
管理学  点击:   2012-04-21


















































一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)

V 1.oring to th syntti onstrution nlysis, simpl sntn suh s “John isstunt.” longs to __________onstrution.

. nontri

. xontri

. oorint

. suorint


2.Th sntn tht hsNP nVP nshown in_______ formul "S→NP VP".

. hirrhil

. linr

. tr igrm

. vrtil


3.Fromfuntionl pproh, th _______ mning oflngug us onsists of wht is ommunit of th flings n ttitus of th spkr/writr.

. fftiv

. ssoitiv

. stylisti

. ollotiv


4.Whih of th following st stts th hviorist viw of hil lngug quisition?

. Lngug quisition ispross of hit formtion.

. Lngug quisition is th spis-spifi proprty of humn ings.

. hilrn r orn with n innt ility to quir lngug.

. Humns r quipp with th nurl prrquisits for


5.On of th proprty of lngug is tht thr is no logil onntion twn mning n souns. This proprty of lngug is ll________.

. ulity

. proutivity

. isplmnt

. ritrrinss


6.Whn w onsir th vrition rlting to whtusr is trying to o with lngug, w r ling with rss rltionship—ontinully tgoriz s “______”.

. tnor of isours

. mo of isours

. fil of isours

. iiolt


7.Th smnti omponnts of th wor “gntlmn” nxprss s __.

. +nimt,+ml,+humn,-ult

. +nimt,+ml,+humn,+ult

. +nimt,-ml,+humn,-ult

. +nimt,-ml,+humn,+ult


8.Whn –ing in ‘gngling’ is rmov to gtvr ‘gngl’, w ll this wy of rting wors ________.

. suffixtion

. k-formtion

. lning

. ronymy


9._______ rfrs to th hng ofsoun srsult of th influn of n jnt soun.

. ition of soun

. Loss of soun

. Mtthsis

. ssimiltion


10.silly, ll th lngugs in th worl nlssifi in trms of lngug fmily. Vitnms n Korn r two lngugs in th ______ fmily.

. Ino-uropn

. Sino-Titn

. Hmito-Smiti

. Mlyo-Polynsin


二、断定题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)

V 1.Th fining proprtis of humn lngug tht istinguish it from ny niml systm of ommunition r trm sign fturs.

. 过错

. 准确


2.Ifhil is priv of linguisti nvironmnt, h or sh is unlikly to lrnlngug sussfully ltr on.

. 过错

. 准确


3.rivtion hngs lwys rsult in hng of th wor lss of th originl wors.

. 过错

. 准确


4.Linguisti forms hving th sm sns my hv iffrnt rfrns in iffrnt situtions whil linguisti forms with th sm rfrn lwys hv th sm sns.

. 过错

. 准确


5.vn in morn soity, th primry mium is soun for ll lngugs, n th ft tht hilrn quir spokn lngug first for thy n r or writ lso inits tht lngug is primrily vol.

. 过错

. 准确


6. sntn nnot wor orfrgmnt in strit sns, ut n uttrn n wor orfrgmnt ofsntn.

. 过错

. 准确


7.Th trritory in whih th Ino-uropn lngugs r minly spokn toy lso inlus lngugs tht r not Ino-uropn. . 过错

. 准确


8.oth hins n nglish r ton lngugs.

. 过错

. 准确


9.Th ivision of nglishinto Ol nglish, Mil nglish, n Morn nglish is nononvntionl n not ritrry. . 过错

. 准确


10.Historil linguistis quls to th stuy of synhroni stuy.

. 过错

. 准确


三、浏览懂得(共 2 道试题,共 40 分。)

V 1.

y finition, hros n hroins r mn n womn istinguish y unommon ourg, hivmnts, n slf-srifi m most for th nfits of othrs-thy r popl ginst whom w msur othrs. Thy r mn n womn rogniz for shping our ntion’s onsiousnss n vlopmnt s wll s th livs of thos who mir thm. Yt, som popl sy tht ours is n g whr tru hros n hroins r hr to om y, whr th vry i of hroism is somthing yon us-n rtift of th pst. Som mintin, tht us th ol Wr is ovr n us mri is t p, our g is ssntilly n unhroi on. Furthrmor, th ovrll rim rt is own, povrty hs n s ystrong n growing onomy, n vns ontinu tom in mil sin.

ulturl ions r hr to fin, ut w know thm whn w s thm. Thy r popl who mng to go yon lrity, who r lgnry, who somhow mng to om mythi,. ut wht mks som figurs ions n othrs mr lritis? Tht’s hr to nswr. In prt, thir livs hv th qulity ofstory to tll. For instn, th utiful young in Spnr who t 19 mrriprin, rnoun mrrig n th thron, n i t th momnt sh foun tru lov. Goo looks rtinly hlp. So osspil infinl hrm, with th hlp of th mi. ut nothing onfirms n ion mor thntrgi th—suh s Mrtin Luthr King, Jr., John F. Knny, n Prinss in.

