“我什么都不相信” # I can't get no relief #

我对什么都不太明白 Now I don't know much about anything,

但我想美国最好的年青人 but I think some of America's best young men

都参加了这场战争 served in this war.

我们经历了各种各样的雨„ We've been through every kind of rain there is--

象小针样的雨 little bitty stinging rain

还有倾盆大雨 and big old fat rain,

从侧面下的雨 rain that flew in side ways,

有时甚至还有 and sometimes rain even seemed

从下往上的雨 to come straight up from underneath.

连晚上也下雨 Shoot, it even rained at night.

我一直跑,就象珍妮要我做的 I ran and ran just like Jenny told me to.

我跑得这么快这么远 I ran so far so fast

很快就只剩下我一个人 that pretty soon I was all by myself,

这下糟糕了 which was a bad thing.

如果我知道这将是 If I'd have known this was going to be

我和布巴的最后一次谈话 the last time me and Bubba was gonna talk,

我会想些更好的话来说 I'd of thought of something better to say.

布巴是我最好的好朋友 Bubba was my best good friend.

我还知道 And even I know

好朋友不是那么容易找到的 that ain't something you can find just around the corner.

布巴想当一个捕虾船的船长 Bubba was going to be a shrimping boat captain,

但是,他却死在越南的一条河边 but instead, he died right there by that river in Vietnam.

打乒乓球的关键就是 Now, the secret to this game is

无论发生什么事 no matter what happens,

永远不要„ never, ever...

把目光离开球 take your eye off the ball.

好吧 All right.

不知为什么 For some reason,

我天生是打乒乓的料 Ping-Pong came very natural to me.

我们都有自己的命运 We all have a destiny.

没什么事是完全偶然的,它总有缘故 Nothing just happens. It's all part of a plan!

我们是来提供保护与帮助 We are here to offer protection and help

为任何需要我们帮助的人 for all those who need our help,

因为我们,黑豹党 because we, the Black Panthers ,

是反对越南战争的 are against the war in Vietnam.

我们反对任何战争 We are against any war

黑人士兵总被送往前线 where black soldiers are sent to the front line

为一个仇恨他们的国家送死 to die for a country that hates them.

我们反对任何派黑人士兵去打仗的战争 We are against any war where black soldiers go to fight 这样会毁掉他们自己的社区 and come to be brutalized and killed in their own communities. 我们反对种族主义和帝国主义行为 We are against these racist and imperial acts--

“这是个改变改变改变的季节” # There is a season, turn, turn, turn #

“为了任何目标而开始的时刻” # And a time to every purpose #

“在整个世界” # Under heaven #

这是个人的一小步 That's one small step for man,

人类的一大步 one giant leap for mankind.

我以为我要回越南去 I thought I was going back to Vietnam,

但他们又觉得 but instead they decided

我对付共产党的最好办法 the best way for me to fight the Communists

是打乒乓球 was to play Ping-Pong,

于是我接受了一个特别任务 so I was in the special Services,

走遍全国 traveling around the country,

慰劳负伤的老兵,为他们表演 cheering up wounded veterans and showing'em

怎么打乒乓球 how to play Ping-Pong.

我打得很好,所以几年后 I was so good that some years later,

军队又觉得我应该 the army decided I should be

加入全美乒乓球队 on the all-American Ping-Pong team.

我们是第一批访问中国大陆的美国人 We were the first Americans to visit the land of China 大约一百万年以来 in a million years or something.

有人说世界和平就在我们手中 Somebody said world peace was in our hands,

但我所做的只不过是打乒乓球 but all I did was play Ping-Pong.

你能不能告诉我们,嗯 Can you tell us, um,

中国是怎么样的? what was China like?

在中国大陆„ In the land of China...

人们差不多什么都没有 people hardly got nothin'at all.

没有财产? No possessions?

在中国,他们不去教堂 And in China, they never go to church.

也没有宗教? No religion, too?

难以想象 Hard to imagine.


蝙蝠侠与黑暗骑士 解读小丑台词以及潜台词{Joker语录}.




