励志语录 点击: 2013-10-10
不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过往,如此,安好。by 丰子恺
放弃手中权力的最常见的方式就是以为自己没有权力。by Alice Walker
二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。by 莎士比亚
时间才不管谁跑得多快多慢呢。by 刘亮程
我爱你,但我更爱说谎。by 飛TNND機
一个人拥有此生此世是不够的,他还应该拥有诗意的世界。by 王小波
这个环里,没有入口没有出口,只有喜怒哀乐循环往复。by 何禾
如何让一滴水永不干涸,答案是让它流入大海。by 释迦摩尼
在那做梦的人的梦中,被梦见的人醒了。by 博尔赫斯
该记得的不会忘记,会忘记的应该就是不重要的东西。by 吴念真
朋友知道我心中的歌,在我忘记时唱给我听。by 多娜•罗伯茨
爱是这么短,遗忘是这么长。by 巴勃鲁•聂鲁达
每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。by 尼采
对于苹果来说,被大口吃掉才是最重要的。by 郭小寒
逻辑会把你从A带到B,想象力能带你去任何地方。by 爱因斯坦
回首往事,不过是虚惊一场。by 李樯
时空日日过,何曾停留过,猛回头,时光难再回。by 麒麟法师
每个人都在自己的生命中,孤独地过冬。by 刘亮程
世界上最容易的事,就是和别人失去联系。by 张彤禾
应该像一只鸟儿那样轻,而不是像一根羽毛。by 保尔•瓦莱里
你没有如期归来,而这正是离别的意义。by 北岛
在这一小段时空里,我们交付了彼此的孤独,又用信任填补了它。by 帕蒂•史密斯 很多事不用问值不值得,只用问,它对你来说,是不是有如珍宝。by 柴静
旅行的一大益处是:客中种种辛苦不便,叫人回家觉得平时住厌了的家挺好。by 思果 世上只有一件事比被人议论更糟糕,那就是没有人议论你。by 王尔德
每个只记住仇恨的人,过得都不快乐。by 张晶
做一个世界的水手,游遍每一个港口。by 沃尔特•惠特曼
不能忍受无聊的一代人,将是平庸的一代人。by 罗素
旅行是为了迷路,迷路是为了遇上美好。by 马家辉
只在尘世上走了一遭,我们既不能和前世相比,也无法对来世加以完善。by 米兰•昆德拉 人一切的痛苦,本质上都是对自己的无能的愤怒。by 王小波
从前的日色变得慢。车,马,邮件都慢。一生只够爱一个人。by 木心
等到达彼岸,至少我们知道曾并肩走过。by 加思•斯坦
在我小时候,我极力装得像个大人,当我已经不再是小孩的时候,我又希望像个孩子。by 列夫•托尔斯泰
青春是一个短暂的美梦,当你醒来时,它早已消失无踪。by 莎士比亚
我一直以为人是慢慢变老的。其实不是,人是一瞬间变老的。by 村上春树
我们都生活在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空。by 王尔德
时间从来不回答,生命从来不喧哗。by 吴青峰
每一段无法继续的爱情,都有负责保存它的人,才能让另一个人安心往前。by 九把刀 最近几年的经历教会我一个道理,那就是,只要你努力,世界上没有什么事搞不砸的。by 尼克•霍恩比
在薄情的世界里深情地活着,胜之不武。by 曾奇峰
人的自由并不仅仅在于做他愿意做的事,而在于永远不做他不愿意做的事。by 卢梭 只有不快乐的人才想知道未来。by 凯特•莫顿
人生如路,须在荒凉中走出繁华的风景来。by 七堇年
如果世界上曾经有那个人出现过,其他人都会变成将就。by 顾漫
我们都是戏子,在别人的故事里,流着自己的眼泪。by 席慕容
愿你被很多人爱,如果没有,愿你在寂寞中学会宽容。by 刘瑜
我们曾经互相拥抱,认为能忘记世界的荒芜。by 安妮宝贝
青春就是不停地告别,告别就是死亡一点点。by 赵西栋
寂寞,多半是假寂寞。by 木心
说出来会被嘲笑的梦想,才有实现的价值。by 九把刀
这辈子决定你悲欢的就是你身边的几个人。by 柴静
我的妻子很不成熟。当我在浴缸里洗澡的时候,她会走进来弄沉我的船。by 伍迪•艾伦 如果你不能应付我最差的一面,那么你也不值得拥有我最好的一面。by 玛丽莲•梦露
