
小学作文  点击:   2013-04-17




1. Every coin has two sides. 每个硬币都有两面,比喻事物的两面性。

2. The winter is coming and the spring is not far. 冬天已经临近了,春天还会远吗?

3. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

4. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

5. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

6. A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

7. A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

8 Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。 9 Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。

lay ( vt. 放) laid, laid, laying

lie ( vi. 躺) lay, lain cying

lie ( vi. .说谎) lied lied lying

1. if 

[误]If it will rain I won't go to school tomorrow.

[正]If it rains I won't go to school tomorrow.


[误]I want to know if he comes here tomorrow.

[正]I want to know if he will come here tomorrow.


[误]I want to know if it will rain tomorrow he will come or not.

[正]I want to know if it rains tomorrow he will come or not.



11.Some people like to stay at home, but ________ like to go to the cinema.

A. another B. other C. others D. other one

答案: C. (选择B的同学要牢记: some…., others….)

12.-- Is this your shoe?

-- Yes, but where is _________?

A. the other one B. other one C. another one D. the others

答案: A. (选择C的同学要注意鞋是两只, another指的是三者或者三者以上)

13.– When shall we meet again next week?

-- _______ day is possible. It's no problem with me.

A. Either B. Neither C. Every D. Any

答案: D. (选择C的同学要注意every指的是每一天都见面, any指的是任何一天都可以.注意中文的干扰)

14.Have you ever seen ________ big panda before?

A. a such B. such a C. so a D. a so

答案: B (选择A的同学要注意词组记忆的准确性)

15.-- _______ do you write to your parents?

-- Once a month.

A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far

答案: C. ( 选择A的同学要注意中文的干扰. 由回答知道这里指的是写信的频率, 用how often表示.)

16.Robert has gone to _________ city and he'll be back in a week.

A. other B. the other C. another D. any other

答案:C (选择其它三项的同学要注意,这里没有说只有两座城市,因此不能用.)

17.– A latest magazine, please.

-- Only one left. Would you like to have ________?

A. it B. one C. this D. that

答案:A (选择B的同学要注意这里指的是上一句中提到的那本杂志,不能用表示泛指的不定代词one )

18.– Which book would you like to borrow?

-- ________ of the two books is OK with me.

A. Either B. Both C. Any D. None

答案:A (选择B的同学要注意is 表示单数.)

19.He knows _________ English ________ French. But he's very good at Japanese.

A. either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor D. either; nor

答案:C (选择A和B的同学要注意语境.)

20.– What do your parents do?

-- One is a teacher; _________ is a driver.

A. other B. another C. the other D. that one

答案: C (选择其它三个选项的同学要注意, one is …, the other is …的用法)

21.Mrs. Lee teaches ________ math. We all like her.

A. we B. us C. our D. ours

答案: B (选择C的同学要注意, teach +人+科目, 而不能用teach +某人的+ 科目)

22.There are many trees on ________ side of the street.

A. either B. any C. all D. both

答案:A (选择D的同学要注意side为单数。选择B的同学要注意:街道只有两边,因此不能用any)

23.________ is the population of the city?

A. How many B. What C. How many people D. How much

答案:B (在问到人口是多少时,其实是在说“人口数是什么”,因此不能用A,要注意排除中文的干扰。)

例1 ( 江苏苏州2006 年中考题目)

The life we were used to ________ greatly since 1992.

A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed

选A 或C: be used to do “被用来做.. ”, beused to doing “习惯于做..”从习惯搭配角度来讲没错, 但逻辑不对, 并且根据时间状语“since 1992”判断,此题的时态也不对, 故不选; 选D: 很遗撼, 又错了! 你只注意到了该用完成时态, 但没注意主语的单复数; 选B:很好, 答对了!

正解分析: 此题的考点并不是考查be used todo 或be used to doing 的用法, 此处, be used to 只是一个定语从句, 修饰句子的主语“The life”, 与各个选项并无任何关系; 此题的考点是让你正确分析句子成分, 判断此句子缺谓语动词, 并根据“since 1992”确定该用现在完成时态。

解题小窍门: 对于完成此类具有迷惑性的题目, 不能只看字面, 我们应正确判断句子成

分, 看空格前的部分与选项是否有关; 并由时间状语判断时态, 由主语判断谓语的单复数和主动或被动语态。

例2( 天津2006 年中考题目)

——Is the girl is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?

——Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.

A. whom B. which C. who D. whose

选B: 先行词是人, 不用which 引导定语从句; 选D: 先行词尽管是人, 但只有先行词和定语从句中的名词有所属关系时才用whose,故不选; 选A: 这是陷阱, 此题不需要宾格; 选C: 答对了!

正解分析: 在完成有关定语从句的题目时, 应首先正确找到先行词, 先行词是人, 就用who/whom/that/whose 引导定语从句; 先行词是物, 则用which/that/whose 引导定语从句, 从而修饰先行词。有无先行词是判断定语从句和其他从句的关键。其次, 要明白关系代词的两个功能: ①引导定语从句; ②代替先行词在从句当中充当成分。此题中who 就引导定语从句“who isinterviewing the manager of that company”修饰先行词“the girl”, 并代替先行词“the girl”在从句中充当主语。解题小窍门: 对于完成有关定语从句的题目, 应首先确定先行词, 并判断从句所缺的句子成分; 如果题目为疑问句, 则最好将其还原成陈述句, 以便确定先行词。

例3 ( 北京2006 年中考题目)

——John has hurt his leg.——Really? ________?

A. Who did that B. How did that happenC. What’s wrong with himD. Why was he so careless

选A 或C: 语法、搭配没有错, 但题干已说明是John 弄伤了自己的腿,这是明知故问; 选D: 用的是一种责问或责备的语气, 不够礼貌, 故不选; 选B: 正确!#正解分析: 当对话中听到对方说不好的消息时,一般首先要表示出你的难过、同情或是关心, 如I’msorry to hear that; I hope you will feel better soon; 或如本题所示表示你的关切。

解题小窍门: 当读题时, 发现答案中的选项都无语法或搭配的错误时, 就要从语言的逻辑性、交际性着手。






A&E (Accident and Emergency room at a hospital)

Aeroplane (airplane)

Afternoon tea (a short break from work in afternoon)

Agro (aggressive/aggression)

Aluminium (aluminum)

American hotdog (hotdog)

Aotearoa (Maori name for New Zealand)

Arse (Ass)

Asphalt (pronounced "ash-felt")

Aussie (Australian)


Basin (bathroom sink)

Bassinet (baby cradle)

Bach (small holiday house, usually at the beach)

Bathroom (room containing a bath/shower, not a euphemism for toilet) Bench (kitchen counter)

Berm (grass strip at side of road)

Biscuit (cookie)

Bloke (man)

Bog (toilet)

Bonk (sexual intercourse)

Bonnet (car hood)

Boot (car trunk)

Boxing day (a public holiday on December 26th){cinema的谚语}.

Buggered (exhausted)

Bum (butt)

Bush (forest or scrub wilderness)

Bush shirt (kind of woolen outdoors shirt)

Button-up (button-down)


Candyfloss (cotton candy)

Capping (university graduation ceremony)

Caravan (small towed mobile home)

Carton (box)

Cellotape (scotch tape)

Cheeky (humorously impertinent)

Chemist (pharmacy/drugstore)

Chilly bin (portable insulated cooler box)

Chips (french fries)

Chippy (carpenter)

Chook (slang for chicken)

Cinema (movie theatre)

Circular (mailbox flier)

Cocky (farmer, esp. cow-cocky)

College (high school, not university)

Commentator (announcer)

Cordial (generic sweet colored drink)

Cornflour (cornstarch)

Cot (child's crib)

Courgette (zucchini)

Crackers (crazy)

Crayfish (edible lobster-like saltwater crustacean)

Creche (daycare center)

Creek (stream)

Crib (South Island equivalent of "bach")

Crook (sick)


Dag (humorous person)

Dairy (small shop that sells dairy products and other incidentals)

Dear (expensive)

Dinner suit (tuxedo)

Dodgems (bumper cars)

Docking (castrating lambs)

Dole (unemployment benefit)

Doughnut (kind of cake filled with cream and jam, not an American donut) Draughts (checkers - the board game)

Duster (blackboard eraser)

Dummy (baby pacifier)

Dunny (toilet)

Duvet (comforter on bed)

Dux (academically top student in final year high school class)


Earth (electrical ground)

Entree (appetizer, not main course)

Enzed (New Zealand, i.e., N.Z.)