下面我就来试着分析并解读一下这部影史上最恶的反派角色“小丑”(The Joker),你会发现小丑的这些台词比任何一篇课文教给你的都要受用,而且小丑的观点再度发起了对人性善论的挑战。




1.“I believe„ whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you„stranger.” (我相信,那些没杀你的原因会让你变得更加······怪异。)



2.Let s not blow this out of proportion。(我们别把会议谈爆了。) 在小丑的第二场戏“黑帮首领会议”上,小丑再次诡异地出现,并且用了一个非常冷的笑话激怒了黑帮头领gamble,随后亮出了挂满全身的手雷,说了这句台词。在措辞上小丑真的匠心独运,“blow”是“吹”的意思,propotion是“比例、标准”。如果手雷被引爆了当然所有人还有那个计划就会被吹飞了啊。


3.Why so serious!(干嘛这么严肃呢?)



4.I’m a man of my word(我是个言出必行的人。)



5.Now I see the funny side,now I’m always smiling。(现在我总是看到事物有趣的一面,总是笑口常开。)

在韦恩大厦小丑挟持了女主角Rachel,说出了第二个伤疤的故事,原来小丑还拥有或者说曾经拥有自己的爱情,一个漂亮的妻子,一个总是要求他微笑的妻子。只可惜生活再次被噩运击碎,妻子因还不上赌债惨遭毁容,在没钱做整容术的困境下他为了给妻子心理平衡,把自己的脸也毁了,实际上这个时候的小丑人格已经扭曲了,只是爱情暂时将其掩藏了一段时间。当他说出那句“she can’t stand the sight of me!”眼神中折射出对妻子对命运的失望。生活的不公和家庭的破碎加深了他对政府对社会的仇恨心理。绝望之后便是新的希望,小丑已经习惯了命运的捉弄,其无政府主义人生观也最终形成。这句“我现在总是笑口常开”只是对不幸过去的一种调侃,他通往正常生活的一切通道都被阻断,丑陋的小丑被这个丑陋的世界丑陋地改变。




6.There’s no going-back,you’ve changed things forever.





7."To them, you're like a freak like me. They just need you right now. when they don't, they'll cast you out like a leper. Their morals, their code...It's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. You'll see. I 'll show you. When the

chips are down, there civilized people... they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve."


针对上述观点,小丑试图说服蝙蝠侠的同时还不忘鄙视一下审讯室外监视他的警察们。毫无疑问,仇视社会、仇视政府、无可救药的小丑认为:人最大的能耐就是想方设法为自己谋利,当然,是只为自己,在危急关头可以牺牲一切甚至是同类也不觉得可惜。 现代人不正是如此吗,小丑只是说了一个所有人都不敢承认的事实罢了,现代人越来越自私、刻薄、冷酷、残忍。与其这样卑劣地活着,不如通通都去死,死才是救赎,这种疯子理论当然站不住脚,问题是:小丑是疯子,我们就一定正常吗?

8."The only sensible way to live in the world is without rules. Tonight,you're gonna break your one rule "





9.All you care about is money,this town deserves a better class of criminal。

(你就只知道关心钱,这个城市配得上一个更有品位的罪犯。) 小丑烧掉了黑帮的一半、也就是自己的那份钱,接着说了这句令所有犯罪分子都感到汗颜的话。古今罪者皆为财也。把钱烧了那犯罪还有什么目的呢,恐怕只有小丑才知道了。 一个不折不扣的犯罪行为艺术大师。

10.Do Ireally look like a guy with a plan?(我看上去像是个有计划的人吗?)



Just do it!(只管去做)

11.“Introduce a littleanarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomeschaos, I’m an agent of chaos , and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair.”






12.It’s a funny world we live in(这世界真是可笑)







13..You see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!


小丑这最后一句台词再次表明了他对人性的失望和仇恨之极,在他看来,人性已无药可救,他们只是变得越来越疯狂,而且人数越来越多。他轻轻松松地把人民卫士(哈维·丹特)变成了杀人恶魔(双面人),到不知是为了显示他有多高明,还为了证明人性中阴暗丑陋的一面才是人的行为模式的主导思维,不用洗脑,为了医院里家人的性命安危,警察就可以把枪对准无辜百姓(Coleman Reese),这正是人性自私的力证。






Joker:Don’t talk like one of them, you’re not! Even if you’d like to be. To them,you’re just a freak–like me. They need you right now. When they don’t„they’ll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their code: it’s a bad joke. They’re dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other.”

