
热门资讯  点击:   2013-06-28



一. 根据汉语选单词。 1. What are you do tomorrow? ( )1. 运动 A. Store B. Sport A B C ( )2. 篮球 A. Basketball B. Badminton _____________________________. ( )3. 运动鞋 A. Runners B. Singer 2. I buy a pair of shoes yesterday. ( )4. 买 A. Thought B. Bought A B C ( )5. 长大 A. Throw B. Grow _____________________________. 二. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 3. Is it heavy and light? 1. Does he have ______(一些) T-shirts? A B C 2. I taught Jenny to _____(玩) the ball. 3. Where did you _____(去) yesterday? 4. _____(今天早上) we went to the gym with Danny. 5. Basketball is my _____(最喜欢的) Sport.

6. Danny _____(认为) the ball was too Heavy.

7. Here are the _____.(答案) 8. He’s _____(扔) a ball. 9. He buys some _____.(小吃) 10. Put the ball in the _____.(球网) 三. 单选。 1. Everyone wants ________ strong

and healthy. A. be B. is C. to be D. to

2. -- __________? -- Because it’s good for you. A. What B. How C. When D. Why 3. I always _____ breakfast! A. eat B. ate C. eats D. to eat 4. He likes playing _________. A. piano B. the piano 5. Do you have ______ runners

A. two B. a C. a pair of 6. --What sports do you play? --______________. A. I play badminton and the piano. B. I play the badminton and the football. C. I play basketball and ping-pong. 7. What did you do yesterday evening? ________________. A. We watch Bob play basketball. B. We watched Bob play basket. 四.改错

_____________________________. 4. A B C _____________________________.

五.按要求写句子。 就画线

部分提问) _____________________________________ 2. 就画 线部分提问) _____________________________________ 3. Do you want to be strong and healthy?(变

成肯定句) _____________________________________

六.连词成句。 1. wants, strong ,healthy, be, to, and, everyone _____________________________________. 2. do, usually,you ,for ,eat ,what ,breakfast? _____________________________________. 3. ate, times, last ,breakfast, Kim, six, week. _____________________________________.

七.阅读理解。 In many English homes people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is at about half past seven. First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their

dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple.

( ) 1. Many English people have_____

meals a day. A.Two B. Three

C. Four D. Three or four

( ) 2. People may have _____ for their breakfast.

A. tea and eggs

B.porridge, eggs, bread,tea and coffee C. Tea and coffee D. Bread and eggs

( ) 3. People have lunch at _____.

A. Any time B. Nine C. Dive D. One ( )4. People don’t have _____for their dinner.

A. Porridge B. Bananas and apples C. Soup and meat D. Meat and fish ( ) 5. Which of the following is true?

A. All English people their dinner in the evening.

B.All English people have their dinner in the middle of the day.

C.Some of the English people have their dinner in the morning.

D.Some of English people have their dinner in the middle of the day and some of them have their dinner in the evening.


二. 1. Any 2. Play 3. Go 4. This morning 5. Favourite 6. Thought 7. answers 8.Throwing 9. Snacks 10. Net 三. 1-5CDABC 6-7CB

四. 1. A. Will 2. A. Bought 3. C. Or 4. C. Player 五. 1. How often did Danny eat breakfast? 2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? 3. I want to be strong and healthy.

六. 1. Everyone wants to be healthy and strong. 2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? 3. Kim ate breakfast six times last week. 七.1-5CBDAD


NCE1 L7-8 作业单 10.26


班级Class Code:NCE1 课程进度: Lesson 7-8 上课日期Date:Oct.26th 上课时间Time:17:00-19:30 授课教师:Becky 电话:


剑桥标准英语2级 L7

Lesson A Getting ready

Alicia: Are you ready for your trip to Puerto Rico?

Rita: Yeah, kind of. But I still have a lot to do! I need to go shopping to get a new suitcase, and I still have to go online to find a cheap flight.

Alicia: Is it easy to find bargains on the Internet?

Rita: Well, it’s not too hard. You just have to do some research.

Alicia: So, where are you going exactly?

Rita: Well, first I’m going to San Juan to see my relatives, and then we’re all going someplace to go snorkeling.

Alicia: That sounds exciting.

Rita: Yeah. It’s going to be fun.

