热门资讯 点击: 2013-05-31
1.(1)新鲜(2)潇洒(3) 害羞
2.(1)高低 上下左右 强弱 前后(2)诺金 字 金 一日千里 一落千丈 一发千钧 一泻千里 造句:一诺千金——小明一诺千金,从不食言。那断线的风筝,随风忽左忽右。
3.草原风光图 喜迎远客图 主客联欢图
5.(1)辽阔 碧绿 “只用绿色渲染,不用墨线勾勒的中国画那样” 整个大草原犹如巨幅的中国画那样赏心悦目。
(2)这道彩虹不仅是艳丽色彩的描摹,也是蒙汉情深的比拟。【迎接远客的蒙古族人很多,服装色彩鲜艳各异,不仅形似而且神似,从侧面衬托出了蒙古族人的热情好客】 优美的句子:那些小丘的线条是那么柔美,就像只用绿色渲染,不用墨线勾勒的中国画那样,到处翠色欲流,轻轻流入云际。
6.(1)忽然,像被一阵风吹来的,远丘上出现了一群马,马上的男女老少穿着各色的衣裳,群马疾驰,襟飘带舞,像一条彩虹向我们飞过来。这是主人来到几十里外,欢迎远客。见到我们,主人们立刻拨转马头,欢呼着,飞驰着,在汽车左右与前面引路。(2)静寂 热闹 轻柔 慢 高昂 加快
界限 浑黄一体 高大挺秀
陷入 抚摸 介绍 新疆
1.清晰 2.坚强 3.表白
四、(1)生根发芽 风沙 雨雪 干旱 洪水 直 坚强 软弱 动摇
(2)高大挺秀,不择环境,不惧灾害,茁壮生长,坚强不屈 像白杨一样扎根边疆建设边疆,服从需要,无私奉献,不软弱,不动摇
(3)爸爸(边疆建设者) 在一棵高大的白杨树身边,几棵小树正迎着风沙成长起来 希望孩子能像小白杨一样经受磨炼,成为建设边疆的栋梁之才。就不能给答案了
一、绿毯 渲染 马蹄 礼貌 摔跤 襟飘带舞 一碧千里 翠色欲流
三、低吟 洒脱 陷入 羞涩
四、浪淘风簸自天涯 同到牵牛织女家 曲折流长 牛郎织女 黄河远上白云间 春风不度玉门关 思家怀乡
六、(1)遮天蔽日 湛蓝如洗 艰难险阻 音容笑貌
(2)2 3
七、一碧千里 荒无人烟 奔腾不息 丝绸之路 青藏铁路
1、suo zhao yue ao wu bao 2、(1)一叶渔船两小童 不是遮头是使风
(2)青青草 醉里吴音相媚好 锄豆溪东 正织鸡笼 亡赖 卧剥莲蓬
3(1)逗弄 (2)怪不得 (3)同“无赖”,指顽皮、淘气。 、
我最喜欢第1句,因为这句诗写出了孩子的无忧无虑,轻松自然。 我最喜欢第2句,因为这句话写出了孩子们的聪明伶俐,充满奇思妙想,想象力丰富。
我最喜欢第3句,因为这句话写出了孩子的天真活泼,淘气可爱,充满童真童趣。 4、略
这是一个山清水秀的小村庄,四周青山环抱。村子里绿树成荫,绿草如茵,五彩缤纷的花儿遍地开放。一条小溪穿村而过,犹如碧绿的玉带。 一座低矮的茅屋前,一棵大树巨人般挺立着。屋后,一片竹林枝繁叶茂。门前的小溪,岸上长满了碧绿的青草,溪水清澈透明,溪面波光粼粼。溪中,荷叶挨挨挤挤,像一个个碧绿的大圆盘。一朵朵荷花从这些大圆盘之间冒出来,婷婷玉立。有的绽开了,露出嫩黄色的莲蓬,像小仙女穿着漂亮的舞裙跳起了快乐的踢踏舞;有的含苞待放,看起来饱胀得马上要破裂似的,偶尔还有只小蜻蜓落到上面休息。鱼儿在荷叶间欢快地嬉戏着。不知是谁家的一对老妇妻,刚喝完酒,带着醉意坐在茅屋前亲热地闲聊。放眼望去,勤劳的大儿子正在溪东豆田里锄杂草。尽管他戴着草帽,炎炎烈日还是烤得他大汗淋漓,汗水洒在豆田里,滋润着豆苗。但他看到眼前想到秋天的好收成,锄得更起劲了。心灵手巧的二儿子正坐在门前认真地编织着鸡笼,随着
五下语文 6 冬阳童年骆驼队 参考答案
1、(1)划去jue 划去jiao
(2)划去xi 划去hai 划去zhong
2、沉:③ ② 临:① ②
3、看骆驼吃草咀嚼 问爸爸骆驼挂铃铛 想为骆驼修剪皮毛 问妈妈夏天骆驼去向
(1)那样丑 那样长 那样安静 交错 冒着热气 白沫
(2的骆驼 的“我”
胚胎 祸患 滑翔 天赋 双臂
妨碍 岂止 痴迷 厘米 幸亏
羞愧 驱逐 迫害 不怀好意
1 2 3 13 胚胎发育的规律 当老师讲到人的起源时,验证了“我”的发现。“我”情不自禁得笑出声音,老师认为“我”不怀好意,把“我”轰出教室。
一、1.w 2.ea 3.i 4.s
三、1.are 2.Is 3.any 4.is 5.some 6.Are, any, are
四、1.F 2.F 3.T
there, on, plate, Yes, bananas, six
一、1.students , How, There , three 2.any, Yes, How, many, three