小丑:别跟他们那样满口仁义道德,你不是他们中的一员!再怎么着你都融不进去。对他们来说,你也不过就是个和我一样的怪胎。他 们现在需要你。等他们不要你了,回头他们就要排挤你了。瞧瞧他们的道德准则,他们的法律法规:不过是个难听的笑话。一有危险他们就原形毕露。太平盛世的时 候他们才能相安无事。我会证明给你看,危机关头,这些所谓的文明人就会自相残杀。

Batman: You wanted me. Here I am.



美国大选妙语录 中英双语

Heard on the trail 美国大选妙语录

The campaign


Heard on the trail


Phrase of the week “With all due respect, that’s a bunch of malarkey.”Joe Biden in the vice-presidential debate, October 11th

本周妙句:“恕我直言,但你刚才说的完全是胡说八道。”乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在10月11日的副总统候选人辩论上如是说。

背景:当共和党副总统候选人保罗·莱恩(Paul Ryan)在辩论中指出罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)阵营认为奥巴马(Barack Obama)在利比亚大使被害一事处理不当后,从来口无遮拦的拜登马上跟进这么一句。malarkey这个词立刻变成当日最热词,在1分钟内被微博重复3万次……

The Joker “What I saw in Joe Biden last night, I would not want to see in a guy sitting in the Oval Office.” Former Vice-President Dick Cheney wishes Mr Biden were more like him. Fox News, October 12th

哗众取宠:“就我今天晚上看到的乔·拜登表现,我可不放心让这样的家伙坐在总统办公室里。”前副总统迪克·切尼(Dick Cheney)希望拜登能更像自己一点。福克斯新闻,10月12日。


Macho man “I think Paul Ryan’s been very good for P90X, as much or more so as Michelle Obama.” Tony Horton, creator of P90X, Paul Ryan’s favourite workout, commenting on pictures of the vice-presidential candidate posing at the gym., October 11th

肌肉先生:“我认为保罗·莱恩对P90X的帮助非常大,比之米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)可谓有过之而无不及。”P90X健身计划的创办者托尼·霍顿(Tony Horto)评论这位副总统候选人拍下的健身照片。P90X是莱恩最爱好的健身计划。《时代》杂志网站,10月11日。


Where’s the meat? “We recognise there are a lot of serious issues to be debated, but we also know a lot less serious—but no less important—ones are being discussed every night inside houses across the country.” Pizza Hut offered free pizza for life to anyone attending the Ryan-Biden debate who asked the candidates which topping they preferred on pizza. After criticism, it withdrew the offer. October 9th



A sure thing “I’m feeling pretty fired up and ready to go, because this morning, let me tell you what I did—I cast my ballot early for Barack Obama.” Michelle Obama mails her absentee ballot, October 15th{Joker语录}.



Most offensive slogan “Put White Back in the White House” T-shirt photographed at a Romney/Ryan rally in Ohio., October 12th



Photo op “We’re a faith-based organisation; we are apolitical…It’s strictly in our bylaws not to do it.” Paul Ryan dropped by a soup kitchen to clean some dishes, apparently without the permission of the charity in charge. Washington Post, October 15th



Minority report “If you were a gay Latina, this election would be in the bag for you!” Rosie Perez, a Latina actress,

responds to Mitt Romney’s joke that he would be winning the election if his ancestry were Mexican., October 14th

少数派报告:“如果你是位拉丁裔女同性恋,那大选简直就是你的囊中之物了。”拉丁裔女演员罗茜·佩雷兹(Rosie Perez)如是说,这是回应之前罗姆尼开玩笑说如果自己祖上是墨西哥人的话,那他现在大选肯定已经占据上风。旨在澄清共和党谎言的非营利网站Actually.org报道,10月14日。




11、 The odd lad's pad makes his thread mad.这个奇怪的小伙子的填料让线变疯了。

12、 His succeeding advanced deeds exceed the critic's proceeding feed of bleeding need, too.他连续不断的先进行为也超过了评论家正在研制的以流血的贫穷制作的饲料。

