
快速阅读题目  点击:   2011-12-14




Should capital punishment be a major deterrent to crime?


1. There should never be suspicion~ of capital punishment.

2. Murderers whose motive~ is money should not get off lightly. It is absolutely wrong to think professional killers are insane and need hospital treatment.

3. Criminals must be made to see the consequences of their crimes. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" is the very basis of justice.

4. Capital punishment is more hmnane because the criminal does not suffer the torture of life imprisonment.

5. Only the return of the death penalty can ensure that people can sleep safely in their beds.

6. Murderers are not humane and, therefore, they cannot expect to be treated as hmnans.

7. Capital punishment should be a major deterrent. Other strict laws should also be put into practice.

8. A hfe sentence is only a nominal sentence. It leaves a chance for the criminal to escape.

9. Those who are lenient to criminals are unkind to innocent people.

10. We shouldn't be blinded by emotional argmnents, which leads to relaxation of harsh laws.


1. Capital punishment should not be a major deterrent. Emphasis should be put on the reform of criminals.

2. It has been proved many times in the past that the relaxation of harsh laws has never led to an increase in crime. Therefore, the "deterrent" argument is absurd: capital punishment never protected anyone.

3. Those in favour of capital punishment are motivated only by a desire for revenge and retaliation~.

4. There has been a marked trend in society towards a more humane treatment of less fortunate members. The same attitude characterizes our approach to crime.

5. Suspension of capital punishment is enlightened~, civilized and humane.

6. Crime can only be drastically reduced by the elimination of social injustices--not by creating socalled "deterrents" when the real problems remain unsolved.

7. It is illegal to murder, but are we justified in taking away the life of the murderer? No. Capital punishment helps create a bloody world.

8. He who never errs does not exist. The death penalty leaves no chance for first offenders to reform.

9. Murderers vary. Some kill people only to defend themselves while others are trigger-happy. It is unfair to give the death penalty to every murderer.

10. Some criminals can be reformed if they are handled properly. The death sentence leaves criminals no hope at all.

题目:维护道路安全是否靠加强违章惩罚(该文在9月10日考试中获8分) 启德雅思学员 赖敏玲(商务英语专业学生9月10日雅思考试获总分八,听力、阅读九分;写作八分)

Recent years have witnessed a worsening trend in road safety. According to statistics from the local authority, the number of traffic accidents in 2004 was 20% greater than that of the previous year. The issue is gaining more and more concern of the public, some of whom propose that stricter punishment on traffic offenders should be the only way to ensure road safety. As far as I am concerned, I hold that punishment should not be only solution to the problem.

There is certainly no denying that stricter penalties may to some extent bring down the number of accidents on motorways as a deterrent to driving offences. Besides, the government may enjoy a greater revenue from severer fines, which can in turn be used to improve road conditions.

However, we shall never overlook the other side of the coin: punishment has its downsides. Fines, as the most common penalty for driving violations, tend to instill in people the misconception that money can pay off their guilt and resolve the problem. As a result, we can see many cases where the traffic offender commits the same or another mistake even after having been fined a lot. In spite of heavier punishment, road safety cannot be enhanced unless drivers are equipped with sufficient driving skills and knowledge. Recently there have emerged many irresponsible driving schools that have produced a host of unqualified drivers, contributing to more traffic offences. Thus tight control on driving schools and the driving testing system is needed as well to improve road safety. Furthermore, advertisements and campaigns concerned should be launched to raise the public awareness. When people are fully aware of the importance of abiding traffic rules, accidents may hopefully be eliminated.

From the above discussion, it is clear that only stricter punishment is not enough to enhance road safety. Instead, it should go hand in hand with closer control on driving schools and the testing system as well as higher public awareness.


启德雅思学员 马婷婷(商务英语专业学生9月10日雅思考试获总分八,听力九分、阅读、口语八分)

In recent years, increasing number of car accidents have claimed many people's lives. The topic of whether stricter punishments is the only way to prevent accidents has triggered heated discussion. Notions on this issue vary greatly.