1). Th pssg minly ls with ________.

. lif n th

. hros n hroins

. hros n ions

. ions n lritis


2). Hros n hroins r usully ________.

. ourgous


goo xmpls to follow

. slf-srifiing

. ll of th ov


3). Whih of th following sttmnts is wrong?

. Povrty in mri hs n s with th onomi growth

. Suprstrs r fmous for ing fmous

. On’s look n ontriut to ing fmous

. Hros n hroins n only mrg in wr tims


4). utiful young in Spnr foun hr gnuin lov ________.

. whn sh ws 19


. whn sh mprinss

. just for hr th

. ftr sh gv irth toprin


5). Wht is mor likly to st n ion’s sttus?

. Goo looks.

. Trgi n rly th.

. Prsonl ttrtion.

. Th qulity of on"s story



Th hins Nw Yr is now known s th Spring Fstivl us it strts from th ginning of spring. Though thr r som syings out its origin, ll gr tht th wor Nin, whih in morn hins mns “yr”, ws originlly th nm ofst tht strt to t popl th night for th ginning ofnw yr.

On story gos tht th st Nin hvry ig mouth tht woul tk ingrt mny popl t on tim. Popl wr vry fri. On y, n ol mn m to thir hlp n si h woul stop ll this. H si to Nin, “I hr tht you r vry strong, ut n you t up ll th sts on rth inst of popl who r too wk toyour nmis?” “Ys,” Nin gr with him n wnt to kill mny of th sts on rth. Popl wr vry hppy us thos sts lso ithings to popl n kill thir frm nimls from tim to tim. ftr tht, th ol mn, who wsgo, ro on th st Nin n lft. Nin ws gon, n othr sts lso wnt into forsts; popl gn to njoy thir hppy lif. for th ol mn lft, h h tol popl to put up r ppr uts on thir wiows n oors t h yr’s n to riv Nin wy, us r is th olor th st flt most fri of.

From thn on, vry yr t th ginning of spring, popl prpr to “Guo Nin”. Th wor “Guo Nin” mns “go through th Nin sfly.” Putting up r ppr-uts to riv Nin wy n mking umplings forttr nw yr r still n vry yr oing y th hins popl. Howvr popl toy hv long forgottn why thy r oing ll this, thy just fl th olor n th foo mk th Nw Yr vry njoyl.

1). Th hins Nw Yr is lso ll ______


th ginning of Spring

. th Spring Fstivl

. Th Nw Spring

. Th st Nin


2). How i th ol mn stop Nin from ting popl?

. y putting r ppr-uts on winows.

. y ting up sts

. y tlking to him

. y riing on him.


3). Why i popl put up r ppr-uts inst of thos of ny othr olor? . us Nin lik th olor r.

. us th olor r olor kill Nin.

. us th ol mn lik th olor r.

. us Nin ws fri of th olor r.


4). Th st titl of this pssg is ________

. Th Origin of th hins Nw Yr

. Th Ol Mn n th st Nin

. How to Go Through th Nin Sfly

. Wht Nin Ws Lik


5). Whih of th following sttmnts is TRU?

.Nin n t up ll th sts on rth t on tim

. Nin istll st tht liks to t frm nimls

. Nin is fri of ppr-uts{2017华南师范大学大学英语精读(3)在线作业}.

. Nin osn’t lik to us his own min.






1. He _______ many beautiful post cards to us.

A.takes B.shows C.obtain D.has 您的答案:B

2. You should fill in the application _______ very carefully.

A.file B.letter C.visa D.form 您的答案:D

3. John is busy ______ his girlfriend ______ her paper.

A.help…with B.to help…with C.helping…with D.to help…with


4. Andy will ______ at the train station on Sunday.

A.see him off B.see him C.see off him D.see him away 您的答案:

5. I have _______ a taxi for you.

A.arrange B.plan C.arranged D.planned 您的答案:C

6. The big tree _______ a lot of apples.

A.bears B.wears C.grows D.takes 您的答案:A

7. We must do well __________ the boss assigns us to do.

A.that B.whatever C.whichever D.those 您的答案:B

8. I doubt __________ he will lend you the book.

A.whether B.when C.that D.which 您的答案:A

9. Do you know ____________?

A.when does the party start B.whether the party starts

C.what time the party starts D.if the party starts 您的答案:C

10. There is a ________ of two hours in the 7:40 train. A

A.delay B.late C.later D.decay 您的答案:A

11. Students in his class cannot understand what ____________.

A.does the sentence mean B.means this sentence

C.this sentence means D.is the meaning of the sentence 您的答案:C

12. t makes no difference to me _________ he will come or not.