Alicia: 你打算去波多黎各旅游?

Rita: 恩,差不多。不过我还有好多准备工作要做。我要,去买个新的旅行箱,然后我还要去网上订张便宜的机票。

Alicia: 上网淘便宜货容易吗?

Rita: 恩,也不怎么难,你就是要多搜搜。

Alicia: 那么你到底是要去哪里的呀?

Rita: 恩,我想要去圣胡安拜访下亲戚,然后我们就找地方潜水去。

Alicia: 听起来好刺激哦。

Rita: 是的呀,这次旅行一定会很好玩的哈。

Alicia: Are you __________ for your trip to Puerto Rico [ˈpwə:təuˈri:kəu] 波多黎各?

Rita: Yeah, kind of. But I still have a lot to do! I need to go shopping to get a new__________, and I still have to go online to find ____________________.

Alicia: Is it easy to find__________ on the Internet?

Rita: Well, it’s not too hard. You just have to ____________________.

Alicia: So, where are you going ____________________?

Rita: Well, first I’m going to San Juan [,sæn'hwɑ:n] 圣胡安to see my __________, and then we’re all going someplace to go snorkeling.

Alicia: ____________________.

Rita: Yeah. ____________________

Lesson B Things to remember

Conversation Two:

Mom: Jenny, maybe you should take some insect repellent…Oh, and take a flashlight, and don’t forget to pack some spare batteries… Why don’t you take my jacket? It’s a good idea to have something warm…Now, you need to take a hat. You could borrow your dad’s. But don’t lose it…Oh, and Jenny, do you want to pack some other shoes?

Jenney: I’m sorry, Mom. Did you say something? I can’t hear you with my headphones on.

Lesson C That’s a great idea.

Conversation Three:

Chris: You know we should ______________________________ sometime.

Adam: Yeah, we should. ____________________.

Chris: We could go to Mexico or something.

Adam: That’s a great idea.

Chris: We could even go for ____________________.

Adam: Well, maybe. I guess we could , but…

Chris: You know, we could just quit our jobs and maybe go____________________ for a few months…

Adam: Well, I don’t know. I’d like to, but I guess I need to keep this job, you know, to pay for school and __________.

Chris: Yeah, me too, I guess.

货币兑换currency exchange: exchange money

货币兑换率: currency exchange rate

潜水(运动) snorkeling ['snɔ:kəliŋ]

Chris: You know we should take a few days off sometime.

Adam: Yeah, we should. Definitely.

Chris: We could go to Mexico or something.

Adam: That’s a great idea.

Chris: We could even go for a couple of weeks.

Adam: Well, maybe. I guess we could , but…

Chris: You know, we could just quit our jobs and maybe go backpacking for a few months… Adam: Well, I don’t know. I’d like to, but I guess I need to keep this job, you know, to pay for school and stuff.

Chris: Yeah, me too, I guess.


Chris: 我觉得我们应该请几天假休息下的。

Adam: 是的那,我们绝对应该的

Chris: 我们可以到墨西哥啊什么地方的去晃晃。

Adam: 真是个好主意。

Chris: 我们甚至可以去上几个月。

Adam: 额,或许吧,我估计可以,不过就是。。。

Chris: 额,我觉得我们大概可以辞了工作去背包徒步旅行几个月。

Adam: 额,这个我就不晓得了,我是蛮想这么做的,不过我觉得我还是要靠这份工作来支付学费神马的。

Chris: 恩,我也是这么想的。

Lesson D Interesting places

Self-study listening

Chris: Well, maybe we should do something next weekend.

Adam: Yeah, that sounds OK. I am not working next weekend.

Chris: Oh, good. We could go camping or something.{l7作业网英语}.

Adam: Yeah, we could take our mountain bikes.

Chris: Great idea. We could go Friday and come back Sunday.

Adam: Cool. Well, I have a tent and a couple of sleeping bags…

Chris: And I guess we should take some cooking things and flashlights and stuff. Adam: And some warm clothes. It’s going to be cold at night.

Chris: Yeah, right. And we need food.

Adam: Uh-huh, and… oh, no, there’s the boss.

Boss: Hey, guys. You are not on vacation, you know.

Adam: Uh, sorry… OK, well, let’s talk later.{l7作业网英语}.

