
初中作文  点击:   2013-10-11


初中英语作文:My father is a gentle man 我的父亲是个温柔的男人

初中英语作文:My father is a gentle man 我的父亲是个温柔的男人 My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more

gently,the daddy's hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also

few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpass in one day-long.

He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.

This is my father, I love him forever.




⒈《 是一道靓丽的风景线》{myfathe初一作文}.{myfathe初一作文}.

22.《欣赏 》 ⒉《 ,我永远的天空》 ⒊《都是 惹的祸》 ⒋《 的滋味》 ⒌《在 中成长》 6.《假如我是 》 7.《告诉你,我很 》 8.《我眼中的 》 9.《生活需要 》 10.《 在我的身边》 11.《 也是一种美》 12.《 伴我成长》 13.《我发现 》 14.《真想做个 》 15.《世上只有 》 16.《永远的 》 17.《学会 》 18.《 的风波》 19.《那一次,我 》 20.《 是一盏明灯》 21.《那段 的日子》

23.《我眼里的 》

24.《想起 》

25.《 的遐想》

26.《第一次 》

27.《人生路上 多》

28.《 的故事》

29.《那年,我 》

30.《和 赛跑》

31.《 在,梦就在》

32.《明天,我 》

33.《我的 我做主》

34.《 ,是这样炼成的》

35.《不想 》

36.《将 进行到底》

37.《人生没有 》

38.《 是一瞬间的事》

39.《有一种 叫成功》

40.《 伴我少年行》

41.《 的回忆》

42.《有 陪伴的日子》

43.《拒绝 》 44.《 ,妙不可言》 45.《读懂 》 46.《我总是 》 47.《 是一种牵挂》 48.《 带给我的快乐》 49.《 也是一种享受》 50.《 ,其实你不懂我的心》 51.《最近比较 》 52.《 ,我的最爱》 53.《下辈子我做 》 54.《谁都可以 》 55.《 是金》 56.我难忘的_____ 57.假如我能_____ 58.我想对_____说 59.我的梦想 60.生活需要_____ 61.生活教给我____ 62.我家的喜事 63._____就是这么简单 64、初中,一首难忘的歌







同学们,丰富多彩的一个学期已经接近尾声了,请回忆你的生活,在这个学期里,你收获了什么?是幸福、坚强、感动,还是„„,请以“这个学期,我收获了 ”为题,写一篇不少于600字的记叙文。


初中生往往充满奇思妙想,试以“我好想_____________ ”为题,写一篇文章。 要求:(1)先把题目补充完整,如“有个知心朋友”、“有个好老师”、“有自己的小天地”、 “快快长大”、“再看一眼”或“美梦成真”、“当一名作家”、“飞上月球”等;(2)以记叙为主,兼有议论、抒情;(3)600字左右。.


二年级英语作文:My Lovely Father 我可爱的父亲

二年级英语作文:My Lovely Father 我可爱的父亲

My Lovely Father

I have a busy father . He works in a big office . He has a big company. He is busy every day . He has many thing to do . He has no time to go home for lunch . He gets home at 7:00 p.m . At home he does the housework. He cooks nice dishes for mother and me .


On weekends , he often goes to the park with me .Sometimes he goes to swim with me ,too. I like to stay with my father .

He is a good father , he is also a happy business man .




作文类型一:某人度过的一天 (考查概率90%)



记叙文格式:1. My great weekend

I stayed at home and watched TV in the morning. In the afternoon, I went shopping with my parents. They bought some new clothes for me. I felt very happy. On Sunday morning, I met my classmates and we played basketball. In the afternoon, I visited my good friend Jim. He helped me with my English. In the evening, I did my homework

书信格式:2. A letter from Jim to Mary

Dear Mary,

I’d like to tell you about my last weekend.

【On Saturday morning, I did my homework at home. In the afternoon, I

watched TV with my family for two hours. After supper I did some sports and then I went to English club to practice my English. On Sunday morning, I visited my uncle. In the afternoon, I studied for the history test. In the evening, I played chess with my father. I had fun over the weekend.】

How about your weekend? Write to me soon, OK?{myfathe初一作文}.

