
励志语录  点击:   2016-11-10



悲惨世界经典台词 《IDreamedADream》 1、Therewasatimewhenmenwerekind,whentheirvoicesweresoft,andtheirwordsinviting.Therewasatimewhenlovewasblind,andtheworldwasasong,andthesongwasexciting!Therewasatime,thenitallwantwrong. 曾几何时,男人们和颜悦色,他们声音温柔,话语讨人欢喜。曾几何时,爱情无所禁忌,

世界是一首歌,歌声动人心弦!又是何时,一切都已不再。 2、Idreamedadreamintimegoneby,whenhopewashighandlifeworthliving.Idreamedthatlovewouldneverdie.IdreamedthatGodwouldbeforgiving.ThenIwasyoungandunafraid.Anddreamsweremadeandusedandwasted.Therewasnoransomtobepaid,nosongunsung,nowineuntasted.Butthetigerscomeatnightwiththeirvoicessoftasthunder.Astheytearyourhopeapart,astheyturnyourdreamtoshame. 曾几何时,我流连梦境,心比天高,人生充满希望。我梦见爱情永不消逝。我梦见上帝慈爱宽恕。那时我多么年轻,多么无畏。随心梦想,从不设防。不必付出什么代价,无歌不唱,无酒不尝。然而猛兽在黑夜来袭,如晴天霹雳轰然炸响。活生生撕碎了希望,把美梦全变成懊悔。 3、Hesleptasummerbymyside.Hefilledmydayswithendlesswonder.Hetookmychildhoodinhisstride,buthewasgonewhenautu

mncame.AndstillIdreamhe’llcometome,thatwewilllivetheyearstogether.Buttherearedreamsthatcannotbe.Andtherearestormswecannotweather. 他睡在我身边一个夏天。他给我带来无穷惊喜。他随手摘去了我的童年,当秋天到来,他却消失不见。我仍然梦想他会回到我身边,我们还能相守一生。但总有些梦无法成真。总有些风暴会把人摧毁。 4、Ihadadreammylifewouldbe,sodifferentfromthishellI’mliving,sodifferentnowfromwhatitseemed!NowlifehaskilledthedreamIdreamed. 我曾梦见的那种人生,与这人间地狱截然不同,何曾想过命运如此无常!现实却残忍击碎了我的梦。 《Stars》 5、There,outinthedarkness,afugitiverunning.FallenfromGod,fallenfromgrace.God,bemywitness!Inevershallyieldtillwecomefacetoface!Tillwecomefacetoface!Heknowshiswayinthedark.MineisthewayoftheLord. 在那儿,茫茫黑夜中,一个逃犯在潜行。背叛了上帝,辜负了天恩。上帝,请为我见证!哪怕穷尽一生,我也要让他无处遁形!我也要让

他无处遁形!他在暗处轻车熟路。我跟随天主,堂堂正正。 6、Thosewhofollowthepathoftherighteousshallhavetheirreword.Andiftheyfall,asLuciferfell.Theflame!Thesword!St

arsinyourmultitudes!Scarcetobecounted.Fillingthedarknesswithorderandlight.Youarethesentinels.Silentandsure!Keepingwatchinthenight.Keepingwatchinthenight!Youknowyourplaceinthesky.Youholdyourcourseandyouraim!Andeachinyourseasonreturnsandreturns,andisalwaysthesame.Andifyoufall,asLuciferfell,youfallinflames!Andsoitmustbe,forsoitiswrittenonthedoorwaytoParadise,thatthosewhofalterandthosewhofallmustpaytheprice! 走正义之路的人风雨兼程,奖赏终获怀中。如果他们坠落,如路西弗堕入地狱。烈焰蚀心!利剑折磨!看苍穹中繁星闪烁!数不清的几百万颗,以光明和秩序点亮黑暗。人间的卫士啊!沉默又坚定!守望着黑夜。守望着黑夜!你深知你在天空的使命。你目标坚定,心无旁骛!四季变换,你随之轮转,如果你坠落,如路西弗堕入地狱,你也会烈焰焚身!天理昭彰,书载言传,去往天堂的通路上,动摇者和堕落者必得付出代价! 7、Lord,letmefindhim,thatImayseehimsafebehindbars!Iwillneverresttillthen!ThisIswear!ThisIswearbythestars! 主啊!让我找到他,将他置于牢笼之下!我会不眠不休,直

