
经典语录大全  点击:   2013-02-12






A&E (Accident and Emergency room at a hospital)

Aeroplane (airplane)

Afternoon tea (a short break from work in afternoon)

Agro (aggressive/aggression)

Aluminium (aluminum)

American hotdog (hotdog)

Aotearoa (Maori name for New Zealand)

Arse (Ass)

Asphalt (pronounced "ash-felt")

Aussie (Australian)


Basin (bathroom sink)

Bassinet (baby cradle)

Bach (small holiday house, usually at the beach)

Bathroom (room containing a bath/shower, not a euphemism for toilet) Bench (kitchen counter)

Berm (grass strip at side of road)

Biscuit (cookie)

Bloke (man)

Bog (toilet)

Bonk (sexual intercourse)

Bonnet (car hood)

Boot (car trunk)

Boxing day (a public holiday on December 26th)

Buggered (exhausted)

Bum (butt)

Bush (forest or scrub wilderness)

Bush shirt (kind of woolen outdoors shirt)

Button-up (button-down)


Candyfloss (cotton candy)

Capping (university graduation ceremony)

Caravan (small towed mobile home)

Carton (box)

Cellotape (scotch tape)

Cheeky (humorously impertinent)

Chemist (pharmacy/drugstore)

Chilly bin (portable insulated cooler box)

Chips (french fries)

Chippy (carpenter)

Chook (slang for chicken)

Cinema (movie theatre)

Circular (mailbox flier)

Cocky (farmer, esp. cow-cocky)

College (high school, not university)

Commentator (announcer)

Cordial (generic sweet colored drink)

Cornflour (cornstarch)

Cot (child's crib)

Courgette (zucchini)

Crackers (crazy)

Crayfish (edible lobster-like saltwater crustacean)

Creche (daycare center)

Creek (stream)

Crib (South Island equivalent of "bach")

Crook (sick)


Dag (humorous person)

Dairy (small shop that sells dairy products and other incidentals)

Dear (expensive)

Dinner suit (tuxedo)

Dodgems (bumper cars)

Docking (castrating lambs)

Dole (unemployment benefit)

Doughnut (kind of cake filled with cream and jam, not an American donut) Draughts (checkers - the board game)

Duster (blackboard eraser)

Dummy (baby pacifier)

Dunny (toilet)

Duvet (comforter on bed)

Dux (academically top student in final year high school class)


Earth (electrical ground)

Entree (appetizer, not main course)

Enzed (New Zealand, i.e., N.Z.)

Electorate (local voting district)

Exercise book (school workbook)


Felt-tip pen (marker pen)

Filled roll (sub sandwich)

Film (movie)

Fizzy drink (soda pop, i.e., carbonated softdrink)

Flannel (washcloth)

Flat (apartment)

Flat out (full speed)

Flat stick (full speed)

Flatmate (someone you share a flat with)

Flog (steal)

Floor it (accelerate fast)

Footpath (sidewalk)

Form 1 - Form 7 (grades at intermediate and secondary school)

Fortnight (two weeks)

Freezing works (meat processing factory)

Frock (dress)


Gallops (kind of horse racing)

Gidday (hello)

Give it heaps (try hard)

Glovebox (car glove compartment)

Godzone (New Zealand)

Good nick (good condition)

Grotty (run-down/worn-out/dirty)

Ground floor (first floor)

Gumboots (rubber boots)


Handbag (purse)

Hangi (Maori underground cooking pit)

Hard case (wicked personality)

Headmaster/Headmistress (school principal)

Health camp (vacation camp for underprivileged children)

Health stamp (postage stamp supporting health camps)

Heaps (lots, as in "give it heaps")

Herb (is pronounced "herb", not "erb")

Hire (rent)

Hockey (field hockey, not ice hockey)

Hokey-pokey (an ice-cream flavor)

Holiday (vacation)

Hoon (lout)

Hooray (goodbye)

Hotdog (corndog)

Hot water cupboard (linen closet containing hot water heater)

Hot water cylinder (household hot water heater)


Ice block (popsicle)

Intermediate school (junior-high school)


Jandals (flip-flops, i.e., kind of footwear)

Janola (bleach)

Jelly (jello)

Jellymeat (canned pet food)

Jersey (sweater)

Judderbar (speed bump)

Jug (kettle)

Jumper (sweater)


Kindy (kindergarten)

Kip (sleep)

