管理学 点击: 2013-08-21
(Successful Harvard Applicant )
Surrounded by thousands of stars, complete silence, and spectacular mountains, I stood atop New Hampshire's Presidential Range awestruck by nature's beauty. Immediately, I realized that I must dedicate my life to understanding the causes of the universe's beauty. In addition, the hike taught me several valuable lessons that will allow me to increase my understanding through scientific research.
Although the first few miles of the hike up Mt. Madison did not offer fantastic views, the vistas became spectacular once I climbed above tree line. Immediately, I sensed that understanding the natural world parallels climbing a mountain. To reach my goal of total comprehension of natural phenomena, I realized that I must begin with knowledge that may be uninteresting by itself. However, this knowledge will form the foundation of an accurate view of the universe. Much like every step while hiking leads the hiker nearer the mountain peak, all knowledge leads the scientist nearer total understanding.
Above tree line, the barrenness and silence of the hike taught me that individuals must have their own direction. All hikers know that they must carry complete maps to reach their destinations; they do not allow others to hold their maps for them. Similarly, surrounded only by mountaintops, sky, and silence, I recognized the need to remain individually focused on my life's goal of understanding the physical universe.
At the summit, the view of the surrounding mountain range is spectacular. The panorama offers a view of hills and smaller mountains. Some people during their lives climb many small hills. However, to have the most accurate view of the world, I must be dedicated to climbing the biggest mountains I can find. Too often people simply hike across a flat valley without ascending because they content themselves with the scenery. The mountain showed me that I cannot content myself with the scenery.
When night fell upon the summit, I stared at the slowly appearing stars until they completely filled the night sky. Despite the windy conditions and below freezing temperatures, I could not tear myself away from the awe-inspiring beauty of the cosmos. Similarly, despite the frustration and difficulties inherent in scientific study, I cannot retreat from my goal of
universal understanding.
When observing Saturn's rising, the Milky Way Cloud, and the Perseid meteor shower, I simultaneously felt a great sense of insignificance and purpose. Obviously, earthly concerns are insignificant to the rest of the universe. However, I experienced the overriding need to understand the origins and causes of these phenomena. The hike also strengthened my resolve to climb the mountain of knowledge while still taking time to gaze at the wondrous scenery. Only then can the beauty of the universe and the study of science be purposefully united. Attaining this union is my lifelong goal.
(Business School Applicant)
2 Subject: Succesful NYU Stern Applicant
I like options, I like security, and I like power. With these wants, I knew at a very early age that I would enter business and thus I attended a college that specializes in the subject. In my first position out of school, I was hired by Dunhill Equities as a cold-caller. After several weeks of being hung up on by angry prospects, I decided that this career path would not lead me to success. I then moved within the firm to a position as sales assistant. While this was by no means my dream job, I learned a tremendous amount about business, and I gained useful exposure to the world of finance. Unfortunately, the company hit a period of instability, and after ten months I transferred with my boss to Coleman & Company. Thirteen months later, that company also began to fail, and I began to search for another path to advancement. With two strikes against me, I hit a home run and was hired by Sanford Bernstein into a challenging job with limitless opportunity for growth.
After almost three years at Bernstein, I am once again seeking career
advancement. My education and work experience have provided me with an excellent introduction to business, and they have sparked my interest in finance. Taking into consideration my foundation and my interests, graduate business school is the next logical step. At this point in my life, I consider a Stern MBA to be necessary since I need to gain a broader understanding of finance and to sharpen my analytical skills in order to be successful in corporate finance. Stern’s MBA program will allow me to concentrate in finance, strengthen my global business perspective, and provide me with the opportunity to study with and learn from people with varied backgrounds. The school’s location in the financial capital of the world and in one of the most diverse cities in the world also suits me perfectly.
Aside from advancing my career, I would also like to develop personally. In college I did not join many clubs or organizations, and I did not participate in sports. Instead, I spent all my time studying, working, or dealing with family issues. Having been away from home and living in New York City for four years, I feel the need to make a name for myself and to develop a meaningful social life. I want to take advantage of the many benefits that extracurricular activities offer, and I want to be involved in the Stern community.
