
励志歌曲  点击:   2016-08-31







4.设计两张英语小报。内容可以是About me(自己) . Animals(动物), Colours(颜色)等,当然可以自己选新内容,最重要的是图文并茂,有特色。





4、 设计三张英语小报。内容可以是About me(自己) . Animals(动物), Colours(颜色) My family(家庭). My school(学校). My friend(朋友). Colours(颜色),Clothes(衣服),等,当然可以自己选新内容,最重要的是图文并茂,有特色。











5、 制作一份英语摘抄报,内容自选,可电脑绘画或手抄,要求排版合理,字迹工整。







5、 制作一份英语摘抄报,内容自选,可电脑绘画或手抄,要求排版合理,字迹工整。







5、 制作一份英语摘抄报,内容自选,可电脑绘画或手抄,要求排版合理,字迹工整。





备注:1.认真每天完成作业,不可累积,不可抄袭 2.听写部分请家长签字




初二英语假期作业姓名_______ 得分________


1. After getting bad _______________(评论), the play wasn’t shown any more.

2. He put his hand on her ____________(肩膀), but she threw it off angrily.

3. When the two men met again after five years, they ___________(重新开始) their friendship.

4. I lent her my computer a week ago, but she hasn’t ______________(归还) it to me yet.

5. This book shows us _______________(丑陋的) animals in the wild.

6. He can do everything very well. Nothing is ____________(不能的) to him.

7. Peter is _______________(想知道) where to ask for help.

8. They invited me to the party, but I r___________ because I was very busy.

9. The pretty girl can speak five foreign languages, and she is good at ____________(翻译).

10. The shopkeepers wanted to increase the total _______________(销售量) of their shops.

11. Ten thousand ____________(册) of the book have been sold since last Saturday.

12. If everyone does their best, the charity show will be a big s____________.

13. Can you tell me whether(是否) J.K. Rowling is a _____________(Canada) writer?

14. The __________ house has ___________ five types of dictionaries. (publish)

15. It is said that people in some countries become adults after they celebrate their _________(21) birthday.

16. It was really a joyful holiday and a meaningful _________________(经历).

17. Which do you like better, TV __________________(系列节目) or films? I like both of them.

18. Are you sure that there is no _________________(hide) meaning in this letter?

19. The small ship s____________ slowly and smoothly across the lake last month.


20. The book is very popular among young people. It sold 20 thousand c_________ in two weeks.

21. Have you ever heard of Yilin ______________(publish)House? Yes, of course.

22. If you have ______________(confident), you feel sure about your abilities, qualities or ideas.

23. I get most of my books from the library--- it’s just _____________(在……对面) my home.

24. Have you had any ________ (经验) of teaching English? No, I only have some _____(经历) in the USA.

25. It is a good h__________ to read English every day.

26. You need a lot of specialist ______________(知识) if you want to finish it.

27. Failure(失败) is the mother of s___________


1. Our English teacher _______ just _________(recommend) several good reads. I don’t know which

________( read) first.

2. Remember ___________(bring) your library card every time you go to the school library.

3. Amy seldom ___________(communicate) with her family members, she felt bad about it.

4. Would you mind _____________(explain) the math problems to me, Mr Smith? No, of course not.

5. My parents _____________ (decide) _____________ (not take) a train to Beijing. They think __________

(take) a plane will be faster and safer.

6. The TV report says the police ___________(try) their best ____________(look) for the five tourists in the

mountain these days.

7. ---I called you at five yesterday afternoon, but there was no answer.

---Oh, sorry. I ___________(play) ping-pong with my friends.

8.________(renew) your book, you can do it on the Internet instead of going to the library yourself.

9. After reading the evening paper, Mr. Brown ____________ (lie) down and soon fell asleep.

10. We should think about what we can do __________ (keep) animals and plants from becoming endangered.

11. The sunlight we are all used to ____________ (include) seven different colors.

12. If you need our programme list, I’ll be happy ______(send) you one. Please leave your e-mail address here.

14. The doctors in the children’s hospital did all they could 15. I wonder why he _____________ (not accept) the present from his father till now.