到那天为止!我以这星辰之名向你起誓! 《OnMyOwn》 8、Onmyown,pretendinghe’sbesideme.Allalone,Iwalkw

ithhimtillmorning.Withouthim,Ifeelhisarmsaroundme.AndwhenIlosemyway,Iclosemyeyesandhehasfoundme.Intherain,thepavementshineslikesilver.Allthelightsaremistyintheriver.Inthedarkness,thetreesarefullofstarlight.AndallIseeishimandmeforeverandforever! 一个人,假装他在我身旁。孤单单,他陪我走到天亮。他不在,我却能感到他的拥抱。迷路时只需闭上双眼,他就会找到我。雨朦胧,地面银光闪烁。看街灯,映河水如烟如梦。黑暗中,树枝间缀满星辰。我仿佛看见我俩相伴,直到永远! 9、AndIknowit’sonlyinmymind.ThatI’mtalkingtomyselfandnottohim,andalthoughIknowthatheisblind.StillIsaythere’sawayforus.Ilovehim.Butwhenthenightisover,heisgone,theriver’sjustariver.Withouthim,theworldaroundmechanges.Thetreesarebareandeverywhere,thestreetsareallfullofstrangers. 我知道,这不过是我的想象。那些话都是我自言自语,也知道他只会视而不见。但仍觉得,我们还有希望。我爱他,但当黑夜结束,他消失,河又变回了平凡的河。没有他,我周围的一切都变

了。到处都是光秃秃的树木,街上都是陌生的目光。 10、Ilovehim.ButeverydayI’mlearning.Allmylife,I’veonlybeenpretending.Withouthim,hisworldwillgoon

turning.Aworldthat’sfullofhappinessthatIhaveneverknown.Ilovehim,butonlyonmyown. 我爱他,但我也日渐明了。这一生,我不过在欺骗自己。没有我,他的世界依然如故。那里满是我从未体会过的幸福。我爱他,但是只是我一厢情愿罢了。 《OneDayMore》 11、Onedaymore,anotherdestiny.Thisnever-endingroadtoCalvary.Thesemenwhoseemtoknowmycrimewillsurelycomeasecondtime.Onedaymore!Ididnotliveuntiltoday.HowcanIlivewhenweareparted?Onedaymore!Tomorrowyou’llbeworldsaway.Andyetwithyoumyworldhasstarted! 只待明日!新的一天,新的命运。耗尽慢慢一生,走向骷髅地(耶稣受难地)。这些人知道我过去的罪,终究不会放过我。只待明日!我的人生自今日才有意义。若与你分离,我怎能活下去?只

待明日!明日我们就要天各一方。我们的世界才刚刚开始! 12、Onemoredayallonmyown!Willweevermeetagain?Onemoredaywithhimnotcaring.Iwasborntobewithyou!WhatalifeImighthaveknown.AndIswearIwillbetrue!Butheneversawmethere! 明日我依旧孑然一身!我们还能相见吗?明日他依旧不闻不问。我注定要与你在一起!我本该拥有怎样的人生。我发誓为你永守忠贞!为他守候,他却看不见! 13、Onemoredaybeforethestorm!DoIfollowwhereshegoes?Atthe





I dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living. I dreamed thatlove would never die. I dreamed that God would be forgiving. Then I was young and unafraid.And dreams were made and used and wasted. There was no ransom to be paid, no songunsung, no wine untasted. But the tigers come at night with their soft as thunder. Asthey tear your hope apart, as they turn your dream to shame.


He slept a summer by my side. He filled my days with endless wonder. He took my childhood inhis stride, but he was gone when autumn came. And still I

dream he'll come to me, that we willlive the years together. But there are dreams that can not be. And there are storms we can notweather.


I love him. But every day I'm learning. All my life, I've only been pretending. Without him, hisworld will go on turning. A world that's full of happiness that I have never known. I love him,but only on my own.


I had a dream my life would be, so different from this hell I'm living, so different now from whatit seemed! Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.



There, out in the darkness, a fugitive running. Fallen from God, fallen from grace. God, be mywitness! I never shall yield till we come face to face! Till we come face to face! He knows hisway in the dark. Mine is the way of the Lord.