你学过的每一样东西,你遭受的每一次苦难,都会在你一生中某个时候派上用场。by 菲茨杰拉德
如果不想浪费光阴的话,要么静下心来读点书,要么去赚点钱。by 熊培云
我同情所有不想上床睡觉的人,同情所有夜里要有亮光的人。by 海明威
我经常卖萌,可是从没人买。by 李瑶瑶
比活着更可怕的是成熟,它用成功学这剂甜蜜的毒药让社会的大多数安静地腐烂。by 内陆飞鱼
我们若声称喜欢与孤独为伴,是为关照骄傲和自私的本性。by 「一个」读者丁书奇 人常犯的错,就是花费时间去在乎不怎么在乎你的人。by 吴青峰
我想,恋爱的最佳年龄大概在十六岁到二十一岁之间。by 村上春树
挫折,是老天在帮你规划更长远的东西,只是现在还不能告诉你。by 周杰伦
大学就像养老院,而且事实上,更多人死在了大学里。by 鲍勃•迪伦
当你爱一个人的时候你就应该说出来。生命只是时间中的一个停顿,一切的意义都只在它发生的那一时刻。不要等。by 珍妮特•温特森
世上有两样东西不可直视,一是太阳,二是人心。by 东野圭吾
青涩的岁月常常是一生人最缅念的岁月。by 董桥
不管世界变得怎样,只要能和你在一起,哪怕是悲伤也会闪闪发亮。by 江国香织 那些沉默的人,往往藏着特别大的梦。by 李宇春
这世界不只有眼前的苟且,还有诗与远方。by 高晓松
我不想谋生,我想生活。by 奥斯卡•王尔德
如果忘了,就不重要。by 张大春
钻牛角尖的过程是琐碎无趣的,但钻出头就是一个新世界了。by 马良
人间最大的不快乐无非源于两件事,一是受限,二是变迁。by「一个」读者小武 浪荡天涯的孩子,忽晴忽雨的江湖,祝你有梦为马,永远随处可栖。by 大冰
回顾我有生以来的岁月,发现还是孤独的时间最多。我对世界呼喊了那么久,才知道自己的声带有问题,喊声的频率不对,没有人能听到。人生不就是如此吗?by 和菜头
25岁的我,也许什么也没有,但命运就在我手中。by 马克•塞雷纳
有时候,一个人的业余活动也许比他的职业还更重要。by 胡适{one一个语录}.
我想在大地上画满窗子,让所有习惯黑暗的眼睛都习惯光明。by 顾城
童年就是让你能够忍受暮年的那股力量。by 阿多尼斯
多余的财富只能购买多余的东西,人的灵魂必需的东西,是不需要花钱买的。by 亨利•戴维•梭罗
时间是亳不留情的,它真使人在自己制造的镜子里照见自己的真相。by 季羡林
没有深夜痛哭过的人,不足以谈人生。by 高秉涵
我们能做的,仅仅是在这条路上走得更远,绝不能回头。天堂未必在前方,但地狱一定在身后。by 程浩
我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。by 佚名
所谓父女母子一场,只不过意味着,你和他的缘分就是今生今世不断地在目送他的背影渐行渐远。by 龙应台
我们遗憾的并不是错过了最好的人,而是遇到再好的人,却已经把最好的自己用完了。by 张晓晗
我没有时间讨厌你。by 可可•香奈儿
真的,单单你的名字就够我爱一世了。by 王小波
这个世界上唯有两样东西能让我们的心灵感到深深的震撼:一是我们头顶上灿烂的星云,二是我们心中崇高的道德法则。by 康德
长的是磨难,短的是人生。by 张爱玲
再如何对你细述心事呢,你就是心事。by 叶三
爱得不够,才借口多多。by 亦舒
人一生会遇到约2920万人,两个人相爱的概率是0.000049,所以你不爱我,我不怪你。by 佚名
把心事留在那堆喝空的酒瓶子里,然后,生活将继续,将异乡当作故乡,将流放当作远航。by 老六
没有足够的勇气去冒险的人,人生将一事无成。by 拳王阿里
我们周年纪念只是为了提醒大家,又一年了,别拖延了。by 韩寒
等一个不爱你的人,就像在机场等一艘船。by 佚名
我常常思考为何鸟儿拥有整片天空,却老是停留在一个地方。然后我问了自己同样的问题。by Harun Yahya
真实的世界使我感兴趣,因为它是可塑的。by 纪德
旅行是消除无知和仇恨的最好方法。by 马克•吐温
我们要不就让自己悲伤,要不就让自己强大,其所需要的工作量是一样的。by 卡洛斯•卡斯塔尼达
什么叫多余?夏天的棉袄,冬天的蒲扇,还有等我已经心冷后你的殷勤。by 李碧华 白色的野鹤啊,请将飞的本领借我一用。by 仓央嘉措