16. _____________ (make) the room more beautiful, they painted it pink.

17. Alice learnt to ride last year, and since then she ____________ (ride) to school.

18. He with his friends _____________ (lie) in the sun and feeling relaxed on the Long Beach, California

when his boss called him.

19. The robot that he bought yesterday ____________(give) him a lot of happiness already.

20. ______________ (not open) the door in such cold weather, will you?

21. There used to __________(be)a cinema in the centre of town.

Many people were used to __________(watch) films there.

21. The father looked so happy when ______________(talk) about his son.

22. Where is Jim? I’m afraid he _______________(forget) the visit to the museum.

23. Quite a lot of people are against _______ (do) scientific experiments on animals.

24. The police searched the building carefully but _____________ (find) nothing.

25. People are wondering why the price of most food ___________ (rise) so quickly in the past few months.


1. Kitty 决定不了先选哪一个。

2. Daniel 没有说要和谁谈论这本书。Daniel didn’t ______________________________________________

3. 我奶奶自学了如何用电脑网上购物。

4. 顺便问一下,你知道什么时候上交我们的读书报告吗?

5. Peter 想要找出怎样在这么短的时间里环游世界。

6. 看完电影后,老师要求我们写一些关于这部影片的评论。

7. 刘老师将解释他为什么推荐这本书。


9. 每次来图书馆时,你得带上你的图书证。

10. 学生不准把杂志带出阅览室。

11. 农民们不知道如何在寒风中保护那些蔬菜。

12. 这道物理题太难了。你能告诉我如何解吗?

13. 我想借几本旅游书,但我不知道去哪里找。

14. 这本历史书你可以借两周,但必须按时归还。

15. 你能告诉我如何续借书吗?

16. 读了这本书后,我不再像以前那样害羞了。

17. 这本书里的故事给了我足够的信心。

18. 我无法忘记旅行中激动人心的经历。19. 关于如何提高英语水平,我的英语老师已经给了我很多建议。

20. 中国的四大名著是我的最爱。

21. 忙碌一天之后,听音乐能帮助我放松下来。

22. 阅读给我打开了一个全新的世界。

23. 我每周花六个多小时阅读不同种类的书籍。

24. 在尝试很多次之后,她最后设法出版了这些书。

after trying many times.

( ) 1. — Do you know which book doesn’t belong to he four great classical Chinese novels?

— Of course I know , it’s_______.


( ) 2. — Would you please tell me_______ to deal with all the problems, Mr. Chen?

— No problem.

A. how B. why C. what D. which

( ) 3. — Why are there many books on the ground?{《假期好作业》英语}.

— Her arms aren’t long enough to ________the books on the desk.

A. reach B. come C. take D. carry

( ) 4. Although _________my ideas, he didn’t come up with his own.

A. against B. on C. for D. in

( ) 5. Aren’t you tired ___ doing the same work all the year round?

A. of B. with C. from D. across

( )6. In April, the weather in some places in Jiangsu was really changeable. People still remember they

have ________ four seasons in a week.{《假期好作业》英语}.

A. organized B. experienced C. described D. remembered

( )7. Jack didn’t tell the truth but his mother ____

A. found it out B. found it C. found out it D. find it out

( ) 8. There’s no difference between the two twins, I really don’t know________.

A. what to choose B. which to choose C. to choose which D. to choose what

( )9. He is businesslike(认真的)and is often _______. I hope he will have more _______ at his business.

A. success; successful B. successful; success

C. successfully; successful D. successful; successful

( )10. They decided ________ after dinner.

A. have a broke B. have a break

C. to have a broke D. to have a break

( )11. The sun was shining brightly, ________ everything there _______ more beautiful.

A. making; look B. to make; looked

C. and made; looking D. and making; be looked

( )12.—Dad, can I go to the movies tonight?

—Sure, but you ________ come back home before 9 o’clock.