Those who follow the path of the righteous shall have their reword. And if they fall, as Luciferfell. The flame! The sword! Stars in your multitudes! Scarce to be counted. Filling thedarkness with order and light. You are the sentinels. Silent and sure! Keeping watch in thenight. Keeping watch in the night! You know your place in the sky. You hold your course andyour aim! And each in your season returns and returns, and is always the same. And if you fall,as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames! And so it must be, for so it is written on door waytoParadise, that those who falter and those who fall must pay the price!


Lord, let me find him, that I may see him behind bars! I will never rest till then! This Iswear! This I swear by the stars!



On my own, pretending he's beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. Without him, Ifeel his arms around me. And when I lose my way, I close my eyes and he has found me. In therain, the pavement shines like silver. All the lights are misty in the river. In the darkness, thetrees are full of starlight. And all I see is him and me forever and forever!


And I know it's only in my mind. That I'm talking to myself and not to him, and although I knowthat he is blind. Still I say there's a way for us. I love him. But when the night is over, he isgone, the river's just a river. Without him, th

e world me changes. The trees are bareand everywhere, the streets are all full of strangers.



低头看 低头看

Look down look down 别看他们眼睛

Don't look them in the eye 低头看 低头看

Look down look down 别想活着离开

You're here until you die 头顶苍天无眼 No God above 脚下地狱有门

And hell alone below 低头看 低头看

Look down look down 还要煎熬二十年

There's twenty years to go 一介庶民本无罪 I've done no wrong 仁慈的主求开恩

Sweet Jesus hear my prayer! 低头看 低头看

Look down look down 仁慈的主不在乎

Sweet Jesus doesn't care 我知道她会等我 I know she'll wait 我知道她忠贞不渝 I know that she'll be true 低头看 低头看

Look down look down 他们早已忘记你

They've all forgotten you

等我自由了 永不再回来做泥灰 When I get free you won't see me here for dust!

低头看 低头看

Look down look down 你永远是奴隶

You'll always be a slave 低头看 低头看

Look down look down 你站在自己坟墓里

You're standing in your grave 把旗子捡回来 Retrieve the flag 24601号犯人

Now Prisoner 24601 你刑期已满 假释开始

your time is up and your parole's begun


You know what that means? 明白 我自由了 Yes. It means I'm free

不 你必须一字不差地遵守日程表 No. Follow to the letter of your itinerary


This badge of shame you'll show it until you die{《悲惨世界》经典语录赏析}.


It warns you're a dangerous man 我偷了一条面包 I stole a loaf of bread 我的外甥快要饿死

My sister's child was close to death -我们饿极了 -你还会挨饿的

- We were starving - You will starve again


Unless you learn the meaning of the law


I know the meaning of those nineteen years


a slave of the law! 你本来被判年

Five years for what you did 之后都是因为你想越狱

The rest because you tried to run 没错 24601号 Yes 24601!


My name is Jean Valjean! 我叫沙威

And I'm Javert! 别忘了我的名字

Do not forget my name 也别忘了我 Do not forget me 24601号 24601!

低头看 低头看

Look down look down 你永远是奴隶

You'll always be a slave 低头看 低头看

Look down look down 你站在自己坟墓里

You're standing in your grave 终于自由了 Freedom at last 感觉如此陌生

How strange the taste! 牢记这些年的蹉跎

Never forget the years the waste 绝不饶恕他们的恶行

nor forgive them for what they've done 他们才是罪人 他们所有人 They are the guilty everyone! 又一天开始 我翘首以待 The day begins and now lets see 这全新的世界会如何迎接我

what this new world will do for me! 能用我吗 就做一天 Can I help? A day's work? 证件呢 Papers? 我不能用你 No work here

冉阿让 作为危险分子 Valjean as a dangerous man 你的假释是终身的

you will be on parole forever 不按时报到 我们立即逮捕你

Failure to report means immediate arrest


Be in Pontalliers in thirty days 跟踪他 Follow him


Let me see your papers 给他证件

You show him the papers 让我睡马厩吧 行行好 I'll sleep in the stable please 不行 出去 No way get out