Chris: OK. Back to work, I guess.

Boss: Yeah, and by the way, I need you both to work next weekend. Adam /Chris: Oh, no!


L7 Voc 高级英语

下册 L 7

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Note = a quality (of sth); hint or suggestion (of sth)

There was a note of self-satisfaction in his speech.流露着自满的口气. The book ended on an optimistic note. 该书的结尾寓意乐观.

1. Disadvantaged = having social problems, such as a lack of money or

education, which make it difficult for you to succeed; deprived

2. When you ride in a vehicle such as a car, you travel in it.

I was riding on the back of a friend's bicycle.

I remember the village full of American servicemen riding around in jeeps.

= depend

If you say that one thing is riding on another, you mean that the first thing depends on the second thing.

Everything rides on the judgment of these few men.

If you say that someone or something is riding high, you mean that they are popular or successful at the present time. 意气风发的,得意洋洋的 He was riding high in the public. His team is riding high. (n.) A ride is a journey on a horse or bicycle, or in a vehicle.

She took some friends for a ride in the family car.

She lives just a short bus ride from school.

= tough time (INFORMAL)

If you say that someone faces a rough ride, you mean that things are going to be difficult for them because people will criticize them a lot or treat them badly.

The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works.

The woman who is brave enough to pursue her own path must prepare herself for a rough ride.

If you say that someone has been taken for a ride, you mean that they have been deceived or cheated.

You've been taken for a ride. Why did you give him five thousand francs?

3. Dazed = unable to think clearly

Dazed survivors staggered from the wreckage.

At the end of the interview I was dazed and exhausted.

4. Pull out = remove (sth) by pulling; detach

5. Someone's tormentor is a person who deliberately causes them physical or mental pain.

6. If you flatten something or if it flattens, it becomes flat or flatter.

He carefully flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.

To flatten something such as a building, town, or plant means to destroy it by knocking it down or crushing it.

...explosives capable of flattening a five-storey building.

If you flatten yourself against something, you press yourself flat against it, for example to avoid getting in the way or being seen.

He flattened himself against a brick wall as I passed.

If you flatten someone, you make them fall over by hitting them violently. `I've never seen a woman flatten someone like that,' said a crew member. If you flatten someone in a fight, contest, or argument, you defeat them completely.

In the squash court his chief aim is to flatten me.

7. If something is commonplace, it happens often or is often found, and is therefore not surprising.

Foreign vacations have become commonplace.

A commonplace is a remark or opinion that is often expressed and is therefore not original or interesting. 老生常谈

It is a commonplace to say that Northern Ireland is a backwater(place that remains unaffected by events, progress, new ideas, etc闭塞地区) in the modern Europe.

8. Roundup = summary 新闻摘要,集锦

First, we have this roundup of the day's news.

9. Descend = go down = fall, sink

If a large group of people arrive to see you, especially if their visit is unexpected or causes you a lot of work, you can say that they have descended on you.蜂拥而至

Some 3,000 city officials will descend on Capitol Hill on Tuesday to lobby for more money.

= fall 降临

When night, dusk, or darkness descends, it starts to get dark. (Literary)

Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.

10. Flow over/down/through etc

These gates regulate the amount of water flowing into the canal. If the windows are shut, air cannot flow freely through the building.

11. A mantra is a word or phrase repeated by Buddhists and Hindus when they meditate, or to help them feel calm.

You can use mantra to refer to a statement or a principle that people repeat very often because they think it is true, especially when you think that it not true or is only part of the truth.

Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services. But how many public bodies really do it?

12. Endorse = support

If you endorse someone or something, you say publicly that you support or approve of them.

endorse a political candidate

I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.

When you endorse a check, you write your name on the back of it so that it can be paid into someone's bank account.

The payee of the check must endorse the check.

If you endorse a product or company, you appear in advertisements for it. The twins endorsed a line of household cleaning products.

13. Vigilantes are people who organize themselves into an unofficial group to protect their community and to catch and punish criminals.

The vigilantes dragged the men out. ...vigilante patrols.

The Police Department says it opposes vigilant justice, but officers on the beat 辖区 and neighborhood residents say they are enthusiastic about the company’s tactics.

14. Insane = mad

Some people simply can't take it and they just go insane.