二、1.reading, room 2.How, many, on , are ,six
一、1.A 2.C 3.D 4.E 5.B
一、D C A B
三、school, there are, Yes, any, How many, OK
一、1.√ 2. × 3. √ 4.√
二、1.garden 2.reading rooms two 3.in reading room 4.house
一、1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b
二、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C
三、Are, any, there are, How many, four bikes
四、1.B any 2.C water 3.B desks 4.A Is
1. A: Are there any pens on the desk?
B: Yes, there are.
2. A: Are there any clothes on the sofa?
B: No, there aren’t.
3. A: Is there a slide near the swing?
B: Yes, there is.
4. A: How many pears are there on the plate?
B: There’s one.
1. — —Yes, there is.
2. — —3. —Where is Tom?
—4. — —How beautiful it is!
一、1.in 2.under 3.on 4.behind
二、1.③ 2.② 3.① 4.④
三、1. What’s, bed 2.Are, any ,are, How , Where, under
二、1.isn’t , Here’s 2.aren’t, chairs, are
一、1.What’s 2.How many 3.What’s 4.isn’t 5.are, some
一、a.3 b.4 c.1 d.6 e.2 f.5
二、1.c 2.a 3.a 4.c 5.b
一、1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.√ 5.× 6.×
二、1.bed 2.many 3.sofa 4.Where, door
三、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B
四、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A
1. near 2.English books, storybooks, tape recorder
3. two, behind, door 4.football
1. A: What’s behind the sofa?
B: There are some dolls behind the sofa.
2. A: Are there any dolls on your bed?
B: No, there aren’t any dolls on my bed. The dolls are near the TV.
3. A: What’s on your desk?
B: There are two lamps and some books.
4. A: What’s under the bed?
B: There are some toys under the bed.
5. A: There aren’t any sandwiches, but there are some cakes. Have some cakes, please.
B: Thank you.
6. A: There are a lot of flowers in the garden . Let’s go and see.
B: All right.
1.There is a pencil on the desk.
2. My clock is on the table.
3.There is a pair of shoes near the chair.
4.The car is near the pear tree.
5.The pencils are in the pencil-box.