年华似水匆匆一瞥,多少岁月轻描淡写。by 黄磊
你一直希望自己勇敢而真实,那么现在做个深呼吸,用猛烈的孤独,开始你伟大的历险。by 莱昂纳德•科恩
我们别无选择,只能从这个流感盛行的世界出发。by 宫崎骏{one一个语录}.
哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望罢了。 by 村上春树
世界以痛吻我,要我报之以歌。by 泰戈尔
今天将要结束,明天也将结束,难以结束的是昨天。by 安东尼奥•波契亚
每一个黄昏,都有我爱你的影子。by jaycee
我什么也没忘,但有些事只适合收藏。by 史铁生
通常百年也难出一个伽利略或爱因斯坦,凡夫俗子最好安分点,别老想吃天鹅肉。by 阿瑟•克拉克
若非心里有人,怎会暗里有光。by Sandy King
天真的人们能够爱——这就是他们的秘密。by 赫尔曼•黑塞
明白在情爱的范畴中是决无韬略可施的,为王,为奴,都是虚空,都是捕风。by 木心 “大丈夫何患无妻。”by「一个」工作室
记得是最好的原谅,原谅是最美的遗忘。by 迟遇
生活总会给你答案,但不会马上把一切都告诉你。by 马德
故事的主人走了,不过,故事还在。by yuqingtk
所谓孤独,就是你面对的那个人,他的情绪和你自己的情绪不在同一个频率。 by 理查德•耶茨
等待的姿势里,人们模样各不相同。而我倒情愿你能带着笑坐在长椅上,剥一颗橘子,哼一段曲,不必忧虑,不必前后张望。因为你知道,等的那列火车一定会来,纵使满身尘嚣,纵使山高水长。by 段劈柴
大部份的痛苦,都是不肯离场的结果,没有命定的不幸,只有死不放手的执着。 by 素黑 别轻蔑少年时期感动过的东西。by 黄永玉
在地图上,标记你到过的地方,勾画你途径的路线,看你我究竟相隔多少河流山川,多少湖泊海洋,多少草原沙漠。最后计算距离时才恍悟,也不过心上一步之遥。by -我是这海底的咸鱼-
我们领教了世界是何等凶顽,同时又得知世界也可以变得温存和美好。 by 村上春树
我越是逃离,却越是靠近你,我越是背过脸,却越是看见你。我是一座孤岛,处在相思之水中,四面八方,隔绝我通向你。一千零一面镜子,转映着你的容颜,我从你开始,我在你结束。 by 埃姆朗•萨罗希
春天还没有来,我怎么能先你老去。by 剃度尘欢
我还年轻,我渴望上路。from 杰克•凯鲁亚克《在路上》
你从远方来,我到远方去,遥远的路程经过这里。天空一无所有,为何给我安慰?from 海子《黑夜的献诗》
相呴以湿,相濡以沫,不若相忘于江湖。from 《庄子》
你知道雪为什么是白色的吗?因为它忘记了自己曾经的颜色。from《叛逆的鲁鲁修》 口是心非的人,总是在夜里翻来覆去的。from 《电车计划》
在那些夜晚,照亮我们黑暗的心,究竟是什么。from 万能青年旅店《秦皇岛》
世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇中有那么多的酒馆,她却偏偏走进了我的。from《卡萨布兰卡》 希望是件好东西,也许是世上最好的东西。好东西从来不会流逝。from 《肖申克的救赎》 在所有人事已非的景色里,我最喜欢你。from 张悬《喜欢》
有些人能清楚地听到自己内心深处的声音,并以此行事。这些人要么变成了疯子,要么成为传奇。from 《燃情岁月》
有天变成了被对抗的大人,也别忘记今晚。from 1976乐团《撒野俱乐部》
这个世界上肯定有另一个我,做着我不敢做的事,过着我想过的生活。from《蓝,另一种蓝》 “总有一天,我会停留在某地,回想起那年,尚且青春,三月桃花,两人一马,浪迹天涯。” from 猫力molly《猫力乱步》
所谓的世间,不就是你吗?from 太宰治《人间失格》
太阳出来,为了生活出去,太阳落了,为了爱情回去。from 周云蓬《鱼相忘于江湖》 如果爱必须用言语表达,那么哑巴如何相爱?from 《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》
你永远也不晓得自己有多喜欢一个人,除非你看见他和别的人在一起。from《天使爱美丽》 我拥有的都是侥幸,失去的都是人生。from 张悬《关于我爱你》