Kiwi (New Zealander or flightless bird native to New Zealand, never a

contraction of kiwifruit)

Knackered (exhausted)

Knickers (underwear/panties)

Kumara (sweet potato)


Ladybird (ladybug)

Lavatory (toilet)

Lay by (lay away)

Lemon squash (lemonade)

Lemonade (clear, lemon-flavored softdrink, e.g., 7-Up or Sprite)

Lift (elevator)

Local rag (local newspaper)

Lolly (sweet)

Long drop (outdoor toilet built over a hole in the ground)

Loo (toilet)

Lounge (living room)

Lounge suite (sofa)


Maori (indigenous people of New Zealand)

Mark (exam/assignment grade, e.g., "my mark in the exam was 75%") Marrow (overgrown zucchini)

Mate (friend)

Metal road (gravel road)

Milo (hot chocolate drink)

Mince (ground beef)


Morning tea (a short break from work in the morning)

Motorway (freeway)

Mountain oysters (testicles from castrated lambs)

Mr. Whippy (van that sells ice-cream cones)

Mum (Mom)


Nana (grandmother)

Nappy (diaper)

Netball (basketball-like sport played by women)

Nick (steal)

Note (monetary bill)

Nought (zero)


O.E. (Overseas Experience - a prolonged period traveling/working/vacationing overseas)

Oz (Australia)


Paddock (field)

Pakeha (person of European descent)

Pamphlet (brochure)

Panelbeater (automobile body shop)

Paper (class at university)

Paua (abalone)

Pawpaw (papaya)

Pavlova (kind of dessert)

Petrol (gasoline)

Petrol station (gas station)

Pictures (movies)

Pikelet (small pancake)

Pinch (steal)

Pissed (drunk)

Pissed off (annoyed)

Pissing down (raining hard)

Plaster (bandaid)

Plonk (cheap


Plonked (drunk)

Pom (Englishman)

Post a letter (mail a letter)

Pram (baby carriage)

Primary school (elementary school)




