
管理学  点击:   2012-11-03





现在我们周围的环境污染越来越严重。作为一个中学生,我们应节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起,做一个“低碳生活”的中学生。请以“My Low--carbon Life”为题,写一篇短文描述自己的“低碳生活”。








My Low--carbon Life

The environmental pollution is worse and worse today.


My Low-carbon Life

The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cut down, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbon life to save energy and reduce pollution.

Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduce air pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things and never waste water.

I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more beautiful.





What are friends? We often talk about the topic with others. I think friends are those people who can help you when you are in trouble. Don’t forget the saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friends can tell you your mistakes, though what they say is hard for you to listen to. You can share your happiness, trouble and worry with friends. Someone also says, “You can’t walk any step without a friend.” So I think friends are very important to us. I would like to make as many friends as possible.


最近,你们班就“是否应该帮助陌生人”展开了讨论,同学们就这一话题意见不一,你的看法如何?根据所提供的信息,以“Should We Help Strangers?”为题,写一篇短文。






Should We Help Strangers?

Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers.Different students have different opinions.


Should We Help Strangers?

Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers.Different students have different opinions.

Some think we should try to help strangers. Helping others is a virtue,and helping others is helping ourselves.We may come across some trouble and need others' help some day.If everyone isn't willing to help us just because we are strangers to them,it's hard to imagine what our world will be like.

However,some are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring us trouble.Sometimes we are just misunderstood and even have to pay the cost of kindness.

In my opinion,we should try our best to help others when they are in need of help,but we should also protect ourselves from getting into trouble.If everyone tries a little kindness,our world will be full of love.


某英语报开展“How to Deal with Our Study Problems”征文比赛,请你根据提示的内容,简要描述并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇英语短文。内容要点如下:

1. 尽管我们常常感到有压力,但是应该找到合适的方式来解压。可以选择穿像蓝色和白色一样的冷色调来使我们自己感到放松;

2. 我们应该足够细心,因为“失之毫厘,谬以千里”;

3. 也应该在课业和业余爱好之间取得平衡,试着安排好自己的空余时间;

4. 任何时候都不要失去信心。通过努力学习,我们会取得大的进步。

5. 有问题时,我们…

要求:1. 内容须包含所有要点,语句通顺,意思连贯;

2. 词数90个左右;

3. 第5点的内容需展开合理想象,用2句话补充完整。

【优秀满分范文】How to Deal with Our Study Problems

Although we often feel stressed, we should find suitable ways to deal with stress.

We can wear calm colours like blue and white to make us feel relaxed. We should be careful enough,

because “a miss is as good as a mile”. We should also achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies. Try to plan your spare time well. Don’t lose heart at any time. You will make great progress through hard work.

When having problems, we can ask people around us for help. It’s not wise to keep our worries to ourselves. 第五篇:【写作要求】

学校英语社团在举办征文比赛,请你根据以下提示内容,写一篇题为“The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most”的英语文章。内容要点如下:

1. 对我影响最大的人是我的妈妈,她四十几岁;

2. 她总是耐心倾听我的问题,并建议我如何解决它们;

3. 作为一名医生,她常说再怎么仔细也不为过。她总是加班,把她的大部分时


4. 所以,我认为她不仅是位好妈妈,也是名好医生。

5. 我希望 ……

要求:1. 内容须包含所有要点,语句通顺,意思连贯;

2. 词数90个左右;

3. 第5点的内容需展开合理想象,用2-3句话补充完整。


The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most

My mother is the person who has influenced me most.

She is in her forties. She always listens to my problems patiently. And she advises me how to solve them. As a doctor, she often says she can’t be too careful. She often works extra hours. She has devoted most of her time to her work. So I think she is not only a good mother but also a good doctor.

I hope I can be a person like her. I also hope she will pay more attention to her own health. She’d better have more time to relax herself.