我一直觉得,自己同时在两个地方,即在这里,又在那里。from 《维罗妮卡的双重生命》 我经常有种奇特的感觉,我觉得自己仿佛是一个躺在床上垂死的老妇人,而我的一生就是她的回忆。from《爱在黎明破晓前》
爱是想触碰又收回手。from 塞林格《破碎故事之心》
你不能把这个世界,让给你所鄙视的人。from 安•兰德《源泉》
你会等我的。因为,我让自己等了你很久。from 《去年在马里昂巴德》
活着就意味必须要做点什么,请好好努力。from 村上春树《地下》
人如果总逃避的话,眼神会先于生命失去光彩的。from 《尽管如此,也要活下去》
每天呆在这里,会把这里当成是全世界,不再追寻,不再拥有。你得离开一阵子。from 《天堂电影院》
萍水相逢的滋味很难受,我们成了好朋友,却不可避免要永远分手。from 《中央车站》 你相信么,在这样一个世界里,你用脑子想过的事情,你总是以为你已经做过了。from 《1988我想和这个世界谈谈》
Season 1 EP01 There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.
Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose the ventures. 人生的旅程总会有高潮,随着升涨的潮水,带领我们通向成功.
而我们必须把握住潮涨的时刻,否则眼前的幸运将随波远离. EP02 Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.
EP03 To be nobody but yourself,
in a world which is doing its best, day and night, to make you everybody else… means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight… and never stop fighting.
做回你自己,而不是任何人, 在这个竭尽全力、夜以继日
永无休止. EP05 It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure on the world.
因为我们的死亡对世界而言绝不是福音. EP06 As happens sometimes a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped, for much, much more than a moment. And then the moment was gone.
然而瞬间终究会消逝. EP09 What a frightening thing is the human,
a mass of gauges and dials and registers, and we can read only a few and those perhaps not accurately. 人是一种多么可怕的动物,
而在这之间还夹杂着多少误会. EP11 And the little prince said to the man, Grownups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always explaining things to them. 小王子告诉那个人,
而对孩子来说不停的解释是很烦的件事. EP22 Some people believe that ravens guide travelers to their destinations. Others believe that the sight of a solitary raven is considered good luck. While more than one ravens together, predicts trouble ahead. 有人相信乌鸦能为旅者指明方向.
Module One Unit 2重点词组和句子{one一个语录}.