一、1.swim 2.model plane 3.play 4.make 5.skate 6.ski
三、1.make 2.What, can swim 3.Can, make, I can’t, a model plane
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.F 5.E 6.B
二、1.can, can’t 2.do 3.don’t 4.Can 5.can’t, can
三、1.play, violin, Yes 2.What, can ski 3.Can, play, can’t, football
一、1.swim, can’t, dance 2.sing, can’t, draw
3.make, can’t, make 4.play, play, football
一、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.B
一、a.2 b.6 c.5 d.3 e.1 f.4
一、1.√ 2.× 3.√ 4.×
二、1.swim 2.make 3.play, guitar, can 4.play football
三、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A
四、1.d 2.h 3.f 4.g 5.e 6.a 7.c 8.b
五、1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F
1. A: Can you draw a monkey?
B: No, I can’t.
2. A: Can you draw a monkey?
B: Yes, I can.
3. A: Can you play the piano?
B: No, I can’t. But I can play the violin.
4. A: What can you do?
B: I can skate.
5. A: Can you make a puppet?
B: No, I can’t.
6. A: What can you do?
B: I can make a model plane.
1.—What can you do , Liu Tao?
—I can make a model plane and play the piano.
2. —What can you do, Yang Ling?
—I can sing, dance and swim.
3. —How about you, Helen?
—I can dance, too. And I can play the piano and ride a bike.
4. —Mike can skate, ride a bike and swim.
一、1.i 2. a, e 3.o, r 4. a,s 5. i 6. c, k
二、1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C
三、1. Yes, do. 2.No, don’t 3. mask, I, do.
4. chickens, No, don’t, ducks 5. Do, No, don’t{5年级下册英语课堂作业本答案}.
1. C. don’t 2. C. horse 3. C. masks 4. B. running
6. Do, like, don’t .5. C. can
一、1. ducks 2.What, horse 3. pigs, don’t 4. singing
二、1. What do you like? 2. Can you put an apple on your head?
3. Do you like rabbits? 4. They like playing football.
1. any 2. Is 3. dogs 4. singing 5. milk 6. put
一、1.Ben’s family 2.in the sitting-room 3. buy things 4.in the evening
5.南瓜灯笼 6.你的零钱 7.打乒乓球 8.听音乐
二、1.C 2. D 3. B 4. E 5. A
1. need; pig; masks 2. like; playing 3. don’t; go
4.put; flowers; white; vase.
一、1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c
二、C B C C A
三、A C A C B
一、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B
二、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C
三、1.like 2.need 3.Do 4.can 5.play
四、F F F T T
一、Today is Halloween. Tom wants to go to the shop to buy masks .His father wants to buy pumpkin lanterns. Mary and her mother are in the park. Mary wants to eat chocolate. Her mother wants to buy some flowers.
二、1. A: Whose vase is it? B: It’s his vase. 2. A: What do you like? B: We like lions.
3. A: Do you like swimming? B: Yes, I do. 4. A: Don’t play in class, Liu Tao. B: I’m sorry, Miss Li.
5. A: Let’s learn the song ‘Hot cross buns’. OK? B: OK, Mr Green.
三、1. A: I can’t find my umbrella. Where is it? B: Look, it’s behind the door.
Question: Where’s the umbrella?
2. A: What can you see in the playground? B: I can see a slide.
Question: Is there a slide in the playground?
3. A: I like playing table tennis. What about you, Mike?
B: Me, too.
Question: Do you like playing table tennis, Mike?
4. A: What does your father like on Sundays, Su Hai?
B: He likes reading.
Question: What does Su Hai’s father like on Sundays?
5. A: What’s your father’s job, Nancy?
B: He’s a doctor.
Question: Is Nancy’s father a teacher?
一、× √ √ × √ ×
二、1.B 2. C 3. A 4. C
一、× × √ ×
二、1.are, rooms 2.is 3.doctors, are, are 4.Are, any, is
三、C B A A
四、1.We like playing basketball with our friends.
2. Shall we learn the song now?
五、1.C 2.D 3. F 4. A 5. E 6. B
六、1.like swimming, don’t 2.What, need, flowers 3.Let’s, ship 4. Is, there, reading 七、1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√
一、1、There are some books on the sofa.
2、---What’s he doing?---He’s skiing.
3、---Is she playing the guitar?
---Yes, she is.
4、---Can you draw an apple?
---No, I can’t.
5、---Do they like swimming?
---Yes, they do.