假设不久前你们学校为贫困地区的孩子们筹款举办了一次慈善行活动。请据此在制定的位置上,以“Walk for children in poor areas”为题,为某中学生英文报写一篇报道,内容要点如下:

1. 目的:为贫困地区的孩子们筹款

2. 10月23日,星期六

3. 路径:学校—市中心

4. 简况:学生把自己分成四人一组,出发前计划好了一切,步行很艰辛,但活动过程中大家互相帮助,互相支持。最终在许多人的帮助下,筹得善款5万多元。

5. 感受:每个人都很累,但都很高兴,因为…

注意:1. 报道须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;

2. 第5要点的内容须用至少2句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;

3. 词数80个左右。


Walk for children in poor areas

Not long ago, our school organized a charity walk to raise money for children in poor areas.

It was on Saturday, 23 rd October. We walked from the school to the centre of the city. Before the walk, we grouped ourselves into a team of four and planned everything well. It was a hard (tough) work. But during the walk, we supported and helped each other. With the help of many people, we raised over (more than) 50,000 yuan in the end.

We all felt tired, but we were very happy. Because it was a meaningful experience and it was an excellent chance to learn team spirit.


“保护环境,人人有责”,你想成为一名绿色使者吗?请行动起来吧!其实,环保就在我们身边。请以“How to Be a Greener Person” 为题,写一篇短文。



2.短文词数90 左右。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:draw, both sides of paper, plastics, water tap, collect, waste, can, sort

How to Be a Greener Person?

It’s our duty to protect our environment around us.

【优秀满分范文】 How to be a greener person

It’s our duty to protect the inviyonment around us.

When we go to school, we should ride a bike or take a bus. When we go out for activities, we shouldn’t step on the grass. We can’t draw everywhere. When we go shopping, we’d better use a cloth bag. At home we can save water and electricity. When we leave a room, we should turn off the ligts. At school we can collect wast paper and recycle things, such as bottles, cans and plastic bags. We shoudn’t listen to pop music or spit in pulic.

Let’s do something to protect our environment.



从上面信息卡中选择一位英雄,以The Hero in My Heart为题写一篇短文。


The Hero in My Heart

As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts. For

【优秀满分范文1】The Hero in My Heart

As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts. For me, Dr Norman Bethune is the hero in my heart. He was a great doctor from Canada.

Dr Bethune was good at performing operations. And taking photos was his hobby. In 1938, he came to China. He opened hospitals and invented medical tools. He worked so hard that he saved thousands of Chinese people. He didn’t stop to take care of his own injured hand and died.

I am deeply moved by his stories. So I’ll work hard today and do my best to help others.


The Hero in My Heart





结构:中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么呢?因为这种结构十分清晰。“观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说 XQ is extremely strong. 观点明确,这一句足矣。第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He has ten meals everyday! 详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day! 详举做了什么运动。第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day!


逻辑:这里的逻辑实际指的就是逻辑词。最常用的就是表示递进的,转折的,总结的逻辑词等。递进:除了first, second, third, finally 等还可以使用高级点的,如first of all(首先),in addition, what's more, moreover(都是另外的意思),in a word, all in all(表示总结的)。转折:but, yet, however等。真正有经验的阅卷老师会很注意这些逻辑连接词,因为这些词体现了这个文章的思路。


亮点:当我们将前八个字都做得很完美的时候也只能得到一个二等文的上。要想得到一等文,最后两个字,亮点至关重要。大家设想如果我们是阅卷老师。有两篇写人美丽的作文摆在我们面前,都是结构清晰的三段式,要点都很全,都用了一些逻辑词,都没有语法错误,但是A篇只用了beautiful,good- looking,B篇却用到了attractive,charming,catching等,坚信正常人都会给B篇高分的。这些高级一点的词汇,词组,句型便是我们得到一等文的最有力的绝招。所以,以后写英语作文要养成一般词汇限量用的好习惯。



1 审题:审清作文体裁(类型)时态、人称、要点等细节;

2 列提纲(文章结构框架):分3段(层),以及每段(层)大体内容;

3 写作:在提纲的基础上补充要点;

4 复查:2遍——1遍看查要点、拼写、语法、标点等问题;2遍不出声读查,靠语感检查语句是否通顺、连贯等;英语写作检查的原则:

5 誊抄:不允许做任何的更改。





汉语 英语

A. 句号 。 .

B. 省略号 „„ „

C. 顿号 、 无








1first, second, third, last 2firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally 3the first, the second, the third, the last 4in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly 5 to begin with, then, furthermore, finally 6to start with, next, in addition, finally 7first and foremost, besides, last but not least 8most important of all, moreover, finally 9on the one hand, on the other hand 10for one thing, for another thing

2)表转折;but, however, yet, though, although, after all, in spite of,

3)因果 because, so, because of, thanks to, due to,since, owing to, as a result(of), hence, thus

4)例证 for example, for instance, such as

5)表示强调: also, besides, especially, actually, in fact

6)表示利弊的:be good/bad for sb.; be harmful to sb.; do harm to sb.; „have great/much influence on sb.; sth. benefit sb.; sb benefit from sth.; have an effect on sb.;

表示喜爱的:love/like/enjoy„; be fond of„; be interested in„; show great interest in„;

7)总结 As I see, As for me,As we all know,To my mind, as far as I’m concerned, from my perspective, in general, generally speaking, I think..., in fact , in a word, all in all, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in summary, to sum up,



1. 主系表 I am a middle school student. He is fourteen.

2. 主谓 I ran fast.

3. 主谓宾 We will have dinner together.

4. 主谓宾宾补 (主谓+固定搭配) We keep our classroom clean and tidy.


1. 时间状语 I am a middle school student now. He is fourteen this year.

2. 地点状语 We will have dinner together at home.


1. 时间状语从句 My parents helped me a lot when I was in trouble.

2. 条件状语从句 If you have any questions, please write to me.{2017广州中考英语作文参考答案}.

3. 原因状语从句 I like English best because it is interesting and fun.


我认为(我想、我希望) I think he is helpful and great.

I believe you will love this city. I hope I can be a volunteer some day.


我喜欢可以跟着跳舞的音乐。 I love music I can dance to.

父母是我最爱的人。My parents are the people who I love most.


1. 并列连接 I am a middle school student and I study in No. 1 Middle School.


2. 转折连接 I work hard at English but my English is not good enough.

3. 因果连接 He is good at English so I often ask him for help.

二1. I am of the opinion that=My point of view is that=I think=I hold the idea that=as far as I’m concerned=To my mind=in my opinion 2.Among various kinds of +复数名词在各种...中,Among various kinds of sports, I like sth in particular. 3 as the saying goes,/as the proverb goes/as the proverb puts it 4 It’s said/reported/believed that 5 It’s our duty to do sth 6 ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth. 7 concentrate on sth 8 be busy doing sth. 9 be supposed to do sth=should do sth 10Every coin has two sides. Computer has both advantages and disadvantages No pains, no gains. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Failure is the mother of success. Think twice before you do. Where there is a will, there is a way. Do as the Romans do. The early bird catches the worm. An apple a day keeps the doctors away. All roads lead to Rome. Practice makes perfect. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。

11.be glad to do sth 12buy/give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell sb. sth. 13 there be 句型 14 enjoy/hate/like/finish/stop/mind/keep/go on doing sth. 15 find it + adj to do sth. 16 get + 比较级 17 don’t do sth=stay away from sth 18 had better (not) do sth. 19 help sb. (to) do/help sb.with 20 I don’t think that 21 I would like to /Would you like to„? 22 is one of the + 最高级 + n(pl.)„ 23 It is +adj. for sb. to do sth. (important/ essential/ necessary/ urgent/ proper)24 It is a good idea to do sth. 25宾语从句、定语从句、感叹句型 26 不用说„„ It goes without saying that „ = (It is) needless to say (that) „= It is obvious that 27 It seems that„ 28 It sounds +adj. /It looks +adj. 29 It takes sb some time. to do sth. 30 It’s bad/good for„ 31 It’s time for„/to do sth. 32 Can you give me some advice on... 33 keep sb. doing 34 keep/make sth. +adj. 35 like to do / like doing 36 make / let sb.(not) do sth. 37 neither„nor 38 not„at all 39 not„until 40 One„the other„/Some„ others„ 41 prefer„to/prefer to...rather than...42 see/hear sb. do(doing) sth. 43 so„that 44 have fun doing sth48 thank sb for sth. 49 The more„the better 50 There is sth. wrong with„ 51 too„to 52 used to 53 What about /How about„? 54 What’s the matter with„? 55 What’s wrong„? 56 Why not„? 57 Will (would, could) you please„?