Module One Unit 2重点词组和句子
1. turn up 出现;调大
2.a waste of 一种......的浪费 4.a day earlier than expected 比预料的要早一天 6. run after 追赶 8. do with… 处理;对待 deal with…
10. on the floor在地上 3. force sb. to do 强迫某人做某事 5. can't wait to do 等不及 7. be supposed to do 应该 9. be a mess/ in a mess 一团混乱
11. in the sink 在水槽里 12. in the corner 在角落里
13. leave sb. in charge 留给某人负责 14. make good decisions 做好的决定
15. run into… 跑进… 16. go out (灯)熄灭
17. have one’s arm crossed 双臂交叉抱在胸前
18.give sb a chance to do sth 给某人一个机会做某事
19.have an emergency 发生突发事件 20.not…any more 不再
21. deserve to do sth 值得做某事 22. (sb.) spend time (in) doing sth/ on sth.花时间做…
23. have no time to do sth.没有时间做某事 24.instead of 代替;而不是
25. shout at 朝......喊叫 26.be hard on sb 对某人苛刻be strict with sb be strict in sth
27. now that 既然 28.be rude to sb 对......粗鲁
29. feel like doing sth 想要做… 30. be different from… 与…不同 differ in…在…方面不同
31. in the form of… 以…的形式 32. different styles of speech 不同的语言风格
33. think of …as… 把…认为是… 34. be angry with sb生某人的气
35. shut the door 关门 close the door 36. defend yourself 为自己辩护
37. 度假 on vacation 38. argue about sth with sb 和某人争论某事
39. neither of them 他们两个都不 40. be used in spoken English 被使用在英语口语中
41. know little about…对…了解得少 42. talk about… 谈论
43. just now 刚才 44. solve the problem 解决问题
45.get a lot of fun 得到许多快乐 46. search the house 搜查房子
47. go to the cinema with sb 和某人一起去看电影 48. stay at home 呆在家里
50. keep …in mind记住… 49. ask for advice征求意见 ask for help 寻求帮助 take one's advice /follow one's advice 接受/采纳某人建议 give advice 提建议
51. show sympathy to sb 对某人表示同情 52. on the school football team 在学校足球队
53. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人去做… 54. buy sb sth 给某人买某物buy sth for sb
55. wait for the bus 等公共汽车 56. a little bit expensive 一点儿贵
57. be proud of…以而自豪 58. get good marks at school在学校获得好成绩
59. stay up very late 熬夜得非常晚 60. be nervous about 感到紧张
61. fail the maths test学考试不及格 62. for nothing枉然 免费
63. mix up 混淆 mix up…with…把…和…混合在一起 64. after all 毕竟
65. in fact 事实上 66. at the moment/ at present目前
67. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 68. as though/ as if好像,似乎
69.not …at all 一点都不 70. insist on (doing) sth 坚持(做)某事
71. waste one’s time doing sth 浪费时间做… 72. in the Internet Café 在网吧
73. either…or… 或者…或者… 要么…要么… neither…nor…既不…也不…
74. prevent sb (from) doing sth 阻止做某事
stop sb (from) doing sth keep sb from doing sth
forbid sb from doing sth /forbid sb. to do sth.阻止某人做某事
75. keep doing sth 不断的做…
76. allow sb. to do sth 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth /allow sb. sth.