If you describe a decision or action as insane, you think it is very foolish or excessive.

He asked me what I thought and I said, `Listen, this is completely insane.' ...insane jealousy.

15. Blow sb away = make someone feel very surprised, especially about something they like or admire

It just blows me away, the way everyone's so friendly round here. = to kill someone by shooting them with a gun


One move and I'll blow you away!

= defeat someone completely, especially in a game

Nancy blew away the rest of the skaters.

16. A mug of something is the amount of it contained in a mug.

He had been drinking mugs of coffee to keep himself awake.

If someone mugs you, they attack you in order to steal your money. I was walking out to my car when this guy tried to mug me.

He has been mugged more than once.

Bank robberies, burglaries and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.

17. Pee: go for/have a quick pee 去小便

18. Feminist = someone who supports the idea that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men

She's been an outspoken feminist for over twenty years.

19. Cool - headed = calm; not flustered or excitable 头脑冷静的

20. Revenge on/for/against复仇

Revenge involves hurting or punishing someone who has hurt or harmed you.

The killings were said to have been in revenge for the murder of her lover.

In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over (disregard; overlook), he is superior. — Francis Bacon

21. Rehabilitate = restore

To rehabilitate someone who has been ill or in prison means to help them to live a normal life again. To rehabilitate someone who has a drug or alcohol problem means to help them stop using drugs or alcohol.

Considerable efforts have been made to rehabilitate patients who have suffered in this way.

...an alcohol and drug rehabilitation centre.

22. fall on deaf ears = be ignored or unnoticed by others 被别人忽视 All her appeals for help fell on deaf ears.

23. If you are besieged by people, many people want something from you and continually bother you. = crowd around; harass{l7作业网英语}.

She was besieged by the press and the public.

If soldiers besiege a place, they surround it and wait for the people in it to stop fighting or resisting. = surround

Troy was besieged by the Greeks for ten years.

The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town.

24. Blithe = careless, thoughtless, lighthearted

You use blithe to indicate that something is done casually, without serious or careful thought.

It does so with blithe disregard for best scientific practice.

Someone who is blithe is cheerful and has no serious problems. (Literary) She said `hi' with the blithe assurance of someone who knew how much she'd been missed.

25. When a criminal offence is decriminalized, the law changes so that it is no longer a criminal offence. = legitimize

An important question to consider is whether prostitution should be decriminalized in this country.

26. Prostitution means having sex with people in exchange for money. She eventually drifts into prostitution.

A prostitute is a person, usually a woman, who has sex with men in exchange for money.{l7作业网英语}.

He admitted last week he paid for sex with a prostitute.

...male prostitutes.

If someone prostitutes a woman or if a woman prostitutes herself, she has sex or is made to have sex with men for money.

It’s a terrible story that he prostituted his beautiful daughters in order to get money.

If you prostitute yourself or your talents, you do work for money or to be famous, rather than because you think it is good work or the right thing to do. Higher education is being forced to prostitute itself to market forces.

27. Blow job口交

28. Crack addicts = someone addicted to crack cocaine (a form of the drug cocaine which has been purified and made into crystals)

29. Driveway = the hard area or road between your house and the street

30. Revolver = 左轮手枪

31. If you hold up your hand or something you have in your hand, you move it upwards into a particular position and keep it there.

Hold it up so that we can see it.


If one thing holds up another, it is placed under the other thing in order to support it and prevent it from falling. Her legs wouldn't hold her up. = delay

Continuing violence could hold up progress towards reform. = rob

A thief ran off with hundreds of pounds yesterday after holding up a petrol station.

If you hold up something such as someone's behavior, you make it known to other people, so that they can criticize or praise it.

He had always been held up as an example to the younger ones.

If something such as a type of business holds up in difficult conditions, it




新概念英语L7-L8练习 name:______________

1.My ______is Tom. 3.Are you French? 5.What__________ is Sophie? _____, I am. 4.Are you German? 2.Nice _____ meet you.

7.What is her______? She is an engineer. She is French. 9.Are you a student______an engineer? 6.Jim is not a _________. He is a student. No, I am______. 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。

10.________ is your name? 8.Robert is a teacher. ______is Italian. 1._____(I) name is Lili. 3.What is ________(you) job? 5.Sophie is a keyboard __________(operate). 2.Nice____________(meet) you. 4.I am_____(a) engineer.