A.how B.why C.when D.whether 您的答案:D

13. __________ we need more practice is quite clear.

A.What B.That C.Which D.When 您的答案:B

14. he news____________ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy.

A.what we would go B.how we would go

C.that we would go D.where we would go 您的答案:C

15. I will give this book to ___________ wants to have it.

A.whomever B.whoever C.whatever D.wherever 您的答案:B

16. Do ___________ you are told; otherwise you will be punished.

A.that B.what C.which D.which 您的答案:B

17. No one was aware ____________Jane had gone.

A.where that B.of the place C.of where D.the place 您的答案:C

18. ___________ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.

A.What B.This C.That D.It 您的答案:D

19. You can't imagine how ___________ when they received these gifts.

A.they were excited B.excited they were

C.excited they have D.they were how excited 您的答案:B

20. After he ______ that unforgettable love, he became afraid of it.

A.feel B.felt C.experience D.experienced 您的答案:D

21. We will soon ______ the airport.

A.arrive in B.arrive at C.reach to D.arrive 您的答案:B

22. They ______ good friends and often visited each other.

A.are used to B.are used to be C.used to being D.used to be


23. The reason we're so late is ____________.

A.for the car breaks down B.due to the car breaking down

C.that the car broke down D.because the car broke down


24. __________ the old man's sons wanted to know was __________ the gold had been hidden.

A.That ... What B.What ... Where C.What ... That D.That ... where


25. I was sure __________ I would overcome all these difficulties.

A.what B.that C.which D.whether 您的答案:B

26. This is __________ I want to tell you.

A.it B.that C.which D.what 您的答案:D

27 .I wonder how many years ago____________.

A.did your father retire B.your father retired

C.has your father retired D.your father has retired 您的答案:B

28. __________ you don't like him is none of my business.

A.What B.Who C.That D.Whether 您的答案:C

29 .have not found my book yet. In fact, I'm not sure ____________ I could have done with


A.if B.whether C.how D.what 您的答案:D

30 .Word has come __________ some guests from Canada will visit our school.

A.what B.that C.whether D.when 您的答案:B

31. I have no idea_________ they have kept in touch with me by E-mail since last year.

A.what B.how C.that D.when 您的答案:C

32. __________ is unknown to me.

A.Where he is B.Where is he C.He is where D.Is he where


33. Can you find out where __________ her pen?

A.Alice had put B.had Alice put C.Alice has put D.has Alice put


34. Hans has a new car. I wonder when __________ it.

A.he bought B.did he buy C.buys D.he is buying


35. We don't doubt __________ he can make a good job of it.

A.if B.that C.what D.why 您的答案:B

36. Never hesitate to ask about ____________.

A.that you don' t understand B.what you don' t understand

C.which you don' t understand D.what don' t you understand


37. The music was so loud. That's __________ he left the party so early.

A.how B.why C.what D.when 您的答案:B

38. He told me the news ___________ our team had won the game.

A.about B.of C.as D.that 您的答案:D

39. It happened __________ Lisa wasn't there at that time.

A.whether B.if C.that D.why 您的答案:C

40.The reason I plan to go is ____________if I don't.

A.because she will be unhappy B.that she will be unhappy

C.what she will be unhappy D.for she will be unhappy 您的答案:B




一、断定题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)

V 1.Th vowl is prou without (or with littl) rstrition uring its proution n is lwys voi.

. 过错

. 准确


2.Listning tivitis n onlyonut with th whol lss.

. 过错

. 准确


3.Lsson plns r usful only for th lsson.

. 过错

. 准确


4.Th most ovious hrtristis of th ommunitiv pproh is tht lmost vrything tht is on is on withommunitiv intnt.

. 过错

. 准确


5.Krshn livs tht ults r ttr lngug lrnrs, whil hilrn r ttr lngug quirrs.

. 过错

. 准确{2017华南师范大学大学英语精读(3)在线作业}.


6.It is pt y most xprts of forign lngug thing tht th Grmmr-Trnsltion Mtho origint from th 16th ntury. . 过错

. 准确


7.It is importnt for th thr to show stunts how sy it is to unrstn somthing from uthnti mtrils rthr thn how iffiult it is to unrstn vrything.

