快速阅读题目 点击: 2016-06-29
( 2015 届)
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英语原创毕业论文参考选题 (100个)
本写作团队致力于英语毕业论文写作与辅导服务,精通前沿理论研究、仿真编程、数据图表制作,专业本科论文3000起,具体可以联系qq 805990749。下列所写题目均可写作。部分题目已经写好原创。
9 从蜘蛛侠系列看美国的英雄主义 企业跨国并购中的文化整合研究有案例 黑人英语的特征和使用 哈克贝利.芬历险记中的黑色幽默 浅析企业文化和社会文化在品牌战略中的作用 浅析21世纪美国总统竞选广告中的泛娱乐化现象 词典编纂中新词的选录 语法教学失效原因分析 礼仪在商务谈判中的意义与相关策略
10 欠值翻译及其原因的探究
11 委婉语在高中校园生活中的作用
12 论如何用英语作精彩演讲
13 简爱--女权主义者
14 浅析海明威的死亡观---以死在午后为例
15 谈归化与异化翻译的融合-以谚语翻译为例{《政府工作报告》中中国特色词汇英译研究}.
16 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视现象
17 中泰文化背景下的初中英语课堂管理对比研究
18 从中国特色词汇的翻译看其文化内涵
19 英语SVOA构式的多重传压模式分析
20 论小说红字中字母A的象征意义
21 探讨英语中系动词和表语的省略问题
22 英语专业大三学生在英语专业四级新闻听力中所运用的方法调查
23 语用预设在英语听力教学中的应用
24 青少年成长与社会冲突-麦田里的守望者成长主题分析 25 汉英礼貌原则对比浅析
26 用荀子的性恶论释读蝇王中人性的复归
27 从形合与意合的角度看翻译中的中式英语
28 初中生英语学习兴趣的培养
29 速读技巧在阅读测试中的运用
30 亚历山德拉与自然—啊,拓荒者!的生态主义解读 31 从关联理论视角看历年奥运会主题口号的汉译
32 英汉问候语的礼貌差异分析
33 浅谈旧约中女性的形象和地位{《政府工作报告》中中国特色词汇英译研究}.
34 XX中学高一学生在阅读考试中阅读速度的提高 35 在概念整合理论下探讨英语复合词教学
36 傲慢与偏见鉴赏
37 沙漠之花的女性主义研究
38 商务英语信函中的语用礼貌失误
39 英语新闻语篇中引语的语用功能探析
40 简析老友记中违反合作原则产生的幽默
41 哥特文学和电影的特点及影响
42 论商务谈判中文化差异的影响
43 从喜福会中母女的冲突看东西方教育的差异
44 论儿子与情人中的“恋子情结”
45 英国十九世纪社会状况与苔丝的悲剧
46 互文性理论指导下的公示语汉英翻译
47 用情景教学法教语法--XX中学个案研究
48 论约翰邓恩跳蚤中的玄学思想
49 语用移情及其在英语学习中的运用
50 在高中英语词汇教学中进行文化渗透的策略
51 傲慢与偏见中所折射出的简•奥斯汀的婚姻观
52 合作性学习在初中英语教学中应用的探索
53 理想与现实的冲突—霍桑对美国形象的思考
54 直观手段在小学英语教学中的应用{《政府工作报告》中中国特色词汇英译研究}.
55 英语模糊语在商业广告中的应用
56 英语新闻标题的文体特点及其汉译
57 汉语拼音在英语音标教学中的迁移作用研究--XX中学为例 58 功能目的论在爱情类英语电影片名翻译中的应用 59 英语广告的修辞特征和翻译
60 从后殖民理论看鲁滨逊的殖民先锋之路{《政府工作报告》中中国特色词汇英译研究}.