7.I am an air __________(host). 9.Excuse________(I). 三.根据答句写出相应的问句

6.The man is a taxi ________(drive). 10.What___________(nation) are you? 8.He is a ___________(police).

1.______you a _____student? 2.______ is your name? Yes, I am. I am a new student.

4.______ 6.____you an __________? No, I ______ are you? I am Number Six. My name is Sophie. 3.______is his ______? 5._____ He is a hairdresser. 7.____you a policeman_____an engineer? ’m not. I’m a nurse. ____________is he? He is Italian. 8.______Xiaoxiao_______? I’

9._____he______? No, he isn 四.选择

’ t. He is American. Yes, she is Chinese.

m an engineer. 10.____this your umbrella? No, it isn’t. ( ( ( )1.__is your name? )2.Are you French? __, I __. A. What A. Yes, am not B. How C. Which B. No, am D. Where

( ( )3.__my teacher, Mr Blake. )4.How do you do?___ A.Fine, thank you. A. This’s B.I ts C. Yes, am D. No, not B.How do you do? C. This is D. This are

( )5.__ is she? She is Korean. )6.__? I am a mechanic. A.What B.What nationality C.What job C.I’m Ok. D.What name D.Good A.What job are you

( ( )7.__, are you Ling Feng? C.What is your job B.What nationality are you A.Sorry D.What B.Excuse me ’s your nationality

( ( )8.__name is Sophie. What is __name? )9.She is__air hostess. A.a B.the C./ A.I,your B.My,you C.Hello D. Hi

C.My, your D.I, you 五.句型转换。 )10.What__your job?

A.am B.is C.are D.an D.be 就划线部分提问) ______ _____________ is Robert? 同上) ______ is your _______?

同上) What_____________ is the ____________? 同上) ________ is your _________?

同上) ________is Sophie’s _______? 同上) _____ ______ is this car? 变一般疑问句) _____ she a _______?

就划线部分提问) ______is his _______? 9.I am a mechanic.(变否定句) I am_____ a ________.

10.Sophie is a new student.(六.补全对话。

变同义句) The ______ __________ is Sophie. A:I_______a new student. My_________ is Jack. B:______to meet you. My name is Tober. A:Are______French?

B:_____, I am. Are you French,______? A:No, I am not.

B:What_____________are you? A:IB:No, I am not.

’m Italian. Are you a teacher? A:WhatB:IA:I’’s your_______?


七.根据汉语提示完成句子’m a keyboard operator. ________your job? m_____ engineer.

1.我的名字是罗伯特。 My _______is Robert. 2.你是法国人吗? _______ you ________?

3.你是什么国籍? _______ ____________ are you? 4.他是做什么工作的? _______ is his _______?

5.那个空中小姐是个日本人。 The ___________ is ____________. 6.他是一个机械师。 He is ____ ___________.

7.布莱克先生是一位英语老师。 Mr. Blake is ___ ___________ teacher. 8.它是什么牌子? ______ ________ is it? 9.我是一个邮递员。 I am _____ _________

10.你是一个出租车司机还是一个理发师?____you a ____________ or a ____________? 八.完形填空

This is a _1_. _2_ is a Japanese car. It is not _3_ English car. This is _4_ bus. It _5_ a Chinese _6_. _7_, that is a _8_ . It is a _ 9_ jeep(吉普车), too. It is _10_ Beijing jeep. I like Beijing jeep very much.

( ( ( )1.A.car ( )3.A.a )5.A.is B.an B.bus B.am C.the C.jeep C.are D./ D.bike D.its ( )2.A.It’s B.This’s C.It D.Its ( ( )4.A.two )6.A.jeep B.three B.bike C.no D.a ( 九.阅读理解。 )7.A.Good )9.A.Japanese B.Well{l7作业网英语}.

B.Chinese C.Look C.English D.See D.Korean ( ( C.car D.bus )8A.bike )10.A./ B.a B.car C.this C.bus D.that D.jeep is in Tow Four, too. But she is Number Two. She is in Class Five, Grade One. Hello, I am Li Ming. I am in Row Four. I am Number Ten. I am in Class Six, Grade One. Ann A.( 根据短文内容判断正( ( )1.My name is Ann. )3.Ann and I are in the same row. (T) 误 (F)

( ( )2.I am Number Three.