According to the advocates, stricter punishment is the most effective way to reduce

car accidents. To begin with, stricter punishment deters reckless driving behavior, like drunk driving and speeding. Drivers must learn to abide by the laws and regulations otherwise they will suffer from great loss. Furthermore, severely punished, drivers may learn a lesson and they are less likely to repeat the same behavior on the road. Last but not least, psychologically hurt and physically injured, victims of car accidents deserve the financial compensation from drivers.

However, opponents are strongly against stricter punishment. Firstly, competent authorities should set up stricter requirements for driver‟s licence. More lectures and courses should be provided to would-be drivers. Secondly, facilities should be improved in order to reduce road hazards. For instance, electronic notice board should be set up to drivers of the danger ahead. Finally, if drivers are sentenced to jail for a longer time, more police power and money is needed to manage them. That is to say,stricter punishment will produce heavy burden on tax payers.

Personally speaking, stricter punishment is by no means the best solution to car accidents. More scientific measures should be adopted so as to reduce car accidents on the road.


启德雅思学员 罗巾如(8月6日雅思考试获总分7.5,听力8,阅读8.5,写作、口语7)

The roads are dotted with trash, the railways are littered with decaying garbage and our cities are disgraced by plastic bags. Lately, the worsening rubbish problem has aroused people‟s wide concern. Some hold the belief that it is an overstatement to claim that people have formed a “throw away” society, and that they just discard the used items, which is necessary. Others, however, firmly contend that people do develop a habit of throwing things away. Personally, I firmly side with the latter.

It is no doubt that our cities are on the way towards becoming a huge landfill. To begin with, people are in the habit of littering. Nowadays, people tend to discard old items like outdated furniture and worn-out appliance, which are actually recoverable. Furthermore, due to the inadequate facilities of garbage collection, people throw away their refuse everywhere at will. In addition, rubbish is in rapid increase. In the first place the quickening tempo of modern lifestyle gives rise to people‟s favor of disposable items for

sake of convenience, which greatly adds the amount of rubbish. In the second place, the development of science and technology also contributes to it. It generates new product in a more frequent way, which makes the old ones cast aside as rubbish at a quicker pace. Consequently, our cities are decorated with trash..

In view of the severity of the issue, we should adopt immediate measure to address it. First of all, the government should play a leading role. It ought to bring in strong anti-littering laws, backed by heavy penalties and effective enforcement, to tackle the

littering behaviors. Also, officials should make good use of mass media to promote the public‟s awareness of environmental protection, making sure that everyone will become a conscious environment protector. Additionally, scientists can develop efficient technologies to degrade and recycle the rubbish. Research findings reveal that 63% of the refuse nowadays are recycled. Finally, it is essential for schools to attach importance to environmental education, so that every child will become environmentally friendly and get rid of the littering habit.

In conclusion, people‟s littering habit is turning our communities into a rubbish holder. It is high time that we took joint effort to solve the rubbish problem. Otherwise, we will live with rubbish in the future.


启德雅思学员 罗倩敏

Nowadays, more and more people would like to move to other countries and settle down for better natural environment, and more educational opportunities. Whether these new settlers should accept new countries‟ values and lifestyles has become a public focus. Before presenting my own opinion, I think it is essential to analyze both sides of the issue.

People in favor of acceptance to new values claim that once you live in a new environment, you have to adapt yourself to the new community. If not, you would feel psychologically isolated. Moreover, getting yourself in the new environment, you can develop a better career, for your employer will consider you to be an adaptable person. And your family also can get themselves involved in the new community. Last but not least, as you accept the new values and lifestyles, you can learn something new apart from your own culture.

Those who are against, however, argue that if the settlers accept new values and culture, they are considered to betray their own countries, so they no longer belong to their countries. Furthermore, new settlers are supposed to keep their own styles. For instance, their eating habits, religion believes, and so on. Last of all, it is a good way to preserve their tradition and culture, especially the ethnic, who are in minority of people.