Electorate (local voting district)

Exercise book (school workbook)


Felt-tip pen (marker pen)

Filled roll (sub sandwich)

Film (movie)

Fizzy drink (soda pop, i.e., carbonated softdrink)

Flannel (washcloth)

Flat (apartment)

Flat out (full speed)

Flat stick (full speed)

Flatmate (someone you share a flat with)

Flog (steal)

Floor it (accelerate fast)

Footpath (sidewalk)

Form 1 - Form 7 (grades at intermediate and secondary school)

Fortnight (two weeks)

Freezing works (meat processing factory)

Frock (dress)


Gallops (kind of horse racing)

Gidday (hello)

Give it heaps (try hard)

Glovebox (car glove compartment)

Godzone (New Zealand)

Good nick (good condition)

Grotty (run-down/worn-out/dirty)

Ground floor (first floor)

Gumboots (rubber boots)


Handbag (purse)

Hangi (Maori underground cooking pit)

Hard case (wicked personality)

Headmaster/Headmistress (school principal)

Health camp (vacation camp for underprivileged children)

Health stamp (postage stamp supporting health camps)

Heaps (lots, as in "give it heaps")

Herb (is pronounced "herb", not "erb")

Hire (rent)

Hockey (field hockey, not ice hockey)

Hokey-pokey (an ice-cream flavor)

Holiday (vacation)

Hoon (lout)

Hooray (goodbye)

Hotdog (corndog)

Hot water cupboard (linen closet containing hot water heater)

Hot water cylinder (household hot water heater)


Ice block (popsicle)

Intermediate school (junior-high school)


Jandals (flip-flops, i.e., kind of footwear)

Janola (bleach)

Jelly (jello)

Jellymeat (canned pet food)

Jersey (sweater)

Judderbar (speed bump)

Jug (kettle)

Jumper (sweater)


Kindy (kindergarten)

Kip (sleep)

Kiwi (New Zealander or flightless bird native to New Zealand, never a

contraction of kiwifruit)

Knackered (exhausted)

Knickers (underwear/panties)

Kumara (sweet potato)


Ladybird (ladybug)

Lavatory (toilet)

Lay by (lay away)

Lemon squash (lemonade)

Lemonade (clear, lemon-flavored softdrink, e.g., 7-Up or Sprite)

Lift (elevator)

Local rag (local newspaper)

Lolly (sweet)

Long drop (outdoor toilet built over a hole in the ground)

Loo (toilet)

Lounge (living room)

Lounge suite (sofa)


Maori (indigenous people of New Zealand)

Mark (exam/assignment grade, e.g., "my mark in the exam was 75%") Marrow (overgrown zucchini)

Mate (friend)

Metal road (gravel road)

Milo (hot chocolate drink)

Mince (ground beef)

Morning tea (a short break from work in the morning)

Motorway (freeway)

Mountain oysters (testicles from castrated lambs)

Mr. Whippy (van that sells ice-cream cones)

Mum (Mom)


Nana (grandmother)

Nappy (diaper)

Netball (basketball-like sport played by women)

Nick (steal)

Note (monetary bill)

Nought (zero)


O.E. (Overseas Experience - a prolonged period traveling/working/vacationing overseas)

Oz (Australia)


Paddock (field)

Pakeha (person of European descent)

Pamphlet (brochure)

Panelbeater (automobile body shop)

Paper (class at university)

Paua (abalone)

Pawpaw (papaya)

Pavlova (kind of dessert)

Petrol (gasoline)

Petrol station (gas station)

Pictures (movies)

Pikelet (small pancake)

Pinch (steal)

Pissed (drunk)

Pissed off (annoyed)

Pissing down (raining hard)

Plaster (bandaid)

Plonk (cheap


Plonked (drunk)

Pom (Englishman)

Post a letter (mail a letter)

Pram (baby carriage)

Primary school (elementary school)




SECTION I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)

Part A

You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers.

Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.

Example: You will hear:

W:Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time?

M:Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about ten minutes.{cinema的谚语}.

You will read:

Who do you think the woman is talking to?

[A] A bus conductor.

[B] A clerk at the airport.

[C] A taxi driver.

[D] A clerk at the station.

From the dialogue,we know that only a clerk at the airport is likely to know the arrival time of a flight,so you should choose answer[B]and mark it in your test booklet. Now look at question 1.

1.What does the man want to do?

[A] See the movie before eating.

[B] See the movie with the woman.

[C] Hurry to the cinema.

[D] Stay in town for a while.

2.Why did the man feel sorry?

[A] He had lied to his wife.

[B] The house was a mess.

[C] The plates and cups were broken.

[D] He failed to stay at home as required.

3.What does the woman give the man?

[A] A tourist guide.

[B] A flight schedule.

[C] A magazine.

[D] A newspaper.

4.How does the woman feel at the end of the conversation?

[A] Disappointed.

[B] Relieved.

[C] Puzzled.

[D] Pleased.

5.Where does the conversation probably take place?

[A] At a department store.

[B] In a restaurant.

[C] At a post office.

[D] In an office.

6.What’s the man’s problem?

[A] He has no time to talk with the boss.

[B] He can’t tell a good story.

[C] He has trouble collecting the data.

[D] He hasn’t finished his work.

7.Which of the following is true about the woman?

[A] She sings very well.

[B] She’s a popular musician.

[C] She is interested in music.

[D] She’s good at playing the piano.

8.Why doesn’t the woman like the clothes?

[A] She prefers old-fashioned clothes.

[B] Everyone’s wearing them.

[C] The colors are bright.

[D] The style is wild.

9.What are the speakers talking about?

[A] The school library.

[B] A project about Canada.

[C] The money the woman found.

[D] An old book the man is reading.

10.What do we learn from this conversation?

[A] The old car is in good condition.

[B] His wife is tired of the old car.

[C] The man is fed up with the old car.

[D] The man cares much about his wife’s feelings.

SECTION Ⅱ Use of English(15 minutes)


Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on



Music is an important way of expressing people's feelings and emotions. The 26 , for instance, from 1960 to 1969 will be 27 by many as a period of social and political unrest in America. 28 this time, many people

despaired 29 the music favored by the American teenagers. 30 , we must now admit that the music they loved was 31 a sign of the period and a 32 of the tensions and changes that were 33 American society. In the early

sixties,34 about social justice and equality were 35 by the song “Blowing in the Wind” which 36 the civil rights song “We Shall Overcome”. The conflict concerning military 37 in Vietnam was sung about in 1965 in the 38 song “Eve of Destruction” and in the song “Ballad of the Green Beret”. A few years 39 , a gradual shift in mood became 40 in one of the most popular songs which suggested calmer questions and possible answers even as some pop stars protested loudly 41 the draft. Finally, music as a 42 of the political and social process in America was highlighted at

Woodstock, New York, where half a million young people came 43 in 1969 to spend three days listening to songs that spanned the decade. This event was a symbol of the desire for 44 within a time of unrest. Woodstock was a 45 of hope in days of rage.