Food.食物 egg蛋 scrambled egg 煎蛋

fossilized egg 皮蛋 omelet 煎蛋卷,炒蛋,煎蛋饼

meat 食用肉类 pork 猪肉 a pork chop 猪排

beef 牛肉 brewis 牛肉汤 veal 小牛肉

mutton 羊肉 roast mutton 烤羊肉

lamb 羔羊肉 kebab 羊肉串 rump 后腿部的牛排

rump steak 臀部肉 fillet 肉片,鱼片

trotters 猪脚 rib 肋条,排骨 ham 火腿

bacon 咸猪肉,熏猪肉 sausage 香肠,腊肠

sausage roll 香肠卷 frankfurter 牛肉香肠

game 野味 venison 野味,鹿肉 chop 一块排骨

steak 大块牛肉片,牛排 fried steak 炸牛排

cutlet 肉片,炸肉排 stew 炖,煨,炖着,炖过的食品

grill 烤架,炙烤的肉类食物 bread 面包

toast 烤面包,吐司 loaf 一条面包roll 面包卷,卷饼

a steamed roll 花卷 bun 小果子面包

sandwich 夹心面包片,三明治 hamburger 汉堡包

pastry 面粉制的糕点 cake 饼,蛋糕 custard 牛奶蛋糕

biscuit 饼干 cracker 薄脆饼干 cooky\ cookie 小甜饼

wafer 薄脆饼 waffle 蛋奶烘饼 pancake 薄煎饼

pudding 布丁 pie 馅饼 dessert 甜点心 butter 黄油

cream乳脂,奶油 ice cream 冰淇淋 cheese 乳酪

cheese cake 乳酪饼 jam 果酱 marmalade 果酱,橘子酱

jelly 果子冻,肉冻 staple food 主食 refreshments 茶点

rice 米,饭 gruel 粥 porridge 麦片粥,粥

congee 稀饭 noodles 面条,鸡蛋面 macaroni 空心面

dumpling 汤团子,饺子 catmeal 燕麦片

popcorn 爆玉米 chips 油煎土豆片

fruit 水果 apple 苹果 pear 梨 peach 桃 cherry 樱桃

apricot 杏 plum 李,梅 fig 无花果 strawberry 草莓

haw 山楂 loquat 楷杷 persimmon 柿子 grape 葡萄

raisin 葡萄干 orange 橙,柑 tangerine 柑橘,橘子

pomelo 柚 banana 香蕉 pineapple 凤梨,菠萝

lemon 柠檬 jujube 枣子 date 枣 olive 橄榄

mango 芒果 lychee 荔枝 pomegranate 石榴

longan 龙眼 melon 瓜,甜瓜 watermelon 西瓜

muskmelon 香瓜 nut 坚果 chestnut 栗子

walnut 胡桃 核桃 peanut 花生 groundnut 花生 cocoanut 椰子 betelnut 槟榔 vegetable 蔬菜

cabbage 卷心菜 Chinese cabbage 白菜 greens 青菜 rape 油菜 cauliflower 菜花 spinach 菠菜 celery 芹菜

beet 甜菜 musard 芥菜,芥末 cabbage mustard 芥蓝

tuber mustard 榨菜 radish 小萝卜 turnip 萝卜{dessert的谚语}.

carrot 胡萝卜 potato 马铃薯 土豆{dessert的谚语}.

sweet potato 甘薯,白薯 Chinese yam 山药

asparagus芦笋 lettuce 莴苣 romaine 长叶莴苣 romaine lettuce 生菜 onion 洋葱 scallion 大葱 shallot 青葱 garlic 大蒜 leek 韭菜 chive 细香葱 tomato 西红柿 eggplant 茄子 pepper 胡椒

hot pepper 辣椒 chilli 干辣椒 cucumber 黄瓜

pumpkin 南瓜 gourd 葫芦 Chinese wax gourd 冬瓜 sponge gourd 丝瓜 balsam pear 苦瓜 bean 豆

bean curd 豆腐 small red bean 赤豆

broad bean 蚕豆 kidney bean 菜豆,豆角

bean sprouts 豆牙 soybean 大豆 pea 豌豆

lentil 小扁豆 mungbean 绿豆 pod 夹

fennel 茴香 coriander 香菜 ginger 姜

mushroom蘑菇 fungus 真菌edible fungus 木耳 lotus root 莲藕 bamboo shoots 笋 竹笋

arrowhead 慈姑mooncake 月饼 berry 浆果

crop 作物 grain 谷物 粮食 glutinous rice 糯米

millet 小米 maize 玉米corn 谷物 sorghum 高粱 wheat 小麦 barley 大麦 oat 燕麦 rye 黑麦

buchwheat 荞麦 cob 玉米棒子 ear 穗 kernel 核 sugar-cane 甘蔗 tea 茶叶 coffee咖啡cocoa 可可

sesame 芝麻 castor 蓖麻 castor oil 蓖麻油

legume 豆角 protein 蛋白质


A rotten apple spoils the barrel.一只苍蝇坏一锅汤。

All good thing must come to an end.天下没有不散的宴席。 As a man sows,so he shall reap.\As you sow,so he shall reap.

As the tree,so the fruit.什么树结什么果。

Baggars can't be chooers.饥不择食。

Butter to butter is no relish.千遍一律的东西另人生厌。

First catch your hare (then cook him). 要煮兔子,先抓兔子。First begians to rot from the head.上梁不正下梁歪。 Half a loaf is better than none.聊胜于无。

Hunger is the best sauce.饥者口中尽佳肴。

Man does not live by bread alone.人不能光靠面包生活。 No mill,no meal.不推磨,没面吃。

Praise is not pudding.恭维比能当饭吃。

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.苹果落地,离地不远。The best fish smell when they are three days old.久住招人嫌。The tree is known by its fruit.观其行而知其人。

What is done cannot be undone.生米已成熟饭。

You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.有失才有得。种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆。




knowledge 知识 black tea 红茶 brand 牌子 sausage 香肠 stomachache 胃疼 burden 负担 criminal 罪犯 dessert 甜点 photocopy 复印 nickname 小名

1、 It's a good chance for him to show his k________。(知识)

2. We call him Uncle sam as his n________(绰号,小名)

3. Because of the s_______, she can't drink ice tea in summer.

4. Gucci is her mother's favorite b_______(品牌)

5. Which would you prefer, green tea or b_______?(红茶)

6. Baker had given Sophie a p_________ of the letter at the outset of the meeting.(复印件)

7. A group of gunmen attacked a prison and set free nine c________ in Bufflo.(罪犯)

8.The cook stuffed the chicken with s_______ meat.(香肠)