发布时间:2011.06.22 新闻来源:
很多人问过,有没有申请短文的模板。假如你想得到一篇好的文章,就一定要学生写出自己的Admission Essay。写好后,可以由高手一起共同研究,琢磨如何修改。但一定不要全部让他人代劳。看看这位同学是如何写的吧。
温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。如果您有写作方面的需求可以 联系QQ:970865017,按时交稿,绝不拖延,再也不用发愁。
My aim is creation. I love the idea of giving life to nothingness. Were I another person in another time, I might spend my whole life tilling the land. Just like the earliest farmers, the sight of dirt giving rise to carrots and tomatoes at my whim feels like a miracle. I like to randomly burst out in song. I like to shake my body. If I could I would be a pianist and a poet and a painter and a politician. Unfortunately, in all these
disciplines my ability can't meet my enthusiasm. Where I can create,
and break tired codes, is in the kitchen. With unlimited time and
resources I would become the best pastry baker and the finest chef in all of the eastern seaboard.
I really like food. On some drab school days I cheer myself up
thinking of the dinner awaiting me in the evening. Often I do a 24-hour fast to ready my stomach for a huge meal. Now, being served this food is fine. It's usually restful and rewarding to sit down after a long day to someone else's careful work, whether they be parents, grandmothers, or Little Caesar. But I've noticed a dull glaze in the eyes of those who cook every night. They're doing it not to forge the uncreated
conscience of their race, as a hungry James Joyce might say, but out of sometimes love and sometimes duty. I know cooks whose "old standbys" wow me every time, but they haven't any pleasure in their labors. Care and duty are NOT why I want to explore food.
I love the whole culinary process, from seedling to grocery to
refrigerator to oven to table. At each stage the elements grow more complex and my work far more deliberate. Peeling and coring an apple takes more intellection than planting a row of seeds. Yet I think I shine where order fades away: beyond rules and recipes, in that zone called It's Up To You. I decided to throw in a cup of yogurt instead of butter to my pound cake. No one told me that lentils, carrots, and a bay leaf would make a great salad. I just felt them together. And there was a
unanimous vote -- me -- to add cumin and coriander to the spaghetti sauce. Sizzle. Bubble. The creation is imminent.
Someone like me needs to stand over that stove. I need to see the joy in my eaters' eyes when they say, "This is really good! How'd you do this?" Their *** joys are my creative release -- the critical acceptance of newness. In
life and in the kitchen, I want to be the best in my field.
很多人问过,有没有申请短文的模板。如果你想得到一篇好的文章,就一定要学生写出自己的Admission Essay。写好后,可以由高手一起共同研究,琢磨如何修改。但一定不要全部让他人代劳。看看这位同学是如何写的吧。 申请哈佛大学成功的Essay范文{essay范文,essay范文留学申请}.
My aim is creation. I love the idea of giving life to nothingness. Were I another person in another time, I might spend my whole life tilling the land. Just like the earliest farmers, the sight of dirt giving rise to carrots and
tomatoes at my whim feels like a miracle. I like to randomly burst out in song. I like to shake my body. If I could I would be a pianist and a poet and a painter and a politician. Unfortunately, in all these disciplines my ability can't meet my enthusiasm. Where I can create, and break tired codes, is in the kitchen. With unlimited time and resources I would become the best pastry baker and the finest chef in all of the eastern seaboard.
I really like food. On some drab school days I cheer myself up thinking of the dinner awaiting me in the evening. Often I do a 24-hour fast to ready my stomach for a huge meal. Now, being served this food is fine. It's usually restful and rewarding to sit down after a long day to someone else's careful work, whether they be parents, grandmothers, or Little Caesar. But I've noticed a dull glaze in the eyes of those who cook every night. They're doing it not to forge the uncreated conscience of their race, as a hungry James Joyce might say, but out of sometimes love and sometimes duty. I know cooks whose "old standbys" wow me every time, but they haven't any pleasure in their labors. Care and duty are NOT why I want to explore food.
I love the whole culinary process, from seedling to grocery to refrigerator to oven to table. At each stage the elements grow more complex and my work
far more deliberate. Peeling and coring an apple takes more intellection than planting a row of seeds. Yet I think I shine where order fades away: beyond rules and recipes, in that zone called It's Up To You. I decided to throw in a cup of yogurt instead of butter to my pound cake. No one told me that lentils,
carrots, and a bay leaf would make a great salad. I just felt them together. And there was a unanimous vote -- me -- to add cumin and coriander to the spaghetti sauce. Sizzle. Bubble. The creation is imminent.
Someone like me needs to stand over that stove. I need to see the joy in my eaters' eyes when they say, "This is really good! How'd you do this?" Their simple joys are my creative release -- the critical acceptance of newness. In life and in the kitchen, I want to be the best in my field.