Personally speaking, I tend to side with the former view. Though people should have their unique styles, it is crucial to adjust to the new environment and community. An old saying just illustrates my point: When in Rome, do as the Roman.


启德雅思学员 李辽7分作文

Nowadays, experimental usage of animal has become a widely concerned issue around the world. People hold diverse views towards it.

Adversaries claim that it is an extremely crude behavior. Animals, especially mammals, like dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, which are the major victims in the experimentation, are usually human‟s pets. Pet owners are strongly against it for they firmly believe that animals suffer physically and mentally as we do. When equality is advocated in the modern world, it is inhuman to disrespect creatures that are not human beings. Furthermore, a number of experts pointed out that it would be at high stake of depending on the results of animal experiment; since they differ from us in many ways. Take the body structure for example, we can‟t imagine humans try to jump from the height of nine stories without any protection because cats survive out of the same test.

Those in favor of the idea about usage of animal declare that using animal is an advisable choice. On one hand because their bodies are similar in function to ours. For instance, they catch colds, suffer from stomachs and heart diseases, which more importantly influenced by diet and habits. The consequences of the test may not be applied to humans, although they are highly connected to the human situations. On the other hand, those creatures yell and act abnormally when they feel uncomfortable, which is what exactly researchers expect. In addition, there is an easy-to-answer question: isn‟t it crueler to test directly on people with little knowledge on the objects‟ effects? In a word, there is nothing better than animal that resemble human the best for experiment.

Personally, I am not a supporter of animal experiments, yet there is anything more suitable can replace them, I accept using animals for tests, but take good care of them when they are not in the laboratory.




学员 黄文婷

Whether stricter punishments is the only way to prevent accidents from happening on roads has triggered a controversial debate Attitudes towards this issue vary greatly. It is wiser to take a closer look at both sides before I present my opinion.

Advocates firmly believe that it is sensible to impose stricter penalty on those who break the traffic rules. Drivers will be more careful when they consider the punishment hard to afford. As the fine is not high,it is not deterrent . According to a survey , among the drivers questioned , 65% of them admit that they pay more attention to driving if more serious punishments are carried out .

Opponents, however, hold the view that there are other aspects which can decrease the frequency of accidents. Firstly, road constructions should be more rational. Nowadays, more and more roads and highways are being built, but some of them were not



2015年6月6日雅思写作 (一)


Although people in industrialized countries lead a high standard of living, it is undeniable that there are still 1.2 billion people living below the poverty line. In order to solve poverty-related problems, I feel that all kinds of help should be encouraged and respected.

Giving a helping hand to those who are in need in the local community seems reasonable. It is because even in the richest countries, there are still a lot of people, such as disabled people and orphanages, suffering from famine and extreme poverty. For this reason, it is easy and convenient for us to help our fellow citizens, such as donating food or clothing to them, so that we can see the result of our actions immediately. By contrast, it is rather difficult to track expenditure of international aids, which might result in corruption in some cases.

Those who donate money to domestic and international charities believe that the collection of money has a tremendous effect on the poor countries compared with other forms of help. This is because few people are able to donate a large amount of money to construct schools, hospitals and roads in poor areas. Instead, governments and charities can achieve this. International aids can also purchase vaccines which are available in developed countries by using the money raised worldwide and save millions children’s life.

In my view, minor proportion of donated money and other sorts of help should be appreciated equally as long as the money reaches to those who need it desperately. The government could run campaign and encourage door-to door help. At the same time, charitable organizations should make every penny count for donors.(word count:274)


Developing countries require help offered by international organizations to ensure healthy and sustainable development. Some people think that financial aid is important. Others believe that practical aid and advice is more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.




首段;背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场



It is not rare to see that some well-to-do countries like to give financial aid or other forms of assistance to poor ones. Conflicting ideas clash in whether or not economic donation is the best effective means of assistance. Speaking for myself, those developed countries should assume the responsibility of helping those countries, which are still suffering from the agonies of popular disease, poor education and undeveloped trade. However, financial aids have both its merits and demerits, other suitable ways of assistance should be considered.