77. so far 到目前为止 78. find fault with…挑毛病
79. in reply to one’s letter 作为回某人的信 80. depend upon… /depend on…根据 依据 依靠 依赖
81. keep up with… 赶上 跟上 82. be prepared to do sth 准备好做什么
83. give up 放弃 84. a little bit of patience 一点儿耐心
85. get along with…和某人相处 86. play the piano弹钢琴
87. make sb do sth 使某人做某事have sb do sth/ let sb do sth/ get sb to do sth
88. do housework 做家务事 89. spare time空余时间 90. get annoyed 恼火 生气
91. every time 每次 92. send sb. to bed 让某人去睡觉
93. chat with sb 和某人聊天 94. 感到孤独 feel lonely be alone 单独一人 独自
95. go through 经历 96. day by day一天天,每天(强调事物的变化)
97. out of control 失去控制 98. 现在 立刻 right now
99. along with… 和…一起;除了…之外 100. be thought of as… 被认为是…
101. grow to adults 长成大人 102. become confused with sth 对…感到困惑 103. tend to … 往往 趋向… 104. in this regard 在这方面 在这点上 105. make good choices 做好的选择 106. at the same time 同时
107. have difficulty (in) doing sth 做什么有困难 108. fit in society 适应社会 109. in the end最后 110. turn out 结果
111. be traded for… 用作交换 112. on the wal l of the classroom在教室的墙上 113. be surprised by… 对…感到惊讶 114. sth. happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上 115. pull one's leg 开某人玩笑 116. explain sth to sb 向某人解释某事explain to sb. sth. 117. get sth done /have sth done 使得某事被做 118. all the time一直.总
119. make a difference 有影响 120. be busy with sth/ be busy doing sth. 忙于(做)某事 121. choose…from 从…中选择 122. even if 即使
123. mean to 打算做
125. score a goal 进球得分 126. leave out 遗漏
127. tidy up/ clean up 清理 128. Shame on you! 为你感到丢脸
129. have a talk with sb 和某人谈话 130. feel distant 感觉疏远
(调大)your music so loud? 你是不是非得把音乐放这么大声?
2.I 我.
3. Eric埃里克,跟着一条大狗,走路慢吞吞的.
(本应该)come home until tomorrow. 才到家的呀!
5. The money for dog food 买狗食的钱不见了.
124. run out of 用完
6. What did you 处理)the cash we left? 你们用我们留下的钱做什么了?
7. The room is . 起居室里一片狼藉.
8. 角落里有垃圾桶,在其周围还有垃圾和废纸。
9. We 我们。 an adult. 大人一样。 我们以为你是成年人了,是一个会做出正确决定的人。 抱着胳膊)and looks upset. 丹尼尔双臂抱在胸前,看起来很不高兴。
12. They never even defend myself. 他们甚至从来不给我辩解的机会。
13. They don’
14. Why didn’t they ask me what happened 他们为什么不问问我到底发生了什么事就对我大喊大叫呢?
’t respect us. 既然他对我们那么粗鲁无礼,那我觉得我们有必要教训他,要不然他不会尊重我们的。
’t love us at all.有时候他的举动好像一点都不爱我们。
18. 现在,为了阻止因为争论令他的妈妈难过,我允许他有自由。
19.He and my mother always make me do things I don’t like,像,比如) playing the piano and doing housework.我妈妈和他总是让我做我不喜欢的事,例如:弹钢琴和做家务事。
20. He evenmy friends in the Internet cafe. 他甚至禁止我同朋友去网吧聊天 no one understands them and the changes they are
22. , everything seems different.
23. It is common for teenagers to .
24. These feelings cangrowing pains—the difficulties that teenagers face as they grow to adults. 这样的感觉可--是青少年成长过程中所面临的问题。
26. Boys and girls be different 女孩和男孩
27., as teenagers get older, they 在大千社会中,随着青少年的长大,他们努力地自力更生。
28., girls often want someone –anyone—to talk to, as they try to deal with their strong feelings. 与此同时,女孩往往需要有人来倾诉来缓解他们强烈的情感。
29. Since teenagers, they often question who they are and how they 因为青少年, 他们常常质疑自己是谁和怎样融入社会。
30. The good news is that do not last. 好在久。
31. OK—the teenager becomes a healthy adult, and this period of change and challenge 好起来,青少年成长为健康的成年人,而其成长中的变化和挑战则转变为成人生活中的变化和挑战。
模块三Unit One 重点句子背诵
模块三Unit One 重点句子背诵
1、有时,感觉互相影响 2、如果你吃东西时捏住鼻子,你的味觉就不如不捏住鼻子的时候好3、听觉有问题的人可以利用手势语互相了解
4、你听说过有人即使失去了某些感觉也取得伟大的成就吗? 5、她想知道这个时候公共汽车是否照常运行 6、一到街上,波莉就急匆匆向往常乘车的车站走去 7、真实情况是雾太大,公共汽车开不那么远 8、当其他乘客陆续下车时,波莉扫视了周围的面孔