26. [ A ] generation [ B ] age [ C ] decade [ D ] era

27. [ A ] recorded [ B ] remembered [ C ] regretted [ D ] recommended

28. [ A ] For [ B ] After [ C ] During [ D ] At

29. [ A ] over [ B ] at [ C ] with [ D ] for

30. [ A ] Moreover [ B ] However [ C ] Therefore [ D ] Thus

31. [ A ] only [ B ] occasionally [ C ] often [ D ] never

32. [ A ] reflection [ B ] reaction [ C ] recreation [ D ] relaxation

33. [ A ] effecting [ B ] affecting [ C ] defecting [ D ] perfecting

34. [ A ] questions [ B ] arguments [ C ] debates [ D ] disputes

35. [ A ] dismissed [ B ] removed [ C ] raised [ D ] promoted

36. [ A ] reformed [ B ] echoed [ C ] repeated [ D ] respected

37. [ A ] involvement [ B ] assignment [ C ] replacement [ D ] settlement

38. [ A ] dissatisfying [ B ] delighting [ C ] pleasing [ D ] discouraging

39. [ A ] later [ B ] past [ C ] on [ D ] ahead

40. [ A ] evident [ B ] positive [ C ] realistic [ D ] instructive

41. [ A ] with [ B ] against [ C ] towards [ D ] about

42. [ A ] tool [ B ] creation [ C ] mirror [ D ] decoration

43. [ A ] along [ B ] up [ C ] together [ D ] out

44. [ A ] unity [ B ] reality [ C ] popularity [ D ] individuality

45. [ A ] presentation [ B ] display [ C ] performance [ D ] publication

SECTION Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)

Part A


Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Text 1

I'd been living with my wife for eight years and one night “morn” says, “I guess you guys are never gonna get married. I mean, you've been through jail together, you' e living together, but.., oh, forget it.”

“Oh, well,” I said, “put it like that and I'll marry your daughter tomorrow.”

Actually, I don't know what we were waiting for, except that for a guy it's never the right time to get married. I' m also suspicious of any two people who don' t struggle with that decision. Part of my problem was that I was still lusting in my heart after other ladies. But somehow I knew that I wasn't going to find another woman remotely as great as my soon-to-be wife. It's a good thing my mother-in-law finally spoke up.

I finally gathered my courage one day when we were having a picnic, and popped the question. I also gave my wife a big tourist pamphlet about Switzerland. I wasn't taking any chances.

She said no.

It killed me. I felt sick to my stomach. I lost my appetite. Our dog just stared at me, thinking, “If you're not going to eat your lunch, I will.” Finally, I said, “But the Switzerland trip is yours if you say yes.”

“Switzerland,” she said, “is filled with precise, humorless people.”

“Maybe I should have suggested Paris?”

For a minute it seemed as if my change in travel plans would rate a solid “maybe”. But she said no again. When we woke up the next morning, she told me that she'd slept on my proposal. “I guess I was a little rude to you last night,” she explained. Meanwhile, I' m figuring I' m off the hook for this marriage thing for at least another eight years. I could afford to be generous.

“I asked, you said no. It's okay,” I said. I might have looked a little too relieved because later that day she gave me a little box. Inside was a gold watch. On the back was inscribed. “Yes. I've reconsidered.”

I liked the watch, so I did the right thing.

46. The reason why the man had waited so long was that he_________.

[ A ] didn' t think eight years was long enough

[ B ] suspected that husband and wife would often quarrel

[ C ] didn' t think he was ready to propose to her

[ D ] was waiting for his mother-in-law' s approval

47. The man proposed to the woman because _________.

[ A] he realized he could find no other woman better

[ B ] he was afraid that the woman might leave him

[ C ] he was eager to visit Switzerland with the woman

[ D ] he could finally overcome his fear for marriage

48. By saying “I could afford to be generous.” (third paragraph from the bottom) the man implied that he__________.

[ A ] wouldn' t care too much if he stayed single

[ B ] could take her to a better place than Paris

[ C ] was rich enough to support his wife

[ D ] didn't care what she thought about his proposal

49. The last sentence “I did the right thing” implied he_________.

[ A ] traveled with his wife

[ B ] had a successful marriage

[ C ] liked the watch very much

[ D ] waited for another eight years

50. The best title for this text would be___________.

[ A ] How My Mother-In-Law Helped Me

[ B ] How I Received a Gold Watch I Liked

[ C ] How I Made My Wife Travel With Me

[ D ] How I Came to Marry-My Wife{cinema的谚语}.

Text 2

“Hi there. How's it going?”

“Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh ?”

“Well, I guess we can always use the rain.”

What's that? This story ? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know, those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day, Maybe you're waiting for the elevator.