6、---Is she making a model plane?
---Yes, she is.
二、1. No, I can’t. I always go to school on foot.
2. My pen is under my school bag.
3. Yes, I do. I often go to the zoo and see them.
4. There are twenty ducks near the tree.
二、room, cars, vase, sing, dance.
一、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A
二、1. has 2. him 3. first 4.write 5. strawberries
6. pianos 7. I 8. can not 9. us 10. let’s
三、1.each other 2. 第一天 3. at school/ in the school 4. 居住在 5.learn the song 的花 7. make a puppet 8. 一幢新楼房 9. behind the door 10. 跟着我
11. ride a bike 12. 一张中国地图
四、1.c 2.f 3.e 4.h 5.d 6.a 7.b 8.g
五、1. B any halls 2. B the first 3. A Let’s 4. A How many 5. D on Sundays
六、Halloween, buy, else, want/need, too
七、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B
一、1、Look, There is a bird on the car.
2、---Let’s sing and dance. ---OK.
3、---What’s he doing ?---He is watching TV.
4、There is a chair in the study.
5、He is swimming now.
6、It’s the first day of the new term.
二、1.A: Where are David and his parents?
B: Look, They’re in the room.
2. A: How many cars are there over there?
B: There are twenty.
3.A: Can I help you?
B: We want some flowers.
A: Do you need a vase? 6. 许多
一、1.w 2.ea 3.i 4.s 二、(略)
三、1.are 2.Is 3.any 4.is 5.some 6.Are, any, are 四、1.F 2.F 3.T 【拓展提高】
there, on, plate, Yes, bananas, six
一、1.students , How, There , three 2.any, Yes, How, many, three 二、1.reading, room 2.How, many, on , are ,six 【拓展提高】
一、1.A 2.C 3.D 4.E 5.B 二、(略)
一、D C A B 二、(略)
三、school, there are, Yes, any, How many, OK
一、1.√ 2. × 3. √ 4.√
二、1.garden 2.reading rooms two 3.in reading room 4.house 【笔试部分】
一、1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b
二、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C
三、Are, any, there are, How many, four bikes 四、1.B any 2.C water 3.B desks 4.A Is 五、(略) 附:听力材料
1. A: Are there any pens on the desk? B: Yes, there are.
2. A: Are there any clothes on the sofa? B: No, there aren’t.
3. A: Is there a slide near the swing? B: Yes, there is.
4. A: How many pears are there on the plate? B: There’s one. 二、听音填词:
1. — —Yes, there is.
2. — —3. —Where is Tom?
—4. — —How beautiful it is!
一、1.in 2.under 3.on 4.behind 二、1.③ 2.② 3.① 4.④
三、1. What’s, bed 2.Are, any ,are, How , Where, under
二、1.isn’t , Here’s 2.aren’t, chairs, are
一、1.What’s 2.How many 3.What’s 4.isn’t 5.are, some
一、a.3 b.4 c.1 d.6 e.2 f.5 二、1.c 2.a 3.a 4.c 5.b 【笔试部分】
一、1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.√ 5.× 6.×
二、1.bed 2.many 3.sofa 4.Where, door 三、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 四、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 五、
1. near 2.English books, storybooks, tape recorder 3. two, behind, door 4.football 附:听力材料
1. A: What’s behind the sofa?
B: There are some dolls behind the sofa. 2. A: Are there any dolls on your bed?
B: No, there aren’t any dolls on my bed. The dolls are near the TV. 3. A: What’s on your desk?
B: There are two lamps and some books. 4. A: What’s under the bed?
B: There are some toys under the bed.
5. A: There aren’t any sandwiches, but there are some cakes. Have some cakes, please. B: Thank you.
6. A: There are a lot of flowers in the garden . Let’s go and see. B: All right. 二、听音选择:
1.There is a pencil on the desk. 2. My clock is on the table.
3.There is a pair of shoes near the chair. 4.The car is near the pear tree.
5.The pencils are in the pencil-box.