A. can B. must C. may D. might

( )13. We don’t know ________ it next. Let’s go and ask Mr. Li.

A. what to do B. to do what C. whether to do D. to do whether

( )14. We can’t work out the physics problem. Can you tell us________?

A. how to do B. what to do it C. how to do it

D. what should to do

Suppose(假设) you are going to Boston, and you to get some ideas of what you will see. But don’t have a the main roads and buildings, you may say, “ Oh, now I see . I can find my way withtrouble at all ”. Working in maths is somewhat(有点儿) (探究)what lies in maths, and maths problems will be easily worked out.

( )1. A. are going to visit B. once visited C. have never visited D. have ever visit ( )2. A. answers B. shows C. meets D. tells

( )3. A. begin B. like C. learn D. refuse

( )4. A. clever B. clear C. strange D. wrong

( )5. A. someone B. Boston C. them D. it

( )6. A. if B. though C. whether D. since

( )7. A. helps B. gives C. passes D. shows

( )8. A. not B. no C. some D. much

( )9. A. of B. to C. in D around

( )10. A. thought over B. heard about C. written down D talked with

( )11. A. with B. for C. of D to

( )12. A. need to have B. don’t need C. needn’t D. in need of

( )13. A. help B. to help C. helps D. help with

( )14. A. try your best B. take your place C. look up D. walk on

( )15. A. keep B. send C. lead D. ask


John is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed (咳嗽) day and night. He went to see a doctor.


( ) 1. John should take _________ a day.

A. 2 teaspoonfuls B. 3 teaspoonfuls C. 4 teaspoonfuls D. 1 teaspoonful

( ) 2. The medicine should be kept in _________.

A. a fridge B. hot water C. any place D. the sun

( ) 3. John should ________ before he takes it.

A. drink a cup of tea B. eat nothing C. do some exercise D. shake the medicine well

( ) 4. When people are _________ years old, they can’t take this medicine.

A. eighty B. thirty C. two D. twelve st( ) 5. John will _________ when it is left after Dec. 1, 2012.

A. stop to take the medicine B. throw away the medicine

C. still keep the medicine D. return the medicine to the doctor




Unit5 读单词并背诵黑体字单词。课本70页第二题短文读熟。 11.1日

语法填空和短文改错163页 第5周做完。并读70页第二题。 11.2日

Unit5 单词和短语两英一汉。作业本上。熟悉小组内的对话内容。 11.3日





1. Here __________(be) some flowers for you with our best wishes. 姓名___________

2. Paper is __________(make) from wood.

3. They ____________(learn) about 800 English words by the end of last term. 第一周(每天五道题) 4. It __________(rain) heavily, so he didn’t go to work yesterday. 星期一 5. Two and three ___________(be) five. 正确词形填空

星期五 1. Bill is in the classroom, doing _______ (he)homework.


2.--- Is everything OK, Lucy? --- No, my maths is not as ______ (good) as English. ( )__________

3.--- Dick, is Nick your twin brother?


--- Yes, and I’m thirty minutes _______ (old) than him.

2. It’s ( )__________ 4.Look! There ______ (be) some new pictures on the wall of our classroom. A B C D

5.We mustn’t_______ (talk) loudly when we see the sign “Be quiet” on the wall. ( )__________ 星期二 A B C D


4. Y ( )__________ 1. Please take the medicine three _______(time) a day, or it won’t work well. A B C D

2. --- Dad, do you like my picture? --- How wonderful

! It’s the _____ (nice) one I’ve ever seen!

( )__________

3. You can see that ______ (we)room is much bigger than ______(they).

A B C D 4.It's ten_____ (minute) walk from Peter's home to school, so he often goes to school on foot. 星期六 5. They enjoyed __________(they) by the river. 句型转换

星期三 1. We are from China. (改为一般疑问句) 动词填空


1. Mr Dong _____________ ( miss ) his old friends very much every day. 2. He can sing the English song. (改为否定句) 2.. Would you mind _________(tell)me how to use the computer ?