Indeed, some arguments could be explored to justify that those well-off countries ought to give a financial aid to the poverty-stricken nations’ charities. For a start, it is out of the reason of humanism and could benefit the straitened nations directly. More precisely, financial beneficence from the developed countries could help to accelerate the construction of infrastructure and establishing more houses. Also, when some rich countries donate large sums of money to those needy countries, more job opportunities could be created and thus living standards of the poor countries could be enhanced.

Nonetheless, we should be alert to the possible risks of economic assistance. For one thing, it might make needy countries become over-dependent on the donors. For another, international aid might bright about possible political interference and economic exploitation. Apart from financial aids, there are still many other options available to assist the undeveloped nations. One way is by opening up trade barriers, which enables the poor countries to sell their goods. Another way is to forgive economic debts so that the self-supporting ability of the poor nations could be promoted. Eventually, the teams of volunteer teachers and doctors from rich countries could be dispatched to the impoverished countries to take the responsibilities of educational and medical assistance.

解析:It is not rare to see that „„ 这一点很常见

解析:Conflicting ideas clash in whether or not 关于是否应该„„,人们持有不同意见

解析:Financial aids have both its merits and demerits 经济援助有利有弊

解析:Indeed, some arguments could be explored to justify that 的确,为证明„„是合理的,我们是可以找到一些理由的

解析:„„could benefit the straitened nations directly v可以使贫困国家直接受益

解析:Living standards of the poor countries could be enhanced 贫困国家的生活水平可以被提高

解析:It might make needy countries become over-dependent on the donors. 经济援助也许会使贫困国家对于援助国更加依赖

解析:International aid might bright about possible political interference and economic exploitation. 国际援助也许会带来政治干预和经济掠夺

解析:open up trade barriers v开发贸易壁垒

解析:forgive economic debts v免除经济债务{20171月雅思作文范文}.

解析:The teams of volunteer teachers and doctors from rich countries could be dispatched to the impoverished countries 可以向贫困国家派驻教师和医生。






Travelling abroad has become a new lifestyle nowadays. However, complaints about the potential negative effects of international travel have been sparked among the public in recent years. This essay will outline two main reasons for these complaints and provide certain measures to change the opinion.

First of all, it is a widespread phenomenon that foreign travellers might repel the local community because of their inappropriate languages and behaviour in some resorts. Due to the cultural differences, visitors’ behavior may break traditional rules in travel destinations sometimes. For example, a visitor will annoy an Indian when he passes food by his left hand. For this reason, the local government can take actions to provide more specific travelling tips in popular scene spots for foreign travellers.

In addition, more and more transnational travels will cause damage to the unique nature of a culture. Foreign visitors will bring not only tangible matters like food and clothes but also something intangible, such as their festivals or customs. In other words, these visitors are assimilating their country’s culture while they are travelling abroad, which will be bound to cause antipathy in racist society. Germany is a case in point. For this reason, the government can encourage locals to hold a tolerant attitude toward foreign arrivals as they have no common knowledge of local conventions in most times. Travelling is for cultural communication instead of invasion.

In conclusion, breaking conventions and cultural uniqueness are the two main factors leading to the bias regarding international tourism. Both governments and individuals should make an effort to change this phenomenon.


Some people believe that international tourism have harmful effects. Why do they think so? How to change their views?




首段:背景介绍 + 作家立场




首段:背景介绍 + 写作目的

International tourism has been encouraged in many nations around the globe because it produces positive effects on economic growth and local government. However,some problem inevitably ensue,which accounts for why some people hold negative attitudes toward international tourism. This essay aims to explore the reasons why some people are not supportive of tourism and then present some recommendations.

二段: 原因的展开:(游客为何对于旅游业持有消极的态度)

The reasons why some people hold indifferent attitudes toward international tourism are manifold. Here, some of them will be explored. First, a large flowing population many cause serious destruction of the natural environment in those areas owing rich tourism resources. Further, some visitors unconscious behaviors might be considered as disrespectable and unfriendly due to the cultural differences. For instance,questions about religious beliefs, marriage,personal income are considered as taboo for some westerners. Eventually, even though sightseers might make the locals’ purse heavy, they, at the same time, interfere with the peaceful current life in some areas



Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to you to complain about the CD Player which I bought in your store in January.After only two days,things started to go wrong.