9. She was glad to be relieved of this b_______(负担)

10. I'll have just a trifle of the d________(甜点)



sweet water 淡水 statue 雕像 temperature 温度 tradition 传统 barbecue 烧烤 waist 腰 battery 电池 accident 车祸 actress 女演员 Asia 亚洲

1. The t_______ has stayed hot this week.(温度){dessert的谚语}.

2. They still follow the t_______ of their fathers.(传统)

3. Most torches work on two b_______.(电池)

4. Want to join us for a b________?(烧烤)

5. He fell in love with an a______.(女演员)

6. China is a developing country in A____.(亚洲)

7. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place s_______ and bitter?(淡水)

8. The s_____ is carved out of stone.(雕像)


9. It's a nice skirt, but too big round the w____.(腰)

10. I saw the whole a_____ with my own eyes.(车祸){dessert的谚语}.


murder 凶杀 musician音乐家

secret 秘密 bomb 炸弹

harbor 港湾 reply 回复

forhead 额头 busybody 好管闲事的人

champion 冠军 reality 现实

1. I will reveal your s______ in no case.(秘密)

2.The b______ was exploded by remote control.(炸弹)

3. The ship steamed into the h_____. (港湾)

4. I have had no r_____ from her so far.(回复)

5.I stop for a moment, weeping sweat form my f_______.(额头)

6. I don't want to be a b______.(爱管闲事的人)

7.M_____ and stealing are criminal acts.(凶杀)

8.He was a practiced m______.(音乐家)

9.The c______ is leading by eighteen seconds.(冠军)

10.I felt a certain indisposition to face r_____.(现实)

journalist 记者 ballet 芭蕾

busboy 餐馆工 idiom 谚语

green hand 新手 souvenir 纪念品

cuttlefish 乌贼 submarine 潜艇

progress 进步 tent 帐篷

1.His wife is a b_____ dancer.(芭蕾)

2.They set up a t_____ near the seashore.(帐篷)

3.A s______ glided silently through the water.(潜艇)

4.Dried c_____ is a tasty snack.(乌贼)

5.Don't blame on him, after all, he is a g______.(新手)

6.He has made rapid p_____ in his studies.(进步)

7.The b_____ broke so many dishes while clearing tables that he was fired.(餐馆工)

8.This j______ works are popular among young people.(记者的)

9.Please accept this as a s______ for our friendship.(纪念品)

10.It's not easy to get the meaning of every i_____.(谚语)

expert 专家 club 俱乐部

mist 薄雾 excuse 借口

robbery 抢劫 conversation 对话{dessert的谚语}.

victim 牺牲者 inspector 警官

detective 侦探 necklace 项链

1.Everything is covered in m______.(薄雾)

2.His e______ for being late was that he had missed the train.(借口)

3.He described the r______ in detail to us.(抢劫)

4.Did you have a c______ with him?(对话)

5.He is the v_____ of the injustice.(牺牲者)

6.The i______ will visit our school next week.(警官)

7.Are you interested in d______ story?(侦探)

8.She lost her n_____ at the party.(项链)

9.He is a famous e_____ in finance.(专家)

10.Tom is an active member of the school's stamp c_____.(俱乐部)







In the eyes of the Westerners, the basic food that is the closest contact with China is rice. For a long time, rice in Chinese people's diet has occupied a very important position so that there is a proverb saying, “Even a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice”. Rice is mostly grown in South China and people usually take rice as the staple food. While in North China because of the cold weather or the dry land, rice cannot be grown. Instead, people grow wheat. In China, some people make bread with flour, but for most people, they use flour to make steamed bread and noodles.


据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier services)将递送大约120亿件包裹,这将使中国有可能超越美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国给数百万在线零售商以极具竞争力的价格销售商品的机会。仅在11月11日,中国消费者就从国内最大的购物平台购买了价值90亿美元的商品。中国有不少这样的特殊购物日。因此,快递业在中国扩展就不足为奇了。

According to reports, this year China coutier services will deliver about 12 billion parcels, which will make China likely to overtake the United States as the world's largest market of courier services. Most of the items contained in the parcel are ordered online. China gives millions of online retailers the opportunity to sell their goods at a highly competitive price. In November 11th alone, Chinese consumers bought 9 million dollars’ worth of goods from the country's largest shopping platform. China has a lot of such special shopping days. Therefore, it’s no wonder the courier service industry in China has widely expanded.