进来吧先生 你如此疲倦 Come in sir for you are weary 外面夜风刺骨

And the night is cold out here 虽然我们这里简陋

Though our lives are very humble 但所有东西可以与你分享 what we have we have to share 这里有酒给你暖身

There is wine here to revive you 这里有面包让你强壮

There is bread to make you strong 这里有床让你安睡至黎明

There's a bed to rest till morning 忘记痛苦 忘记过错

Rest from pain and rest from wrong 赞美主赐予我们食物

Bless the food we eat today

保佑这里的修女们和尊贵的客人 Bless our dear sister and our honored guest

给我进去 跪下

Get in there! Put it down! 不许动 Stay there 阁下


我们找回了你的银器 We have your silver 他当场被我们抓到

we caught the man red-handed! 他竟敢说这都是你给他的

He has the nerve to say you gave him all this! 此话不假 That is right

但朋友啊 你走得匆忙

But my friend you left so early 恐怕落拿了东西

Surely something slipped your mind 你忘记我还给你这些

You forgot I gave these also 怎能落下最好的两件

Would you leave the best behind? 先生们 放了他吧 Messieurs release him 他没有说假话

This man has spoken true 我赞美你们尽忠尽职

I commend you for your duty 愿主与你们同在

Now God's blessing go with you 但请你记住 我的兄弟

But remember this my brother 请把这看作上帝的安排 See in this some higher plan 用这些贵重的银器

You must use this precious silver 去做一个诚实的人 to become an honest man 以殉道者的见证

By the witness of the martyrs 以他的热血真情

by the passion and the blood 上帝把你救出黑暗

God has raised you out of darkness 我替上帝救赎你的灵魂

I have saved your soul for God 我做了什么 仁慈的主 What have I done sweet Jesus 我做了什么

what have I done?

我成了黑夜盗贼 成了丧家之犬 Become a thief in the night become a dog on the run!

我真的堕落太深 万劫不复吗

Have I fallen so far and is the hour so late?


That nothing remains but the cry of my hate?


The cries in the dark that nobody hears 我站在命运的转折点

Here where I stand at the turning of the years


If there's another way to go 年前我已错过

I missed it twenty long years ago 我这一生是场打不赢的败仗

My life was a war that could never be won

他们给我一串号码 杀死了冉阿让 They gave me a number and murdered Valjean

用铁链锁住我 让我自生自灭

when they chained me and left me for dead


Just for stealing a mouthful of bread! 可我为什么让这个人

Yet why did I allow this man 触动我心灵 教导我仁爱

to touch my soul and teach me love? 他对我一视同仁

He treated me like any other 他给我信任 他叫我兄弟

He gave me his trust he called me brother


My life he claims for God above 真有这种事吗

Can such things be? 我早已学会仇恨世界

For I had come to hate the world 这仇恨我的世界

This world that always hated me! 以眼还眼 以牙还牙 Take an eye for an eye! 变成铁石心肠

Turn your heart into stone! 是我活着的唯一信条 This is all I have lived for! 是我所知的一切

This is all I have known!

只要他一句话 我会被捉回去 One word from him and I'll be back 鞭笞之下 觇板之上

beneath the lash upon the rack 然而他给我自由

Instead he offers me my freedom 我无地自容 心如刀割

I feel my shame inside me like a knife 他告诉我 我有灵魂

He told me that I have a soul 他怎么知道

How does he know? 可有神灵在庇佑我吗

What spirit comes to move my life? 还有别的路可走吗

Is there another way to go? 我苦苦寻找 却屡屡跌倒 I am reaching but I fall 黑夜步步逼近

And the night is closing in 我凝视无尽虚空 as I stare into the void 看向我罪孽的漩涡

To the whirlpool of my sin 我要逃离那个世界

I'll escape now from that world 逃离冉阿让的世界

From the world of Jean Valjean 冉阿让不存在了

Jean Valjean is nothing now! 新的篇章必须展开

Another story must begin! 一天结束时 你又苍老一天

At the end of the day you're another day older


And that's all you can say for the life of the poor

是挣扎 是斗争

It's a struggle! It's a war! 没有人肯平白奉献

And there's nothing that anyone's giving

又忙碌一天 为了什么

One more day standing about what is it for?