. 过错

. 准确


8.Of th four possil tun movmnts, high fll is us for sttmnts n wh-qustions; high ris is us for qustions sking for rptition of somthing; low ris is for ys/no qustions, t. n fll ris is for orrtions n polit ontritions.

. 过错

. 准确


9.Mtphor iswy of tlking out on thing in trms of nothr. It isvi for rting n xtning mning.

. 过错

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10.If th hosn topi foronvrstion lsson is too gnrl it will not xit th stunts, if it is too spifi som stunts willintrst, n othrs not.

. 准确


11.For Krshn, th fftiv filtr is th prinipl sour of iniviul iffrn in son lngug quisition.

. 过错

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12.Th thr n hlp th stunts to rtxt y ring it lou whil thy follow in thir ooks.

. 过错

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13.Until th 16th ntury Ltin ws tught through tiv us of sph n writtn txt without grmmr nlysis. . 过错

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14.Through ring th stunts not only lrn nw lngug, ut lso vlop thir ring skills.

. 过错

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15.Whn th stunts listn to ror mtrils thr is vry littl opportunity for immit intrtion.

. 过错

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16.Th nturl orr hypothsis is prsum y Krshn toth rsult of th lrn systm, oprting fr of onsious grmmr. . 过错

. 准确


17.Miniml pirs r pirs of wors tht iffr only in on soun.

. 过错

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18.Th thory of lngug unrlying th Grmmr-Trnsltion Mtho ws riv from omprtiv Historil Linguistis. . 过错

. 准确


19.uthnti mtrils n onlyus in th lssroom for ginnrs.

. 过错

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20.Pith is prou y frquny of virtion of th vol ors. Th highr th frquny, th highr th pith.

. 过错

. 准确


21.In orr to kp stunts intrst in lrning nglish it is importnt to inluvrity of tivitis n thniqus in th lsson.

. 准确


22.If th thr uss th sm thniqus, som stunts my not hv th hn to lrn in th wy tht suits thm st. . 过错

. 准确


23. norml lsson shoul hv th ll th stgs isuss in this unit n th stgs shoulin fix orr.

. 过错

. 准确


24.Smntiztion mns tht vry nw wor shoulprsnt in suhwy tht its mning oms lr to th lrnr.

. 过错

. 准确


25.Writingommnt ftr h lsson isusful hit forthr to gt into.

. 过错

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26.Th k-hining thniqu mns th stunts rptsntn ftr th thr, strting from th n prt of th sntn n moving towrs th ginning.

. 过错

. 准确


27.Ingrmmr-trnsltion mtho lssroom, ring n writing r th mjor fous; littl or no systmti ttntion is pi to spking or listning, us litrry lngug is onsir suprior to spokn lngug n is thrfor th lngug stu

. 过错

. 准确


28.Usullylsson shoul fous on prtiing on singl skill so tht th stunts n vlop tht skill sussfully. . 过错

. 准确


29.Th Totl Physil Rspons mtho mphsizs omprhnsion n th us of physil tions to thforign lngug t n introutory lvl.

. 过错

. 准确


30.If th thr wr tlking too muh in lss th stunts woul notlrning.

. 过错

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31.Th rltionship twn th spokn n writtn wor is intil in nglish.

. 过错


32.Th wys in whih wors follow on nothr n r rlt to on nothr is ll th syntgmti imnsion of lngug, th imnsion of “hining” or “squning”.

. 过错

. 准确


33.Usully low ky is us for mphsis n ontrst; mi ky inits n xpt, nutrl ttitu; n low ky provis low informtion.

. 过错

. 准确


34.Thr is no on solutly orrt wy to rw uplsson pln n h thr will i wht suits him or hr st, ut ll goo lsson plns givlr pitur of wht th thr intns to o in th lsson.

. 过错

. 准确


35.Th most powrful signl of strss ishng of pith on th vowl.

. 过错

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36.Fk rfrs to ny informtion whih provisrport on th rsult of ommunition whih tks pl not only twn th listnr n th spkr.

. 过错

. 准确


37.Th Silnt Wy is s on th prmis tht th stunts shoulsilnt s muh s possil in th lssroom.

. 过错

. 准确


38.Lngug islogil systm.

. 过错

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39.To unrstnwor, you hv to r ll th lttrs in it; to unrstnsntn you hv to r ll th wors in it.

. 过错

. 准确


40.Th im of th prti stg is to us th lrnrs to sor th strutur thoroughly.