然而,很多学生依然拘泥于修饰,这可能跟小学以来养成写作习惯于赞美的缘故,华而不实的居多,那么如何准备美国大学申请ESSAY?不妨先进行角色转换,假如自己是一个美国人,很好,美国人习惯对人进行赞美,但解决问题或者进行叙事论述,他们确实喜欢的是直接,喜欢论据,例证!下面,让我们一起来欣赏一篇非常有创意的美国大学ESSAY,OK,LET’S GO!希望对准备美国大学申请essay的同学有所帮助。
美国大学essay范文:A Boy’s Firsts
The boy is such a common boy. He is so common that only acquaintedfriends can notice him among the crowd; he is so common that he does not changehis girlfriend one time per month, just as those playboys do; and he is socommon that his daily life is no more special than those who listen to rock n’roll, bet for soccer games and seldom clean their rooms.
However, the boy is somewhat special.
He usually thinks that, his experience and personal achievements,along with his own happiness and grievances, are enough for him to be unique,though he does not have a face as good-looking as Brad Pitt or Keanu Reeves, orwhoever.
First Award
It was such a surprising gift for a 12-year-old boy to know that hehad won the first prize in the national mathematics competition. The boyclutched the certification and laughed like a sun-flower blooming in a springmorning. He had spent three months preparing for that competition and hadlost5kgweight but he was very happy, as happy as you could imagine. Enjoyingthe pace of enterprising, he began to believe “No pain no gain” that afternoon.
First Setback
Huddling up in the quilt crying, the boy was introspecting himself.For his
haughtiness after achieving the second prize in the National PhysicsCompetition, he deserved the rank of last 5% in the final examination of7thgrade. Wiping up the tears,
he set himself a promise of being humble andsober. The boy kept the promise and became a young man of great maturity.
First cooking
“Quite a tough work.” The boy said to himself, smearing soap on a blister caused by theburning oil. But a small blister never could stop him from doing his
“cookingresearch”. The boy stood in front of the gas-stove again, holding
apancaketurner in his left hand, he was trying to find out the correct time of addingsalt and the appropriate amount of other flavorings. After so many failures, hefelt that it was not a simple task of cooking out palatable meals, nut achallenge of surpassing himself. When the boy finally finished working one anda half hours later, he put a sweet smile on his dirty face. The boy wrote inhis diary, “keep working and you’ll win.”
First Love
At the age of 16, the boy fell in love with a smart girl. Eatingice-cream with the girl in the ice-cream bar at the street, walking on theboulevard hand in hand, cycling her home and kissing goodbye, he regarded loveas the holy thing in his life. Thus, the boy demonstrates a love from heart; hecares everyone nearby and wants them to be beatific with their families. Aspeoplesay, an angelic soul.
First Job
The extremely hot summer holiday of 16, the boy was excited when hegot a job at the local train station as a ticket-taker. First working day, theboy got up so early that when he arrived at the station, the previousticket-taker was still on his work, in astonishment of the boy’s appearance.But the ticket-taker did not know that, the boy was just so eager as to get onthe job to show that he had grown up.
Soon a common college student will he be. A common one that will beassiduous in class and passionate in the basketball court; that will make everyeffort to run for the Chairman of the Student Union but may still face failure;that is no more special than those who spend half a day in libraries and forgetto go to dinner when do researches in labs. But somehow he will be a uniquecollege student, because he will have his own way of fulfilling his dreams.
And as you may know, the boy is me.
一篇美国大学essay范文非常有创意,美国大学申请ESSAY的写作思维要开阔,要创新,但是在实际写作中,我们中国的很多学生却是以过往的过眼云烟式的表面化写作居多,A Boy’s Firsts这篇ESSAY我们就看不到那些虚华的痕迹,这值得我们借鉴。
2009年6月4日,香港和新加坡SAT考位释放出来之后的第四天,所有名额就被一抢而空。 谁促使了这5年前鲜有人问津,价格不菲的SAT考试变得如此的火爆?
是谁使得香港的考位变得炙手可热?是谁让一个个中学生奔走在新加坡,泰国,韩国? 是常青藤名校经久不衰的光环
2007-2013年度的申请结果显示,越来越多的SAT 2000+的高分得主与名校擦肩而过。
1、对申请学校认知不多。有的学生在选择学校和专业的时候没有仔细考虑自身的情况,甚至有的抱着非名校不读的想法,但是也没有仔细去咨询了解对方学校的情况。因此对于大多学校都会提出的问题——why choose this school,学生不能说出学校的大致情况、特点和优势,回答时敷衍了事,只说出最表层的一些东西。回答不到位就暴露出自己的态度,很难看出申请人对学校的兴趣和向往程度。