不过是又少一天可活 One day less to be living

一天结束时 你更冷了一天

At the end of the day you're another day colder


And the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chill 正人君子匆匆走过

And the righteous hurry past 充耳不闻孩子们哭泣

They don't hear the little ones crying 伤寒即将来临 准备大开杀戒

And the plague is coming on fast ready to kill

离死亡又近了一天 One day nearer to dying!

一天结束时 会有另一天要开始 At the end of the day there's another day dawning


And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise


Like the waves crash on the sand 像暴风雨即将来临

Like a storm that'll break any second 这片大地上有种饥渴

There's a hunger in the land 只等报应之日到来

And there's gonna be hell to pay 在一天结束之时 At the end of the day!

说到底 不工作就没有报酬

At the end of the day you get nothing for nothing!

好吃懒做换不来面包 Sitting flat on your bum doesn't buy any bread! 家里还有孩子

There are children back at home 嗷嗷待哺的孩子

And the children have got to be fed 你得庆幸有活可干

And you're lucky to be in a job 有床可睡 and in a bed! 我们要惜福

And we're counting our blessings! 看到今天工头多生气吗

Have you seen how the foreman is fuming today?

满嘴臭气 动手动脚

With his terrible breath and his wandering hands?


It's because little Fantine won't give him his way

看看他裤子 谁不明白他要干啥 Take a look at his trousers you'll see where he stands! 老板才不知道

And the boss he never knows 工头总在发春

That the foreman is always on heat 芳汀若不小心 不会有好下场{《悲惨世界》经典语录赏析}.

If Fantine doesn't look out watch how she goes


She'll be out on the street! 一天结束时 你又熬过一天

At the end of the day it's another day over


With enough in your pocket to last for a week

付给房东 付给商店

Pay the landlord pay the shop 只要有口气就得干活

Keep on working as long as you're able


Keep on working till you drop 不然全家都要饿肚皮

Or it's back to the crumbs off the table 说到底 维持生活

Well you've got to pay your way 都是要钱

At the end of the day!

这是什么啊 纯情的小妹妹

And what have we here little innocent sister?

来吧 芳汀 让大伙听听

Oh come on Fantine let's have all the news

亲爱的芳汀 你得再寄钱来

"Dear Fantine you must send us more money

你孩子要看医生 否则小命不保 Your child needs a doctor there's no time to lose"

把信还给我 不关你的事

Give that letter to me it is none of your business

你家里有丈夫 还不规不矩的

With a husband at home and a bit on the side!


Is there anyone here who can swear before God

她无所畏惧 她光明磊落

She has nothing to fear? She has nothing to hide? 工头 Foreman! 还给我

Give it back! 快住手

Come on stop that 马德兰先生来了 Mr. Madeleine's here 你们为什么打架

What is this fighting all about? 谁来把这两人扯开

Will someone tear these two apart? 这是工厂 不是马戏团 This is a factory not a circus 女士们 冷静下来

Now come on ladies settle down 我是市长

I am the mayor of this town 我的工厂顾忌名声

I run a business of repute 工头 你去解决

Deal with this Foreman 尽量耐心点

Be as patient as you can

好的 马德兰先生 Yes Monsieur Madeleine 告诉我怎么回事

Now someone say how this began! 说到底 是她起头的

At the end of the day she's the one who began it!


There's a kid that she's hiding in some little town


There's a man she has to pay 你能猜到她怎么赚的外块

You can guess how she picks up the extra?


You can bet she's earning her keep 跟人上床

sleeping around! 老板会不高兴的

And the boss wouldn't like it 我的确有个孩子 那是我女儿

Yes it's true there's a child and the child is my daughter

她父亲抛弃了我们 我们一无所有 And her father abandoned us leaving us flat

她跟一对旅店老板夫妇住在一起 Now she lives with an innkeeper man and his wife

我付抚养费 这有什么不对

and I pay for the child What's the matter with that?

说到底 她只会招灾惹祸

At the end of the day she'll be nothing but trouble

一人惹祸 大家遭殃

And there's trouble for all when there's trouble for one! 我们卖命糊口

While we're earning our daily bread 她却到处捡便宜

She's the one with her hands in the butter


You must send the slut away 否则大家都不会有好下场

or we're all going to end in the gutter 说到底 被牵连的

And it's us who'll have to pay 将是我们

at the end of the day! 我或许知道狗会咬人

I might have known the bitch could bite!