3. This article _____________ ( write )by a student last week. 3. Do you know? Do they like apples? (两句合为一句) 4. Don’t ____________(drink) the polluted water. It will make you ill.

5. Lucy ___________(cook) dinner while the phone rang. 4. My sister is a lovely girl. (改为感叹句) 星期四


5. The workers built the building. (改为被动语态)

第二周(每天五道题) 星期一 动词填空:

1. She often _________(do) her homework at 6:00. 2. Danny _________(take) a bike to school every day. 1. ( ) ________ You’d better get up earlier, wouldn’t you


2. ( ) ________ That took Mary one week to finish reading the book Harry Potter


3. ( ) _______ Lhasa is so beautiful that thousand of people visit it every month.

3. There ____________(be) a sports meeting next week.

4. They _______________________(go) back to China in a few days. 5. Look! Someone _______________(fly) a kite. 星期二

6. They _______________(play) football now. 7. I _____________(be) to Beijing twice. 8. Has he ________(finish) his job yet?

9. Jenny ____________(watch) TV at 8:00 yesterday. 10. I _____________(read) a book when he came in. 星期三

11. He said that he _____________(buy) a pen.

12. Tom ____________(leave) when I arrived at the station. 13. The wood __________(make) into tables. 14. Let’s _______(go) to play basketball. 15. I hope _________(go) to China next week. 星期四

16. I often tell my students _________(work) hard. 17. Would you like ___________(play) with us? 18. We can ________(get) there tomorrow.

19. We ________(go ) to the park if it __________(not rain) tomorrow. 20. She wanted _________(buy) another one book. 星期五 句子改错


4. ( ) _________ She can speak English as better as an American.


5. ( ) _________ How much glasses of milk would they like to drink?


星期六 句形转换

1. There are some new students in our school this term. (改为否定句)

2. We have learnt more than 1,000 English words by now. (变一般疑问句)

3. Jack can’t go hiking because he has to do his homework. (对划线部分提问)

4. Does he still live in that city? I don’t know. ( 合为一句)

5. We built a new library in our school last year. (改为被动句)

第三周(每天五道题) 星期一 正确词形填空

1. _________ (luck), he was badly hurt in the traffic accident. 2. Dazhen is the ________ (win) of the Singing Competition this year.

3. “Why are you late for school again?” said the teacher _________ (angry). 4. All of us don’t want to make a wrong ___________ (decide). 5. People all over the world hope to live a __________ (peace) life. 星期二 动词填空

1. Listen! Li Ming ___________ (sing) in the next room. 2. We won’t go to the park if it ___________ (rain) tomorrow. 3. You’ve missed the train. It ___________ (leave) half an hour ago. 4. There ________ (be) a football match in our school, won’t there? 5. She is very hungry. She __________ (not eat) anything for two days. 星期三

6.He spent three hundred yuan _________ ( buy ) this bike.

7. A number of the trees must ___________ (plant) in spring every year. 8. I ____________ ( watch ) TV at this time last night.

9.Mr. Green said that he ___________ (teach) us English the next term. 10. Oh, my God! I forgot _________ (bring) my English book to school! 星期四 完成句子

1. 如今中国富强了,我们为祖国感到骄傲{《假期好作业》英语}.

Now China is rich and strong. We are _________ _________ our motherland. 2. 在老师的帮助下,我开始努力学习。

With our teacher’s help, I begin to __________ _________.

3. 为什么不让孩子们做他们喜欢的事?

_________ ________ let the children do what they like? 4. 许多医务人员太忙,顾不上吃饭。

Many doctors and nurses are __________ ________ to have their meals. 5. 对于我们来说,掌握好电脑是非常有用的。{《假期好作业》英语}.

_________ is very useful ________ us to master computer well. 星期五 动词填空

1. It’s time for me __________(have) supper.

2. I always help my mother __________(clean) the floor. 3. He tries ________(give) some food to the animals. 4. Why not ________(buy) that one?