13、 The greedy reed speeds breeding its seeds in the shed.贪婪的芦苇加快在小屋培育种子。

14、 A crowd of wicked naked girls get accustomed to so-called being learned, as well as the hatred of being sacred.一群邪恶的裸女习惯了所谓的有学问,和对神圣的厌恶。

15、 A sophisticated house was situated undoubtedly on an unlimited road, owned by a complicated wedding beloved maid who was afraid of air-raid.毫无疑问,一座复杂而先进的房子,座落在一条无限制的马路上,由一个复杂受到爱戴的结婚少女所拥有,她害怕空袭。

16、 The stupid invalid has rigidly forbidden the kid's bidding for the producing of solid acid in a humid, but splendid field with a rapid lid. 愚蠢的病人严厉地用一个快盖子禁止了小孩对在一个潮湿而华丽的地带生产固体酸的投标。

17、 But the wild child boldly gets rid of him with a fluid shield and has yielded a building without welds.但这狂野的小孩勇敢地以一种流体质除去了他,成功地生产了一座无焊点的建筑。

18、 After upholding to scold the folded wife, a second-hand husband moulds the threshold in shorthand on the highland.在赞成责骂被折叠的妻子之后,二手丈夫在高地以速记法铸成了一个门槛。

19、 Demands of beforehand commands expand so rapidly that several grand bands of them have already withstood their descenderce of both prices and manufactures.对预警命令的需求扩张得如此之快,以致于有几个大品牌已能经受价格及产量的下跌。

20、 My legendary friend has recommended me to the lent to blend our weekends with suspension of less expense. 我传说中的朋友已推荐我被借去把我们的周末与减少花费的暂停相泯合。

21、 The trend of pretending to contend has extended.假装斗争的趋势已延伸到了捆扎不同种类的磨石,

22、 The ground stone wound by bonds was fond of the bond of diamonds and was corresponding to a bound fund beyond. 被债券缠身的磨石对钻石边子有兴趣,还和远处的约束基金有通信

23、 The profound compound has surrounded a sound Oceanian cafeteria. 深奥的化合物包围了一间健全的大洋州餐厅。

24、 The method of keeping a good mood is to have enough food during the period of childhood and nod once in a while.保持好心情的方法就是在儿时有足够的食物和时常点头。

25、 On regard to the standard of beard, Lao Sha's detruded rod maybe well concerned.关于胡子的标准,老沙扔掉的鱼杆可被考虑。

26、 An awkward steward has been reward with a straight forward award for his being a coward.一个笨拙的服务因怯懦而被授予了一份直白的奖品。

27、 The applauding shepherd in the yard cannot offer the hazard of laughing at the absurd landlord who has a sword in his hand. 院子里正在鼓掌的牧人无法承受嘲笑那个手里有剑的荒唐地主的代价。

28、 Everybody in the tribe has to be in robe and describe the prescription subscribe by the global probe.这个部落的每个人都必须穿长袍,描述由全球化侦探订购的处方。

29、 The graceful preface was laced by a commonplace piece near the furnace in the palace without any trace of embrace. 这份优雅的前言是由一个平凡的侍女在宫殿里的火炉边,不留住拥抱过的痕迹而系上带子的。

30、 The office's prejudice of the masterpiece has made the police sliced as some nice sacrifice.办公室对名著的偏见使得警察被切成细片当作牺牲。

31、 Our choice of justice has led to the abundant service of juice and device of attendance.我们的正义选择导致了丰富的汁液供应及照看设计。

32、 The reliance of appliance has enhanced the resemblance of the financial romance with the ambulance.对器械的信赖促进了财政传奇和救护车的相似。

33、 The appearance of his glance makes my acquaintance lose his tolerance at the entrance of New Oriental School.他那一眼的出现让我的熟人在新东方入口处失去了耐

性。 34、 The nuisance's ignorance gives us no assurance of our own endurance or importance.那个可恶的无知使我们无法保证我们的耐性及重要性。

35、 The distant substance advances under the circum stance with resistance and no assistance.远方的物体在又有压力又没援助的环境下前进。

36、 Our evident fence a

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