. 过错

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41.Thniqus for grouping itms of voulry fll into thr gnrl tgoris: smnti fils, phonologil sts n grmmtil sts. Grouping itms rlt y topis, for xmpl, typs of fruit, longs to th smnti fils.

. 准确


42.In Hmmr’s fiv-stp mol, th purpos of “liittion” is to provi th thr with f k s to wht to o nxt. . 过错

. 准确


43.Silnt ring involvs looking t th txt n sying th wors silntly to yourslf.

. 过错

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44.Th gol of forign lngug thing is to prou ovr-usrs of monitor.

. 过错

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45.ll goo lsson plns givlr pitur of wht th thr intns to o in th lsson.

. 过错

. 准确


46. phonm is th smllst istintiv soun unit, inpl of hng in iffrnt phonti nvironmnts.

. 过错

. 准确


47.Vowls r form minly y th position of th tongu n, sonrily, y th shp of th lips n movmnt of th jw. . 过错

. 准确



48.If w sk th lss to listn n w sk th qustions ftrwrs, w r hlping thm improv thir listning skill in. . 过错

. 准确


49.n xris with htrognity n lso hvpositiv fft on lrnr ttitu n motivtion. It provis n opportunity for th thr to giv slowr or lss onfint stunts th pprovl n nourgmnt thy n.

. 过错

. 准确


50. rl goo lsson pln shoullong n omplit with til lsson nots.

. 过错

. 准确





一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)

V 1.on't worry.____ tht you willtrt qully.

. I'll look forwr to it

. I'll try my utmost

. I'llon th lrt

. I'll s to it


2.Th hins ntion is____ for its ilign n ourg.

. isgust

. istinguish

. isourg

. isppoint


3.r shoultkn to rs th lngth of tim tht on is____ lou ontinuous nois.

. sujt to

. fill with

. ssoit with

. tth to


4.You n’t s throughtlsop unlss it is ____ orrtly to your sight.

. pt

. opt

. just

. ustom


5.It ws svrl hours for I ws ____ of wht ws hppning.

. liv

. wr

. wk

. wr


6.Thr wstrffi jm; othrwis I ____ hr on tim.

. woul

. h n

. shoul

. woul hv n


7.Without fts, w nnot formworthwhil opinion, for w n to hv ftul knowlg ____ our thinking. . upon whih to s

. whih to s upon

. whih tos on

. to s on whih


8.Th workrs gr to ____ th strik if th ompny woul stisfy thir mn.

. ll off

. ll out

. ll to

. ll on


9.Hrol isgoo stunt, ____ his st sujt.

. s nglish

. nglish s

. ing nglish

. nglish ing


10.Whil t hom, sh prfrr ____

. oing somthing to oing nothing

. to o somthing rthr o nothing

. oing somthing rthr o nothing

. to o somthing to oing nothing


11.I hv n ppointmnt ____r. Smith, ut I n to hng it.

. to

. off

. with

. from


12.Th mp ws rwn to th stnr____ of 1/100,000 so thr ws not muh til.

. s{2017华南师范大学大学英语精读(3)在线作业}.

. lin

. rt

. sl


13.Infw ys Mr.rnstpl h ____strngth of oy n min

. rtrt

. ror

. rovr

. rpl


14.Young hilrn sily ____ wors tht thir prnts frquntly us.

. put up

. turn up

. ring up

. pik up


15.Whn onfront with suh qustions , my min gos ____, n I n hrly rmmr my own t of irth. . im{2017华南师范大学大学英语精读(3)在线作业}.

. lnk

. fint

. vin


16.Though ____ in Sn Frniso, v Mithll h lwys prfrr to ror th plin fts of smll-town lif.

. ris

. grown

. vlop

. ultivt


17.Th thr____ m____ for isoin.

. ll ...own

. ll...upon

. ll...off

. ll...out


18.Som tngrs hrorgnrliz rsntmnt ginst soity , whih ____ thm th rights n privilgs of ults, lthough physilly thy r mtur.

. privs

. rstrits

. rjts

. nis


19.t th first ____ of twlv vryon stopp for lunh.

. soun

. strok

. momnt

. minut


20.I support your ision , ut I shoul lso mk it lr tht I m not going to____ to it.

. onnt

. fstn

. oun

. stuk


21.Toy mny kins of ltril ____ r vill, whih hs m houswork muh sir thn for.

. filitis

. pplins

. instrumnts

. quipmnt


22.H n't strt th r us th ttry hs ____.

. run up

. run own

. run ovr

. run off


23.n muln mus

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