Or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn't do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.

Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, “Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It's so powerful. It does something to you.” “Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary,” Oliver says, “If I don't make small connection with another person, I can' t work.”

What causes it? As a rule, you're either trying to force something into your life, or you're using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your

introduction to more meaningful conversation.

The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to be at the time.

Take the elevator, for instance. Now there's prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there's no reason to start a

conversation, but invariably, someone does. Making conversation in such peaceful social settings, according to Oliver, “can confirm your territory. It's a way of feeling liked and accepted.”

The topics of small talk don't matter. In fact, you don't want anything more taxing than the weather or the traffic. It's non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you're with lots of people doing lots of talking.

Let's say you're at a party. Now it' s time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so you don' t look silly standing by the food table alone all night.

51. “Small talk”, as interpreted by the author,________.

[ A ] has no real function in communication at all

[ B ] is usually meaningless and therefore useless

[ C ] is not as idle as it may seem to be

[ D ] is restricted to certain topics only

52. According to the author, small talk is often used ____________.

[ A ] to invade other' s private affairs

[ B ] to share a secret between intimate friends

[ C ] to open and maintain channels of communication

[ D ] to protect one' s own privacy

53. According to the author, topics of small talk may include comments on________.

[ A ] some political issues

[ B ] one' s physical condition

[ C ] other' s ways of dress

[ D ] the traffic jam

54. Why is small talk described as “non-threatening talk in a threatening situation”?

[ A] It is used by people to encourage those who are confronted with danger.

[ B ] It is used to show that one is enthusiastic and hospitable.

[ C ] It is used to create a more friendly atmosphere and to avoid embarrassment.

[ D ] It is used by people to protect others in the threatening situation.

55. According to the author, at a big party, small talk is used with the purpose of_______.

[ A ] making both others and yourself feel at ease

[ B ] excluding those you don't like from joining you



Unit 3知识点总结

1. make notes/take notes__________________

2. set down/put down/write down/take down _______________

3. make a list of___________________________

4. spin________________{cinema的谚语}.

5. imitate_____________________-

6. up-to-date=latest____________________

7. the metal band________________--

8. press the sending button_______________________

9. instant n.__________________ adj__________________ the instant 一…..就….

the next instant_____________________ instant noodles_______

10. store v.___________ n.________________-- restore ________________-

11. environmentally friendly_______________________- resource-saving____________________-

12. limitation _________________

limit n.________________ v._______________ limit sb to do sth__________________-

13. disposed=willing adj_________________

be disposed of______________________

feel/be disposed to do sth 愿意做某事

be disposed to.有….的倾向

14.greedy adj_____________________

be greedy/eager for.._________________=be dying for sth be greedy to do sth渴望做….=long to doing sth

15.swallow vt_________________________



Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.有些书要浅尝辄止,有些书要囫囵吞枣,还有些书要咀嚼消化。

16.fertilizer n.___________________

fertile v._________________

fertilizing soil____________________-

17.manufacturing _____________________

18.programme n.___________________


19.representative adj___________________


20.monitor v._____________________


21.transport v.________________________-



23.impress v.__________________


impress sth on/upon sb_______________________-

impress sb with sth____________________________-

be impressed at/by/with…_________________________

leave/make an impression on sb_________________________

24.lack v._________________ n.___________________

lack sth________________ lack for sth_________________- a lack of..__________________

lacking adj______________________

be lacking in…_______________________


back on one’s feet_____________________-

get on one’s feet振作

stand on one’s feet自立

on one’s feet站立起来

rise to one’s feet站起来 v.__________________________


pressure n._________________

press conference__________________________-

press sb to do sth___________________________

27.fasten v.系紧,钉牢,强加于….

fasten the seatbelt_________________

fasten the blame on sb归咎于….

fasten one’s eyes on.._______________

28.adjustment _______________________

adjust v._______________________________

29.sight [ U ] 视力,看见【C】光景,景象,情景,风景名胜 lose sight of______________

catch sight of_____________________

at the sight of______________________-

out of sight__________________________

within/in sight___________________

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