5. We will have fun _________(look) for them. 星期六

1. I do my homework after supper. (改为一般疑问句)



4. You’d better go with me. (改为否定句)

5. Zhaxi is a good boy. (改为反意疑问句)

第四周(每天五道题) 星期一 句型转换

1.She had some breakfast this morning.(改为否定句)

2.The bus moved slowly.(改为感叹句)


4.We have had our breakfast already.(改为一般疑问句)

5.I want to know. Will he leave for Beijing tomorrow? (变成宾语从句) 星期二

6.The writer wrote the story in the 1960s. (改为被动语态)


8.English is more popular than any other subject. (改为同义句)


10.Bruce does everything very carefully. (改为感叹句) 星期三 正确词形填空

1.There are many (factory) over there.

2.Do you know the (different) between British English and America English?

2.The strong man lift the fruit to the truck (easy) 4.Follow me.I don’t want any of you to get (lose) 5.Miss Gao is one of (popular) teachers in our school. 星期四

(对画线部分提问) 2011年中考题

2.He asked me “Do you have a pen?” (改为含宾语从句的复合句) 2011年中考题

3.He didn’t do any homework last week. (改为肯定句) 2011年中考题

4.He is so young that he can’t look after himself (用too...to...结构改写同义句) 2011年中考题

5.Jack does some work on the farm every month (改为一般疑问句) 星期五 动词填空

1.Listen! Someone (sing) in the next room.

2.English can (speak) in most of countries of the world. (not talk) any more, the teacher is coming. 4.She (have) lunch at 12:00 yesterday. 5.Neither Tom nor Peter (like)singing. 星期六 词形填空

1.December is the (twelve) month of the year. 2.What a sun)day!{《假期好作业》英语}.

3.You must write every word very (care) next time. 4.My brother works on South China. He is a (drive). 5.Did they enjoy (them) at the party?

第五周(每天五道题) 星期一 正确词形填空

1.Let’s have ten (minute) rest first,Then we will go on collecting the litter. 2.Don’t touch the machine. It’s (danger) 3.The (America) girl likes reading very much. 4.The (long) of the playground is 300 metres. 5.It is a (use) dictionary. 星期二 动词填空

1.Listen! Someone (sing) in the next room.

2.English can (speak) in most of countries of the world. (not talk) any more, the teacher is coming. 4.She (have) lunch at 12:00 yesterday. 5.Neither Tom nor Peter (like)singing. 星期三

1.At weekends Zhuo Ma enjoys (read) novels. 2.Li Ming said Bruce (visit)Tibet the next week. 3.The teacher told them (not play) in the street. 4.Their parents (live) in that city for ten years.

5.The science teacher told us that the earth ( move) around the sun. 星期四 词形填空

1. My mother has just been to Beijing _________ (one).

2. The ___________ (woman teacher) are very popular in our school.

3. Students usually have ten ___________ (minute) rest between classes. 4. We still need _________ (ninth) more chairs for the meeting room. 5. Summer is ___________ (hot) season of the year. 星期五

1.He kept the others (wait) 3 hours. 2.I really don’t know what (say).

3.Would you mind (open ) the window? 4.They (hold) a sports meeting next week.

5.The man was badly hurt and he (send) to hospital immediately. 星期六 改错题


2. It’ A B C D


4. Danny isn’ A B C D





1. 完成点金训练书1、2模块以及试卷1、2模块,2模块的书面表达写在作业本上,完成


2. <<学英语报>>1、2模块同步测试卷,2模块单元测试卷。

3. 语篇阅读每天一篇(5班)。

4. 熟读、熟记1、2模块词汇,预习3模块,利用网络及各种媒介了解有关澳大利亚的相



1. 完成点金训练书1、2模块以及试卷1、2模块,2模块的书面表达写在作业本上,


2. <<学英语报>>1、2模块同步测试卷,2模块单元测试卷。

3. 语篇阅读每天一篇(5班)。

4. 熟读、熟记1、2模块词汇,预习3模块,利用网络及各种媒介了解有关澳大利亚












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