China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and many elements that constitute the basis of the modern world are originated in China. China now has the fastest growing economy in the world and is undergoing a new industrial revolution. China has also launched an ambitious space exploration program, including building a space station by 2020. At present, China is one of the largest exporting countries, and is attracting large foreign investment. Meanwhile, it’s also investing billions of dollars overseas. In 2011, China surpassed Japan to become the world's second largest economy.




Traditional Chinese hospitality requires that meals be rich and varied and guests cannot finish eating them. The typical menu at a Chinese banquet includes a series of cold dishes and the following hot ones, such as meat, chicken and duck, vegetables, etc. At most banquets, a whole fish is considered essential, unless there has already all kinds of seafood. Today, many Chinese people like to put Western special dishes and traditional Chinese dishes on the same table, so it is not uncommon to find steak on a Chinese table. Salad is also popular now, although traditionally the Chinese do not eat any of the dishes not cooked. The banquet usually has at least one soup, served as the first or the last course. Dessert and fruit usually mark the end of the banquet.

2. 2011年是中国城市化进程中的历史性时刻,其城市人口首次超过农村人口。在未来20年里,预计约有3.5亿农村人口将移居到城市,如此规模的城市发展对城市交通来说既是挑战,也是机遇。中国政府一直提倡“以人为本”的发展理念,强调人们以公交而不是私家车出行。它还号召建设“资源节约和环境友好型”社会。有了这个明确的目标,中国城市就可以更好地规划其发展,并把大量投资转向安全、清洁和经济型交通系统的发展上。

2011 is the historic moment in the process of urbanization in China, whose population exceeds the rural population for the first time. In the next 20 years, about 350 million rural residents are expected to move to the city. Such a tremendous scale of urban expansion is both a challenge, but also an opportunity for the urban transportation system. Chinese government has always been advocating the concept of "people-oriented", emphasizing that people should take public transportation instead of private cars. It also calls for the construction of "resource-saving and environment-friendly society". With this clear goal, Chinese cities can better plan its development and turn a lot of investment to the development of safe, clean and economic transportation system.

3. 汉朝是中国历史上最重要的朝代之一。汉朝统治期间有很多显著的成就。它最先向其他文化敞开大门,对外贸易兴旺。汉朝开拓的丝绸之路通向了中西亚乃至罗马。各类艺术一派繁荣,涌现了很多文学、历史、哲学巨著。公元100年中国第一部字典编纂完成,收入9000个字,提供释义并列举不同的写法。其间,科技方面也取得了很大进步,发明了纸张、水钟、日晷以及测量地震的仪器。汉朝历经400年,但统治者的腐败最终导致了它的灭亡。

Han Dynasty was one of the most important periods in Chinese history, during which there were many notable achievements. It was the first nation to open its door to other cultures, and its foreign trade flourished. The Silk Road, first developed in Han Dynasty, extended to the West Asia and Rome. All kinds of arts bloomed in prosperity and the masterpieces in literature, history, philosophy emerged in that period. In the year 100 AD, China compiled the first dictionary, recruiting as many as 9000 Chinese words and providing interpretations and lists of different wording. In the meantime, science and technology also made great progress, among which the

most remarkable ones included the inventions of paper, water clocks, sundials and the measurement of earthquake. Han Dynasty has a 400-year duration and eventually perished under its rulers’ corruption.




1. soup up 加大马力

20世纪30年代,soup被用来表示一种刺激性物品,有时被注射进赛马体内,使之在赛场上能跑得更快。词组soup up出现于1931年左右,表示“改装飞机或汽车的引擎以增加其马力”。

2. a piece of cake 小菜一碟

和它类似的说法还有a piece of pie, as easy as pie。据考证,在19世纪pie就用来指“非常容易的事情”了。

3. couch potato 电视迷

couch指坐卧两用的长沙发,potato指土豆,所以“沙发土豆”实际上是个不折不扣的“电视迷”。这个词最早是由美国加利福尼亚州名为罗伯特•阿姆斯特朗(Robert Armstrong)的艺术家于1976年创造的,随后被人们广泛使用。

4. the apple of one's eye 掌上明珠

《旧约•诗篇》(Psalm)第17章有这样的句子:"Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of the wings"(求你保护我,如同保护眼中的瞳孔。)正因为这一典故,大约从9世纪开始,短语“the apple of one's eye”(掌上明珠)被人们广泛使用。

5. full of beans 精力旺盛,生龙活虎


He's sure full of beans these days. He works a lot harder in the office. 最近,他确实是精力充沛。在办公室工作也比以往更卖力。

6. in a nutshell 简而言之


To put it in a nutshell, we're bankrupt.