I might have known the cat had claws! 我早该猜到你那小秘密

I might have guessed your little secret! 纯洁的芳汀

Ah yes the virtuous Fantine 出淤泥而不染的模样

Who keeps herself so pure and clean 我肯定 你在未来会

You'd be the cause I had no doubt 引起无数风波

of any trouble hereabout 白天装得清纯可爱

You play a virgin in the light 晚上却主动送上

but need no urging in the night! 她跟男人鬼混时 拿你当笑料吧 She's been laughing at you while she's having her men!


She'll be nothing but trouble again and again!

-你今天得解雇她 -今天解雇她 - You must sack her today! - Sack the girl today! 姑娘 滚吧

Right my girl on your way 市长先生 市长先生

Monsieur le Maire Monsieur le Maire! 市长先生 市长先生

Monsieur le Maire! Monsieur le Maire!

求求你先生 我家里有小孩 Please monsieur I have a child! 先生 求求你 Monsieur! Please! 欢迎你 督察 Welcome Inspector 市长先生

Monsieur le Maire 请叫我沙威

Please know me as Javert 我为你随时待命

I'm here at your command 每个人肩负荣耀 With honour due to each 双手紧握正义

And justice in our hands 没有人我们捉不到

No man's beyond our reach 所有人都得小心 Let all beware

欢迎你 先生 来维护我们的法律 Welcome sir come guard our laws 我相信我们有共同的使命

I'm sure we're here in common cause 全城以你为骄傲

You've done the city proud 上流人士称赞你

You're praised by those up high 你的商品扬名海外

Your success is out of France 是巴黎最好的珠宝

the best that Paris can supply 你的市民繁荣兴旺 Your people thrive 勤劳换来尊严 The dignity of toil 糊口而已 to stay alive


It seems to me we may have met 若见过你我不会忘记

Your face is not a face I would forget -马德兰先生 -失陪

- Monsieur Madeleine! - Pardon 市长先生

Monsieur le Maire! 市长先生

Monsieur le Maire! 太重了 The weight

-他快压死了 -别动 别动

- It's crushing him! - Stay still stay still 加把劲 Come on!

扶住 扶住 扶稳了

Hold hold hold! Hold that still 扶稳

Hold that still! 好了 好了 That's it. That's it 这是真的吗 Can this be true? 我不相信我的眼睛

I don't believe what I see! 你这么大年纪 A man your age 还如此强壮

to be as strong as you are! 这勾起我的回忆 A memory stirs 你让我想起一个人

You make me think of a man 多年以前 from years ago 有个假释犯人逃脱

A man who broke his parole 他消失了

He disappeared

有话直说 不用吞吞吐吐

Say what you must don't leave it there 原谅我 先生 我不敢说 Forgive me sir I would not dare 借过

Excuse me

晚上好 你出多少钱

Bonsoir how much for this? -是我女儿的 -我出四法郎

- It's my daughter's - I'll give you four francs for that

-才四法郎 这值十法郎 -这太... - Four it's worth ten! - Too...

我闻到女人的气味 就在空气里 I smell women smell'em in the air! -这就下锚 去那港口消遥 -五法郎

- Think I'll drop me anchor in that harbour over there! - Five?

-漂亮女人 让我爱到分文不剩 -谢谢

- Lovely ladies! I love 'em till I'm broke! - Merci

海上待了七个月 我饥渴难耐

Seven months at sea and now I'm hungry for a poke! 点干柴也要有火星呀

Even stokers need a little stoke! 漂亮女人等人来

Lovely ladies waiting for a bite! 盼着恩客入夜来

Waiting for the customers who only come at night

漂亮女人 随叫随到

Lovely ladies ready for the call 要站要躺 姿势任你选

Standing up or lying down or any way at all


Bargain prices up against the wall! 多美的头发 What pretty hair! 你的头发真漂亮

What pretty locks you've got there! 你运气多好

What luck you got 值点小钱呢 亲爱的

It's worth a centime my dear! 我全买下

I'll take the lot! 不要碰我 走开

Don't touch me! Leave me alone! 你开个价吧

Let's make a price 我给你整整十法郎

I'll give you all of ten francs 考虑考虑吧

Just think of that! 够还一笔债 It pays a debt 考虑考虑吧 Just think of that

该怎么办 这够还一笔债 What can I do? It pays a debt

十法郎也许能救我可怜的珂赛特 Ten francs may save my poor Cosette 漂亮女人等在黑暗里

Lovely ladies waiting in the dark 等着大家伙 或在公园里来个快的 Ready for a thick one or a quick one in the park

要久要快随便你 亲爱的

Long time short time any time my dear!