我正写信给你投诉一月份在你们店里买的CD播放机。仅仅两天后,东西就出问题了。 The first problem was the CD drawer,which opened and closed too quickly.I nearly trapped my fingers in it.The next day,I recorded a CD onto a cassette.Everything worked,but the sound quality was very poor.On the following day,the CD Pause button stopped working.


Naturally,I returned the player to you for repair.Your assistant said I would have towait only a week.After twoweeks,the necessaryspare parts had still not arrived.Eventually,nine weeks later,I collected the stereo.The CD player worked properly,but there was no improvement in the recording quality.


I am not satisfied with the equipment norwith the service I have received.I am therefore writing to ask for a full refund.I will return the player to yourshop on Monday and I expect to receive a cheque for $250.


Yours faithfully,


Johns 琼斯


Dear Mr./Ms,


I received your letter yesterdaycomplaining that the central heating system in your new house had not beencompleted by the date promised.I feel awfully sorry that the problem has been caused by my mistakeabout the date for completion on referring to our earlier correspondence.


I mistook your date of completion for nextweek due to my inattention,so the working team installed the system according to the wrong date.I realize the inconvenience thatour oversight must be causing you and will do everything possible to avoid anyfurther delay.I havealready given instructions for the work to have priority and the engineersworking on the job to be placed on overtime.


I assure you that these arrangements shouldsee the installation completed by next weekend.I hope

the settlement of this matter can meet your wishes.The fault is entirely mine and Ideeply regret that it happened.(159 words)


Yours faithfully,


Johns 琼斯





摘要: 雅思写作范文书信类20篇:问询信。雅思写作书信类要求考试分析考试题目要求,将事件信息介绍青春,尤其要注意写作格式。详情的写作方法和范文请看下文!

问询信是 雅思 写作范文书信类的常见类别,一般是考生写给朋友的非正式文体,下面是一道真题和对应范文,大家可以参考!也可以下载电子版以后使用。

You are going to an overseasuniversity to study. Write a letter to the university asking about accommodation and airport pickup.(问询信)


Dear Ms. Morris,

I’m writing to inquire about some information regarding accommodation at your university and the airport pickup issue.




I’m a mature, female student and would prefer, as far as possible, to share some accommodationwith other mature female students, preferably in a quiet location. However, I have no objectionto living on campus as long as it is quiet enough for me to study. I’m also a non-smoker and would prefer to share with other non-smokers although this is a preference rather than a request.


I will arrive in London on August 26 from Shanghai and would be very gratefulif you could send someone to pick me up or, at the least, send me the details of how to get to the university by myself from London Heathrow Airport, as this will be my first time to the UK.

我将于 8月26日从上海抵达伦敦,如果您能安派一下接机,或者至少给我发一下如何从伦敦海斯陆机场前往学校的具体细节,我将万分感激,因为这将是我初次到英国。

I’m looking forward to receiving your reply and meeting you in person in September.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Gao



Susan Gao


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摘要: 剑桥雅思考官写作范文对于雅思考生来说具有很好的参考价值,小马过河在线为大家整理了剑桥雅思考官写作范文,望考生从中学习到其优点,在今后的雅 思写作当中合理运用。

Topic:Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these view and give your own opinion.{20171月雅思作文范文}.


剑桥 雅思 考官写作范文:

Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our wildest

expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breackthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on almost daily basis. This means that change is not always a personal option, but an inescapable fact of life, and we need to constantly adapt to keep pace to it.

Those people who believe they have achieved some security by doing the same, familiar things are living in denial. Even when people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the world around them from

changing. Sooner or later they will find that the familiar jobs no longer exist, or that the 'safe' patterns of of behavior are no longer appropriate.