一、1.swim 2.model plane 3.play 4.make 5.skate 6.ski 二、(略)
三、1.make 2.What, can swim 3.Can, make, I can’t, a model plane 【拓展提高】
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.F 5.E 6.B
二、1.can, can’t 2.do 3.don’t 4.Can 5.can’t, can
三、1.play, violin, Yes 2.What, can ski 3.Can, play, can’t, football 【拓展提高】
一、1.swim, can’t, dance 2.sing, can’t, draw
3.make, can’t, make 4.play, play, football
一、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.B
一、a.2 b.6 c.5 d.3 e.1 f.4 二、(略) 【笔试部分】
一、1.√ 2.× 3.√ 4.×
二、1.swim 2.make 3.play, guitar, can 4.play football 三、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 四、1.d 2.h 3.f 4.g 5.e 6.a 7.c 8.b 五、1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 附:听力材料
1. A: Can you draw a monkey? B: No, I can’t.
2. A: Can you draw a monkey? B: Yes, I can.
3. A: Can you play the piano?
B: No, I can’t. But I can play the violin. 4. A: What can you do? B: I can skate.
5. A: Can you make a puppet? B: No, I can’t.
6. A: What can you do?
B: I can make a model plane. 二、完成表格:
1.—What can you do , Liu Tao?
—I can make a model plane and play the piano. 2. —What can you do, Yang Ling? —I can sing, dance and swim. 3. —How about you, Helen?
—I can dance, too. And I can play the piano and ride a bike. 4. —Mike can skate, ride a bike and swim.
一、1.i 2. a, e 3.o, r 4. a,s 5. i 6. c, k 二、1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C
三、1. Yes, do. 2.No, don’t 3. mask, I, do.
4. chickens, No, don’t, ducks 5. Do, No, don’t 【拓展提高】
1. C. don’t 2. C. horse 3. C. masks 4. B. running
6. Do, like, don’t .5. C. can
一、1. ducks 2.What, horse 3. pigs, don’t 4. singing
二、1. What do you like? 2. Can you put an apple on your head?
3. Do you like rabbits? 4. They like playing football.
1. any 2. Is 3. dogs 4. singing 5. milk 6. put
一、1.Ben’s family 2.in the sitting-room 3. buy things 4.in the evening
5.南瓜灯笼 6.你的零钱 7.打乒乓球 8.听音乐 二、1.C 2. D 3. B 4. E 5. A 【拓展提高】
1. need; pig; masks 2. like; playing 3. don’t; go 4.put; flowers; white; vase.
一、1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c 二、C B C C A 三、A C A C B 笔试部分:
一、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B
二、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C 三、1.like 2.need 3.Do 4.can 5.play 四、F F F T T 附:听力材料:
一、Today is Halloween. Tom wants to go to the shop to buy masks .His father wants to buy pumpkin lanterns. Mary and her mother are in the park. Mary wants to eat chocolate. Her mother wants to buy some flowers.
二、1. A: Whose vase is it? B: It’s his vase. 2. A: What do you like? B: We like lions.
3. A: Do you like swimming? B: Yes, I do. 4. A: Don’t play in class, Liu Tao. B: I’m sorry, Miss Li. 5. A: Let’s learn the song ‘Hot cross buns’. OK? B: OK, Mr Green.
三、1. A: I can’t find my umbrella. Where is it? B: Look, it’s behind the door.
Question: Where’s the umbrella?
2. A: What can you see in the playground? B: I can see a slide.
Question: Is there a slide in the playground?
3. A: I like playing table tennis. What about you, Mike? B: Me, too.
Question: Do you like playing table tennis, Mike?
4. A: What does your father like on Sundays, Su Hai?
B: He likes reading.
Question: What does Su Hai’s father like on Sundays?
5. A: What’s your father’s job, Nancy?
B: He’s a doctor.
Question: Is Nancy’s father a teacher?
一、× √ √ × √ × 二、1.B 2. C 3. A 4. C 笔试部分:
一、× × √ ×
二、1.are, rooms 2.is 3.doctors, are, are 4.Are, any, is 三、C B A A
四、1.We like playing basketball with our friends.