58.How nice to hear from you again./Let me tell you something about the activity./I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th./I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a visit./I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America.59.I’m looking forward to hearing from you. / I’m looking forward to your reply.



一、the + est + 名词 +(that)+ 主词 + have ever + seen (known/heard/had/read, etc) the most + 形容词 + 名词 +(that)+ 主词 + have ever + seen(known/heard/had/read, etc)

例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen。海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。

二、Nothing is + er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V

例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education。没有比接受教育更重要的事。

三、cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much (再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much。我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。

四、There is no denying that + S + V .。。(不可否认的„„)

例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse。不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。

五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道„„)

It is well-known + 句子~~ (全世界都知道„„)

例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us。


六、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的„„)

例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired。毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。

七、An advantage of is that + 句子(„„的优点是„„)

例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't create (produce) any pollution。使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。

八、The reason why + 句子is that + 句子(„„的原因是„„)

例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air。我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。

九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子(如此„„以致于„„)

例句:So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it。


十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V (虽然„„)

例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory。

{by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不} 虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。

十一、The + ~er + S + V, ~~~ the + ~er + S + V

The + more + Adj + S + V, ~~~ the + more + Adj + S + V (愈„„愈„„)

例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make。

十二、By +Ving, can (借着„„,„„能够„„)

例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy。 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。 十三、enable + Object(受词)+ to + V („„使„„能够„„)

例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed


十四、On no account can we + V ~~~ (我们绝对不能„„)

例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge。


十五、It is time + S + 过去式 (该是„„的时候了)

例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems。该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。

十六、Those who ~~~ („„的人„„)

例句:Those who break the law should be punished。违法的人应该受处罚。

十七、There is no one but ~~~ (没有人不„„)

例句:There is no one but longs to go to college。没有人不渴望上大学。

十八、be + forced/compelled/obliged + to + V (不得不„„)

例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports。由于考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。

十九、It is conceivable that + 句子 (可想而知的) It is obvious that + 句子 (明显的)It is apparent that + 句子 (显然的)

例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.


二十、That is the reason why ~~~ (那就是„„的原因)

例句:Summer is hot.That is the reason why I don't like it。夏天很炎热。那就是我不喜欢它的原因。

二十一、For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式。(过去„„年来,„„一直„„)

例句:For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination。过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。

二十二、Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式

例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard。自从他上高中,他一直很用功。

二十三、It pays to + V („„是值得的。)

例句:It pays to help others。帮助别人是值得的。

二十四、be based on (以„„为基础)

例句:The progress of the society is based on harmony。社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。 二十五、Spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的)

We should spare no effort to beautify our environment。我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。 二十六、bring home to + 人 + 事 (让„„明白„„事)

例句:We should bring home to people the value of working hard。我们应该让人们明白努力的价值。

二十七、be closely related to (与„„息息相关)

例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health。做运动与健康息息相关。

二十八、Get into the habit of + Ving= make it a rule to + V (养成„„的习惯)

We should get into the habit of previewing and reviewing。我们应该养成预习和复习的习惯。 二十九、Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving, (因为„„)

例句:Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream。


三十、What a + Adj + N + S + V!= How + Adj + a + N + V!(多么„„!)

例句:What an important thing it is to keep our promise! How important a thing is to keep our promise!


三十一、Leave much to be desired (令人不满意)

例句:The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.


三十二、Have a great influence on ~~ (对„„有很大的影响)

例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health.


三十三、do good to (对...有益),do harm to (对„„有害)

例句:Reading does good to our mind.读书对心灵有益。

Overwork does harm to health.工作过度对健康有害。

三十四、Pose a great threat to ~~ (对„„造成一大威胁)

例句:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.


三十五、do one's utmost to + V = do one's best (尽全力去„„)

例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life.







16. ________ useful dictionary it is! Thank you ______ buying me a wonderful present.