9、地球的三分之一由陆地覆盖,其余都由水覆盖 10、外面,就像一片浓密地灰云笼罩着,11、突然,波莉觉得有一只粗糙的手拂了一下她的脸 12、她能感觉到因害怕心脏在跳动 13、片刻前她还在盼望有人过来 14、过了几秒钟,一只手伸了过来,碰了碰她的胳膊
15、波莉发现自己身旁一个男人把手靠在她的胳膊上站着,她抬头凝视着他。 16、你知道像这样糟糕的雾是非常罕见的
17、在她爸爸去世时,她才两岁 18、我一度因为害怕吓呆了 19、请通过报纸与我联系,以便我能亲自感谢他
20、让所有需要家的人住上房子是困难的 21、穷人因为无力承担这一价格上涨,经常不得不挨饿 22、中午前很有可能是阴天多云
23、我们都认为那场雾最终消散是一个好消息 24、售票员已经说得很清楚没有公共汽车 25、最近,新的研究表明,令人愉快的气味有可能减少痛苦 26、科学家们对这样问题很感兴趣:嗅觉是否与痛苦有关 27、科学家将再对60名自愿者试验,那样能更好地解释这一结果 28、一种解释是女人的嗅觉早年就得以发展,它与辨别婴儿的气味有联系 29、为什么令人愉快的气味不会减少男人的痛苦仍然是一个科学家们有待解决的问题 30、他伸手去拿那把刀 31、他伸出手拿词典 32、你认为他们能够帮助我们吗?
33、我们都被他的恐怖故事吓呆了 34、他多么希望有机会出国啊! 35、他们遇到天气再好没有了 36、他很想要一杯凉水
37、约翰和我要去打网球,你们其余的人要做什么呢? 38、他的脸色变白表明他害怕 39、他建议马上召开一个会议
40、问题在于薄雾可能变为浓雾 41、除了说我不能找到回家的路外,我没有告诉他任何事情 42、知足尝乐{one一个语录}.
1. Sometimes senses __________ ______ another.
2. If you ________ your nose when you eat, your sense of taste will not ________ as well.
3. People _______ hearing problems can understand each other ________ sign language.
4. Do you know of any people who have ______ great achievements even if they have ____one of their senses?
5. She wondered ______the buses would still _____ _________.
6. ________ out in the street, she walked quickly towards her _________ bus stop.
7. The _________ is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run ________ far.
8. While the _______ of the passengers _______ getting out, she _________ at the faces around her.
9* One third of the earth’s surface is covered this land, the rest of it ______ covered with water.
10. Outside, the fog ______ like a thick, grey cloud. 11. Suddenly Polly felt a _______ hand _______ her face.
12. She could feel her heart __________ _______ fear.
13. A minute __________, she ______ wished ______ someone to come along.
14. A few __________ later, a hand ________ _______ and touched her arm.
15. Polly found herself __________ up _____ a man standing with his hand _________ on her arm.
16. You see, a fog ______ bad is ______. 17* By the time her father ____ ______, she was only two years old.
18. I was frozen ______ fear ______ a moment.
19. Please ___________ me _________ the newspaper so I can thank him personally.
20. It’s difficult to __________ all the people who need homes.
21. Poor people often have to ____ ___________ because they cannot afford the __________.
22. …_______ a fair _________ of cloudy weather ______________ before midnight.
23. We all thought _____ good news ________ the fog had fanally gone.
24. The conductor has made ____ _________ that no buses will be running.
25. The possibility ______ pleasant smells might reduce pain has recently been ___________ by new research.
26. Scientist are interested in ___________ the sense of smell is __________ ____ pain.
27. Scientists will test ____________ 60 volunteers and will be ___ a better __________ to explain the results.
28. One explanation is _______ women’s sense of smell developed long ago, and is ________ ___ recognizing the smell of babies.
29. Why pleasant smell do not reduce pain in men is a question still ____ _____ __________ by scientists. 30* He ___________ out his hand _____ the knife, but it was too far away.
31* He reached out _______ the dictionary. 32* Do you think they are ___ ___ ____________ to help us? 33* All of us were __________ ______ his terrible stories. 34* How he _________ _____an opportunity to go abroad! 35* The weather was everything they could _______ ______.