61 肢体语言在中学英语教学中的应用
62 格列佛游记中的精湛讽刺艺术及对20世纪初作家的影响 63 英译公共标识语--以深圳市公示语为例
64 扭曲的物化社会 —嘉莉妹妹的悲剧解读
65 论环境因素对皮普性格的形成所造成的影响
66 玛丽巴顿的女性意识
67 英语广告衔接手段的分析
68 鲁滨逊漂流记的写作风格
69 商务英语信函中礼貌策略初探
70 小学双语教学现状研究
71 浅谈商务谈判的风格和语言技巧
72 高中英语教学中基于跨文化意识的交际能力培养的研究 73 呼啸山庄人物双重性格的分析
74 现代爱情的另类表述—暮光之城主人公爱德华和贝拉的爱情 75 单词出现频率与英语词汇习得关系的实证研究
76 论苹果公司的成功之道--根据产品生命周期灵活进行营销 77 中英文化的差异对英汉互译的影响
78 老人与海中桑迪亚哥的硬汉形象探析
79 分析英汉词汇搭配差异
80 小公主中萨拉的人格魅力及其影响
81 试析西方节日在中国的盛行
82 英文广告中主要修辞手法的运用
83 体态语在小学英语教学中的运用
84 双城记中的人道主义思想
85 语块法在小学英语词汇教学中应用的实证研究 86 当幸福来敲门的人际功能文本分析
87 英语专业高年级学生作文错误分析
88 哈利波特---一个典型的英雄人物
89 中美肢体语言的差异
90 中西方摇滚乐文化精神内核比较
91 简述动物农场的反乌托邦特征
92 论小妇人中乔的“假小子”形象
93 英语医学研究性论文摘要中的主位推进模式研究 94 从麦田守望者的主人公看美国社会病态
95 中西方饮食文化差异的对比
96 农村高中生英语交际能力培养的限制因素--XX中学为例 97 基于沙因的企业文化理论分析麦当劳的企业文化 98 论灰姑娘中神力的象征意义
99 从影片刮痧分析中美文化差异和冲突
100 浅谈服装品牌的英汉翻译
摘 要
This paper focuses on Chinese Government Work Report of Premier Wen Jiabao delivered at the Chinese National People’s Congress, which is closely related to the current situation of China and has a lot to do with Chinese culture, history, and people’s way of thinking. Starting with a brief introduction of government work report and its translation, the thesis analyzes stylistic features of the report and characteristics of its translation and then concludes major difficulties in current government work report translation practice. The general difficulties can be categorized into four types: Chinglish, lexical non-equivalence, inaccuracy of translating political terminologies or neologism, and information impediment. Based on the above analysis, the author attempts to explore proper translation techniques in the process of translating government work report, such as substitution, subordination, deletion and explanation.
Keywords:government work report; translation; difficulties; techniques
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 4
2. Overview of government work report and its translation ........................................... 5
2.1 Stylistic features of government work report ................................................................... 5
2.2 Characteristics of translating government work report .................................................... 5
3. Major difficulties in current government work report translation practice .............. 7
3.1 Chinglish .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Lexical non-equivalence .................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Inaccuracy of translating political terminologies or neologism ....................................... 8
3.4 Information impediment .................................................................................................. 9
4. Strategies for translating government work report .................................................... 10
4.1 Substitution .................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Subordination ................................................................................................................. 11
4.3 Deletion .......................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Explanation .................................................................................................................... 14
5. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 16
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ 17
References ........................................................................................................................... 18
Government work report, national or local, is the representative document of the government concerned. It reviews the achievements of the past year or past five years as well as shortcomings, and sets forth the plans and policies in all walks of life, touching upon various specialties of life, from agricultural development, environmental protection to medical care, news, publishing and so forth for the upcoming years. With the improvement of its comprehensive national strength and its international status, China is now increasingly remarkable in the international arena. Meanwhile, there is a growing keen desire from the outside world to learn more about China. As a mouthpiece of the Chinese government, government work report has always been attracting the most worldwide attention, and it certainly presents a most authoritative and important source of information about the situation of China and the policies of its government. The translation of government work report enjoys high political significance and plays an important role in building up our national image in international communication. Therefore, it is the translator’s great task to faithfully convey government work report to the target readers in refined English version. Studies in this field are mostly carried out by domestic researchers, who know the background information well, while foreign studies are rarely available. As a result, references quoted are mostly from domestic researches.
This thesis will focus on Chinese government work report. All the examples here are excerpts from Government Work Report of Premier Wen Jiabao delivered at the Chinese National People’s Congress. The English versions are produced by Central Compilation and Translation Bureau and collected from Based on these data, the author attempts to sum up the difficulties in the translation of the report and come up with some solutions in this field.
2. Overview of government work report and its translation
2.1 Stylistic features of government work report
Government work report is, in a sense, both a speech and a formal report [1]7. Read to deputies at the People’s Congress by the Prime Minister or the head of a local government, government work report demands a formal language style that contributes to its solemnity and authoritativeness required by such formal occasions. Unlike the language of everyday speeches, its language generally free of colloquialism and slang, assumes a far more formal quality, which is evidenced in frequent use of formal words, political jargons and long, complicated but logic sentences [2]5. Therefore, such a style should have clear and precise diction, and ambiguity is by all means forbidden [1]8.
Orally and directly delivered to deputies, government work report is at the same time a written report to be published for public reading. To ensure easy and unmistakable understanding of the messages on the part of its audience, who come from all walks of life and receive varying levels of education, it prefers plain language
[2]6. Meanwhile, plain language is also employed to fulfil the function of the report. Aiming to acquaint people of government performance rather than aspire for aesthetic senses, government work report economizes on flowery words and rhetoric devices that are designed for aesthetic effect [2]6.
2.2 Characteristics of translating government work report
From the above stylistic features, the underlying principles of translating government work report are made clear. They have their own characteristics and distinguish the translation practice of government work report from that of the other kinds of external publicity materials [3]64.
Among all the characteristics, accuracy enjoys the top priority. As an authoritative official statement made at the people’s congress, government work report, either national or local, is extremely formal. It is weighed over deliberately and must be revised for many times. Each word expression and sentence has the exact