A. What an; to B. How a; for C. What a; for D. How an; to

17. –Where’s your brother now, Bob?

– I saw him_______ in the street a moment ago and I told him_____ so.

A .playing; don’t do

C. play; to do

A. more carefully

C. more careful

A .where does she live

B. playing; not to do D. was playing; not to do B. most carefully D. the most careful B. where she is studying D. how is she now 18. Now Helen works much _________ than before. 19. I hear you’ve got a new pen pal. I wonder________. C. where will she work

20. ----Could you tell me when Mr. Li ______ in Shenzhen?

--- Sure. When he _______, I’ll call you.

A .arrives; will arrive

C. arrives; arrives B. will arrive; will arrive D. will arrive; arrives

21. --- Can you go with me tonight?

--- I’m sorry, ______ I can’t go, I am so busy this week.

A. though B. and C. but D. so

22. ----Excuse me. I want to buy some stamps. Where can I find a post office?

---- I know ______ not far from here. You can easily find ________.

A. that; it B. it; one C. one; it D. the one; it

23. ----Do you know everybody _____ came to the party?

----No. I don’t know the one ______ you talked with near the door.

A. that; / B. whose; that C. that; which

A. play B. plays C. has played D. /; whom D. have played

D. did they 24. Henry, as well as his friends _______ volleyball every Saturday afternoon. 25. Few of them hurt themselves in the earthquake last year, _______? A. don’t they B. didn’t they C. do they


第一节 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


66. I liked c__________ stamps in my spare time when I was at school.

67. In order to attract children, the writers make the books l_________ and interesting.

68. He h_________ had time for his homework, so he didn’t hand in his homework this morning.

69. Can you tell me the d___________ between American English and British English?

70. Those pictures r___________ me of my old school days.

第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


71. 互联网在现代生活当中发挥着重要作用。

The Internet ________ _________ _________ ________ in the modern life.

72. 你应该运动一下,而不是整天都看电视。

You should take some exercise ________ ________ ________ _________ all day.

73. 我只懂一点点外语,所以我与外国人交流有困难。

I know such a little foreign language that I ______ _______ ______ _______ with foreigners.

74. 看,同学们都在专心致志地听老师讲课呢。

Look ! The students _______ ________ ________ ________ to the teacher in class.

75. 当他发现他所有的玩具都被扔掉了,他伤心地哭了。

When he found that all toys _________ _________ __________ _________, he cried sadly.


I didn’t cry when I learned I was the parent of a disabled child. I just sat still and didn’t say anything. When Jenny was , I sent her to kindergarten(幼儿园). the first morning, Jenny spent hours playing by herself. It seemed that she felt very . However, to my joy, Jenny’s classmates always

encouraged her, ―You got all your spelling words right today!‖ In fact, her spelling list was the . Later, she faced a very painful ------- at the end of the term, there was a game which had to do with physical education. But Jenny was behind in it. My husband and I were anxious about the day. At the kindergarten, I was quite worried her slow action. Jenny would probably hold up her team. The game went well it was time for the sack (麻袋) race. Surely Jenny would find it difficult. But as it was turn to join, a change took place in her team. The tallest boy behind Jenny placed his hands on her waist (腰). Two other boys stood in front of her. The moment the player before Jenny stepped out from the sack, the two boys the sack suddenly and kept it open while the tall boy lifted Jenny and put her into it. A girl nearby took her hand and surpported her until Jenny got her balance. Then she jumped forward, and proud. In the cheers of the teachers, schoolmates and parents, I silently thanked the warm, understanding people in life who made it possible for my disabled daughter to be like her fellow human beings. Then I finally cried.

( )26. A. old enough B. enough old C. too old D. so old

( )27. A. In B. At C. On D. Of

( )28. A. alone B. lonely C.lone D.alonely

( )29. A. easier B. easist C.difficult D. more difficult

( )30. A. choose B. chance C.choice D. choices

( )31. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something

( )32. A. because B. because of C. so D. and

( )33. A. when B. until C. after D. unless

( )34. A. picked up B. gave up C. cut up D. made up

( )35. A. smiled B. smiling C. smile D. smiles



英 语



一、 听力(共两节,满分35分)略


第一节 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


16. She often _________ new words in the dictionary. That’s good for her.

A. looks after B. looks up C. looks down D. looks out

17. — I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

— Oh, not at all. I ________ here for only a few minutes.