2. Shall we learn the song now?
五、1.C 2.D 3. F 4. A 5. E 6. B
六、1.like swimming, don’t 2.What, need, flowers 3.Let’s, ship 4. Is, there, reading 七、1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√ 附:听力材料
一、1、There are some books on the sofa.
2、---What’s he doing?---He’s skiing. 3、---Is she playing the guitar? ---Yes, she is.
4、---Can you draw an apple? ---No, I can’t.
5、---Do they like swimming?
---Yes, they do.
6、---Is she making a model plane? ---Yes, she is.
二、1. No, I can’t. I always go to school on foot.
2. My pen is under my school bag.
3. Yes, I do. I often go to the zoo and see them. 4. There are twenty ducks near the tree.
二、room, cars, vase, sing, dance. 笔试部分:
一、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A
二、1. has 2. him 3. first 4.write 5. strawberries
6. pianos 7. I 8. can not 9. us 10. let’s
三、1.each other 2. 第一天 3. at school/ in the school 4. 居住在 5.learn the song 花 7. make a puppet 8. 一幢新楼房 9. behind the door 10. 跟着我 11. ride a bike 12. 一张中国地图
四、1.c 2.f 3.e 4.h 5.d 6.a 7.b 8.g
五、1. B any halls 2. B the first 3. A Let’s 4. A How many 5. D on Sundays 六、Halloween, buy, else, want/need, too 七、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 附:听力材料
一、1、Look, There is a bird on the car.
2、---Let’s sing and dance. ---OK.
3、---What’s he doing ?---He is watching TV. 4、There is a chair in the study. 5、He is swimming now.
6、It’s the first day of the new term. 二、1.A: Where are David and his parents?
B: Look, They’re in the room.
2. A: How many cars are there over there? B: There are twenty. 3.A: Can I help you?
B: We want some flowers. A: Do you need a vase?
6. 许多的
1.(1)新鲜(2)潇洒(3) 害羞 2.(1)高低 上下左右 强弱 前后(2)诺金 字 金 一日千里 一落千丈 一发千钧 一泻千里 造句:一诺千金——小明一诺千金,从不食言。
3.草原风光图 喜迎远客图 主客联欢图 4.(1)只用绿色渲染,不用墨线勾勒的中国画。(2)回味着草原的无限乐趣。
5.(1)辽阔 碧绿 “只用绿色渲染,不用墨线勾勒的中国画那样” 整个大草原犹如巨幅的中国画那样赏心悦目。
(2)这道彩虹不仅是艳丽色彩的描摹,也是蒙汉情深的比拟。【迎接远客的蒙古族人很多,服装色彩鲜艳各异,不仅形似而且神似,从侧面衬托出了蒙古族人的热情好客】 优美的句子:那些小丘的线条是那么柔美,就像只用绿色渲染,不用墨线勾勒的中国画那样,到处翠色欲流,轻轻流入云际。
6.(1)忽然,像被一阵风吹来的,远丘上出现了一群马,马上的男女老少穿着各色的衣裳,群马疾驰,襟飘带舞,像一条彩虹向我们飞过来。这是主人来到几十里外,欢迎远客。见到我们,主人们立刻拨转马头,欢呼着,飞驰着,在汽车左右与前面引路。(2)静寂 热闹 轻柔 慢 高昂 加快
界限 浑黄一体 高大挺秀
陷入 抚摸 介绍 新疆
1.清晰 2.坚强 3.表白
四、(1)生根发芽 风沙 雨雪 干旱 洪水 直 坚强 软弱 动摇
(2)高大挺秀,不择环境,不惧灾害,茁壮生长,坚强不屈 像白杨一样扎根边疆建设边疆,服从需要,无私奉献,不软弱,不动摇
(3)爸爸(边疆建设者) 在一棵高大的白杨树身边,几棵小树正迎着风沙成长起来 希望孩子能像小白杨一样经受磨炼,成为建设边疆的栋梁之才。就不能给答案了
一、绿毯 渲染 马蹄 礼貌 摔跤 襟飘带舞 一碧千里 翠色欲流
三、低吟 洒脱 陷入 羞涩
四、浪淘风簸自天涯 同到牵牛织女家 曲折流长