36* 区别:He would like a glass of cold water. How he wished for a glass of cold water.
37* John and I are going to play tennis; what _____ the _______ of you going to do?
38* The white look on his face suggests that he ____ frightened. 39* He suggested that a meeting ___ __________ at once. 40* The problem lies ____ ________ the mist may become a thick fog.
41* I didn’t tell him anything __________ _______ I wasn’t able to find my way back.
42* Happiness ______ _____ contentment.
模块三Unit One 重点句子背诵
1. Sometimes senses affect one another.
2. If you hold your nose when you eat, your sense of taste will not work as well.
3. People with hearing problems can understand each other using sign language.
4. Do you know of any people who have made great achievements even if they have lost one of their senses?
5. She wondered if the buses would still be running.
6. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.
7. The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.
8. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her.
9* One third of the earth’s surface is covered this land, the rest of it is covered with water.
10. Outside, the fog lay like a thick, grey cloud.
11. Suddenly Polly felt a rough hand brush her face.
12. She could feel her heart beating with fear.
13. A minute before, she had wished for someone to come along.
14. A few seconds later, a hand reached out and touched her arm.
15. Polly found herself staring up at a man standing with his hand resting on her arm.
16. You see, a fog this bad is rare.
17* By the time her father was gone, she was only two years old.
18. I was frozen with fear for a moment.
19. Please contact me through the newspaper so I can thank him personally.
20. It’s difficult to house all the people who need homes.
21. Poor people often have to go hungry because they cannot afford the increase.
22. …with a fair chance of cloudy weather developing before midnight.
23. We all thought it good news that the fog had fanally gone.
24. The conductor has made it clear that no buses will be running.
25. The possibility that pleasant smells might reduce pain has recently been suggested by new research.
26. Scientist are interested in whether the sense of smell is related to pain.
27. Scientists will test another 60 volunteers and will be in a better position to explain the results.
28. One explanation is that women’s sense of smell developed long ago, and is linked to recognizing the smell of babies.
29. Why pleasant smell do not reduce pain in men is a question still to be answered by scientists.
30* He reached out his hand for the knife, but it was too far away.
31* He reached out for the dictionary.
32* Do you think they are in a position to help us?
33* All of us were frozen with his terrible stories.
34* How he wished for an opportunity to go abroad!
35* The weather was everything they could wish for.
36* 区别:He would like a glass of cold water. How he wished for a glass of cold water.
37* John and I are going to play tennis; what are the rest of you going to do?
38* The white look on his face suggests that he is frightened.
39* He suggested that a meeting be held at once.
40* The problem lies in that the mist may become a thick fog.
41* I didn’t tell him anything except that I wasn’t able to find my way back.
42* Happiness lies in contentment.
43. Whether it is going to clear up keeps me wondering.
44. Many people wonder if our senses have anything to do with our overall health.
45. Scientists say that making the most of our senses when we are young can keep us healthy later in life.
46. He adds that although our sense of sight is over used, our sense of touch and smell have been ignored.
47. While having dinner, listen to some enjoyable music rather than watch TV.
48. I still felt that my feet were cold and that my hands ached.
49. I made my way alowly back to the research camp.
50. I couldn’t wondering whether or not I could get to my destination.
51. I was getting close to the camp.
52. I shouted to find out whether there was anyone there.
53. I lost sight of the camp.
54. I was sweating with fear.
55. All of a sudden, I heard a loud noise ring out through the cold air.
56. I felt that my shoulder was being held firmly by a hand.
57. The fact was that now I was frozen by fear, not by cold.
58. The exposition comes at the beginning of the story and introduces the setting and the main characters.
59. In the distance I could see thunder and lightning coming.
60. As we set sail for our destination, Captain Lee and I stood at the front of the ship and looked out.
61. The ship sank but we managed to get on a lifeboat.
62. We were very lucky because many ships had gone missing.
63. Prepare a story with a surprise ending.
64* Will you please prepare me with some warm water? I want to have a shower.
65. We use adjectives to express physical and other qualities, our feelings and views.
66. I