Best wishes


日记格式:3. A diary

Wednesday, June 10th

【In the morning, I cleaned my room, and then I washed my clothes. At about 7:00, I had breakfast. After that, I went to the movie with my friend Jim. It was an exciting action movie. In the afternoon, I went to the library. There were many people in it, but it was quiet. After supper, I watched sports shows on TV. Then I went to bed at about 9:30.】


4. How did I spend my vacation? I went swimming and played volleyball. It was really fun. At dinner, we had a delicious seafood (海鲜) at a restaurant. We also went to some stores. They were always crowded and the things were too expensive. We took lots of photos. Some of them were very beautiful. 作文类型二:介绍自己有关情况(考查概率75%)

1. A letter from Lily

Dear Kate,

Hi! I’m your new pen pal. from China. And now he is my neighbor. We like playing the guitar very much. We both want to be pop singers. Please write to me soon.



2. About me My favorite animals are tigers and pandas. And my favorite food is beef and tomato noodles. I am a student, and I want to be a doctor. I have many rules at home. I can’t go out at night and I have to get up at 6:00 am. I am reading a story-book now. it is fun.


1. In the park

’s very busy in the park. Look! What are Dave’s friends doing? Well, Dave, Jim and Kevin are playing soccer over there. Kate and Sally are dancing under a tree. Linda is playing the violin behind the tree. Near the tree, Julie is reading a book. Where are Tom and Ken? Oh, they’re swimming at a pool. They swim very well. Brad is listening to the music near the pool. He likes{myfathe初一作文}.

2. On the playground

Today is Friday. The weather is fine. Our school is having a sports meeting. It’s very exciting, and all the students are busy. Look! Peter is running. Amy is playing volleyball. Tom is playing ping-pong. They are trying their best to win. Lots of students around are cheering them. Some students are taking photos.



Mr. Smith’s family

company. He works very hard. Mrs. Smith is a worker. She works in a shop. She is friendly and works hard, too. Their son, David Smith is a middle school student. He is at No. 14 Middle School in Beijing, China. He studies hard. He likes making friends. He likes playing basketball. He is learning Chinese. He can speak a little Chinese. Joy Smith, a 6-year-old girl, is Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s daughter. She likes playing with toys. They all like China. They like Chinese food and the people, too.

I wish you a good summer vacation and a good result!

------------ Edited by Miss.Liu





我们赢得更多的光芒,玩家也达到我们的期望,一个进入三个2指针。坏,其他玩家抓住球,传到我们的目标,轰击球打篮,没有进入,但幸运的是队长刘元到达时间到了一个高的优势,得到球(他183cm)并迅速传到了。 2个玩家,到敌方篮子的一边,我盯着,不呼吸呼吸,必须进入,必须进入啊。好!我们的啦啦队欢呼,我看到了第二队一个漂亮的三步球,进了!


游戏还在继续。突然,我们有3 球队成员痛苦地蹲着盖住他的眼睛,球员们都跑了,裁判也冲过去问,原来是其他球员传球的肘击中他的眼睛。




在中场休息之后,游戏继续。得分慢慢平缓,我是 他们有点焦虑,我想,你必须稳定啊。幸运的是,他们进了几个球,摆脱了四个班。







当我走进电梯的那一刻,它有点惊讶,但只是在该地区。起初,他离开了我怎么打电话不接电话,后来直接关机,就像世界蒸发了一般,我不在乎太多,只是作为一个生活在她的一个过往的客人,现在我们有再见。回想起来后,我马上把改变带给她,并在当时表示感谢。她是一个困惑的样子。我认为她一定是一件好事,做得太多,所以她当时被澄清了 案件。几秒钟后,他突然意识到,钱还给我,他的嘴说,不,已经这么久,我不记得了,你还是什么钱。再次甩动后,她脱下。当时,我没有想太多,只是从心里,她是一个好的好人。 然而,近年来我们的关系越来越好,这种良好的感觉也让我感觉更加激烈。



艾米这样的朋友真的让我爱和恨,她的善良深深地感动了我,在一起近两年,我真的学到了 许多。虽然我不知道我的生活有多少次是为了满足这样一个好朋友,但是遇到了,我会珍惜这个命运。

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