A. have come B. had been C. has gone D. have been

18. —__________ will the train come, do you know?

— In twenty minutes.

A. How soon B. How many C. How long D. How much

19. —Is that our headmaster?

— No, it _______ be him. He flew to London yesterday.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. may not D. needn’t

20. _________ exciting news. We will have ________ long holiday after the exam

A. How; the B. What; a C. How an; the D. What an; a

21. Our teachers are having a meeting in the next room. Miss Li asked us _______ loudly there.

A. to not speak B. don’t speak C. not speak D. not to speak

22. Jamie is a young cook _______ wants to improve school dinners.

A. whose B. who C. which D. whom

23. _________he is old, ________he walks as fast as a young man.

A. As; / B. When; but C. Though; / D. Although; and

24. — What do you think about Tom’s driving skill ?

— He drives ___________than he did three years ago.

A. much careful B. more carefully

— Next month.

A. when he will come back B. where will he come back

C. when will he come back D. where he will come back

第二节 语法选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从26~35各题所给的A、B、C和D C. more careful D. much carefully 25. —Tom, your father went to Hong Kong last week. Do you know _________?


How do people pass on messages? When you write a letter or make a telephone call, your words take a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate with words? A smile your face shows you are happy and friendly. Tears in your eyes tell that you are sad. When you your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying no. You nod and people know you are saying yes.

Other things can also give some information. . A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you how to go in or out. you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from all the time? People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, TV and radio and films all help us to communicate with other people. They all help us to know is going on in the world.

26. A. in

28. A. put on

29. A. when B. on C. at D. over C. other D. the other B. put out C. put up D. put down 27. A. others B. the others B. or C. but D. and

C. to have D. to take 30. A. For example B. Such as C. However D. Even though 31. A. to get B. to go

32. A. Do B. Did C. Had D. Have

33 A. it B. itself C. them D. themselves

34. A. write B. wrote C. is written D. are written

35.A. what B. which C. that D. who



Jerry, 30 years old, owned a pizza restaurant. He lived in a flat about one mile north of the restaurant. He walked to and from work. When it was , he took the bus.

Jerry loved gangster(匪徒) movies. When a new one came out, he would go to the and watch it three or four times. it went to video, Jerry would buy the video at a video store. Jerry had a home collection of over 1,000 gangster videos. Old ones, ones, coloured, black and white, English, Spanish, Japanese—he loved them all. He could tell you the name of the Jerry finally decided that he would like to own a , just like the he saved his money for a couple of years. Then he went to a gun store and bought a used one for $300. The following Saturday morning, He went to the to practise shooting, He was in the club for only 10 minutes when he dropped his gun. The gun went off, and the bullet(子弹) went into his right knee.

Jerry now with a walking stick, just like some gangsters.

36. A. sunny B. raining C. cloudy D. wind

37. A. restaurant B. store C. school D. cinema

38. A. but B. so C. then D. or

39. A. new B. interesting C. boring D. important{2017广州中考英语作文参考答案}.

40. A. picture B. book C. song D. movie

41. A. restaurant B. video C. gun D. cinema

42. A. However B. Because C. So D. Or

43. A. video store B. cinema C. pizza restaurant D. gun club

44. A. carelessly B. carefully C. difficultly D. excitedly

45. A. runs B. climbs C. walks D. lies




This is a talk by a London taxi driver.

"I've been a taxi driver for nearly ten years. Most London taxi drivers have their own taxis."

"It's a nice job most of time. You meet a lot of people. I always work at night, because there is too much traffic during the day. I live twenty miles outside London and I go to work at 5:30 in the afternoon."

"I usually go home between 2 and 3 in the morning."

"Some very strange things happened late at night. The other day I was taking a woman home from a party .She had her little dog with her. When we got to her house, she found that she had lost her key. So I waited in the car with the dog while she climbed in through the windows."

"I waited and waited. After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out what was going on .I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought I was a thief.

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