However, reaching the conclusion that change is evitable is not the same as assuming that change is always for the better. Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are prompted because they habe good impacts for the majority of people. A lot of innovations are made with the aim of making money for a few. This is because it is the rich and powerful peple in our society who are able to impose changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that are in their interests.

In conclusion, I would say that change can be stinulating and ebergizing for individuals when they pursue it

themselves, but that all change, including which is imposed on people, does not necessarily have good outcomes.





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The column graphs illustrate the distribution of oil resources and the annual consumption in percentage in the world.

It is apparent from the first chart that Middle East shares the largest proportion of oil resources in the world, accounting for 56.52%. Next comes Canada, in which area the figure is 14.84%. Following by is Central and South America, Eastern Europe and Africa, with 8.12%,

6.58% and 6.38% respectively. In comparison, the amounts of oil resources are insignificant in the other five areas(each lower than 3%).{20171月雅思作文范文}.

As can be observed from the second chart, Asia and the United States, though only had 2.89% and 1.85% of the oil resources of the world, consume the largest amount of oil (26.21% and 25.48% respectively). A further 19.24% is consumed in Western Europe. By contrast, the consumptions in other regions are relatively smaller(all lower than 7%).

In general, striking differences are demonstrated in the ownership and consumption in the amount of oil among different areas. Middle East possesses the highest amount of oil resource while the resource is mostly used in Asia and the US.

In recent years, the number of car accidents is increasing

at a high speed due to various factors. Some people claim that strict punishments are essential for coping with this problem while others argue that there are other more effective approaches. Personally, I think the combination of the two works the best.

People who support the idea that punishing driving offenders severely is the key may point out to its deterrent effect. It is certainly true that drivers would be more careful while driving if they are warned by longer imprisonment or higher fine. Careless drivers would be more concentrating while driving considering the serious consequences and drunkards may think twice before drinking if he needs to drive after a party.

However, even though more severe punishments are implemented in some countries like China, the effect was not as satisfying as expected, where inexperienced drivers still contribute to a substantial proportion of car accidents. Therefore, some people suggest that other measures, like changing testing system, should be taken to combat the situation. They argue that making the test harder and increasing the frequency of driving tests are more effective in terms of preventing road killers from causing traffic accidents. In addition, classes concerning basic rules are helpful with regard to raising pedestrians’ awareness of road safety.

In conclusion, none of these methods is effective enough for dealing with all sorts of traffic problems. However, that does not mean the problem is insurmountable and I am firmly convinced that, by combining the measures mentioned above together, the road safety will be best guaranteed.









建议: 6个月-1年


新概念3——语法句型 + 词汇 felt obliged to do something, extraordinary

Collins —— 词汇 + 范文 disposable income + Model Answer 写作机经——真题思路,标注词汇句型



criminal - lawbreaker - violator - offender



juvenile delinquent

serial killer


put/sent - imprison








Sentence patterns:

There is no doubt that_______

_____ be responsible for ______

五种不同类型文章,每种10 +(近五年)

Agree or disagree

Discuss and give your opinion

Advantages and disadvantages

Causes and solutions


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发送图片 + 剑桥教材3-9

写作,对照:整理思路 + 积累表达 3-6 个月


Collins —— 词汇 + 范文



剑桥系列教材3-9 ——考官Model Answer(14篇)——练习并对照范文


发送图片 + 剑桥教材3-9

写作,对照:整理思路 + 积累表达 3个月内:


Collins —— 词汇 + 范文

写作机经——真题思路,标注词汇句型(近三年题目) 五种不同类型文章,每种3+

剑桥系列教材3-9 ——考官Model Answer(14篇)——练习并对照范文


发送图片 + 剑桥教材3-9

写作,对照:整理思路 + 积累表达



写作机经——真题思路,标注词汇句型(近三年题目) 五种不同类型文章,每种1 篇—搭建结构

剑桥系列教材3-9 ——考官Model Answer(14篇)——看范文 小作文:(考前三个月开始即可)







重点范文:110, 116,

132, 141, 146, 147,

118, 125, 128, 117, 119, 126, 129,

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