7. (as) cool as a cucumber 泰然自若,极为冷静


It's not everybody who can keep as cool as a cucumber in an emergency. 并不是人人都能在危急时刻保持镇定自若的。

8. begarlic for dessert 最不受欢迎的东西


That's the garlic for dessert.


9. know one's onions 精明强干,内行


Don't worry, he knows his onions well.


10. gammon and spinach 胡说八道


It's all gammon and spinach.


11. a policy of (the) stick and (the) carrot 胡萝卜加大棒政策



上海朗文side by side unit2练习题

Side by Side English - Unit Two


1. 葡萄_______ 2. 番茄酱________ 3. 洋葱_________

4. 酱油_________ 5.盐__________ 6. 面包_________

7.胡萝卜________ 8. 西红柿________ 9. 土豆_________

10. mayonnaise __________ 11. mustard ____________

12. butter _____________ 12. French fries__________

二、Structure 根据提示回答问题。(14)

1. Where is the cheese? (refrigerator)


2. Where are the pears? ( counter)


3.Where are the potatoes? (cabinet)


4. Where is the chicken ? (freezer)


5. Let make pizza for lunch. (cheese)

Sorry, we can’t. ___________________________.

6. Let’s make an omelet for breakfast. (eggs)

Sorry, we can’t. _____________________________.

7. Let’s bake a cake for dessert. (flour)

Sorry, we can’t. ______________________________.

三、选择how many, how much, a little, a few, too much, too many填



1. A: ______ ________lettuce do you want?

B: Not ______ ________. Just _______ __________.

2.A:______ _________meatballs do you want?

B: Not _______ ________. Just ________ ________.

四、Choice. 单项选择题(20)

1. ______ do you like the spaghetti?-- I think it’s excellent.

A. What B. How C. How many D. Where

2. _______ is your father? --- He’s in the bedroom.

A. What B. How C. Why D. Where

3. Fred ______ ice cream very much.

A. likes B. like C. don’t like D. likes to

4.Henry ______ forty dollars on the vegetables yesterday.

A. bought B. buys C. spent D. spend

5. Lucy lost her job. No wonder she was really ______.

A. happy B. wonderful C. good D. Upset

6. I don’t like to eat __________ meat.

A. happy B. wonderful C. good D. Upset

7. Where _______ the mayonnaise?

A. is B. are C. am D. Be

8. They gave me _______ when we moved into a condominium.

A. advices B.advice C. vacation D. messages

9. We always like to ___________vacation together.

A. have B.spend C. do D. take

10.Emma _________ some rice and yogurt last week.

A. buys B.bought D. boughts


1.We _________ (grow) up together.

2.Eating too much ice cream is bad _______( for, to) your health.

3.They ______ (sell) their house two months ago.

4.She is going to buy a ______ (little few) oranges.

5.What are you going to give your father for______(he) birthday.

6.We never forget _______ ( every each) other.

7.I like the french fries. I think _______ (it’s they’re) delicious.

8.Would you like a _______ (little few) orange juice?

9. I think it ______ (tastes taste) so terrible.

10.______ (On In) fact, I don’t like spaghetti.


A Foolish Dog

A dog has large piece of meat in his mouth. When he is walking on a

small bridge, he looks down and sees himself in the water. He thinks it

is another dog. That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth. He

says to himself, “I want to get his meat. Then I can have two pieces of

meat.” He opens his mouth to bark the dog in the water ,and his meat

falls into water.


1.The dog has a small piece of meat. ( )

2.He wants to get two pieces of meat. ( )

3.He finds another dog in the water. ( )

4.The dog is standing on the grass. ( )

5.He has no meat at last.

A Barking Dog

Dad: My dear, let’s go out for a walk.

Son: Great. ( On their way, a dog is barking nearby.)

Son: Oh, help! A dog is over there.

Dad: Don’t be afraid, Tom. Don’t you know the proverb(谚语)”A

barking(咆哮的) dog does not bite?”

Son: Yes. I know the proverb ,you know the proverb, but the dog know

the proverb?


What did the son see? ___________________________ Is the father afraid of the dog? _____________________ Does the dog know the proverb?________________________ What’s the proverb in Chinese? ________________________

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