多付点钱 你要一整年也行

Cost a little extra If you want to take all year

码头底下 利索又便宜

Quick and cheap is underneath the pier!


Go and see them 过来这里

Come over here 二十法郎买一颗牙 It's twenty francs for a tooth 过来 亲爱的 Come here my dear 我出高价买你的青春 I'll pay well for your youth 不会疼很久

The pain won't last 你还能咬东西

You'll still be able to bite 只要后牙

Just the back ones 我会很麻利的 I do it fast 我是老行家啦

I know my business all right 很值的

It's worth a go 你得先付钱

You'll pay me first what I am due 给我两颗牙 你能拿双倍 You'll get twice if I take two! 告诉我 那小东西是谁

Gimme the dirt who's that bit over there?

是个姑娘 变卖头发的那个

A bit of skirt she's the one sold her hair

她有个孩子 所有的钱都送过去了 She's got a kid sends her all that she can

我就知道 有人会喜欢那样的

I might've known there is always some man

漂亮女人 过来加入我们

Lovely lady come along and join us! 漂亮女人 Lovely lady!

来呀 亲爱的 干嘛不情愿 Come on dearie why all the fuss? 你不比我们好到哪里

You're no grander than the rest of us 命运已经把你踢到谷底

Life has dropped you at the bottom of the heap

加入咱姐妹吧 睡着就能赚钱

Join your sisters make money in your sleep!

就是这样 亲爱的 让他见识见识 That's right dearie show him what you've got!


世界名著的经典句子 [1000字]


no 1 《双城记》查尔斯?狄更斯

“那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代;那是智慧的年头, 那是愚昧的年头;那是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;那是光明的季节,那是黑暗的季节;那是希望的春天,那是失望的冬天;我们全都在直奔天堂,我们全都在直 奔相反的方向——简而言之,那时跟现在非常相像,某些最喧嚣的权威坚持要用形容同的最高级来形容它。说它好,是最高级的;说它不好,也是最高级的。”

no 2 《百年孤独》加西亚?马尔克斯


no 3 《茶花女》小仲马


no 4

no 5


《我的名字叫红》奥尔罕?帕慕克 “如今我已是一个死人,成了一具躺在井底的死尸。” 《呼啸山庄》艾米莉?勃朗特 “1801年。我刚刚拜访过我的房东回来——就是那个将要给我惹麻烦

no 6 《日瓦戈医生》帕斯捷尔纳克


no 7 《局外人》加缪


no 8 《复活》列夫?托尔斯泰


no 9 《安娜?卡列尼娜》列夫?托尔斯泰


no 10 《变形记》卡夫卡


no 11 《了不起的盖茨比》弗?司各特?菲茨杰拉德


no 12 《飘》玛格丽特?米切尔

“斯佳丽?奥 哈拉长得并不漂亮,但是男人们像塔尔顿家那对孪生兄弟为她的魅力所迷住时,就不会这样想了。她脸上有着两种特征。一种是她母亲的娇柔,来自法兰西血统的海 滨贵族:一种是她父亲的粗犷,来自浮华俗气的爱尔兰人,这两种特征混在一起显得不太协调,但这张脸上尖尖的下巴和四方的牙床骨,是很引人注意的,她那双淡 绿色的眼睛纯净得没有一丝褐色,配上乌黑的睫毛和翘起的眼角,显得韵味十足,上面是两条




No 1 《双城记》查尔斯?狄更斯

“那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代;那是智慧的年头, 那是愚昧的年头;那是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;那是光明的季节,那是黑暗的季节;那是希望的春天,那是失望的冬天;我们全都在直奔天堂,我们全都在直 奔相反的方向——简而言之,那时跟现在非常相像,某些最喧嚣的权威坚持要用形容同的最高级来形容它。说它好,是最高级的;说它不好

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