)4.Ann isn’t in Class 6, but she is in Grade 1. B. ( 根据短文内容选择。)5.I am not in Class Five . I am in Class Six. ( ( )6.Ann is in__Five. )7.What class is Ann in? She is in Class__. A. Number

B. Class A.Three C. Row D. Grade

B.Four ( ( )8.What grade are you in? I am in Grade__. )9.Is Ann Number Two?__. A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn A.Two ’B.One t. C.Yes, she is C.Five C.Three D.Six D.Four

十 .书面表达。 D.No, she isn’t )10.Are you and Ann in the same row?

A. Yes, I am

B.No, I am not C.Yes, we are D.No, we are not 国人,她不是一位教师,她是一个电脑键盘操作员。 罗伯特遇见索菲亚,罗伯特也是一位新学生,他是一位意大利工程师。索菲亚是法

_____. Sophie is __________. She is ______ a _________. She is a _________ Robert_________Sophie. Robert is a ______ student, _______. He is ______ Italian __________.




1. ---- Are you feeling ____? ---- Yes,I'm fine now.

A. any well B. any better C. quite goodD. quite better

2.The experiment was____ easier than we had expected.

A. more B. much more C. much D. more much

3.If there were no examinations, we should have ___ at school.

A. the happiest timeB. a more happier time C. much happiest time D. a much happier time

4.Your house is ______ bigger than ours.

A. Two time B. Second time C. Two times D.Second times

5.I’m shortsighted and I can’t see the words on the notice board ____.

A, clear B, clearly C, carefully D, good

6.Jean works hard but she doesn’t work ____ Mary.

A, as harder than B, as hard than C, as harder as D, as hard as

7.This is ____ book in our library.

A, the most interesting B, most interesting C, the more interesting D, more interesting

8.Do you think maths is ____ important than English?

A, very B, as C, more D, quite

9.They got a Christmas tree and it was ____ ours.

A, so tall as B, so taller as C, as tall as D, as taller as

10.A taxi doesn’t run as ____ as an underground train.

A, fast B, faster C, fastest D, more fast

11.Yangpu Bridge is one of ____ in the world.

A, bigger bridge B, the biggest bridge C, the biggest bridges D, bigger bridges

12.Her cousin can draw ____ an artist.

A, as well as B, not so well as C, as better as D, as good as

13.Jinmao Tower is ____ building in Shanghai.

A, high B, tall C, highest D, the tallest

14.30,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but it’s ____ than we need.

A, far more B, very much C, far less D, very little

15.Mr Smith thought the Century Park was the second ____ in Shanghai.

A, large B, larger C, largest D, very large

16.I think Yao Ming, the famous basketball player, will be ____ new star in NBA. A, hot B, hotter C, hottest D, the hottest

18.A: What delicious cakes! B: They would taste ____ with butter.

A, good B, better C, bad D, worse

19. Your room is _______ than mine.

A. three time big B. three times big C. three times bigger D. bigger three times

20. When spring comes, it gets_______.

A. warm and warm B. colder and colder C. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorter

21. ______ he read the book, _______ he got in it.

A. The more; the more interesting B. The less; the more interesting

C. The more; the more interested D. More; more interested

22. I like______ one of the two books.

A. the older B. oldest C. the oldest D. older

23. Which do you like _______, tea or coffee?

A. well B. better C. best D. most

24. This work is _______ for me than for you.

A. difficult B. most difficult C. much difficult D. more difficult

25. Who jumped_______of all?

A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the most far

26. Li Lei is_______ student in our class.

A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest

27. Tom is one of _______ boys in our class.

A. tallest B. taller C. the tallest B. the tall

28. English is one of_______ spoken in the world.

A. the important languages B. the most important languages

C. most important language D. the most important language

29. I'm not ________ to lift the heavy box.

A. short enough B. enough tall C. health enough D. strong enough

30. Which is_______, Li Lei or Wu Tong?

A. strong B. strongest C. stronger D. the strongest

31. Do you have _______ to tell us?

A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything

32.Most of the people in Guangdong are getting ______.

A. more and rich B. more rich and more richC. richer and richer D. rich and rich

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